Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2011

    Welcome Sarah, Robo47 & Marie11.

    Thinking of you Mary, good luck tomorrow (today for you now on the east coast). Feel better Springtime. Sarah Assets (they are the people who make Spanx) makes nice and inexpensive compression tanks and camis you get them at Target and you can use instead of a bra. Misswim just take your time, be the tortoise not the hare as your body is in recovery mode, you'll build back up it just takes time and patience. Ruth I have soooo much candy left over and it's the "good stuff" what was I thinkingSurprised.

    I swore I wasn't going to the gym tonight, but I will admit it, I am an addict, an exercise addict and I'm still a bit sore but I went to Body Step class but didn't use a step I just did the class on the floor, kind of like a dance.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2011

    Hi Everyone!!!

    Sounds like you all are working right along. Still in the 90's here in AZ. Suppose to hit the 60's this weekend. We will see I will not hold my breath.

    Now for the great news.  Got a PET scan last Wednesday, it came back saying that the chemo and alternative meds are working. So Praise the Lord!! I am so happy to know this.

    I am still exercising 4 times a week. I am now able to watch my darling granddaughter Aubrey. I was not able to for 6 months due to my hip/leg. It is such a joyous feeling to be able to get on the floor with her and pick her up again. Such a feeling!!

    Picture of my Joey my son in law, Baby Aubrey, & my daughter Seleania...my family,  Aubrey's 1st Hallloween dressed up as foofa in Yo Gabba Gabba.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,526
    edited November 2011

    GREAT to here from you Elizabeth and your good news! Cute, cute family!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    good morning everyone, I have a couple of doc appts today so am taking a day off work.  Nothing big, a dental appt in the morning and my annual exam this afternoon.

    Elizabeth, great news!  Thanks for the pic of your family. Nice-looking kids and Aubrey is a real cutie pie!

    welcome Sarah, Dortey, RoBo47 and marie11 - this is a great place to be.  We will help you stay motivated but not chide you when you need to start slowly, or go slowly, or just take a break.  We've all been there.

    Thinking of you, Mary, and hoping your surgery goes well today!

    Took a nice long walk around the Capitol square yesterday, it was in the 60's and gorgeous.  Yoga class tonight - YAY!

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited November 2011

    Elizabeth--what a cute photo!  Adorable!

    Did 35 min run today in a 2:30 min run/ 1 min walk routine.  Also ate a whole wheat, raisin, cranberry and date muffin this morning. I was feeling light headed the last two times and my SIL/running partner made me these delish muffins and told me to eat one before a run. I did, and it worked!  No lightheaded feeling. I normally don't eat breakfast, and need to adopt the habit of eating something before a run.

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited November 2011

    I got side tracked yesterday. Did my Lebed and then Tai chi and wore myself out. After my nap :-) the afternoon consisted of wrestling with an asparagus fern! Planned a bike ride today, but those nasty winds kicked up :-/ No kidding I just mentioned that yesterday, we get what they call Santa Ana winds, constant wind with gusts up to 70 mph. That will keep me off the bike today, looks like indoor exercise for me. Crossing my fingers for calm weather tomorrow.

    Dortey: Those Kangoo Jumps look crazy! I can't picture myself on those. I'm barely stable on my own two feet sometimes! I can see the benefits though.

    Robo47: Far from whimpy, I'd say you're gutsy! Just listen to your body. It may be that you'll have to take it a little easier for awhile.

    Marie11: Good for you for getting in that pool! I'm a swimmer, but haven't been back in the pool since treatment mostly for fear of realizing my limitations and decline. Talk about whimpy! I'm just not ready to go there yet, but hearing about your experience and determination is encouraging. When is your 2000 meter event? Is it a race or a charity event or ??

    Ebann: Great family shot. Thanks for sharing.

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited November 2011

    Robo.....you are doing really good. I remember walking outside during chemo and I felt like I was in a daze. I've never felt weakness like that before but kept going and on the treadmill as well.

    Raining again today so no walking outside. Yoga this afternoon.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Thanks, all, for the welcomes - you guys are inspiring - both to rest myself for now, and then to get back at it when I'm ready! I guess you could say you're "normalizing" this recovery period for me - I of course have never done this before, and am so used to just "pushing through" physically . . . that'll backfire for me now, so need to readjust the thinking. 

    Ruthbru - I'm still on strict no-upper-body restrictions from PS, so all the walking, etc. has been w/o moving my arms. Plus, nothing above 90 degrees, no pushing, no pulling, no lifting - I can't even cook or open my own refrigerator!! Just walking makes me puffy around my chest . . . feels AWESOME everywhere else, though. Boo.

    bhCheryl - thanks for the Assets tip - I'll check 'em out when I get enough courage to head to Target (very crowded always) - love their cheap Spanx - wear those ALL the time w/skirts/dresses.

    Ebann - cute pic!

    quiche - I think I might start road biking once spring comes to New England - terrified of clipping in - are you a long-time rider? Great exercise, easy on the joints . . .


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    Thanks, Wonderland! My back is better after my yoga class last night, it was "gentle". Tonight is "not gentle" so maybe it will be even better!! :)

    Sarah, YES the Under Armour compression T, inside-out (so the seam thing doesn't bug your skin) will provide compression all over. It is WAY better than a bra. I recently had to go back to "very light stretchy bra" from "regular bra" because "regular bra" was causing my LE to react a little. Under Armour is the best. Give it a go!

    90 minute Yoga class tonight. Tomorrow *has* to be cardio or my heart is going to start wondering what is up!

    Quiche, do you love Labed? I've heard of it but not tried it... 

    As a side note, I was happy to see that the abbreviation "pfc" is still alive and well. LOL. 

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited November 2011

    Question--did any of you have to take a break after nipple reconstruction?  Mine is coming up on 11.18 and I am now wondering if I would be able to do the Turkey Trot 6 days later.  I could walk it, yes, I know, but run? 

    I was told no exercise for 1 week after my exchange surgery and I started up with pilates and yoga.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2011

    Thanks for all the good wishes! Got a call last night moving my surgery time from noon to 7:30am, so instead of having to be there at 10am we were there at 5:30am this morning.  First up has advantages - we were home by 2. All went well - in some pain, but I'm keeping ahead of it with meds. And yes, there's a drain, so my dh is back in the drain stripping business - it's the 13th (!) one I've had, so he's pretty good at it! He's a wonderful caretaker - I'm very lucky.

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited November 2011

    Hi ladies !  I have been terrible about exercising lately so there is nothing to report on that.

    Ladies who are in chemo and exercising that is GREAT !  You very well may slow down as you continue.  But, it doesn't keep you down long.

    Sarah, I had a BMX with immediate implants April '10. I had swelling come and go on my sides also. I was told by my PS it would go away on it's own and it did.  It  has taken a long, long time to look and feel even close to normal.  I gave up bras completely until a few months ago because they felt very uncomfortable.  I would suggest getting the book. Breast cancer survivors fitness guide.  It helped me alot. 

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited November 2011

    Oh Natsfan, so glad to hear everything went well and you have such a wonderful experienced caretaker (13 drains!!! I can't even imagine). I hope you're out of pain and feeling better soon.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited November 2011

    Elizabeth: Aubrey is precious! I'm sure she brings you great joy. So glad your treatments are working!!!

    Mary: Glad you are home and all is well. Drains are such a PITA! And you have had 13 of them!

    JFV: Good to see you again.

    Corinne: Can't answer your question about nipple recon. and exercise. I'm nippleless. One of these days I'll get my tattoo. I'm in no hurry!

    Fast walked for 15 minutes then attended my hour Zumba class. Now it's time to eat supper. Have a good evening everyone.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,526
    edited November 2011

    Glad the surgery is behind you, Mary. I am being in pain just reading about 13 drains!!! 

    I just did 30 minutes of toning and am off to a meeting a 7:00. I will try to do a little pilates when I come home again to get in my hour.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited November 2011

    Still taking daily walks, have had some leg pain from the last running session I had on the treadmill last Saturday, but things have calmed down enough that I am ready to head down to try again!

    Ebann - GREAT news!! Always great to hear from you...... nice pic too!

    Mary - glad that is over for you!  Never had a drain, but they sure don't sound comfy at all!  Hope you are feeling pain free soon!

    Cheryl - just remember to not push too hard, or you will have to miss some of those precious classes!  You still amaze me with the various classes you take!!

    Welcome to all our new 'athletic people'!!  This is a great thread that will keep you motivated!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful evening! 

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    Slacker day today. Only PT (weights and core, with some one-on-one stretching thrown in for sh*ts and giggles). Really tired today. I guess the track workout last night really wore me out more than I realized. Was good about my eating all day until I came home from PT in the late afternoon... thank GOODNESS those peanut butter preztels aren't around anymore to torture me!

    Welcome to the new kids on the block! As I've heard it said many times before, belonging to the club sucks, but the membership is excellent.

    NatsFan, I had to go back and reread about your drains... glad I misread, because it sounded like you had 13 drains all at once! Still, it's not pleasant, I know....  heal up well and hugs to you!

    Elizabeth, what a great photo! Though I have no clue who (or what) Yo Gabba Gabba is, since my kids are 17 and (as of yesterday!) 20. And you know what? I'd like to continue not knowing!

    All this compression garment/bra talk is very timely for me. Whenever possible, I try to wear a minimal bra, since the back straps tend to cause me more referred shoulder pain. The area around my shoulder blade, side ribs and up into my armpit are still somewhat puffy (though I sincerely doubt it's LE). But if I go braless (around the house) for an extended period of time, the weight of the implant causes me pain. I was actually thinking earlier today as to whether my decision to put off revision surgery (to switch out to a smaller implant and correct the bottoming out) until March is really all that wise after all...oh well, it is what it is...

    Sarah, I'm like you, never afraid to apply myself physically, whatever the task. It's really hard to go easy, isn't it?  Heh, talk about an oxymoron... ;)

    Halfway done with the week, woohoo! Hugs to all!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    Corrine, I had to be careful after nipple recon. I had to wear this shield thing and didn't want it slipping around and messing up the newby....

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited November 2011
    Mary, hey! Glad that's all in your rearview mirror. Rest up, be well!
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2011

    Hi all.  Still struggling with busyness.  At some point I will get my act together with regular exercise.  Someone sent me this and I thought it was cute.

    As I was lying in bed pondering the problems of the world, I rapidly realized that I don't really care

    It's the tortoise life for me!

    1.  If walking/cycling is good for your health, the postman would be immortal.

    2.  A whale swims all day, only eats fish, drinks water, and is fat.

    3.  A rabbit runs and hops and only lives 15 years.

    4.  A tortoise doesn't run and does nothing, yet it lives for 450 years.

    And you tell me to exercise??  I don't think so.

    Okay, I did acupuncture for the first time this evening and told her I neeed to get back to exercise so I guess I'll bypass the tortoise life and figure it out.

    Night.  (welcome newbies)

    Oh, ruthbru, I got the card - thanks.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2011

    Mary so glad it's over and you're home. Elizabeth happy happy dance for you, so good to hear that the treatment is working and oh my, Miss Aubrey sure has grown and she is so pretty, it seems like only yesterday you posted her birth photo. Did you like the acupuncture Patoo?

    Tonight I did Body Pump and then a spin class and just so you know I'm not the only crazy one, there were 6 of us who ran from the GGX room to the bike room.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited November 2011
    That's what I mean, Cheryl... I might have done both classes (or at least tried!), but would have possible whined the whole way to both of them!!  YOU 'ran' from one to the other!!  Surprised
  • Aussie-Sharon
    Aussie-Sharon Member Posts: 45
    edited November 2011

    Curves class today:) unfortunately I definately fit the description of the gym!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited November 2011
    I added some different abwork to my workout at the gym now my lower back is screaming at me.I think I will take a break today and try again tomorrow.Yell
  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    JFV - I'm looking for that book right now - thanks for the tip! 

    All - I literally read these posts and yearn for exercise - good that those of you are taking time off if you're in pain . . . I learned that lesson the hard way years ago - ran through lots of knee pain, blew it out, ran through lots of arch pain, had plantar fasciitis for upwards of 18 months. I got in the best shape of my life pre-op by exercising EVERY SINGLE DAY for at least 30 minutes from March 2011-until my surgery date, 9/19/11 - some days harder, some days easier (I do Pilates twice a week b/c I have arthritis and it's saved me and kept me very limber), most days for an hour. Highly recommend - even if it's a 30 minute slow stroll . . . .

    Hope you all have a great day today - shake that thang for me, will ya?!


  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    My motto is "find what works and stick with it... until it doesn't work anymore and then find something else". Smile

    But yes, doing something with our bodies everyday, even if it's just focusing on breathing fully (can you tell I'm a yoga teacher?) is totally the way to go. So today (according to my marathon training plan) I'm supposed to only run 4 miles, and easy slow miles at that, according to the coach that I spoke to Tuesday night. So I called up a friend and we ran around town together, chatting all the while. Even at a much slower pace than I'm accustomed to, the time flew by.

    Sarah, have you considered trying restorative yoga? It's not "active" in the sense that it's exercise, but it will have a profound effect on your body and mind, as well as your nervous system, which is pretty much the end result that we're all looking for when it comes to doing our chosen activities. You could also think of it as "empowered relaxation", if that helps. Wink

    Have a great day, my friends!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2011

    Registered for a 5K run.  I can't even run 2 mins much less 45 but I have until the end of February to train.  They actually require you to do no more than a 16 min mile or they pick you up and cart you to the end.  And it will be even harder because I will be running it while pushing my son in a wheelchair! (he's grown and about 115 lbs!).  Am I nuts or what?????

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited November 2011

    Patoo--you can do this. You can.  Do you have another person that can run/walk it with you?  Have a partner that can take turns pushing your son? 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2011

    Actually my boss (who got me into this!) and her teenage daughter will be running it as well.  It's a Saturday and on Sunday my boss will be also running a half-marathon.  I had 'half' considered that and then sanity kicked back in and I opted for the 5K instead.  My boss recently ran her first half-marathon, with very little training (she's never been a runner), and is now all pumped up.

    Oh, did I mention that this is all taking place in DisneyWorld - woohoo!

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited November 2011

    Which 1/2 marathon or race is this?  My sister is needling me to do the Disney Princess 1/2 marathon in Feb 2013.   There is no way that I would be ready by this Feb.