Lets Post our Daily Exercise
Corinne, I have no advice to give you since I'm a slow runner as well! Just have patience with yourself and try not to judge... enjoy the running for its own sake... it's the journey, not the destination that counts, right?
Oh, but the yoga teacher in me would comment on your use of the phrase "what am I doing wrong?"... if anything, saying those words like that is the only "wrong" thing. What you're doing RIGHT is getting out there and running (and walking) and enjoying it all, right? So try to change your language in terms of your activity, and perhaps your activity will change as well.
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sandee- I am working on decreasing inflammation too. Dr has me off of all inflammatory foods including gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, peanuts. tomatoes, and citrus fruits. It is tough but can be done.
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Oh my goodness, Ginger, what do you eat then?? Poor thing, hang in there...
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Sorry I could not resist this one your name Ginger is known to be used as an natural antinflamatory. I put it in alot of my cooking and even in raw in my fruit smoothie in the mornings.
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I follow a page on FB, called the Lymphedem Guru, and found this link posted there this morning: aerobic exercises for LE. It's the first of a three-part series on exercise for LE patients. Interesting and hopefully useful stuff!
Ha, ginger, yes!
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I ended up forcing myself to work out last night, even feeling yucky. Glad I did. Did an old Biggest Loser Bootcamp with Bob Harper DVD for an hour. OMG, I forgot that it was rather difficult. I finished it though, and honestly think I sweat out alot of my cold. Off to hot vinyasa yoga to see if I can sweat the rest of it away!
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I know we are not suppose to (LE) but this time of the year I love to sit in the sauna at the gym after a workout and just absorb the heat into my bones.Deep condition my hair at the same time.Theres your Beauty tip for the week ladies.0
I love saunas. If I had some hair to deep condition............ a girl can dream! Oh well, this time next year
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mumayam- haha...if only my name could fix the problem!
Orangemat- I eat around the outside of the store. Mostly fruits, veggies, meat and rice. Oh I forgot that she also wants me off sugar. That one is a bit tougher. Sometimes I have a gluten free treat and those are loaded with sugar. My meals are pretty boring; I have actually lost my cravings for most things...food is just something I need for energy at this point. Thanks for the LE link; I will check it out.
I love a hot bath, a sauna or a hottub...this is a big loss for me due to LE.
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Mumayan: I'm guilty too! I can't give up my jacuzzi soaks. Thankfully, it's something my body still allows me to do, so far no serious effects from it. Ginger: You'll have to let us know how well the diet works. How long have you been on it? I'm not sure I'd have the discipline to eliminate all those food groups, but I may be able to make a change or two . . . you've got me thinking!
My energy is at a low lately so I haven't been going all out with the exercise and am happy when I push myself to do anything! Yesterday I did my Lebed for 40 minutes and a 1/2 hr on the treadmill and then I patted myself on the back :-)
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50 minute bike ride yesterday before the evening Christmas festivities with in-laws. Today is warm enough for another bike ride!
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Ran for 69 minutes today!! I had a realization...if I stop every 20 or so minutes, and walk for 3 or 4 minutes, I can go a lot longer... I couldv'e just kept going today, after having taken breaks for things that I don't normally stop for (like a sudden wardrobe change...I dressed all wrong and ran into the house to quickly strip off my long underwear)... Only stopped because I ran out of time...
I was sooooo happy with my run...
I also did all of my strength training...
Have a great day all!
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I did it. I finally got up the nerve to rock the GI Jane look I have going on now and I went back to my beloved hot yoga class. I was nervous about my ability level but knocked out every pose without missing a beat. I was so proud of myself. I will say that the fact that I went down two sizes with my reconstruction made some poses I used to have trouble doing easier. Silver Lining! I laid in shivasana and thjought of what I have been through in the past seven months, thought of all of you wonderful ladies, and cried my eyes out. And I realized, for the first time in my whole journey that I am a STRONG woman, and I am really proud of myself. Cannot wait to go back!
Have a GREAT day!!! You guys were my inspiration throughout my class.
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Yay CLC!! That's the premise behind the Galloway method, incorporating regular walk breaks in your run. Tons of people swear by it.
Great taking advantage of the nice weather, Springtime! It's beautiful here too, sunny and breezy, lower 50s. Still waiting for winter to drop the other boot...
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orangemat...thanks for the website...it looks really good. I will pour over it during Christmas vacation, I imagine...:) I just can't believe the difference in how I felt by taking those breaks. I haven't taken any walk breaks in about 10 months. I just didn't realize what a difference it would make...:)
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Been sitting on my rear all weekend and now I need to go to a dinner event. You ladies inspire me. I will try a little exercise after the dinner. I can tell my muscle tone is slipping now that I am only walking. Trying to not beat myself up about that until after the Christmas crazies are over.
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Friday no formal exercise but our town had the lighted Christmas parade and lighting of the tree down town with lots of vendors so did alot of walking looking at stuff. Then went back to my house with friends we had not seen in along time and got caught up and drank too much wine. Saturday went to the mall in the city and shopped so that was my exercise. I was going to walk today but it is cold and rainy outside and I just cannot make myself do it. Will go to PT tomorrow and yoga. Maybe that will make up for my lack of exericise this weekend.
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70 minute bike ride, goegeous weather! Three says of bike riding this weekend, and it's December! I feel so lucky!! I honestly think I am in the best shape of my life. Having BC has me exercising much more regularly than I ever did prior... silver lining, as Miss Swim said!!!
MissSwim!! Wow, you bring back memories of returning to my yoga class in a ball cap because my hair wasn't all in yet. I remember taking it off and wondering if everyone was looking at me, and they weren't of course! Good for you! I had to start up slow - went to genlte yoga until I was ready for my regular class. SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!
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Thanks Springtime, it was a wonderful experience. I am so exhausted from it but so happy! I had a lovely woman come up to me and tell me I looked stunning with the VERY short hair do and the teacher welcomed me back at the end of class and they clapped for me. Very overwhelming emotionally. Yoga was such a big part of my pre-bc life, and I missed it so much.0
Giner- look a lot like the yeast connection diet...I did it twenty years ago...need to be motivated but I hink I am. Will also be seeing my naturopath next week and will talk to her about something she gave me to help with candidas last timeI bought plain grek yog tonight and resisted the bread aisle and will sart juicing as soon as my borrowed juicer arrives.I remember eating a lot of rice cakes, plain yog., erries...brown rice and beans....here we go! Want to keep track together or send each other recipes etc?
YAY CLC!! interval training is how I get through a treadmill event! Trying to walk out side a couple o times a week with galpasl in the area too...gab and walk...good for the breath
Missswim. Congrats!!!...sounds like you needed a good cry..you ARE a tough woman...VERY tough...donot forget it!
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Mumayan- I have been off gluten for about 5 years, off dairy and the rest of it for about a year now. I do slip with the dairy and sugar from time to time. It helped a lot with increasing my energy and I lost some weight but since my BMX in June and all the difficulty with expanders and muscle issues I have not slept well in 5 months and have gained about 15 pounds. I guess the lymphedema is not helping with that either.
Sandee- I do not have many recipes as I just eat a very plain and boring diet but would always be interested in any suggestions. I am not much of a cook so I generally have some kind of protein, veggies and/or salad for dinner. I have a medical shake that is high protein that I make with coconut milk and frozen blueberries for breakfast. Lunches are either leftovers or salads or rice pasta with a protein added.
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Misswim, I must've missed your post as I was posting at the same time... wow, what an emotional experience, so happy for you! I remember a similar thing, when I first returned to yoga class after a five month absence... bawled my eyes out as well.... so happy for you....
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Thanks Orangemat. I will focus on the "right" and not the "wrong".
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Missswim--love this. You're awesome. I am checking in fairly late, but this really made my day, reading this post from you.
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clc- awesome job!
misswim- congrats on your breakthrough. It must have felt like such a relief!
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Busy Sunday with 2 services and out for a couple of hours with DS. Tomorrow will be day 2 of the couch to 5K workout. Looking forward to acupuncture and PT later this week as I think they will help to jumpstart me back into regular exercise.
Night friends.
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I have been super busy every single second this weekend, but managed to squeeze in a 45 minute sculpting FIRM tape yesterday and 30 minutes abs &30 on the treadmill after my 'Messiah' practice tonight.
Flora, you need to eat. Maybe increase your exercise time; and add toning/weights if you don't already do so.
I can not give any good diet advice because I just drank a big glass of milk and ate 12 chocolate chip cookies.............
Congratulations, missswim! So fun and inspiring to read everyone's posts. The one good SE for me of the whole BC thing, is the tremendous ladies (ie you) that I've had the pleasure of becoming friends with. I know when Patoo, Cheryl, Badger and I got together in Minneapolis in October, we kept looking at each other and saying, "Oh Wow!" Here we were, women from different backgrounds and parts of the country, who would never even have met under any other circumstances, and yet there we were......great and true friends! (Plus extremely fun people, if I do say so myself .)
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Have been keeping up my routine did Body Step class this morning, Combat yesterday, day off Friday and RPM spin and Combat on Thursday.
Orangmat and Corinne awesome runs for you both. Misswim how wonderful that you could reach so deeply into your emotions and release. Ruth I have decorated today and our acrobat cat is all discombobulated as I have taken one of the side tables she used to get up on the DVR and put a tree and a poinsettia plant on it and boy is she mad at me, she's our "talker" and I've really been hearing about it. Sandee curry is also a great anti inflammatory, the wonderful Eduardo has been lecturing us after classes on nutrition and he is a proponent of raw, he says we should eat like we are in the jungle, no sugar, no alcohol, no dairy there is no way I can do it but he insists my arthritis would clear up if I would do it. Ruth you say it well, this is a very reflective season and I am grateful to BCO for without it I would never have met you, Patoo, Badger, Mary (Nats), Julie and ChrissyB truly amazing women who I now am lucky enough to call my friends.
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Misswim - You also made my day!
Back to the Special Ops, most of them divided into three sets.
75 X dips, 59 X push ups, 5 min X wall, 25 X Lunges, 180 X shins(lower leg), 490 X situps. Sweet
I am most likely sceduled to start 33 X rads in January. Did you manage to keep up your training when you had yours? I am pretty healed after surgery and wont do chemo.
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OMG I have gained 5 lbs in a week since the prohibition on exercise. It took me a month to lose that weight! I will do better this week!0