Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    No posting for the last few days....... Monday was Cardio Overdrive for 40 minutes, Tuesday was 35 mins of Turbo Fire kickboxing (not quite ready for that yet......), this morning was 30 mins of 10 minute trainer. Finally got to visit our ill family member. Can I just say that cancer SUCKS!!!!!!! What a sad situation we are in. Things are not good at all. Thank you for all of your kind thoughts over the past ten days..... keep him in your prayers.

    Home to do yoga and destress......

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited November 2011

    NatsFan I love that idea that we were abducted by cancer.  Perfect !

    Welcome Ginger and Kimberly.  Remember slow and steady.  Set small goals and let us know when you reach them so we can all cheer you on.

    Half hour of kickboxing tonight.  I am liking the Yoga and Kick boxing on this "gymbox" thing.  Easy to follow.  My son was watching me kickbox and made some comment about Chuck Norris.  Yup, me and Chuck just giving the world a roundhouse kick ! 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    hey ladies and welcome Ginger48.  Got in a walk at noon which did not completely make up for the GS cookies but hopefully put a dent in the calories.  

    Supper sounds delish Mary, enjoy that lovely 'rita!  

    Keep up the good work everyone!  Cool

  • Kimberly1961
    Kimberly1961 Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2011

    Well, bought the pedometer today and found out my baseline number of steps in a day, 1,067 steps and that was with some yard work, like more than my normal day.  How embarrassing.  Did I mention I was sedentary?  Goal is to work my way up to 2,000 by next week. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    Very crabby here. I just spent two hours on a report which has disappeared into cyberspace...Yell.......Cry............Yell

    O.K., I feel slightly better (but will still have to redo the report). It was really windy yesterday, so I spent half an hour picking up branches in the freezing cold, followed by 45 minutes on the treadmill, and 15 toning with Richard Simmons.


  • lookingaround
    lookingaround Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2011

    I took the stairs everywhere today!

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Natsfan - all so well said. I heard somewhere and quote it all the time - "grief doesn't go away, it just changes shape." That's the way it's worked for me w/cancer over the last decade. I'm not pounding my fist every day about it, but I have a slow simmering anger for the toll it's taken on my life (and now my body). I don't even remember the woman I was before cancer - I was 32, and although self-aware (had been thru a lot before cancer), so young and just at the start of my real adult life! 

    Sigh. Onward!

    JFV - let's all give cancer a giant roundhouse kick today. Love the visual.

    Kimberly - you are where you are . . . all you can do is move more - if you want it, you will get there - gotta start from somewhere - good for you! I don't know about you, but using a pedometer, heart rate monitor, etc. and seeing those numbers get better inspires me to do more.

    Misswim - holding you and your family in my heart these days. Sounds like a lot of awfulness going on for you all. Good for you for keeping moving and managing the stress the best you can. Sneaking in exercise, etc. will help you feel stronger, for sure. Hang in there. 

    Ruth - arrrrrgh - hate that cyberspace report thief. Sounds like you got a good workout despite it all.

    Lookingaround - wahoo! Lots of steps for you.

    Today will be my third day in a row of exercise . . . going to the "fancy" gym after my annual gyn (can't we get a pass on these??). Swelling is stable today, again, even after 30 minutes on the ARC trainer yesterday. Yes! Gonna hop on the bike/spin cycle today, I think.


  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    NatsFan, thanks so much for your post. I'm only a few months out from it all, and I guess I just don't have enough perspective yet. I feel like I should, though...

     Busy day planned for me, not sure if it's all going to work out. Drive 35 minutes to yoga class, take class for 1.5 hours, then 5 minute drive for my LE therapist appointment. Then run 5 miles in the same neighborhood to try out next week's race route. Boy will I be looking forward to my shower by then!

    Hugs and Happy Friday to all!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    40 mins of Turbo Jam Core Cardio. I am going to be SORE tomorrow.

    Really wanting to get back to my yoga classes but they are hot and I don't have the balls to go topless (my head,topless, that is) as I have the hair growth pattern of a chia pet!

    Planning on 30 min Baron Baptiste Core Power Yoga tonight.

    Happy Friday, all!

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Ladies - realized that in all that disussion of consistency, I didn't chime in w/my love of Social Workout . . . a site where you can set personal or group challenges. Keeps you accountable and is a great way to get support. You might find it redundant w/this thread, but just in case you want to join, I have a December challenge up here:


    You'll have to register, but it's all free, of course.

    I've been running challenges since March of this year, and until my surgery, worked out almost every single day March-Sept. Best shape ever, and a great way to keep those middle-aged pounds at bay. All levels welcome and encouraged!


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2011

    The Mexican dinner and margaritas for last night's dinner were excellent!  And we weren't totally bad cuz we walked to the restaurant which is a mile away.  And it was a brisk walk as a cold front has moved in and it's COLD here!  

    2 mile walk this morning with Mikey.  I think we're going to have to buy him a little dog coat for these morning walks - that short slick little coat of his doesn't provide much insulation.  

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2011

    Hi everyone,

    I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving week. My mother is spending hers in Hawaii for 10 days. I am so excited for her. So we are doing Thanksgiving at my brothers house.

    I wanted to share that I had my pet scan and the results are good. The chemo is responding well and the cancer is stable. Wish it was shrinking and gone though. Stable is good though.

    I have not been exercising for the last 6 weeks. My blood counts have been low. I have been weak, short of breath, and tired. I had a blood transfusion last month and am having another one on Wednesday. So I am hoping to feel better for Thanksgiving. It does make a difference.  Just it has not lasted long. So many ways I hate treatment. It is frustrating to go through this a 3rd time. I never imagined I would be do ing this. I am so tired of being tired all the time. If I was not short of breath I would exercise. But it is difficult. Does anyone have any ideas for me?

    Thanks everyone for listening,  Elizabeth

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited November 2011

    Ebann: So sorry for all that you're going through, glad for the good results though.The first exercise idea that came to my mind is the Lebed Method. It's designed for LE patients, but I think it would be good for everyone. One of the things I like the most is that I can do it in my recliner while wearing my pajamas watching TV :-) Lots of good stretching techniques, really gets the body revved. Sometimes I do it on an exercise ball and get some bouncing in too. There are videos on YouTube. If you want to check it out go to the Lymphedema board and scroll to the thread titled: Remedial exercises for Upper Extremitites. There's a post on Nov 9th by Nitrocris that will link you to all the videos. Lots of other good info on that thread too. May be worth a look. 

    Kimberly1961: It doesn't matter where you start . . . it's where you end up that counts ;-)

    Got a bike ride in yesterday. Yea! Was so excited how things worked out. I have visitors that wanted to go to the beach and one of my favorite rides is up the coast. So I dropped them off for some R&R and I took off on a 2 hr bike ride. And what a lucky beach day for this time of year . . . sunny, 68 degrees. I didn't feel as strong as I would have liked so I turned it into a joy ride rather than a training ride and just enjoyed it. Thinking about taking a rest break today.

    BTW: You all wear me out! By the time I get out of bed so many of you are already off and running (literally). It's a nice read while I'm sipping my coffee though :-)

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2011

    Elizabeth - glad for the stable news, but it's so not fair you're having to go through this all again.  I think Quiche has a good idea - the Lebeds are really good. As she said, they are designed for LE patients, but I agree that they'd be good for anyone. 

    Misswim - sending hugs and love to you and your family.  Kim - good for you for getting started!  I see you're in West Allis - I have cousins in Milwaukee, Manitowoc, Green Bay, etc. so I know that area well.  Looking - taking the stairs is one of my secret weapons too - just a few more calories burned, but they can add up. Another secret weapon I have is when I'm shopping, I park in the spot farthest away from the entrance.  Burns just a couple more calories than parking in a closer spot. Orange - you certainly did plan out a busy day!!! SAO - I'll have to check out the workout site - looks good.  

  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2011

    Orangemat - Hang in there!

    Not sure if this is helpful but I found yogateacher Kelly Jo Border inspirational. She says that she have had 7 surgeries(including a radical mastectomy)and she looks pretty fit and strong to me today.


    After a 2 hour Sivananda yogaclass yesterday and a walk across the ground of a 2600(!)years graveyard today I am resting. BECAUSE tomorrow is back to SAS Special ops training with the favorite dvd-hero Mark.

     You are all an inspiration to me. :)

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    I bagged the yoga class and got a little lost running... but I got my 5 miles in!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited November 2011

    going to african dance tonight...leave in an hour.it is 1.5 hours of dancing...

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2011

    Just want to wish all the US women an early Happy Thanksgiving.  We're off to the cabin for a whole week of relaxation and enjoyment and since we don't have internet up there I won't be posting.  We'll be doing lots of reading, we'll hit the Hagerstown Outlets for some shopping at least one day, and we plan to go to Gettysburg one day - dh's great-great-something-grandfather was killed during Pickett's Charge, so we'd like to know where his regiment was and see if we can learn more about where he might have fallen.  And of course we'll do lots and lots of hiking, which we'll need to balance out the Thanksgiving eating we'll do.  Tongue out

    I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving - be good, but also give yourselves a bit of a treat on Thanksgiving - we can't be good ALL the time!!  Innocent

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Happy Thanksgiving, Mary! Enjoy your time away.


  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    I went with a friend who just started chemo last week to her gym and walked at 3 mph for 35 minutes. I figure if she can do it so can I. I am making progress.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    ebann, always so GREAT to hear from you. A couple other things that might work; Richard Simmons has an old exercise video that I think you could find on-line called 'Sit Tight', seated exercises and/or what about slow pedaling on a stationery or recumbent bike?

    I am just stopping by to say that I'm going down to the basement right now to exercise (so I will have to do it!), I have been making all my menus for the Thanksgiving weekend and making my grocery list, which I HAD to get done before I did anything else tonight because I want to go grocery shopping early tomorrow morning and beat the hordes in the stores.

    I think we should take this quote from quiche's post above and make it the motto for us all:

    "I turned it into a joy ride rather than a training ride and just enjoyed it." Fill in your own exercise program, and make it a 'joy ride'...awesome!

    Off I go! Ruth

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    ebann, I just checked out www.richardsimmons.com and they have the 'Sit Tight" DVD and a 'Stretching to the Classics' video available, either which might work for you.

    O.K. now I really am going to exercise!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    30 treadmill on the treadmill & 30 of pilates.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2011

    Hi all, no exercise this week.  Sidelined by acupuncture.  Now I don't blame acupuncture but I do blame the acupuncturist.  I didn't know the differences and the one she used on me, called Trigger Point, is really for athletes/sports medicine, and is painful so certainly not for those like me with zero tolerance for pain.  So I've had, and still have 3 days later, thigh pain and also can't put any weight on one foot (though that one may not be related to her procedure).  I believe acupuncture can be beneficial and have now changed acupuncturists (where I will go once the current issues clear up).  Going up to down some ibuprofen and off to bed.


  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited November 2011

    Patoo make sure the new one knows about your past experience.Thats awful.First time I have heard of Accupuncture causing pain.

    I will get my butt into the gym today.Yesterday my back was still too sore but did my stretches this morning and already feel better.

    Ruth where to you get all that energy from??

  • Kimberly1961
    Kimberly1961 Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2011

    Only 1 day past my last Neulasta shot with back pain, so only 649 steps yesterday.  Hoping to be doing much better by Monday.

  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2011

    So excited, 17 days out of surgery I am back to doing my normal excersise rountine with shins,  push ups and the lot. Yes, it is a bit strained. Even a tiny bit painful. But still.

    Kimberley - yes, we do what we can. Monday is indeed another day. 10 days ago I couldn't even dream of being able to pull a t-shirt over my head.

    Patoo - that sounds horrible!

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Banba - awesome! And Kimberly - here's to Monday, hope you're feeling up to more by then. Ginger - you ARE making progress! Keep it up!

    30 minutes of low-impact aerobics for me this a.m. and 30 min. of stretching/PT exercises. Today is my 2-month anniversary from surgery, and while I would've loved to have started all this earlier, I'm glad I played by my PS's rules 'cause I'm feeling so good now . . . .

    Hope you all have a lovely Saturday - chilly but bright and sunny here in Boston!


  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    45 minutes of Chalean Extreme cardio intervals.......drenched in sweat, a little frustrated that my lungs are not as conditioned as they were pre chemo, but I got through the whole thing without modifying. Used weights on all the weighted exercises. Working hard on core and upper body, as I have port removal/implant revision surgery on 12/29, and I want to go into it strong.

    I have decided I am going to throw caution to the wind, put on a bandanna and go to yoga class on Sunday. My hair (actually, the lack thereof) should not keep me from doing things I love.

    Have  a great weekend!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    Anyone else ever venture to a yoga class during the "bald" phase? Any ideas on how to disguise the noggin?