Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    Hi everyone!  I toned for 30 minutes and was going to walk with a friend, but it was really bitterly cold and windy so we whimped out and went out for coffee instead (came home and did 30 minutes on the treadmill). Badger, did you mean you were going to add toning? I think of walking as 'cardio'.

    Welcome to CLC and Jenn. CLC, when you get home from work, even walking around and around the house for 15 minutes before you crash 'counts'. Banba has some great stretching recommendations. Take it slow and regain your strength, range of motion etc. But eventually you should be able to do planks and everything else. I just make sure to vary my exercises, not work the same muscle group two days in a row etc. Jenn, exercise classes and/or DVDs are very good too. Classes for the peer pressure of someone saying 'Where were you yesteday?' plus if you have a good teacher, they can be motivating and help you do things right. DVDs because they are convient. I like to exercise to music myself. When you are starting, I'd say the most important thing is to get into a routine, so it becomes a part of your life and something you DO (even when you are saying 'I don't feel like it', 'I don't have time for it', 'This is not very fun'; you can get yourself to the point where you do it anyway!).

    JFV, 30 minutes a day is 210 hours a week!

    Hooray for Ginger! and orangemat...Super Star Runner!

    Quiche, we will have to compile our 'profound' quotes, sell t-shirts, and make our fortunes. Cool

  • Luckysmom
    Luckysmom Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2011

    May I join? I love this thread; have not been on the boards for a couple of years and have lately felt compelled to get back on and "talk" again. BC, or Before Cancer, I used to exercise a lot, mostly cardio. After my surgery, and chemo, etc., I felt very worn out and other than walking, didn't do anything. It was about a year ago that I realized I was tired of feeling tired every morning when I woke up; so I joined a local Gold's gym and got myself a personal trainer who I could not really afford, but felt I couldn't afford Not to if I was ever going to really feel good again. I was scared at first to do much of anything w weights, and now it feels great; he has pushed me beyond what I thought was possible. I hate the "e" word, Exercise, but when I think of it as "working out" it somehow sounds more like something Positive I am doing for myself. Last week I ran a 3K just to see if I could ... and it felt really good ... so I actually registered to do a 5K Turkey Trot Thanksgiving morning. Am kind of apprehensive about it; we'll see. Besides increasing my activity, I'm moving toward veganism ... more  because of my love for animals. Is there a specific thread for nutrition here? Thanks so much for letting me blather on ... I have missed these boards ...

  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2011

    Seriously! How I am going to keep up with you Super Women!

    Luckysmom - welcome back and good luck with the race. Very inspirational to hear about your journey. And I love how you say you could not NOT afford a PT. There are a number of treads on nutrition, look under the holistic and/or alternative medicin/treatment treads. If you can't find what you need PM me and I will hook you up :)

    You may want to take a peek at my blogg as I am transitioning into a Raw Food kind of diet.

    Ruth - love it how you always seem to find a way to excercise. Raining? Ok, then a dvd or treadmill will do. 

    Badger - 2000 miles?! I have to check out your link.

    Orangemat - Keep on running! Love the picture of you in...eh, svasana on the lawn. One of the hardest asanas to, but you already knew this.

    For myself, walked 8k's in the countryside. Sore after Special Ops/SEAL training but oh man was it ever good to get back into push ups. But what the hell happpend to these arms!? Dvd filmed in zion national park Utah, what an amazing place that seem to be.

    --Wishing ya'll a creative day from a rainy Sweden.

  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2011


    Maybe ask yourself if you can set aside 10 minutes per day. For your heart. For your bones so they wont break in an untimely mannner. For your lymphsystem so it will clean your blood. Get some happy hormones flowing. Here are some suggestions:

    Fast walk in and area of your choice. Pm3 is a beautiful invention. Bring a downloaded book. An linspirational speaker. Radio. Music. 10 minutes is about...3 songs. You can walk for good 3 songs.

    Just for fun I googled 10 minutes excercises. The link below looked ok to me but there are a trillion others


    Let us know how you are doing!


  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited November 2011

    Thanks for the encouragement ladies !  I appreciate it and will live boldly in my 30 minute world.  Welcome newcomers.  I am fairly new here too and love having a place to be accountable for my exercise.  Anyone who is starting out  my advice would be keep it simple and look up some stretches specifically for BC patients.  I know regular stretching keeps the aches and pains away for me.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2011

    Thank you everyone for the exercise ideas. I am going to look them up as soon as I am off BCO. I appreciate everyones advise. I do not like not exercising. It is a much needed part of everyone's life and it really does not take that much time at all. Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving week. Make sure to work off your feast that night or the next day. So hard with the holidays.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    35 mins Chalean Extreme Burn Intervals. 40 mins of PT. I am pooped but plan to get up early tomorrow to do 45 minutes of interval training. Will work in some long workouts over the holiday weekend. Hope all are well.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    Rest day today, though I did go to PT. Two freakin' hours! Glad it was my "rest" day....

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    Sometimes PT feels like a second workout!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    My bi-weekly PT regimen:

    • 6 minutes arm bike to warm up
    • "Y" arms on the wall with scapular retraction (i.e. shoulder pinches), 2 sets of 10
    • biceps curls, 5-lb weights, 3 sets of 10 each, regular and hammer curls
    • straight arm horizontal raises, 3-lb weights, 3 sets of 10
    • triceps "skull crushers", 6-lb bar, 3 sets of 10
    • single straight arm supine "punches" (back of shoulder stabilization), 7-lb weight, 3 sets of 15
    • single arm supine chest press, 7-lb weight, 3 sets of 10
    • side-lying scapular external rotation, 2-lb weight, 3 sets of 10
    • side-lying twist and pec stretch, 3x 30-60 seconds
    • prone straight arm lift, 1-lb weight, 3 sets of 10
    • scapular rows with black band, 3 sets of 10
    • standing "punches" with blue band, 3 sets of 10
    • shoulder straight-arm extension (?) with blue band, 3 sets of 10
    • kneeling alternate arm & leg extension, 5x each side
    • forearms & knees donkey kicks, right side only, 3 sets of 10
    • plank with lifting alternate leg, 5x each side
    • forearm plank, 5x hold for 5 breaths

    Oh and then the PT works with me too, doing some mobilization and strength work for my shoulder, as well as massage and ROM for my chest and arm. Then finally I get ice! The ice pack wrapped around into my armpit actually feels really good by the end of the session. Whew!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    And would you believe the PT had the nerve to add a new exercise today?! Another thing with my arms in a "Y" up on the wall, shoulder shrugs this time, 2 sets of 10. Sheesh!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    Orangemat- Holy smokes! I just got the OK from my PS to start PT. I have been begging to get this frozen left shoulder moving. How long did it take you to add all those exercises? And how long does it take you to do them?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    Orange, WOW!!

    90 minute bike ride on a new trail Sunday, very nice.

    Today 90 minute yoga! Namaste! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    Youch. Orangemat, that is a workout!

    I'm trying to get organized for company, so squeezed in 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 of toning.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2011

    I'm baaaccckkk. Had a great time in Las Vegas but think I should have taken Badgers pedometer, cause it sure felt like I walked a million miles but it was probably only 500. I did go to the gym while I was there and did two classes Body Vive and RPM and a zumba class was going on when I got to the gym so I snuck in a did a little of that.

    On Friday night a couple of Hannahs friends called me to hang out with them and as my friend was attending a dinner I spent the evening with 2 19 year olds seeing Vegas through their eyes, it was loads of fun and thank goodness the Stratosphere ride was closed because of winds cause we were headed there and they were insisting I was going on it with them -I don't think soEmbarassed, and they kept taking photos everywhere we went and kept sending them to Hannah to rub it in, she was in the car doing her 24 hour drive home. Sorry Ruth didn't win big came out of the casino with exactly 55 cents more than I went in with. I have to say I did so much walking that my hips actually hurt on Sunday morning when I finally got into bed at 3.30am.

    Wow Orangemat that sure is one workout, Elizabeth my friend has a cycle thing that you put on the floor and sit in your chair, put your feet on the pedals and cycle you can also use it as an arm bike I think she got it at Brookstone, she had stomach surgery and used it slowly just to keep moving. Welcome Luckysmom, mpeaches, CLC and joyh1109.  Tonight went to my crazy monday night spin class.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    hi all and welcome luckysmom.  Welcome back Cheryl, glad you had fun and came out money ahead in Vegas even if just 55 cents.  Ruth, by cardio I guess I meant doing better at raising my heart rate and sweating.  Maria, thanks, the 2,000 miles is my current goal, have gotten to 1,797.6 counting yesterday's walk. 

    I started in March 2010 with a goal of 500 miles based on that Proclaimers song.  Met that and raised the goal to 1,000 miles.  Met that and raised the goal to 2,000 miles.  Only have about 200 more to go to meet THAT goal.  I am numerically oriented so setting a goal and tracking it (see sig line) just works for me.

    Got to go get ready for work, have a wonderful healthy day everyone!  {{hugs}}

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    Ginger, I've been in PT since the beginning of June, so that's six months now. I don't rush the exercises, so I'm there about two hours total each session. And yesterday was the first day that I actually started feeling the core exercises in the right muscles, w00t!

    Plan for today is yoga class this morning, followed by a midday run of about 5 miles. Have a great day, all!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    40 minutes of Bob Harper Rev Cardio Conditioning with weights........ OMG, I am swimming in sweat and can hardly breath. I will walk a few miles with Leslie Sansone tonight if my muscles are not screaming at me. I don't remember this DVD being so hard!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2011

    Wow, you folks are busy, busy, busy.  My exercise the last 3 days was just cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.  Thankfully my foot is better (of course it stopped hurting because I went for my annual physical yesterday!).  I believe it may have been related to the acupuncture and will ask my new acupuncturist next week.

    On way to pick up sister et al from airport.  Later friends.

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited November 2011

    Cheryl: What a fun trip and so impressed you made the gym part of your Vegas experience.

    Welcome Luckysmom! Good luck at the Turkey Trot. I have a feeling you'll do just fine.

    Mpeaches: So many good suggestions. For me variety is key, too.Love my treadmill, definitely my foul weather go to. How is yours working out for you? I also have a mini trampoline and bounce once in awhile as well as hula hoop. Just a couple of things I do when I start getting bored with my usual or if my energy is running low but I still want to get some exercise in. I can do these things in my living room so I have few excuses.

    CLC: It worries me that your PT team isn't taking LE risk seriously and agree with Orangemat that you need to listen to your body and be your own advocate. My medical team had a non-chalant attitude also. I even got eye rolls when I brought it up and I had nodes on both sides removed, a total of 31. It wasn't until I finally swelled that anyone took it seriously. You can feel it before anyone else can see it so trust yourself. Here's a recent study I found interesting and it's a pretty easy read: http://www.avonfoundation.org/assets/le-meeting/le-white-paper.pdf Also, if you haven't already, check out the lymphdema board, some great info there. Sorry, didn't mean to go on so, but I just cringe when I hear these things. Seems some in the medical field are still on a learning curve. I sent the study to my PT therapist and she appreciated it.

    My plan today is to run/walk to my tai chi class. We'll see what actually happens. I tend to have lofty goals halfway through my coffee buzz :-)

  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2011

    After slugging through my dvd with Mark De Lisle Special Ops fitness training yesterday I am doing some cardio with Billy Blanks today. Taebo is great!

    Orangemat - good of you to share your fiitness regime. Seems pretty full on. We need pictures soon of how those bicept are developing.

     Quiche - tai chi sound like fun.

    Patoo - cleaning can be a good workout. Good to hear your foot is better.

    Badger - I am impresed!

    Nurse called and rescedules my biopsy report which was due tomorrow. Oh well, I have just waited 3 weeks, what is another week huh. Guess I wont be starting any rads before x-mas then. Always something. I'd rather skip them altogether actually :)

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    Plans were made to be changed... I decided to skip yoga class because my joints are feeling quite achy and loose today. Maybe it's the weather (cool and rainy, that chill that goes deep into your bones), or maybe I strained something during PT yesterday. Primarily it's my right elbow that feels funny, reminiscent of the referred shoulder and neuroma pain I've been having. So I'll just go run. :)

    Hugs to all!

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited November 2011

    Plans this week changed for  me too. A lot of cleaning this week as I am hosting Thanksgiving--but really hosting out of town family from today till Sunday.  Basically 20 people in an out of my house for 5+ days.

    I didn't run this week as on Saturday I popped a stich from my nipple reconstruction and I wanted to take it easy. I plan on running tomorrow for 30 min and then doing a Turkey Trot on Thursday.  Would like to run again on Sat.

    Yoga queens...I am thinking about getting a package of classes to a local studio as my Xmas gift.  It offers a variety of courses.  Do you usually stick with one method or do you recommend mixing it up.  For example they do all of the methods, but on different days of the week in the evening.  I would like to do birkam, hatha, hot, restorative etc.   I am looking for a workout as well as relaxation.  Right now, I do the on demand yoga programs, and would like to do this in a more structured setting.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    Corinne, it really is a matter of personal preference and taste. If you like variety, that's great. If you want to be consistent in your practice, that's great too. Everyone is different, and so there isn't a set answer to that question. Just make sure the teachers are knowledgeable and pay attention to the students' issues in the class. After all, the class is about the students, and not just about getting the poses done. Enjoy!

  • mpeaches
    mpeaches Member Posts: 121
    edited November 2011

    Okay, I'm So excited!  This is my FIRST posting of doing any movement.  I was on the treadmill for 15 minutes today!  You have to start somewhere, right?

    Proud Purrs,


  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited November 2011

    Yeah, you go, Jenn!!!  Starting is the hardest part...you've done that...so now, you're golden!!Laughing

    Orangemat...you are just awesome...

    quiche...thank you for your concern...I am trying to look out for myself...

    Well...yesterday and today...my workdays, still not able to fit in a workout other than my ab workout...but I am starting to feel a whole lot stronger at the end of the day than I was...my goal is to start working out after work next week.  This week, I will get a lot more exercise in because I am off Thursday and Friday and only have a half day tomorrow...  I think I am finally going to be able to ramp it back up...  Wish me luck...or perseverence...or just plain old grit...

    Have a good night, all!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    Grit more than anything, I think. 

    I did 30 minutes on the treadmill again & an old FIRM tape 'Sculped Buns, Hips and Thighs' (mostly because all the exercises are done while LYING DOWN). My house is as clean as it's going to get, and to try to avoid the crowds, I am going to go back to the grocery store one more time after Dancing With the Stars for the last minute stuff.....it's either that or at 7 am tomorrow morning. BLAH!!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    Jenn- Congratulations on getting started!

     I am pretty sore and swollen after the 3k walk on Sunday and a trip to Boston to see PS followed by a college tour with my daughter in Newport yesterday. Too much car riding/ walking for me so I took today off. will get back into it tomorrow.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    Go Jenn! Way to start!

    45 minutes of Yoga for me today. Tomorrow is cardio of some sort! 

  • Kimberly1961
    Kimberly1961 Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2011

    2142 steps today.  Lost the last 2 days to  last chemo and Neulasta pain.  Just sunk.  Thanks Badger for the encouragement.  I did the Leslie Sansone video for, yes, weaklings, trying to up their endurance.  I now love my pedometer and taking every extra step and kick.