Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • mpeaches
    mpeaches Member Posts: 121
    edited November 2011

    My husband & I went to Zion National Park today (it's only about 45 minutes from where we live) and did the River Walk.  So, I actually got in a 2 mile hike today!  Go ME!

    Went out to dinner, and had a lovely time, but SOMETHING VIOLENTLY disagreed with me, and just uh, gave back my dinner.

    So, I think in the long run, that means I'm ahead!

    Hope everyone had a wonderful day, and kept their meal down!



  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited November 2011

    Orangemat--hope you are feeling better today.  That sounded awful.

    Did the Turkey Trot yesterday with my SIL/running partner and neice. She is 23 and wants to start running but has had knee issues in the past. She was in a lot of pain yesterday so we ran 2 and walked the last mile.

    I am doing another 5K next week, the Santa Hustle. You run in a santa shirt, hat and beard.  And there are candy stations on the route. I am doing it with a friend from college who is in much better shape than me and runs.  He only runs. He doesn't run/walk.  He is pushing me to a goal of doing it without stopping which by his def stopping=walking.

    So I am going to try today to run/jog for 40 min to see if I can do it.  I don't think I can, but I do want to see how many mins I can go before I feel as if I need to walk.  Guessing 10. 

  • Kimberly1961
    Kimberly1961 Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2011

    2044 steps and used the HealthRider for about 50 reps.  It's been in my living froom for, hmmm, about 3 years.  Guess it's about time to start using it now.

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited November 2011

    Mpeaches: Oh, to think about living so close to something so beautiful!! I experienced Zion for the first time last Thanksgiving. We spent that TG in CO in celebration of the end of my treatment and my DH and I took a leisurely drive home through Zion . . .WOW! It was off season, snowy landscapes, no crowds, little traffic. We actually had our pick of rooms at the Zion Lodge! Such a great memory. I'm anxious to get back there and hike the narrows.

    OK a quick TG story : My most vivid memory of this TG won't be the fiery conversation at the dinner table, nor the food . . . it was when my little Jack Russell went rummaging through my niece's purse and came strolling across the room with a tampon in her mouth!! Haha! Omgosh, I'm still laughing . . . I mean shame on her :-D

    Ok, so exercise . . . that would prob be the last thing on my mind today if not for you all. Still a little crazy around here, but I am going to commit to a 30 minute treadmill.

  • mpeaches
    mpeaches Member Posts: 121
    edited November 2011

    Quiche - if you come out this way again, be sure and let me know.   I work at Best Friends Animal Society, which is a pretty cool place to visit as well!

    Loved the tampon story.  At least it wasn't used!  :)


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    75 minute bike ride with DH and 30 minutes of yoga stretching last night. It is so much easier to put in some good exercise time when off from work. :)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited November 2011

    Sandee i can't believe you are shoveling it is 78 degrees here in Texas and I am wearing shorts.

    Orangmat sounds like it hurts hop you are better today

    Corinne wooho on the turkey trot run.

    I have walked 3 miles yeterday and today.  tomorrow I am cleaning how as i will start having company during the holidays.  So I guess that will be my exercise tomorrow.

    Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited November 2011

    Yeah...50 minutes of running total...15 on the treadmill at the PT's office and 35 out in the sunshiny day!!

    I am with you, Springtime...work sure does get in the way of exercise!!!

    Corinne...  I hope that your run went well!

    Everyone...your posts are inspiring and very motivating!!!

    Have a good evening, all!

  • mpeaches
    mpeaches Member Posts: 121
    edited November 2011

    Almost 20 minutes on the treadmill today.  Back to work tomorrow, that should be interesting after 3 weeks off!

    Hope all my amazing 'sisters' are well,

    Sweaty purrs,


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    hi all, went in to work today and was one of a slim crew taking advantage of the peace & quiet.  Kept my nose to the grindstone and got a LOT of work done.  Did just over 3700 steps for 2.15 miles walked.  Going to take tonight off and read for a while.  Good luck at work tomorrow Jenn.  Thinking of you, Esther, hope you're doing OK.  Very thankful for my Tartly exercise sisters!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    Today we hiked all over the Christmas tree farm with my daughters looking for the perfect tree. Had a great time in the warm CT sunshine and managed to get a little exercise too.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    I exercised ..........closing my eyes!!!!!! I napped from about lunch time until wakinh up at 7:00. Tryinh to moyivate to move my body!

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited November 2011
    Does shopping after morning chemo count as excercise? Wink
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2011

    Yesterday I did an intense 90 minute Spin class so I had a guilt free eating day and oh my, I can feel my "buns of steel". Today I did a Body Pump and Sh'bam (a 45 minute dance class) at a new local gym with one of the instructors who helped me immensely after my surgery, she is also a yoga teacher and helped me get back my range of motion so I went to support her in her new job, I often laugh to myself when I go to a new place and watch people watch me - yes I'm an overweight old lady with miss matched boobs but I can dance and pump iron,

    Jenn good luck on your return to work, I used to watch a show on NatGeo about Best Friends, it's truly an amazing place.

    Corinne I believe it gets mighty cold in Chicago so I hope you also get to wear clothes as well as the hat and beard on your run Surprised

    AWArt any shopping counts, yesterday I stayed up playing cards with people who wanted to head out for midnight store openings, they headed to the stores, I headed to bed

    Oh and hat's wrong with this picture. When I came home from the gym today Hannah is sitting in the living playing Call of Duty on x-box and her BF is vacuuming

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited November 2011

    Still winding down from Thanksgiving. Plan to get some gardening in today (and make that turkey soup!)

  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2011

    Peaches - I am so envious of you living close to Zion National Park. My favorite workout-dvd is filmed there :) You seem to be doing really well, treadmill and all. Good one!

    And that special ops fitness (from the park) and 6 k's walk in the forest are my exercise gifts to myself today.

    Sheryl - two classes on the same day?

    ARTlady - of course shopping after chemo counts, after all you could have been on the couch.

    Ginger, Badger,  Sheery, Swim, CLC - you are all getting in there! Imagine if we would start counting how many miles we run/walk/spin/jump/garden/yoga etc in just one week.

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited November 2011

    Taking the day off today.  Did a light run yesterday, and want to try to do a long run tomorrow (long for me means an hr or 5 miles).

    Family guests have kept me on my toes. They are all leaving tomorrow, so I plan on a run and a relaxing day.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    Ran/walked 3 miles with my husband at the local track. Went shopping with my mom and son today.bought an exercise ball and am going to try that out tonight! Will head back to my beloved yoga class tomorrow.

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited November 2011

    Short stroll on the beach yesterday.  Half hour of yoga to stretch the back today.  The stretch felt wonderful. Then, dear hubby comes home to say he spent $300 on new glasses and our water main is broken.  And Christmas bills are coming !  I think I need more yoga !

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2011

    Greetings All - 

    Weaved and dodged for an hour thru crazy mall shoppers - that's exercise in my book!

    Did a short modified pilates mat routine for the first time post-surgery.  Focused on stretching, spinal movement and even some ab work, left out the upper body strengthening stuff.  Ahhh - feels so good to move.

    Hoping that I don't pay for this later.     

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited November 2011

    Playing catch-up on the posting...

    Thursday: Did an 8k race and wasn't feeling my absolute best. My official time was 4.97 miles in 43:17. Including the mile warmup, it was 6 miles for the day.

    Friday: Slept late and that felt great. DH dropped me off at PT in the afternoon, and after my two hour stint there, I ran 4.5 miles home through the park. The weather was absolutely lovely!

    Saturday: Still no day off on my marathon training schedule, and so today was my long run. Luckily it was only (!) 13 miles. Ran with DH today who's still not sure if he'll run Disney with me. It was a tough run for both of us. My total mileage ended up being a slogging 13.25 miles.

    Oh, and the only shopping I did was on the internet today, w00t! Have a lovely rest of the weekend, my friends... and keep on keepin' on! :)

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2011


    I want to be you when I grow up!   

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    well ladies, I'm off exercise for a bit due to emergency laser eye surgery to repair a retinal tear.  OMG I'm one lucky badger!  The symptoms were flashes of light & floaters in my left eye.  My regular eye doc was away this weekend but I totally lucked out with the on-call doc.  I ended up driving to Madison and being treated by the world's best doc.  The eye clinic was closed but he unlocked it and helped me.  I am so grateful!  At the end of the appt, he said if I'd've waited until Monday, there was a 100% chance of retinal detachment, very scary.  I have to be mellow for ten days- no zumba or yoga but walking is OK as long as it's not strenuous.  So you guys will have to sweat extra for me OK?  {{hugs}}

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2011

    Hi all,  Badger, great that you lucked out.  Any idea how it happened? 

    I've been away from the boards for a few days. Had guests since Tuesday; dropped them at the airport this morning.  Whew!  My sister, her DD and DGS (12) and DGD (15 mos of hi-energy!)  Don't know why I clean ahead when they are soooooooooooooo messy.  Food and stuff just left everywhere; whereever something drops it stays.  Drives me nuts.  But it's family and only a few days - could be worse.

    No real exercise either running around every day so hopefully back to it next week. 

    Night all.

  • mpeaches
    mpeaches Member Posts: 121
    edited November 2011

    15 minutes on the treadmill - AFTER my first full day of work in 3 weeks.  I'm pooped!  And ridiculously proud of myself.   And just to show you how this is NOT natural to me - didn't occur to me to change my clothes FIRST!  Ah well, tomorrow.

    Sweaty purrs,


  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    Walked 2 miles today and my pace is getting a bit quicker. It was 60 degrees and sunny in CT; the weather is making it so easy to get out and walk!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited November 2011

    Hello All!

    Patoo, your sister must be related to my brother, because my house sounds like yours! My company left today also and I have been shoveling things back in place ever since. Actually the weekend went fine, even though they came a day early......my SIL is an avid walker, and the weather was great, so we took an hour walk every day, in-between all the eating events.

    Bager, scary indeed! Thank goodness they got you in right away. Be mellow and heal.

    Sherry, glad you found a doctor you feel comfortable with. I like the fact that he wants you to keep exercising. It just seems like a person should be as fit as they can be going into any kind of surgery.

    Shopping always counts; not only as exercise, but as 'retail therapy'!

    Love the stories about the eye-rolling sisters and the tampon retrieving puppy!

    I did an hour of toning after the company left, and before the 'picking up/washing towels/putting away' activities commenced.

    Good Job, Exercisers!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    50 minute bike ride, 30 minutes of yoga stretching. :) Beautiful weather!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2011

    patoo, the retinal tear was secondary to a condition called PVD (posterior vitreous detachment).  That can happen when the liqui-gel filling the eye (the vitreous) shrinks and a bit sticks to the retina and tugs at it.  It could be my advancing age, or the tamoxifen, or both. 

    I saw my eye doc this summer and he said I have cataracts forming - great, this is a known SE of tamox.  My mom, who took tamox for 5 years following BC 20 years ago, developed cataracts so I am pretty much resigned to the fact that I will get them too.  At least now I am under the care of a specialist in diseases & surgery of the retina and vitreous.

    Sorry if I'm a bummer, I don't mean to be.  I'm a medical procedures geek and find this all fascinating.  Plus I still feel lucky.  Must be my good eye karma from years of being a Lion.  Happy Sunday everyone! 

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited November 2011

    badger-retinal tears and blindness run in my family as well as macular degeneration.  A cousin who is younger than I am is going blind.  Mother and Uncle have macular degeneration and another cousin has retinal tears.  I have been to the eye doctor and a retinologist.  I am also on Tamox and being watched.  So far so good.  Glad you got quick treatment.  I know it needs quick treatment.

    Loving all the Tday stories.  Glad I'm not the only one with interesting family issues !  Keep up the good work all you gals who are starting out.  I feel so much better after the back stretching yoga I may do only that and walking until I make it through Christmas.