Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    The energy will take awhile, Sandee, hang in there.

    Patoo, you better go back to flat shoes! That's why I never liked those walkers, one twist and down you go. Hope you get that heat back on.... BRRRR, not a good way to be icing, that is for sure!

    Our Zumba expert will have to weigh in on it for you, Ginger. I imagine you could try it out and see what happens.

    Have a great week, all!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited November 2011

    Thanks Ruth....not used to feeling like this but trying hard to go gently and not beat myself up while I sit on the sideline....I Did get thrown up in the air and felt like I was flying in a group activity so that was uplifting! (hah!)..clearly time for bed as my humour is too cliche! night

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2011

    Ruthbru, it wasn't because of the walkers - I've never had a problem with them.  The park had lots of uneven spots and I just wasn't careful enough.  if I had been in my running shoes, running, it would still have happened.  Actually may have been worse as I probably would have fallen.

    Okay, off to pull out some more blankets for the beds.  Night friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    Stay warm!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017
    edited August 2012

    Patoo - I swear by Red Tiger Balm for all injuries.  Stonger than the white.  It stains clothes, but they now make these wonderful "patches" you can put on your ankle.  REALLY helps.  If near home, I try to ice it first, then the Tiger Balm Patch.

    Ruthbru - THANK YOU.  Just order the video from Amazon - also 2 others, they should arrive in a few days.  Watched a clip of DA, she seems pretty easy to follow, a very, VERY good place to start.

    YOU ARE ALL SO INSPIRING!!!!!  thank you, thank you, thank you - determined to NOT being the Pillsbury Dough Boy's Sister anymore...this is a great start.

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Happy Monday, everyone. I'm back at it today - decided to amp it up and do a full 1/2 hour of Leslie Sansone today, and I could do all the arm work! ROM is 100% on right, 98% on left (had a revision on that one, so a little behind). We'll see how I am tomorrow - I see my PT and she said if I'm going to try new stuff, do it before I see her so we can assess swelling, etc. But I feel great now, anyway. I just love to sweat?!

    Patoo - hope that heat gets fixed so you can turn it up and ice that ankle. Sunflowers - You are fired up, girl! Way to go getting your plans in place for this. Sandee - is the Arimidex causing fatigue? I know that when I first started tamoxifen, it took a while to deal w/the SEs, but then my body regulated itself out and I learned how to deal w/them - these drugs mess w/all the systems and it can be so discouraging . . . just do what you can and be kind to yourself. You too, Ginger - maybe get used to working again for a couple of weeks, then try easing back in w/only 15 minutes, then increase your time? Or alternate days so you're not having to get up early every day at the start.

    Hope everyone has a good day today.


  • ginger_mea
    ginger_mea Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2011

    Thank you all, I am happy you told me about this thread ruthbru, its so inspiring and feels like a good fit for me.

    Thank you all for your encouragement! Have a great day.


  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited November 2011

    Welcome Ginger! Ruth! Your weekly exercise template and planning is awesome . Thank you for sharing your secret with us. I just started one today and will try to fill in the blanks just like you do. I like it that you do this in 15 min increases.

    Painting is complete! Yeah! So back to running this week starting tomorrow.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited November 2011

    Hi, Everyone:

    Been thinking of all of you quite a bit as I slog through work, which has been just nuts.  I've missed reading all of the posts.

    I've been keeping up with my exercise, and am glad to see how busy this thread always is.

    Hope Everyone is doing well, and will read through some posts right now.



  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited November 2011

    Sandee:  Blasted Arimidex; hugs and hope you get your energy back real soon.

    patoo:  Hope you feel better soon.

    Everyone:  I echo Ruth's "have a great week".  



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    Had my annual physical today where my GP shook my hand and congratulated me on 'taking such good care of yourself". So I am pretty happy that all the work pays off!! Smile

    Walked for an hour on the treadmill, and then went over and forced my poor dad to watch some of 'Dancing With the Stars' with me. Although he doesn't think is as interesting now that Nancy Grace (whom he thinks is my sister!) has been voted off.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2011

    SheChirple what a great idea I'm going to start telling everyone I'm 75Surprised  Patoo I hope you're doing better - no marching just sit and put your feet up with some ice.  Ruth your system in ingenious.

    Tonight was spin with crazy instructor, I poured sweat but you all know me I came home and had dinner followed by chocolate, hmmmm wonder why the scale never budgesInnocent

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    good morning everyone and welcome Ginger.  Had to drive to a lunch meeting yesterday so no noon walk but heard The Voices and got out for 45 minutes as soon as I got home.  Six-month onc follow-up visit today, no scans or anything, just blood work and an office visit.  Have a good day and {{hugs}} to all!

  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2011

    I had the most amazing anusara yoga teacher workshop weekend. Details in my blogg but I feel so incredibly humbled and fortunate to be able to trust my mind and body (less than 10 days after a sential node/lumpectomy ops) to sustain me during a physically hard workshop.

    Today I am restarting another part of my system, going back to my Taibo-dvd. Can't wait to sweat again!

    Great link by the way, very inspiring and fun! 

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    Hey Banba, I practice Anusara yoga also! Are you a yoga teacher? Who was the workshop with? I guess I better check out your blog...

    Ran yesterday. Running today. Will run tomorrow too. Same as it ever was....

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    Go Girls, Go!!!!!!

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited November 2011

    Oh boy, gotta get back in the game! I've been slacking. So inspiring to see all the activity (I'm 4 pages behind!) I did hear the voices throughout the week and that got me on the treadmill a couple of times and I did some weights but it was more of an "every other day" exercise program. I did bump it up a notch though . . . am now running 2 min/walking 1 min and increased my reps with the 2# weights enough so that I plan to give the 5# weights a try this week.

    Springtime: I'm sooooo excited that you're thinking about taking on a ride!!!! I hope the Turkey Ride works out for you. That would be a great starter ride. And congrats on meeting your "out of town" challenge!

    So great to see everyone has stayed so active and there are so many new names and activities. Looking forward to catching up . . . and keeping up.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited November 2011
    I know these ladies make me feel guilty when I skip a workout(just joking) But I do wish I had more of their getup and go.I skipped yesterday but I am off to the gym right after lunch.Tongue out
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2011

    Hi Gang - getting back into things slowly, and of course frustrated at the post-surgical restrictions.  Yell 

    Did a 3 mile hike with Mikey Sunday in the Catoctins, then two miles walks with Mikey yesterday and this morning. 

    Great to see all the newcomers!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    OK, I lied. I went to yoga this morning, so running isn't the only thing I do... but I will be meeting two friends to run at the track after lunch!

    I had to go back a bit to see where Ruth posted her schedule of exercise... way to go on the consistency! I use the training log at www.runningahead.com to keep track of my workouts, and it now has a feature where you can make up a training plan for yourself, similar to the sheets of paper with the lines drawn on it, just a bit more hi-tech. ;)

    Happy day to all!

  • ginger_mea
    ginger_mea Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2011

    well since I am still battling this annoying cold I haven't started working out yet, but does food shopping for Thanksgiving, lugging bags in and then out, and putting everything away count???? because it exhausted me. Frown

    Oh and just made home made chicken soup for me and the hubby who's just starting with this cold thing... Wink


  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Ginger - I think it counts! I hope you guys feel better soon.

    An off day for me - trying one day on, one day off to start out with here - although even my off days involve about 20 minutes of walking b/c I am getting my daughter at school again . . . and there is ALWAYS stretching. The weather in Boston right now is making my drain holes and my joints ache.


  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited November 2011

    Still walking the dogs in Seattle!  My husband and I do 1-3 miles/day depending on how the chemo is treating me. No matter how bad I have felt, however, we have not missed a day!! I don't know how I would be getting through all of this without my daily exercise.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    Ginger, it definitely counts! Feel better!!

    Sarah, do you have the same weather we're having? Damp and threatening rain today, but not too cool yet... another 5 degree drop into the 50s and then I'll be achy as well... thank goodness my hot flashes help keep me warm...Tongue out

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Orangemat - Yup - it's the damp that gets me - it was in the 60's today - crazy!? Had PT today, so drainholes aren't bothersome - she worked her massage magic on them. Scar tissue be gone!


  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited November 2011

    Did a half hour of a one hour advanced weight training work out yesterday.  Hubby and I wimped out of our usual walk today.  I'm gonna go downstairs and turn on the gym box and do something.  Even if it's just a stretch.  Ate three peanut butter cups today.  So, I know why my pants are still tight.  I'm not sure I really want to get my eating under control.  That's a problem for another thread.  Welcome ginger Sarah, keep up the good work !  Patoo feel better.  Ruth, keep us motivated. NWArtlady great that you are walking during chemo.   Hello to everyone else !

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited November 2011

    Walked two hours today along the rail way path..then came home and saw some pictures posted on facebook of me and thought "I will never eat again!". How can I fit in the same clothes and have lost BMI but look so much bigger????? Massage therapist today said "wow! Are you ever retaining water...fingers are supersized....thinking it might be the Arimidex...not sure what else it could be"

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    40 minute bike ride last night, and forgot about daylight savings time, so we ended in the dark!! Have to go earlier this time of year. I hate it getting dark so early!!

    Tonight was 90 minute yoga class - gentle. Tomorrow is Level 2 (not gentle). Feels good!!! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    Good for you NWART!! It will really help you bounce back faster when you are done!

    JFV, I have to exercise because I do not want to get my eating under control!!!!! Really, I love to eat; as the Minneapolis ladies will attest to.

    Busy day here; I had a long meeting after work, rushed home and did 30 minutes of toning & 30 on the treadmill, and then did the amazing feat of being at two places at once. I was suppose to be at a Board meeting and wanted to be at a high school play, both which started at 7pm.....went to the meeting, left early and arrived for the second act of the play.

     I will need to do the Thanksgiving Grocery Buying Workout too, as I am hosting AGAIN!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2011

    Two classes tonight Body Step and then Body Combat, I don't know how I made it through the 2nd class as my feet were on fire, I'm going to Las Vegas this weekend so I may go shopping for some new gym shoes, that way I'll get something for my money instead of giving it all to the casino.