Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2011

    Sunflowers you've got good advice from Ruth and Wonderland and I'll add my 2 cents. Leslie Sansone is an excellent start but don't use that step until you get your cardio endurance up. You can go to your local library and check out some exercise DVDs and watch them to see what you might like. The hardest part is starting and coming here to post really does help because it keeps you motivated.

    On that note, no exercise for me today except for flicking the swiffer around and pushing the vacuum. Tonight I am going to a concert for a friends son who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy so maybe there will be some jigging around dancingKiss.

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Sunflower - good for you for getting started! That is the hardest part. I am a big fan of Leslie Sansone - she got me back on my feet after 2 years of a bad arthritis flare. Her style is so forgiving - if you have room great, if you don't, just keep moving. Do what you can, you don't have to be a superstar from the start. It's all about consistency. We'll be your cheering section!

    Ruth and Wonderland - your days sound great - Cheryl, hope you get to jiggle tonight.

    I limited myself to my PT exercises today 'cause I was pretty sore under the arms from yesterday - pretty sure that it was only post-PT ramp-up and not my walking workout, but just wanted to be sure. Tomorrow's another day . . . easing back into this slowly!


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    hi all, got in two nice walks today.  One at noon and another after work.  I dropped off my car for an oil change appt tomorrow a.m. and walked home. 

    misswim, sorry about your BIL. 

    Sarah, glad you're 'back in the saddle' again.

    Corinne, painting definitely counts as exercise!

    Mary, yay for no more drain but sorry no Turkey Trot this year.

    Sherry, have fun fishing!

    Sunflowers, welcome.  Starting slowly is OK because it means you started!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited November 2011

    Yesterday took a 3 mile walk. I can feel it in the back today. Been hanging low for half a week because of a bum ankle. I'll have to get into the everyday work out and work out those dang kinks.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    It's sunny and 48, headed out for a walk, destination the library then to pick up my car.  TTFN

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    Walked yesterday for 30 and hope to again today. Thank you for all your support. This is a great list! 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    4 mile Leslie Sansone power walk tape today. I find these easy but if I keep a fat pace and sink into some of the moves with my legs it ups the intensity.

    Thank you for all your good wishes fo my BIL. We have been dealing with insurance snafus as Dana Farber is out of our network. He is being flown into Dartmouth Hitchcok's cancer center today. He's in worse shape, spiked a high fever and has a WBC through the roof. It's not a good situation...... Thanks for the support. It means alot as we all know what is like to have cancer and deal with fear surrounding it.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    It was kind of damp and gloomy here this morning, so I decided to torture myself by doing the dreaded Firm 500 Calorie Workout.

    misswim, I am praying that they will be able to get a treatment going that will get your BIL's situation under control. I am sending a hug to you too. I do think you made a Freudian slip by saying that you kept a 'fat pace' Tongue out!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2011

    Rainy and cold but I went to my Body Combat class this morning. Misswim I'm so sorry that the family is having to deal with insurance problems on top of everything else it is so cruel, I'm praying for your family.

    Okay so last night I went to a Duchenne Musclar Dystrophy concert and they asked me to be in charge of raffle tickets so I was posted by the front door. Half way through the evening a guy came out and started chatting to me and told me "you're a beautiful woman" now he was 3 sheets to the wind so I said thank you, well he came out a couple more times and was very chitty chatty then he came out and called a taxi and then proceeded to inform me that he was very good at guessing peoples ages and that he was correct 95% of the time, it was a special knack that he had - he leaned in, looked at me and said you're 87, I looked right in his eyes and said "yes, yes I am" dang I look good for 87Surprised

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Misswim - I amp up the Leslie DVDs (when I'm normal, that is, for now they're good for me) by doing kickboxing side and front kicks when she does her regular ones, and by doing some of the moves high-impact rather than low (double side-steps can be side jumps, etc.) That's why I think those DVDs are so good - can be for anyone, from rank beginner to very fit person.

    Hang in there w/your BIL, hope the insurance stuff can get worked out - he needs care, period!

    Artsee, Badger & Springtime - good going today!

    I walked around the soccer fields for 30 minutes today and did one round of PT exercises so far . . . no longer wincing when I raise my arms overhead - every day there is marked improvement, thankfully. 


  • SheChirple
    SheChirple Member Posts: 95
    edited November 2011

    hbcheryl:  I am 47 and I ALWAYS tell people I'm 65.  See, I don't understand why women want to lie about their age and say they ar 10 yrs younger than they are.  I figure, for 37 I look like crap.  For 47 I look okay, but MAN for 65 I look damned good!  So, yeah, I tell people I'm 65.....

     In sticking with the theme of the thread, my exercise routine is:

    M-F: 9:30 a.m. 15 minute power walk; 11:30 a.m. interval walk/run 25 minutes.

    T-TH-Sa 45 minute core strength training.

    M-W-F 30 minute weight resistance (Bowflex Revolution) routine

    Sa 8:00 pm 2.5 hrs hard core dancing (read: social dancing)

    Su I just exercise my lungs.......

    I'm down 125 + lbs since April 2009 (pre-diagnosis).  I am stuck now, as this routine has occasionally interupted by medical appts.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    welcome SheChirple and congrats on shedding 125+ lbs! 

    It's so nice today and the exercise feels so good that I'm heading back out to walk some more!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017
    edited August 2012

    125 pounds.  Awesome.  I know it's an over used word, but that truly is INSPIRING.

    Thank you ALL for your support - Leslie Sansome it is.  I live in a wee ( I mean small) about 900 sq. ft. cabin - in the woods of western MA.  Think Thoreau, without the pond ;) "Main" room s so chocked full of stuff, art supplies, easel, daybed - but I WILL MAKE ROOM.

    Thanks again...I just know that exercise is the "missing piece" for me.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011
    Ruthbru- I laughed out loud. FAT pace. Yes, I meant fast pace Wink
  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited November 2011

    Ruth...how can you be SO FOCUSED? Teach us.

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited November 2011

    hbcheryl you crack me up !  I'm pretty gorgeous for 87 too !  :)

    Sunflowers I always tried to exercise "perfectly".  Therefore I never exercised.  Now I just try to do something most days and try to do something that really makes me sweat a couple times a week.  Just do your best.

    I took Thursday off Friday I did 20 minutes of a beginner step class on the gymbox.  Today a walk with hubby.  Sounds like everyone will be out of the house tomorrow so I will try a one hour something or other. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    Once quite some time ago, I asked a student how old you had to be to run for president (the correct answer being 35), the kid guessed '65', "No," I said, "I could run for president myself." and the kid said, "75?" Cry

    Artsee, I actually do have a secret as to how I stay focused, and since you asked, I will share it:

    I could never figure out how much exercise, and what kind of exercise, was 'enough', and then I heard Richard Simmons say that everyone needs 4 hours of aerobic exercise and 3 hours of toning a week. AhHa! I had the answer. It seemed like a lot of exercise to me, but when I figured it out, giving 7 hours to exercise each week still gave me 161 hours to do everything else. So I committed myself to doing so.

    I took a notebook, put WEEK 1 at the top of a page, and divided the page in half. On one half I wrote the word Aerobic and then wrote down 15 minutes, 15 minutes, 15 minutes down the page to get to 4 hours in 15 minute increments, on the other side of the page I wrote Toning and wrote the 15 minutes down the page to three hours. Then, as I exercise during the week I check them off. I am so goofy that this works for me. I have to get them all crossed off (I go Monday through Sunday....which gives me more weekend time to exercise if I don't get it done during the week). Then the next week I started another page WEEK 2.

    I had already been doing this for over a year when diagnosed, and decided that I wouldn't let BC screw this up (plus I was too lazy to want to start over from scratch).....so after surgery and during some of the crappy chemo days, I would put on my tennis shoes and just drag myself around the house to get in my 'aerobic time'. I counted lifting the arm above the head, and the stretches the give you, arm crawls, lunges etc. as 'toning time' for awhile too. Even if I could only 'sort of' do a DVD or whatever...it all 'counted' and kept me in the game. I did the same after hernia surgery...easy and modified, but moving.

    I just checked, and after doing 45 minutes of toning tomorrow, I will have completed Week 342!!!

    There is my secret!!

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Ruth, your logging is AWESOME. Congrats on week 342!


  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited November 2011

    Thanks Ruth for taking the time to explain to us. That is incredible. The secret is to log 

    everything and be organized. I faithfully walk everyday but I do need to add some weights and stretching. I've been lax on Yoga classes the last two weeks. It's at 2 in the afternoon and it splits the whole afternoon up. I'm usually in the middle of something when I should be leaving for class.

    Thanks again, great job Ruthie.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017
    edited August 2012

    OK, I must be the lamest at figuring out which of the "toning" dvds to get.  I bought, a few years ago, some of the Stott pilates - darn, I just couldn't understand, follow half of what they were talking about. Honestly the only ones I used to use ( 15 years ago???) fiathfully were the Jane Fonda ones. I still have the free wieghts! 

    Wonder if they're still around????  I have loose sheets of paper in a folder of "good exercises" but know I need to be watching a dvd to keep doing it.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    I think Jane just put out a new DVD. Denise Austin is easy to follow also.

  • ginger_mea
    ginger_mea Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2011

    yeah, I found this thread!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    Hello Ginger! Smile

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    Ran around playing with my son, neice and nephews today and took a big family walk. Sore as could be from my 4 mile walk yesterday with Leslie Sansone. Went to the 94th birthday party of my husbands grandmother. Who by the way is a 25 plus year BC survivor and healthy as a horse. My inspiration.

    My husband went to see his family at the hospital today. They are taking great care at Dartmouth. I have an onc visit for starting the metformin trial on Weds and will visit then as he is on the same floor. Hoping to have better news by then. Thanks for all the kind words, ladies.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    Just finished 45 minutes of toning with Denise Austin.

    Sunflowers, look for a Denise Austin DVD called 'Body Makeove Mix'. If you can't find it in a store, you can at Amazon.com and other online places too, I'm sure. There are three 15 minutes each workouts that you can do all at once or alone. Upper body, lower body, and abs/core. It is very easy to follow. I gave it to my SIL who just started exercising, and she liked it.

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited November 2011

    Ruth thanks for all the inspiration such great ideas.  Half hour beginning Kickboxing today.  Made me sweat !

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    Ruth, I admire your discipline.  I am lucky if I get out for a walk every day and I do look forward to yoga classes.  Got a walk today, finished the last of the outdoor chores, and slow-roasted some chicken & dressing for supper.  Yum!  Now I have the stockpot simmering and it smells heavenly!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2011

    Hi all.  Haven't been posting too much but need to get back to coming in daily.  I've been moving somewhat but not nearly enough to call it exercising!  Got out yesterday to the park and there were several 1K, 2K and 5K track and field events for the kids.  I decided to follow in their footsteps with a fast walk (had on my walkers, not runners) but the trail was not always on the pavement.  I twisted my right ankle at least 3 times stepping in holes/indentations not easily visible in the grass.  Thought it wasn't too bad until it started hurting last night!!!!  Ouch.  Not really too swollen but still hurts like the dickens.

    Don't tell me to put ice on it because my furnace went out so the house is already cold  Frown and it won't be fixed until tomorrow evening.  Complaining, nope, because I remember last week when so many people went without heat and lights for up to a week.

    It really does me good to see all of you and I'm sure I will get my motivation back, now, as soon as my ankle allows me to put weight on it.

    Welcome to all the newbies on this thread.

  • ginger_mea
    ginger_mea Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2011

    Hello Ruthbru...

    I am going back to work on the 28th, I use to workout in the a.m. I would get up early I just don't know if I will be able to do that yet, because I'm more tired.  So I have to figure out a way to make sure I get it in, I prefer the a.m. before work, but not sure it will be doable unless I get to bed earlier than normal? Will have to see how it goes I guess.  Even with that its only 30 minutes and I would alternate, one day I would do polities (I know thats spelt wrong, for some reason I can't remember spelling since chemo, Surprised) the next day I would do the gazell, and some days I would do some weight training in the mix.  I would love to join zumba, not sure if it would be too hard to keep up since I am more winded these days then in the past?


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited November 2011

    ok..weekend exercize...paddled hard in a canoe, kayaked a bit, went for a couple of walks and danced my a** off with 17 young adults who thought they would out do me onthe dance floor while we were on a schooltrip.....NOT!..still feel super tired though and incredibly anoyed that my usual level of energy is not back yet. impatient...only one month on arimidex and i want my energy back!