Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited October 2011

    First there was Pinktober. Now there's Snowtober. When will the insanity end??!

    Oh yeah, tomorrow. ;)

    Finally got power back yesterday afternoon, while we were at my nephew's RESCHEDULED bar mitzvah party. Was supposed to be Saturday night in the next town over. Ended up being Sunday afternoon about 40 minutes away. But it was a PARTY and it was good!

    So I ran my long run today instead of over the weekend. 12.25 miles. Took me just a shade under two hours, dodging cars and fallen tree branches north of my town. Kinda got lost on the way back... but eventually found a street name I recognized and slogged my way home.

    Then I had PT late this afternoon where they think I'm way stronger than I am. Upped the biceps curls to 5-lb weights. Woo mama, I'm gettin' my guns back!

    Was going to go to yoga tonight, but even I know my limits. Tomorrow is another day...


  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited November 2011

    Hi, Everyone:

    Ruth, Cheryl, Patoo and Badger:  Looks like you all had a wonderful time!  So glad to see it.  

    Sherry:  Sorry about your Dad's passing.

    Hugs to Everyone Else, catching up on threads . . .

    orangemat:  lots of good exercise, keep it up!

    zumbagirl:  Feel better.

    Pole Dancing?  Hehehehe - too much fun!

    Work has become even more crazy (if that's possible), the website has been taking up lots of time, but the customer is happy.  I've been able to keep my exercise routine going.

    I'll take Johnney Depp in chocolate anytime!

    Happy Halloween to Everyone!  I was watching the Weather Channel today; they had forecasts for places like:

    Spooky city forecasts: Bat Cave, N.C., Casper, Wyo., Screams, Texas, Deadwood, S.D., Munster, Ind., Skull Valley, Ariz., Tombstone, Ariz., Transylvania, La., Ghost Ranch, N.M. ,Ghostly Manor, Ohio, Skellytown, Texas, Goblin Valley State Park, Utah

    Made my morning!


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited November 2011

    wonderland- CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 6 months...and  a year of freedom  - good on you!

    mum- there was a bit of snow outside of Halifax in the hills Sunday but it is alllllllll gone now...thank goodness. The wind was wild though! 24 hours of howling and trees down...a power line is down just a house away from me and dangling in the middle of the road....guess we did not miss hurricane season completely.

    Corinne- very impressive! I feel like I have accomplished something when I can keep myself on the treadmill for 20 minutes doing intervals of 2 minutes and 1 minute of jogging. I am hoping that increases

    ok...zopliclone is starting to take affect so I have to get off the computer in five minutes before my writing goes to hell in a hand basket, as my Catholic mom used to say...you can always tell when I have taken one and stayed on too long as my messages get garbled!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited November 2011

    orangemat - you go with the weights my dear...slowly but steadily increasing....get those arms pumped up and you may find yourself invited to halifax to paddle for an hour with the dragonboat team:)

    artsee, wonder- and a good secret it is too as we can now all share our memory secrets...day books,,,,keys always in one place or I have no idea were it is...can't seem to multi task these last couple of months...think I am tired...and the armidex my be starting to kcik in....time will tell. I keep a daybook in my purse, a calendar on my desk that I write the same stuff down on and one more on my wall....and then i leave notes on my door to ensure i do remember to bring my lunch and laptop to work...big thing now is remembering to put it onmy shoulder when I leave at the end of the day...this new desk is throwing me off...but I will get used to it.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,526
    edited November 2011

    I have sticky notes on top of my sticky notes!!!!!

    Artsee and Wonderland, congratulations on the clear reports!!!!!! Whew, I think we all know what you mean about not breathing.......

    An unusually lovely 60 degree Halloween. Zoomed home, walked 75 minutes and toned with Richard Simmons for 15 minutes. Now have been running up and down the stairs as the doorbell rings with the trick-or-treaters. I will turn off the porch light at 9:00 and call it a night.

    There is as possibility of the 'S' word in the forecast here for the weekend too. Hope 'they' are wrong!

    I wonder what the school mascots are for your spooky towns, Julie? Could have lots of fun with them.

    Keep up the good work everyone. Happy, Happy Halloween!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2011

    Artsee and Wonderland congratulations, happy dance for the two of you.

    Did a spin class tonight with crazy Yvonne, she has that name for a reason but it was such a fun class as all the songs she chose were "Halloween" theme and now I'm sitting here with two massive bags of candy and very few kids knocking on the door, the ones that do get to dig in and take handfulsTongue out

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2011
    Ooops forgot - Ruth got your card today Kiss
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    hi ladies, attended an extremely interesting presentation on Adverse Childhood Experiences yesterday so did not get in a walk at lunch.  But I exercised my brain plenty.  And was on 'door duty' for the trick or treaters last night. 

    Ruth, that 60-degree weather is supposed to be here today so I'll get out and enjoy before it turns seasonal again Weds. 

    Happy November everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2011

    Getting ready for surgery at Hopkins tomorrow - final recon surgery I hope.  This is a fairly minor one for scar removal and a tiny lift - my ps booked the OR for only 2 hours, so it should be a quickie.  Surgery starts at noon.  I can tell it's going to be a frazzly day at work since I won't be back till Monday so I have to get three days' worth of work done today - you know how that goes!!

    Only 4 trick or treaters last night, so we have a huge bowl of candy left.  It's all going in a bag in the freezer - easier to only have one at a time when you have to thaw it out everytime you want a Three Musketeers! 

    I'm also a sticky note queen - I'll even tape them to my keys to remind me to stop at the store on my way home.  I also call and leave messages for myself - I'll call work from home, or home from work and leave myself a message on the answering machine.  I'm blaming AIs for the general forgetfulness.  Yesterday morning I was getting ready to go to work and locked my keys in my car - poor dh had to leave his job and drive home to rescue me. Embarassed

    20 minutes core workout and a Tabata elliptical workout, plus 15 minute Lebeds. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,526
    edited November 2011

    Good luck, Mary.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited November 2011

    ((Mary)) hope allgoes well.

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited November 2011

    Wishing warm wonderful thoughts for those dealing with the snow, wind, rain, cold, power outages, downed trees . . . geez, I have little to complain about in that area, but no doubt our wind, fire, rain and landslide season will be here soon.

    Ruth: 2 firm workouts!?!? That's awesome.

    Cheryl: Glad your injury didn't keep you down for long!

    Wonderland and Artsee: Joining you both in the happy dance!

    Springtime: Cheers for gardening! I was surprised to see how many calories you can burn.

    Natsfan: ((hugs)) Hate to hear about any surgery no matter how "minor", but like the sound of "final". You will be in our thoughts. Reading about your shovel/saw/sculpt workout was exhausting, but the Sunday morning reward sounded spectacular.

    Corinne: Hot chocolate race . . . do it!

    Orangemat: Always impressed with your running stats. Usually when I read your posts, it's followed by a "holy cow!"

    Didn't do too much yesterday. Had lunch with my RAD friends (my radiation buddies) and had a nice walk on the beach then did a 30 minute walk 1:30/run 1:30 on the treadmill. Halloween was fun this year, lots of kids and some great costumes (we had Christmas Carolers :-) Most importantly got rid of all the candy! Plan to get on the bike today.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    I was in a funk last night. Back hurting. Dragged my butt onto the yoga mat at home and did 30 minutes of stretching and focused on that area. It helped. 

    Yoga tonight and tomorrow night. That ought to work it out! May need to make appt with chiropractor... 

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited November 2011

    Springtime: So sorry to hear that. I hope the yoga does the trick for you.

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Hi everyone - wanted to pop in here and see if any of you had advice for me. I'm about 6 weeks out from BMX w/immediate reconstruction w/saline implants + Alloderm. All has gone well, recovery-wise and I'm healing up nicely. I still, however, have swelling on both sides, and when I try to bump up my exercise (from anything but a very slow stroll around the neighborhood), I swell up. Prior to surgery, I was a 7/day/week hard-core exerciser and it's driving me NUTS to be limited now that I feel better. PS cleared me for cardio 2 weeks ago, but said that if I swell up, to cut it out - seeing a PT and she has been monitoring me, confirmed she saw increase in swelling (looks like I have a little backfat and is uncomfortable).

    Anyone have experience to share on when this might resolve? I don't want to over-do and mess up my reconstruction results, but feeling like I need to know when a light at the end of the tunnel might come!

    Many thanks,


  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited November 2011

    Welcome Sarah.  I wish I had some advice or knowledge to share that would help, but don't.  However, please keep us posted and continue to come back here.  This is a great thread with very supportive women.

    Artsee and Wonder--happy dance for both of you!

    Orangemat--I want to be you when I grow up. :) 

    NatsFan--thinking of you and sending hugs your way.

    I signed up for the Hot Chocolate 5K this weekend!  Then comes the Turkey Trot and maybe the Santa Shuffle.  If I keep this up, I just might have the stones (and body) to be able to do the Undie Dash (supports the Bright Pink org) in July.  Yes...running a 5K in your panties!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2011

    Sarah - it may well be post-surgical swelling.  I know it's hard to not exercise, but you've had a very serious surgery, and you really really need to give your body a rest. Exercise may be causing extra fluid that your body just can't absorb at this time.  Take it easy for a few more weeks and give your body a chance to absorb all that fluid.  

    Also, you may want to get a consult with a certified lymphedema therapist to be evaluated - that "backfat" sounds very much like my truncal LE when it's flaring.  You only had one node removed so you are at smaller risk of LE, but you are at risk - there are many many women on the LE section of this board who got lymphedema after just a SNB.  Surgeons too often don't tell SNB patients that they are at risk and don't instruct them about precautions and what the signs of LE are.  Also, too many PT aren't familiar with LE and in some cases the therapy they prescribe can actually cause LE - that's happened to some women in the LE section.  

    I know you want to come roaring right back into life, but taking a few extra weeks now to let your body fully recover will pay big dividends down the line.  

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    Sarah, can you wear a compression garment, like an Under Armour T, inside out, a size smaller, and see if that helps the swelling? I have trunctal LE and that's what I have to do. I was very swollen on one side (the "C" side where lymph nodes were removed, as Nats mentioned) until I figured it all out. I went to an LE specialist and had massage therapy. I always prophylacitally wear a sleve and under armour T when I get my heart rate up, also for yoga. Honestly, it has taken me a lot of experimenting to figure out what to do to manage it. (I also can't do inversions in Yoga!) though I can weight lift! Who knew. 

    Also, 6 weeks seems like forever, but it's not that long, really, for your body. How about taking long walks and see how you do, vs. blowing it all out with crazy cardio just 2x a week? 

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    Interesting about the compression garments... I tend to run better when I'm wearing my arm sleeves... but I always thought that was because they were eliminating the wind-drag from my floppy triceps....

    Yoga this morning, on to the track workout this evening. Corinne, no need to want to be me when you grow up... especially since I haven't grown up yet myself... most EXCELLENT job on your race, btw!

    Sandee, I would LOVE to have a go at dragon boat racing! I had never heard of it, let alone seen it, until we were in Portland last morning. So many teams practicing with women of all different shapes and sizes... such a cool equal-opportunity sport, sign me up!

    Uh oh, wanted to say more, but it's time to go change to go run. Later, my friends!

  • Dortey
    Dortey Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2011

    My mum does Kangoo Jump. She says she enjoys it very much. I guess it is a great thing to do if you would like to keep your body in shape. She used to do yoga, but as she is on Arimidex, she stopped because of joint pains.

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Mary & Springtime - thanks for your replies - Mary, I actually do see a LE therapist (b/c I'm a big believer in PT and b/c I have been freaked out that this was truncal LE). She says this is post-op edema, and today she said she would classify it as "minimal" - I asked her specifically where she thought it fell on the continuum of swelling - I'm hanging out over bras, but not too much. Her manual dranage has brought stuff down even in a week, so that's encouraging. Springtime - the compression top is a good idea - do you wear a bra under or just the top? Today my PT said she doesn't want me too compressed by a bra - cutting off circulation, etc. - but if it's just the shirt that'd provide even compression all over, yes? Like a LE sleeve does?

    I tried taking a long, slow walk last week and that made me swell too - I think I need to adjust my expectations of where I think I "should" be 6 weeks out and just chill - from what you two are saying, this is probably pretty normal and I just need to keep sitting on myself 'til this resolves. I'm sure you remember this stage though - my mind is ready and it feels SO good to get my heart pumping, but as you remind me here, my body's just not ready.

    Thanks again. 


  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited November 2011

    Welcome Sarah...Cancer sucks what can I say? Everyone is not the person we used to be.

    I was out doing my daily 3 mile walk and just like that my ankle kinked and I'm still limping around. No running or twisting on a stone. Just normal walking. UGH! It's tough to be us!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    Girls, i need some advice. i am two weeks pfc. I also just signed up for the Avon Walk in May. I started up trying to excercise full bore right after chemo.My energy is totally depleted... can you recommend how to get back into an excercise program after treatment while still regaining my energy?

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited November 2011

    Hi Sarah, I have no better advice than what Natsfan and Springtime offered. Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. Most all can relate to what you're going through. Your head says go, but your body says no . . . it stinks, but it does get better. Slow but sure. I like your personal prescription to chill. ((hugs))

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited November 2011

    Mary: Good Luck tomorrow! Last one - YEA!

    Welcome Dortey and Sarah. Hopefully your swelling will continue to decrease, Sarah.

    Spring: Sending you good vibes to help you get out of your funk. Pain sure can get you in one!

    misswim: Start slow! Your energy is still being used by your body to heal and will be directed to that task for a long time. Do what you can but really listen to your body. If you don't, your body will take over and automatically stop you! Good luck.

    We had a little over 100 trick-or-treaters last so luckily I only have 8 pieces of tempting candy left over. Tonignt I fast walked/ran 2 plus miles at the park. I prefer to walk so my running is limited to a quarter mile for every mile. The temperature was a pleasant 60 degrees.

    Edited: Welcome robo. You are NOT a wimp. Glad you're joining all of us here. Sounds like you're taking Taxol. Someone on this Forum said that Taxol taxes all. So true. I could hardly walk while I was on it. Ask your onc what you can take for the joint pains. Good luck!

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited November 2011

    Welcome robo!! No you are not being wimpy. 3-4 miles a week 3 to 4x a week is great and during chemotherapy?!? Really impressive. I'll PM you re: Santa shuffle ;)

  • marie11
    marie11 Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2011

    Any swimmers out there.  I could barely swim over the summer about 2 months after surgery.  I really don't even like swimming, but i like not being able to do something even less.  so i have been in the pool off and on since.  I am getting stronger but it is a slow process.  i can go about 25 meters strongly and then i am just flailing around trying not to drown.  afraid the life guards gonna throw a preserver out for me. 

     on the up side over the last month it does feel like the range of motion has gotten better in my shoulder.  and now i can go 200 meters without stopping instead of 2 feet.  but that is still a far cry from the 2000 meter event i am planning on doing. 

     robo i didnt even do chemo and i was a wreck for weeks after surgery.  still am not nearly 100%.  anything you do is amazing.  It if very hard to stay motivated when your body just doesnt want to.

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited November 2011

    I taught zumba this morning, and it felt great, although my lungs are still tender from this nasty cold. I was sucking air half way through the hour workout.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited November 2011

    nats, ruth- i leave sticky notes on my door so i have to see them befor ei leave in the morning..they are exremely benign like LUNCH!" because I have been sosoosososoo forgetful

    orangemat- dragonboat paddling is so great and the Halifax team are awesome...so incredibly supportive and welcoming from day one....sometimes I switch side since I am ambi-but generally I paddle to the right as that hip flares up and it stretches my left arm more.

    Sarah - i just about went ntus not being able to go to the gym until I had permission....my surgeon lauged and said go for it...but go slowly...and from my readings here and my various cancer books, I knew to watch for swelling. I do go to alymphodema massage therapist every two months and she really helps the lymph nodes to drain...it is somethin gI plan on continuing for the rest of my life...help tremendously...so does no wearing underwear that digs in anywhere...hard after radiation because ribs feel sore...

    missswim- go slowly...go gently...forgive your body for not doing what you want to do and be proud of what you do accomplish..it will come. I did only 10 minutes on the treadmill and 5 on the elliptical and then did groceries and that was enough....as long as I do something....on days you are tired, get up and do something anyhow...it helps.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,526
    edited November 2011

    Good job, everyone!! Welcome to the new ladies....once you post, you are 'offically' a member!!!! Smile

    Anything you can do during chemo is very, very good; just do what you can and it will help you rebound much faster once you are done with treatment.

    Sarah, what about just concentrating on lower body work while you give the upper a chance to heal? And if you want aerobic exercise, maybe a stationery or recumbunt bike, without using the arms, just pedal.

    Didn't get home until late so walked on the treadmill for half an hour and did Rock Solid Abs (30 minutes, primarily because of the great title).

    I, being a very bad girl, ate all the leftover Halloween candy myself! Cry