Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    good morning ladies and welcome Banba. Had six-month onc appt yesterday and doing well.  I go back in another six months.  It was still relatively nice when I got back to Madison so skipped lunch and took a walk.  Made up for it by going out for mexican food and margaritas with DH last night.  Thanksgiving pot luck at work today and yoga class tonight.  Have a good day Tarts!

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited November 2011

    Morning all.  Back into the running routine starting today and it feels good.  My plan is to run today, tomorrow and Friday morning.  I am having nipple reconstruction on Friday mid-morning so I am sure that I will be limited on what I can do for at least a week. But we will see.

    If I am able be active within a week, I plan on doing a Turkey Trot and Santa Hustle 5K run next week and the week following.

  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2011

    Thank you badger for the welcome,

    Orangemat, yes I am a yoga teacher but qualified in the standard hatha tradition. I'd love to be an anusara teacher but am only at the inversion stage yet, learning about spirals and all the other good stuff.The workshop was at studio in Stockholm, Sweden called Yoga shakti with Anja Berg. One of the very few yoga teachers in Sweden who John Friend has taken under his wing.

    After Tai-boing away with Billy Blanks yesterday I will go back to the same dvd today. An hour power walk is also on the program as well as my yoga practice.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    Good for you, Banba! I'm also a teacher, but I haven't been teaching in a couple years. I completed the first two Anusara immersions but the timing wasn't right for the third, and then my practice shifted, so I'm not sure if I'll go back to studying at this point. I found that not teaching and running served me better than taking class, quite honestly. It's all a process, isn't it?

    Today is a rest day for me, though I do have PT. So that means upper body weights and prone core exercises (planks, etc). I'm getting a bit nervous about the 20-miler I'm supposed to do this weekend as per my marathon training plan. Piece of cake, right?

    Have a lovely day, all!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    Cake, did someone say cake? Tongue out

    Congratulations on your checkup, Badger. Whew! A nice thing to get out of the way.

    Have a great day, ladies!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2011

    30 minutes elliptical this morning, but a little less intense cuz I couldn't use the arm part.  PS was quite clear about including that in her list of restrictions.  But it felt good to get the heart rate up and break a good sweat.  Innocent

    Badger - Mexican food and margaritas - you're a girl after my own heart!!  Corinne - PS said absolutely NO to a 5K Turkey Trot for me this year.  Cry  But if healing continued to go well I'll be off restrictions in mid-December so I'm hoping to find some kind of Jingle 5K or Santa Trot or something to run.  Ruth - pretty good trick to be in two places at once.  Does that mean you burn twice the calories??  Cheryl - absolutely get those shoes and keep that $$ away from the casinos! I've only been to Vegas once.  It was during Christmas 20 years ago, and they were in the middle of a weird cold spell and all the fountains were frozen. So that's my impression of Vegas. Surprised

  • ginger_mea
    ginger_mea Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2011

    Hello to all you go getters, you are all my inspiration.  I can't wait until I can start doing and posting what I'm doing.

    Had a visit with my primary this a.m. upper resp. infection so I am now on antibiotics and cough meds.  I put a call into the Onc office because tomorrow is my Herceptin day not sure if they will make me wait because of this.

    So hopefully by Monday I will  be back on track with exercise with all of you, enjoy your day, its a rainy one here in NJ today.

    Ginger M.

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Hi everyone - amping it up, yet again - did 30 minutes of Leslie Sansone - the 5 mile DVD where she has the "boosted walk"/aka high-impact aerobic segment for 2 minutes at the end of each mile - and I did that. First time jumping w/the foobs. Luckily, they're small and the Moving Comfort boulder holder I have really holds 'em in place. Didn't feel much of anything. 30 minutes of PT exercises and stretches and I feel great. 

    Tomorrow, I hit the gym for the first time post-op . . . cannot wait!


  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited November 2011

    I love reading all the workouts everyone is doing and how you are fitting it in with your schedules - they give me great ideas and inspire me!!  Thank you!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2011

    Snuck out of work at lunchtime and went down to the dog beach and walked for an hour, it was windy but the sun was shining it was so lovely.

    Hope you feel better Ginger.  Badger congratulations on a good oc visit and yum on the Mexican dinner.  Nats how sad am I, off to Vegas but I've found a gym that has my programs so on friday I'm going to take a taxi out there in the afternoon my BFF who I am going with is working at a convention so I'm by myself throughout the day I've even called the gym to make sure I can buy a day pass.  Banba I know you're in Sweden but if you ever make it to Southern California Billy Blanks, yes the one and only, teaches Tae Bo at Golds Gym in Rancho Santa Margarita his classes are really popular and only cost $5.00 if you're a Golds member (which I am).  Am going to work out with the wonderful Eduardo tonight, stomach in, shoulders back hope I can get through a 2 hour workout with himSmile

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    I tried an experiment today. Standing next to the bathroom counter, I pushed down with my hands and tried to lift my weight up off the floor. My left side felt strong and competent; my right side (the UMX side) said NO. My damn pectoral muscles were cut, don't I know that? But still I tried, wanted to test my strength. I used to be strong, ya know? So I tried it. Again. A third time. By then I was in tears, the disappointment of my body failing me worse than the pain in my chest and shoulder. But I had to try it, I HAD to.

    I think I remember the PS saying my strength would never really be the same as it used to be, but I think I chose to ignore that. I wasn't always strong, nor physically fit. I grew up a last-picked kid in gym class, then once I was out of college I remade myself. I learned how to lift weights, how to breathe while running, how to be an athlete... well at least the best version of an athlete that my body would allow. And now? Well, I've had injuries and surgeries before, and I got strong again. But this time, I'm not sure... I guess I'll have to do the experiment again in a few weeks.

    Thanks for listening, ladies. I just needed to get that off my chest (ha!).

  • ginger_mea
    ginger_mea Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2011

    orangemat, I hear what you are saying and I hope you feel better getting it off your chest, I am going to not believe what they say, and say to you that you will get strong again, cut yourself some slack its a rough road you traveled to get here, and look how far you've come, we all have!

    hugs to you & all of us warriors,

     Ginger Wink

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited November 2011

    OK half hour of stretching yesterday.  Half hour of Pilates today.  I know I gotta amp it up if I want to make it through the holidays without looking like a snowman.  Maybe I'll try for an hour of exercise on the weekends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    Take it a little at a time, Esther. You WILL get strong again.

    I 'accidently' ate three brownies over the course of the day (the devil made me do it Tongue out), so had to break out a couple FIRM DVD's; Rock Solid Abs and Cardio Dance Party.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    90 minute yoga! Tomorrow is elliptical I think. I'll report back! 

    Ginger, I'm waiting to see what you post!!! :) 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2011

    Orangemat you've had MAJOR surgery, your body takes time to heal and your strength will come back, that being said you have to be careful I used to have 60lbs on the machines now I don't go over 20#, same as in Body Pump I don't put heavy weights on the bar but I'm strong just from working out all the time.  Ruth it was a jam roll that jumped in my mouthSurprised and I'm sitting here drinking hot chocolate out of my ND mugSmile

    Did Body Pump and Body Combat with the wonderful  Eduardo tonight, gawd what a difference it makes when you get to workout with a master trainer besides that he really is easy on these old eyes!!!

  • Kimberly1961
    Kimberly1961 Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2011

    Morning ladies, I am new to this thread.  Can I join?  Just finished my last chemo yesterday and ready to start working on weight loss and increasing exercise.  I'm very, very out of shape and will be buying pedometer today with goal of increasing steps by 1,000 each week, maybe biking in spring. 

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Hi Kimberly - I'm newish here too - these woman are so supportive and inspiring. Congrats on finishing chemo and what better way to celebrate than by reclaiming your body!? 

    Orangemat - our stories of coming to exercise are similar, and I FEEL for you in your post. This was the stuff I was really uptight about pre-op, and b/c I had a BMX, have been worried that I'll be decimated in the pec department. I am too close to surgery to have tested things yet, but I will tell you that I have friends who've had BMX and UMX who are back to full-on pushups, downward dogs, etc. etc. But it did take time. I'm not a patient patient, either, but I think on this one, we gotta work up slowly. Hugs from Boston - just a few steps behind you, friend. 

    Cheryl - I need to get me an Eduardo! Actually, after I get more back up to speed, I am going to hire a trainer again for a little while, just to mix things up and keep them interesting. I'm going to be logging a lot of gym hours in the next few months, and for me, the enemy is boredom.

    I'm off to perform the morning scramble, get my DD out to school and then hit the gym for the first time since 9/18, the day before my surgery. Wish me luck, ladies!


    P.S. Just packaged up what's left of the Halloween candy for DH to take in to work - all my favorites are gone and before I move on to the dregs, it needs to leave the house! 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    hello all and welcome Kimberly (I am in the SW corner of WI).  Congrats on finishing chemo! 

    Didn't walk at lunchtime yesterday because of a pot luck at work but had a fantastic 90-minute yoga class last night.  Will walk at lunchtime for sure today because my order of Girl Scout cookies was just delivered.  SealedInnocent

    good luck today, Sarah, and hugs Esther, you WILL get strong again!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    Thanks for the kind words and hugs. Honestly, half of me feels like I'm not entitled to complain about something like this... I haven't gone through any rads or chemo, so I've been very lucky... but I don't know, I was just feeling so SAD about it, ya know? Seems irrational. Childish. Selfish. But it's how I felt, and so I had to give it validation. Heh, can you tell I've fallen off going to therapy? ;)

    I'm signed up for an 8k race on Thanksgiving Day, so I'm planning on running the course today to try it out. It's good to have a plan (or so they say!). Have a great day, all!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    I am new to this thread also but have been lurking for about a week and reading all your posts. I am very inspired by all you ladies! I am still on restriced exercise post exchange but I have started to do some slow walking. I was not in good shape before all these surgeries but could walk 4mph. Right now I am only up to 2.5 mph and am trying to walk about 30 minutes each day. It has been such nice weather that it has been pretty easy to get motivated but now it is supposed to get colder and I am thinking maybe I will need to go to the local gym and get on the treadmill.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited November 2011
    Was watching a daytimes show  lastweek about workouts and heartrate.so I decided to change mine up to a higher rate. work a little harder now if only my joints can stand the beating.??
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    Everyone 'deserves' to feel bad every once and awhile, because nothing about anyone's treatment is anything but crappy! But the key is to feel sad, and then jump back on to the saddle (treadmill, track, mat etc......)!

    Welcome, Kimberly!

    Cheryl, if you win the jackpot in Vegas, you will have to fly us all out there and arrange a private session for us and Eduardo!!!!! My heart beat is increased just thinking about it Wink!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited November 2011

    Oh Cheryl when in Vegas try playing craps instead it is not hard to learn and so much more fun.Plus you don't have to place a wager on every roll or person so your money lasts much longer.If you are lucky you can win alot.Have fun we have not been there in ages.

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited November 2011

    Orangemat: Let it out, we can all relate. It's true, you will get stronger, but it will probably take longer than you expected. For me I thought 2-3 mos post treatment I'd be back up to par. When that didn't happen I became angry and frustrated. I think I was more angry post-treatment than during treatment. It took about 8 months before I felt whole again and even then I had to build things back up very slowly. You will rebound, hang in there.

    Managed to sneak in a treadmill yesterday, another busy day ahead, hoping for a bike ride, but may have to settle for the treadmill or walking the dog.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited November 2011
    I spent an hour today raking and bagging leaves.My back is complaining so I think I will leave the gym for tomorrow.Tongue out
  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited November 2011

    Did my first 5 mile run today. Oh boy I know I will be hurting later today

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    Good for you Corinne! One step at a time, that's all it takes...

    mumayan, for a sore lower back the best thing is to lie flat on the floor, knees bent and feet flat, or even elevate your lower legs on a folding chair (something not too high). Just make sure your knees are comfortably bent and your back is in a neutral position. Then just breathe and let gravity have its way with you. Feel better!

    Thanks quiche, Ruth, everyone else... yeah an occasional pity party isn't that horrible, I know. Neither is giving in to the urge to cry and rage when things get too difficult. See that's my tendency, to try to keep it all bottled up inside; I actually feel guilty when I don't keep it all under control... have I mentioned that therapy's been lacking??

    So I cried. Then I posted. And then I ran. It was good. Smile

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Way to work it out, Orangemat - a pity party makes GREAT running fuel. If it makes you feel any better, I haven't been able to run for years b/c of bad joints . . . but when I did a 10K right after finishing chemo and people asked me how I did it, I said I was "fueled by frustration." Grrrrr - another mile!!

    Corinne - WTG! Stretch, stretch, double stretch - if you're not up for running tomorrow, have an active recovery day to keep limber.

    Ginger - work your way up - good to see you over here on this board - really nice group of women and lots of support and inspiration here.

    Badger - you are early w/the cookies! Our sales don't even start 'til the first week of December - delivery in Feb/March . . . I always feel like I'm just getting back on track after the holidays and wham! Cookies galore.

    Well, I did the gym - 30 minutes on the ARC trainer - sweating, jammin' to my favorite workout mix. It felt SO great. PT says swelling is down, over all - so despite more exercise, no more swelling. Here's hoping for no U-turns in my progress on this - am hopeful. PT says wait a week, then can get back to gentle weight-lifting, and I'm lined up to start back at Pilates on December 1. I think I was the happiest person in that gym, this a.m.


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2011

    Orange - I think you touched on something about mourning the past and coming to terms with our present that hits all of us. People talk of cancer as a journey, but in my mind it was an abduction. I was going along perfectly happy with my little life, and suddenly I was abducted into Cancer World. And boy, is that a totally different world!  Physically, emotionally, mentally - every facet of your life is suddenly consumed with this awful reality.  Your old life is gone.  And that's hard to take.

    One person who really understood what I was going through was a co-worker whose only child, a daughter in college, died in a car accident 11 years ago. She's become very involved in Compassionate Friends, and was talking about the grieving process with me one day. She said simply, "I miss the old me. I miss that person. I miss who she was." It was a time when I was coming to grips with what cancer had done to me, and she knew I'd understand what she was talking about. And that helped me realize that there's nothing wrong with the occasionally pity party - we miss that old person we used to be and we have a right to grieve for that person. It's like the way I miss my mom - she died 32 years ago of b/c so it's not like I'm consumed by grief anymore.  But sometimes I see something that reminds me of her and I miss her . Sometimes I shed a tear or two, even after all these years. But as long as I don't get stuck there, I figure that's perfectly healthy and normal.

    Oh yeah, this is an exercise thread!  30 minutes elliptical, the good of which I plan to promptly undo tonight by going out for Mexican food and margaritas!