Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2011
    Kim - so good to hear from you again!!!  Orange - race results posted today - I finished 53 out of 106 runners and 4th in my age group!  Now that's not nearly as impressive as it sounds - I know I was one of the last runners, so I think a lot of people who registered as "runners" became walkers.  (It was a 5K run/walk).  But you know - even if I was the DFL runner, I still beat a whole boat load of walkers and like you said, I lapped everyone on the couch! Wink  You can be the inspiration for all us on the thread as you train for that marathon!  Corinne - can't wait to hear about your 5K next weekend.  Cheryl - what a great picture of the four of you.  Cheryl is the only one I've met for real, but I feel like I know all of you and just want to give every one of you a big hug!  Our fridge is covered with magnets from our travels - I just re-positioned the Mall of America to a prominent spot one in honor of the 4 of you! 
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2011

    50 minute bike ride. It was getting dark, we rode rally fast, maybe it was 45 minutes! I am going to miss the light after work. It's getting darker earlier and earlier now!! Wahhhhhhh!!! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2011

    Nats, that is impressive and we are all very proud of you.  Mall of America is such a fun place.  You can go and stay in there for days.  All they are missing are a hotel - weit, they may have had one - we didn't get to see the whole place!

    Corinne, good going on the 5K.  Hi everyone!

    ruthbru and hbcheryl, what program opened up when you saved your pictures?  I know many computers automatically come with Adobe, even if it's a limited program.  Some digital cameras come with their own software - such as Kodak which comes with their 'Easy Share'.  If you open the place where your photos are saved you may be able to find a 'Help' link to check.

    Or, go out and borrow a neighbor kid to do it for you.  Smile

    Just did about 2 miles today walk (mostly)/run.  Busy day so will try and do more tomorrow as I'm still trying to recover from those 3 ladies who tried to wipe me out this weekend. 

  • ElsaPorter
    ElsaPorter Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2011

    I did legs on Saturday, and arms on Sunday.  I pretty much hurt head to toe now.  Fill tomorrow.  Someone please beat me?

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2011

    Beautiful ladies . . .beautiful place . . . does lool like perfect weather!

    Natsfan: Way to go! Congrats on the 5K!

    Orangemat: Love your run analogy :-) and great news about the marathon! I look forward to sharing in that experience. BTW: I learned about Lebed exercises because of lymphedema, but I would recommend them to everybody. It's basically slow stretching moves along with deep breathing done is a specific sequence and it works wonders for the body all around.

    Also check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp312mx3mWw&feature=related

    They say bouncing also stimulates the lymph system and I got such a kick out of this guy. He's not a medical professional, but I don't think his method would hurt and his enthusiasm is fun and contagious. Makes me wanna jump!

    Springtime: I share your love of biking, I'd almost say it's my favorite form of exercise. I got a 15 mile ride in today, a couple of hills . . . feeling pretty good.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    OK now I have a minute to post a bit more, I didn't get back on the PC after supper last night.

    At lunchtime, I walked toward the lake and wound up in James Madison Park where I watched some mallard ducks riding the waves by the shore, very cool.  Wandered around the Mansion Hill historic district and found a lovely hidden garden.  Got home a bit early (my carpooler had a migraine so we left an hour early), put some veggies in the oven to roast, then headed out for another walk.  DH brought home pork chops, I cooked fresh applesauce, it was YUM. 

    artsee, I sent you a PM with my cell number, give me a call if you're going to be in Mad-town.

    orangemat, we will be cheering you on as you train for and run in that marathon!

    welcome fluffqueen01, ElsaPorter, and anyone else new that I missed.  {{hugs}} to all

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited October 2011

    Hey ladies.  I have not been on this thread in a couple of weeks.  Have been doing my weekly yoga and a little walking.  I have been really busy with my Dad which many of you remember that he had mets lung cancer.  Well yesterday he lost his battle.  We had a really rough weekend, but Sunday night he finally went into a peaceful sleep and yesterday morning finally quit breathing.  I was able to be with him at the end.  All my brothers have been here and we have all be helping Mom with all the things she needs help with.  Two of my brothers stayed with her last night.  Also last Friday I found out I have another tumor in my rt breast (the good side).  Don't know if it is cancer or not.  My MO wanted to see me first thing this morning so will be headed there.  I guess I'll find out if he wants more test then biopsy or if he will send me straight to biopsy. Trying to keep this info from my mother for now as she has enough on her plate and I don't think she could handle it.  Anyway lots going on.  I am a spiritual person and I know I have Jesus on my side so I will get through this as well.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited October 2011

    Oh Sherry, hugs to you!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2011

    Oh Sherry - I am so sorry.  I'm glad your dad's passing was peaceful after all that he'd been through. You've had such a rough time with your dad, and now to find another lump.  Some days all you can do it put one foot in front of the other and keep going.  We're all here for you.

  • PLJ
    PLJ Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2011

    (((Sherry))) Prayers going up for you and your family. I wish you peace (and benign).

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2011

    Sherry, So sorry to hear about all you are going through. May you find peace in your loving memories of your dad and gain strength from those around you during this difficult time. I will keep you in my thoughts. ((hugs))

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2011

    NatsFan--get out!! That IS impressive.  I am really impressed.  That is great.

    I did 40 min run/walk which was right under a 3K.  I did a run 2 min, walk 1 mn routine and my SIL and husband came with me.  Both of them have run multiple marathons and they helped me with my stride, how to hold my hands and shoulders etc.  My SIL told me that I was tensing up my shoulders and gave me the advice that was given to her--to imagine that you are holding onto a butterfly's wing with your thumbs and index finger. It works!  It relaxes your shoulders.  I was running with fists clenched thinking that I if I thought strong thoughts, I would push my way through.  Just the opposite--relax, enjoy and breath.

    Sherry, you and your family are in my thoughts today.  Big hugs to you...

  • PLJ
    PLJ Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2011

    1 hour on treadmill...same every day...just keep on truckin'...

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited October 2011

    Prayers to you Sherry.  I'm so sorry for your loss, and I do hope you can take really good care of your self during your grief...it's so hard, but you are right, you have the good Lord to help you.

    HBCheryl...so GREAT that you could post that pic...I loved IT!  So fun, and you all look so cute and HEALTHY!  Yay exercise girls, we ROCK!

    Now you have to tell us how you did it (post the pic that is!) I tried yesterday, no luck.

    XO for now


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2011

    15 minutes Lebeds this morning, plus 25 minutes Pilates. 

    Corinne - interesting about the tips on proper running form you got from your family.  One of our local running stores has monthly running evaluation clinics - maybe it might be worth it to me to pop in.  I'm sure I'm doing all kinds of things wrong. You're going to be fine with speed at your 5K - you did 40 minutes of run/walk and did almost 5K.  I run the whole time and barely make a sub-40 time.  So it sounds like based on your run/walk speed, if you run the entire 5K, you'd smoke me!  Tongue outPL - an hour on the treadmill?  That's great!

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2011

    Hit a milestone . . . took a tai chi class at the Senior Center!?!? I know, I know, I'm old enough (they welcome you at 50, I'm beyond 51 and there are days I feel like I'm 70), but it's still hard to concede that I'm a "senior". It was a great class though, great people and it was FREE! Figure I might as well take advantage of my resources (did I mention it was FREE!). Anyway, I was pretty clumsy and there's a lot to learn. I'm going to add a walk/run to it to finish out the day. (Thanks for the running tip Corinne. I've learned to keep my shoulders loose, but never heard of the butterfly wings, gonna give it a try next time I get tense).

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited October 2011

    Sherry: I am so sorry about your father. I know you're scared about the lump you found. We are here for you. Please keep us posted.

    Mary: Congratulations on finishing! You Rock!

    quiche: Love free classes! Have fun.

    Corinne: Great advice - I tried it tonight and it works!

    Good evening to all.

    I fast walked/ran 2 miles at the park. The weather today is once again beautiful. Carolina blue sky, no clouds, and 72 degrees. Love these days!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited October 2011

    Sherry- So sorry for the loss of your dad. I am praying for a benign result for you.

    Ran around the cancer center to four follow ups in two hours and am on my way to Boston to navigate the HUGE center that is Dana Farber for a consult. That will be my excercise for the next two days!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2011

    Sherry, so sorry about your Dad and the new challenge you are facing.  My signature line is especially for you to find peace and calm in the storm.

    Worked a little late tonight and have to run into the grocery to get food to cook for a friend who is now going through chemo.  Such a sweet family, she and her husband are missionaries to students on college campuses here in NJ.  She has a 17 yo DD and DS, 14 and 12.  So may not get too much exercise in today; we'll see.

    Later friends.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2011
    Quiche - LOL about the Senior Center!  I had my own Senior Center moment of truth recently - they coordinate various trips and tours, including a tour of the White House during the holidays, with all the magnficent seasonal decorations.  It's very popular and usually completely sells out within a few hours of the start of registration.  Our Centers are for 55+.  This is the first year I've qualified, and I registered for that puppy the first minute registration was open.  The White House hasn't set the date yet, but it will be sometime in December.  I guess we need to accept - we're officially Seniors!!  Cool
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited October 2011

    Sherry- sending you huge hugs

    went to the gym tonight..did th eelliptical before the pump class..only 5 minutes but at least I was able to coordinate myself....(it is like skiing...can't do that either!) and hten did pump class. Took my blood pressure before the class and realized why I have been so tired and oomphless...109/59! hello!!!???? took it easy during the class and paid attention to when i got up from the ground..good grief!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited October 2011

    Sherry, so sorry about your dad. Let us know what you find out from the doctor. Sending a big hug.

    Walked on the treadmill for an hour, toned with Denise Austin for 45 minutes, and have now spent another hour trying to get pictures on here. Cheryl, I downloaded Picasa, but still can't get the pictures from there to here. What do you type in the box after you click on the 'insert/edit pictures' icon?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited October 2011

    thank you all for your love and support.  Bad enough to deal with losing my Dad but to have to worry about another tumor has had me way stressed. I went to see my MO today and he called my BS and after lunch went in and she did a fine needle aspiration biopsy in her office.  And OMG did it hurt.  Last two biopsies I had lidocaine numbing, but with a FNA they cannot do that as it messes up the path report. I should get the results on Friday.  Both MO and BS said it probably was not cancer since I have been on Tamoxifen but you never know and the fact that it is solid that it has to be biopsied to know for sure.  And both said even if it is B9 I have to have surgery to remove it.  BS asked me if it was cancer would I want a lump and radiation again and I said absolutly not.  She knew I had a hard time and figured I would go for MX.  At least I got it all done today and will find something out Friday. BS was reading the MO report and she looked at me and said as bad a SE's as you had I'm supprised you hung in there and kept taking the tamox. I said yes my body has finally adjusted but it was a rough start. 

    My Dad's funeral will be Thursday morning. Mom is holding up well.  I'm sure it helps that she has all of us around.  Here is the link to my Dad's obit in the local newspaper


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited October 2011

    He sounds like a wonderful man; love the cut offs and flip flops!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2011
    Sherry please accept my condolences on the loss of your Dad it is a truly beautiful obituary a testament to a good life lived and then to have the additional worry on your shoulders but we are here for you.Mary firstly congratulations on your 5K you rock girl and secondly I want to come on the White House tour it sounds exciting and I remember how last year you told us how beautiful DC was at Christmas, boo hoo to living so far away.Kim great to see you back with us, hope all is well.Quiche I love tai chi and you might be surprised at how good the deep breathing and slow movements make you feel.Ruth/Kim I uploaded the photo to the Picasa web albums, right clicked on mouse, hit copy then came here and hit Control V
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2011

    Goodness don't know what the font font is but I'm not going to mess with it anyways forgot to add that tonight I did Body Step and then Combat class, my feet were on fire but I muddled through.  Ruth I love this photo of you and I managed to catch the "hat in the air"!!!!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    Sherry, so sorry about your dad, he sounds like a wonderful man who was well-loved.  And the added stress of another lump- we know how worrisome that is and are waiting with you and hoping for B9 results.

    Rained on and off yesterday but I got in a 30 minute walk around the Capitol square. 

    Love the pic of Ruth! 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2011

    Sherry - your dad sounds like his life was well-lived. Loved his signature fashion statement of cutoffs and flip flips. Keeping my fingers crossed for B9 results Friday.  My first core needle biopsy was done by a general surgeon who failed to use nearly enough lidocaine, so I feel your pain!   Cheryl - thanks for posting the picture - Ruth - you looks just like MTM!!

    15 minute Lebeds and 30 minutes jogging this morning.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2011

    Loved the photo. Sherry ((hugs)) Good luck with the biopsy.

    I am getting my butt into the gym 5 days out of 7.

    Looks like you girls had a great time in Minnesota.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited October 2011

    Hi, Everybody:

    Posting again in a tearing hurry, but just to see how everyone is doing and say "hi".

    I'm finally able to exercise fully again, which is good.  I've been doing reduced work-outs on the weight machines, but am running - feels good!

