Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2011

    Newbie to this group - so much good real world experience here - 

    I'm 10 days post-op BMX NSS and sooo itching to get back to exercise.  Still keeping arms at shoulder level, doing shoulder shrugs and rolls, deep breathing - uggghh!  I'm a 12 year pilates practitioner and instructor and came to surgery strong - can't wait to get moving again.  

    Feels good to vent ~ 

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Misswim - I went to yoga bald - and just went bald and it was FINE. I was doing Bikram at that time and so the thought of wearing a scarf did not appeal - too hot. I acted like there was nothing wrong - did check in w/the instructor at the beginning just to let her know that I was fine to do it. It was empowering!

    Joyh1109 - Oh, I feel your itching. I had a NSSBMX on 9/19 and wasn't cleared to exercise for 5 weeks post-op. Then when I did things, I swelled up like crazy under the arms. So I couldn't really get back into it until week 7 (now at week 8). Drove me NUTS. I'm now getting back to my 7 day/week schedule, only doing 30 minutes/day for now to work up to it. It was SO HARD to stay inactive for so long. I will say there were several women along the way who told me they'd done too much, too soon, and set themselves back recovery-wise . . . so heed that BS/PS - they all have different rules - maybe you'll get cleared sooner?! Good luck. I start back at my regular Pilates practice 12/1 and I cannot wait!


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    hi ladies and welcome joy!  Didn't log in yesterday as I came home and did an hour of yoga which relaxed me so well I went to bed early. 

    misswim, I went commando when bald from chemo.  Did wear a baseball cap during walks to keep my head cool and not sunburned, and wore a Buff at home to keep my head warm.  I didn't do yoga then but if I had, a Buff would've been perfect.  (It's a seamless tube of fabric that you can wear a dozen different ways.  Mine was black with neon peace signs.)  http://planetbuff.com/

    patoo, hope you find relief soon!

    Ran errands and got in a walk this morning which was good 'cuz now it's raining.  I've got a turkey stock simmering on the stove (using the bones from last week's Thanksgiving pot luck) and a new library book.  I see a nap in my future!  {{hugs}} to all

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011


    I went to Yoga with very little hair. I wore a ball cap until we started doing things where it would fall off. Then I took it off. I thought everyone would be looking, but I scanned around and nobody was  - they were focusing on their own practice. At the end of the class I put the cap back on. I did this until I had enough hair to ditch the cap.

    Today's exercise plan - waiting until the warmest ponit of the day to take a 50 minute bike ride! It's a sunny day, just cold. :) 

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    misswim, if you went to take class where I go, they'd greet you like any other new student: with a smile and a hug.

    Rest day today. Carbing up for my 20 mile run tomorrow!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2011

    Just doing housework today-Monday, in prep for guests arriving Tuesday.  If you saw my house you would know that is extra exercise already!  The foot still hurts somewhat as does the thigh but ibuprofen is keeping the inflammation at bay.  Not able to walk/stand for any extended time so housework will have to do as my exercise for a few days.  I'm gonna love living here when all the cleaning is done.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    Thanks ladies. I will report back after yoga on Sunday:)

    Orangemat, do you find you have to modify poses due to your MX?

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    misswim: well, I modified quite a bit for the first five months post-op... well rather, this is pretty much ALL my yoga practice consisted of for that time period:

    My right arm and shoulder are pretty weak, and coupled with having a chronic shoulder instability issue on that side to begin with, so side plank on that side is pretty much out of the question, even with the more remedial of modifications.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    Oh, sorry... was so excited that I found those pictures, that I forgot to finish answering the question!

    Laying on my stomach has been challenging as well, and so "baby" (or low) cobra is difficult. That's the one where your elbows are bent, pointing back at your feet, hips on the floor, and the backbend is only in your upper back.

    Again, it's a shoulder thing. And since it's a pretty big chest stretch (when done correctly -- notice how her lowerback isn't compressed at all), I tend to get quite a bit of "sensation" from that one. So to modify, I just don't hold it as long or try to go as high or deep.

    When in doubt, though, B-R-E-A-T-H-E. No modifications needed there. :)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    50 minute bike ride!

    Which sounds very tame compared to orangemat's 20 miles tomorrow!!! ahhhh!

    MissSwim, let us know how it goes. Namaste! 

  • Kimberly1961
    Kimberly1961 Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2011

    Well, 2334 steps today.  The comeback is coming along.Smile

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    Thanks so much. I LOVE your pictures:). I have been practicing at home but find planks are really hard and feel strange with my implants. I told me PS about the sensation and she said "NO PLANK!!! NO PUSH UPS!!"........really loudly! My implants are right under the muscle so I have nightmares of going to yoga and having my implant end up in my armpit as I try to do chatarunga! I have been modifying by holding plank on my forearms but it kills my shoulders. I am sure I will figure it out!

    I am already super sore in my butt and thighs from my workout this morning. I hope I can handle yoga!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    Will wonders ever cease? I actually am done with everything on my list for today and can sit in a chair for awhile! Got a lot of stuff done today; did the early morning 'shop for all the Thanksgiving groceries' done, got everything put away, redid the report lost in cyberspace (and saved it three different places before I pressed 'send', got the bills paid, did 15 minutes on the treadmill and 45 minutes of toning with Denise Austin. Now I am checking in here and then read a book. Cool

    Welcome Joy!

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited November 2011

    Hello, everyone!  Can I join in?  You all are inspiring...Smile

    I have been struggling with getting back to my exercise routine.  I am 6 weeks post umx without recon.  I do alright on the weekends, but I just don't have the oomph to get moving after a full day of work.  So...where I used to workout about 300 minutes per week before surgery, I am down to about 120.  Frustrating!!!

    Today (well, yesterday...I am here being an insomniac), I managed 40 minutes of running and that is all.  Tomorrow will be the longer run, modified ab workout and strength training.

    I had kind of assumed that plank was out now, for fear of putting too much pressure on my lymphatic system and bringing on LE.  Is there anyone out there doing plank after mx?  I have no restrictions from doctor...but he is crazy and thought I could go back to work 11 days post op...when I still couldn't back up while driving because I couldn't turn around...  And he insists that the chances of my getting LE are basically nil and quote...there is nothing you can do to avoid it, anyway...unquote.

    Thanks, all.


  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2011

    Ruth! You go girl!

    CLC - welcome! I'd be interested in hearing about how you did with the plank. Maybe sb more knowledgeble than me can comment on that. Personally I am pretty sure it is doable, it is the road to doable that interest me if you know what I mean. Be strong but stay safe.

    Springtime - 50 minutes on the bike is not nothing. I am still a little afraid of getting on my bike,

    Yoga people out there. Orangemat/MissSwim and others.

    Passing on some yogic advice from another yoga teacher, only my 2 cents. Remember, I only did a sential node and lumpectomy but this (together with restorative asanas/pranayama) helped me get on the right track.

    This is what she recommended:

    are your incisions fully healed?  that is #1 priority before starting to move more.  there are better things to start w/ than cobra, though.  you want to focus on stretching the chest muscles, strengthening the back muscles, keeping muscles/scar tissue pliable, and keeping the lymph flowing.

     of course listen to your physio, but here are my recs:

     once inciscions are healed start with snow angels, with your arms, just like when you were a kid playing in the snow.  I - arms sweep up, E - down.  stay within comfortable ROM, do not force it.  but w/ many reps, your ROM should increase.  once this becomes easy, you can try doing it while lying on a foam roller (do you know what those are?), lying the long way on it so it supports your spine.  try to keep hands on the floor as they go overhead, but allow arms to lift as needed if there is pain.

     also, bringing your arms overhead in the other plane,  lifting arms toward the ceiling, one at a time, like a backstroke motion.  again, start on floor, and "graduate" to foam roller.

     as for back strengthening your physio can probably give you some ideas, but even something simply like ardha uttanasana, doing a bunch of reps, is good.  anything the focuses on scapular stabilization (rhomboids, middle and lower traps, serratus anterior), and rotator cluff (esp. the external rotators) and even rear delts.

    Cool I'd be really interested in hearing how ya'll are doing. Big or small achivements, we are all doing something!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    Thanks for the exercise/stretching tips, banba! I was in PT for 5 months (still go, 2x/week) and all we did during that time was gentle ROM exercises. I only started the weight bearing stuff (hands and knees, planks, etc) about a month ago. Once my PS gave me the go ahead with upper body wearing bearing exercises (i.e. all physical restrictions lifted), only then did I return to attending yoga class. Certainly I did not start with cobra, indeed!

    Oh, and I just remembered regarding chatturanga... don't do it! Knees-chest-chin is challenging enough, especially how my core has gotten so deconditioned these past months. Sorry if I implied I'm 100% back to my former practice. Though that's not the attitude to have... whatever practice I have RIGHT NOW is what my practice is, and I should not compare to how I was pre-surgery. Every day is my new normal. :)

    Slept late, having coffee now, will head out to run later this morning. Cheers!

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Great ideas, Banba - doing most all of these under the supervision of my PT - and anything that focuses on my scapula and rotator cuffs feels SO marvelous after almost 2 mos. of not moving my arms past 90 degrees! I do lots of movement and stretches at least once per day (btw, the foam roller is a secret weapon of mine - lengthwise lying on it and doing things - feels so great even pre-BMX). At 100% ROM after 2 weeks of moving my arms again, but I went in super-fit so that helped a lot.

    Yesterday I did 30 relatively hard minutes of cardio - in my training zone again and I feel fine today. Not sure what I'll do today, but it'll be more cardio. My PT says she'll clear me for weights this Wed. if all is still going well. Not sure about pec work yet - my PS said a couple of weeks ago that while it will be fine to do all of it, I should VERY slowly ease into it . . . a little worried about what it's going to feel like w/the pecs moving over the implants - already have noticed weirdness w/activities of daily living amped up again!


  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    I am headed out this morning to walk a 3k. It is a fundraiser for Connecticut Children's Medical Center in memory of my coworker's 6th month old baby who lost her battle with cancer almost 2 years ago. It was supposed to be 2 weeks ago but was postponed due to the power outages. I don't think I could have done it two weeks ago but it is only a little more than 1.5 miles so I think I will not have a problem. There is also a 5k run but not ready for that one!

  • Unknown
    edited November 2011

    Go Ginger! Burn up that 3K - you are doing so well. Next year you can blow away the 5k walking, and maybe even run it, if you want to!


  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited November 2011

    Got a nice hike in yesterday (and just in time as it's raining today). Hiked 3 miles to the highest point in the Santa Monica Mtns which is a whopping 3111 feet ;-) It was 1 ½ miles up and 1 ½ miles down, not too strenuous but I'm a little sore today, must have worked some new muscles.

    Ruth: Your comment about my previous post was extra special considering all of your colorful quotes. My fave is "If it were a chocolate dipped Johnny Depp on a stick, even I might be able to muster a slow jog!!!!" Ha! Now that one was T-shirt worthy :-)

    Patoo: Sorry to hear about your acupuncture experience but admire you willingness to give it another try. I haven't tried that but have heard good results from those that have. I wish the same for you.

    Kimberly: Good to see you're steppin' it on up!

    Badger: When you mentioned simmering turkey stock on the stove I swear I could smell it.

    Springtime: It always makes me smile when I see you got a bike ride in.

    To all the yogini's (I had to look that word up, hope it's correct): I know pretty much nothing about yoga, but it sure is fascinating to read about it.

    Welcome Joyh1109 and CLC!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    hi all and welcome Claire!  It's warmed up to 37 and I'm hearing The Voices so must get out for a walk.  TG for silk long johns.  Warmth without weight.  I have silk socks and glove liners too, that I wear under wool, when it gets really cold. 

    Found an ad in the local paper for 6 pm zumba classes in the area.  It's drop-in and 3 bucks a class so very affordable.  I can only make the Thurs class so going to start 12/1.  What fun!

    Take care Tarts!  {{hugs}}

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited November 2011

    Hi ladies !  What an active couple of days.  Best wishes to all.  Friday I did about a half hour of yoga and then my daughter called to come pick her up.  I was glad to stop.  I was trying an advanced tape and was at the point where I was saying "I cannot manage that".  Saturday and Sunday are a walk with hubby and mild yard work.  I will try a beginner yoga at some point today.  I am so impressed by you ladies who have the stamina to exercise so frequently and for so long.  I think I will be a member of the "half hour a day club" for a long long time.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    Back from the 3K walk and I did not even finish last! The weather was perfect; sunny and 60 degrees.

    Sarah- hmmm;we'll have to see about running it next year... wouldn't that be awesome?

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited November 2011

    Thank you all for the warm welcome:)

    I managed another 40 minute run today, yeah!

    Hopefully, I this week, I will actually manage at least a walk on a work day.

    My PT is having me do wall push ups...that may ultimately build to plank...but I am wary.  It seems to me that no one I work with is quite as wary of LE as they should be...I don't know...maybe I am just overly cautious...

    Happy exercising all!!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    Congrats on your race, ginger! And nice run for you too, CLC. Did you know it's Hug A Runner Day today? Yeah, I can totally see the appeal of hugging all those sweaty bodies.... Tongue out

    CLC, I don't think you are overly cautious. You know your body better than anyone else, medical professional or otherwise. If it seems wrong to do an exercise, than trust the feedback your body is giving you. You can never err by doing too little.

    JFV, nothing wrong with a half hour at a time, each day. It's the consistency that matters most, you know. And of course you have to enjoy what you're doing. An hour spent of "IHATETHISIHATETHISIHATETHIS" is going to do more karmic damage than a half hour of "this is hard but I can manage it, and yes, I actually am enjoying exerting myself!". Well, you know what I mean. :)

    Yes quiche, "yogini" is the proper term. Believe it or not, what drew me in to studying further with yoga was more of the philosophy part than the physical part. Hmm, from all my explanations and viewpoints on things, maybe that's not that hard to believe....

    Well I ran my 20 miles today (20.2 to be exact) and for a while there, it really wasn't pretty. The route I had picked was described as hilly, but I had no idea it was HILLY! At least I never walked, so I'm happy about that. But to the cars driving by as I was putt-putting up those MOUNTAINS, I must've looked like quite a sight... I think I can, I think I can...

    Happy end of the weekend to all!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2011

    Ooooh - to get back to cardio again.  That will be awhile for me.   

    Today - it was a short walk to the mailbox, shoulder stretches and squats.  Trying not to get the heart rate up - so far so good.

    Love the yoga and side plank pics - I'm very inspired by all of you and feel so at home here!  

  • mpeaches
    mpeaches Member Posts: 121
    edited November 2011

    Can I join too?  I will be honest - I've never exercised in MY LIFE.  I was diagnosed last December, had a lumpectomy/sentinel node biopsy, then a masectomy, chemo, just had an hyst/ooph 2 weeks ago.  I've lost 60 pounds in the past 10 years (yes, quite slowly!), and my husband is off to pick up a donated treadmill.

    I will need TONS of encouragement, because I do not LIKE to excercise, which is why I've never done it.  I am trying to change my thinking however, and know that this is GOOD for me, and may help save my life.

    Even though I live in a stunningly beautiful area (southern Utah) I realized if I have to go outside it's going to be too hot, or too cold, or too dark, hence the treadmill.

    Can anyone give me a realistic series of goals?

    Trying to be Enthusiastic Purrs,


  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited November 2011

    mpeaches...Yeah for your decision to start exercising!

    I, too, very slowly lost 50 pounds (over 5 years). 

    My suggestion is this...don't think about it as an exercise plan at first.  I think that the goal is simply to move.  You can do anything...and it counts!  A 10 minute walk during your lunch break, stairs at the doctor's office...walking the dog, stomach crunches...whatever.  I personally like to mix it up a lot.  For some periods of time, I tend to mainly swim.  Other periods of time, I run, Other times, I work out at the gym on a stationary bike or rowing machine.  I go through phases.  As soon as I start to get bored, I switch it up.  I am not a class person, but a lot of folks move on to things like zumba.

    As far as starting with the treadmill...that's a great thing.  I think you should set your own goals based on how your body feels.  You should start out small.  No need to push anything.  You don't want to feel sore and then want to back off.  So...2.5 mph, or 3mph for a short time (unless that feels way too easy, then up it)...depending on your current fitness level...until you feel a little fatigued.  Then you can increase as you go, no more than 10% each week.

    It is really important to stretch.  I don't know how to advise you on stretches in this format, so I suggest you look up stretches online.  Here, it is really important never to stretch into pain.  That causes injury.  Just stretch to a gentle pull.

    That's my advice...  I am sure that the wonderful ladies here will have plenty more to add (and perhaps to disagree with...)  I am no pro, but I have gone from sedentary to very highly active without injury over these past 5 years by listening to my body.  If anything feels like it might injure me, I stop.  Over time, I have learned more and more what my body is "saying."

    I wish you luck...and fun...make it fun...music might be really important for you...it is for me...


  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    Orangemat-Wow! I am impressed!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    hi ladies, congrats Esther, and welcome Jenn!  I started slowly by just walking around the block.  Added distance very gradually.  Now I can walk miles and miles and miles in a day.  Get yourself a five dollar pedometer and see how many steps you take in a typical day.  Then try to do some more the next day.  I walked nearly an hour this afternoon.  My next thing is to add some cardio.  Have a good week everyone!