Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011

    I don't wear a sleeve. There are a lot of different opinions, but what I've taken away is (others who know more will correct me if I'm wrong); that if you don't already have LE, it really isn't doing anything for you and, if used incorrectly may even do more harm than good. I was very careful to work up very slowly with weights (and I don't do anything heavy, 10 pounds is my top limit), I don't work the same set of muscles two days in a row, if I feel achy I back off, and I do all the things like wear sunscreen so I don't get a burn, promptly wash and bandage any cuts (including papercuts), wear gardening gloves, no BP, IVs, shots etc. on that arm etc.etc.

    I got to school early so I could set up for 'Balloon Volleyball".....so we will have fun today!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2011

    I follow the same plan as Ruth.Touch wood so far so good no LE.On airflights I am the crazy lady doing arm exercises in my seat.LOL

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2011

    If Mum and I were on the same flight people would think there was some kind of magic code going on - I too do arm exercises while I fly and I also drink lots of fluid and when I lift weights I go light - it's form that counts.  I want to go back to school and be in Ruths class, my teachers were nuns whose idea of fun was to whack you over the knuckles with a ruler!!!  Up early and off to a doctors appointment - yuk.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2011

    Mary cool to meet the lady on the bus. Things have come along way.  My mother in law was diag with bc 42 years ago, had a radical MX and has never had a reocurrance but back then that is what they did.  And I mean to tell you it was radical, they removed so much muscle and everything.  I also have another friend who was diag 20+ years ago and had a BMX with rads all the way up to her clavical.  She said back then they did not even stage the cancer.  She said you had cancer or did not. She has been amazed at the things that I tell her about BC treatments now.

    Badger my massage last night was wonderful.  She first put heat on it then massage my left neck for a very long time with pressure points.  Then she gave me an ice massage which was very uncomfortable until I went numb.  Then she did my full body massage after that and boy can I tell a difference in my neck this morning. I told my boss this morning I am just tired of have these aches and pains.  I have come along way with PT and massage so I know that by the time I finish my PT mid Jan I am thinking positively that I will be back to normal.  I already feel so much better but I know I still have some improving to do.

    No exercise last night because of massage and going out to dinner tonight so unless you count raising a fork to my mouth exercise don't guess I'll be getting any.  But tomorrow i will get out and do my 3 mile walk.

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    Sherry--your massage sounds wonderful.  I have a gift certifcate for a 30 min massage that I want to use, but I waiting until after my nipple heal from reconstruction. I can't wait.  But I don't think I want an ice massage. :)

    Tonight I am going to the neighborhood gym for the first time.  It snowed last night, so running outside isn't likely today.  I plan on going around 4pm and will do an 1 on the treadmill and/or elipicial.

    I am hoping the snow melts away tomorrow, because I would like to do a longer run (longer run for me equals 1 hr still) in the morning.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2011

    ckk- unfortunately your surgeon is wrong - not unusual, unfortunately.  Even with one node removed, you are at an increased risk for LE.  There are many many women who post regularly in the LE section who had only one node removed and were told the same thing you were, so they took no precautions and now have LE, and will have it for the rest of their lives. 

    Precautions don't necessarily mean wearing a compression sleeve & gauntlet (sleeves should NEVER be worn without a gauntlet).  Ruth is absolutely correct that wearing a sleeve before LE dx may not help prevent LE and may even be harmful.  However, there are other precautions you should take - Ruth gave you a good list.

    I would definitely check out the LE section of BCO and there's also a wonderful website put together by a some women with LE - http://stepup-speakout.org/ that gives a lot of facts about LE and guidlines for prevention.  You may want to ask for a referral to a certified LE therapist who can evaluate you and do baseline measurements now, and can also give you guidance on building up strength slowly and learning to NOT overdo.  That's the biggest thing about LE - if you're doing an activity and your arm feels heavy or tingly, STOP.  Several women on the LE section got LE from a single time when they pushed through the heaviness and kept painting that room, shoveling the snow off that walk, planting in the garden, lifting one more rep of weights, etc. 

    Two mile walk last night, and 30 minutes elliptical this morning.

    Just got back from the hand specialist - the cast is off the finger and I'm now in a splint, but I need a couple of weeks of PT to restore function.  I also have LE therapy 3 days next week cuz I'm having a truncal flare, so I had to schedule the finger PT around the LE therapy.  Plus I have my 6 week post-surgical follow up next week (hopefully getting off restrictions) and that's a half day getting up to Baltimore, so I had to schedule around that as well.  ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!  I feel so bad cuz I'm missing so much work, but sometimes that happens. But I'm feeling stressed and guilty. 

    We're up to the cabin this weekend - going to do a lot of hiking during the day, and believe me, adult beverages will be involved at night!  Cool

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited December 2011

    Exercise for today - basic arm and shoulder stretches - they feel good and I see real progress. Spent a couple of hours running errands and I'm wiped.  Some days the energy is just not there.  

    NatsFan   Sweet story of the lady on the bus.  We should all be so lucky - to have to really think about the number of years NED!  Sorry to hear about your finger - sounds like a doctor filled week for you next week.  

    I love D.C. - driving into the city is so awe inspiring, with all of the monuments, statues and architecture.  I had a summer night bike tour in D.C. a few years ago - it was fantastic to see everything lit up at night.  

    Question about LE - I have little or no symptoms - sometimes a bit tingly - but have a sleeve to wear for travel this weekend.  My plane trip altogether will be about 12 hours.  Should I wear the sleeve?  I don't have a gauntlet - is that a glove?  Should I just do arm exercises and drink lots of fluids?  I realize that I'm asking for a recommendation - but what would any of you do?   

    Thanks all. 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2011

    Joy - Definitely post your question on the LE section - there are some women, Binney and Kira in particular, who post there regularly and are recognized experts on LE.  I've always heard never to wear a sleeve w/o a gauntlet cuz the sleeve alone may push fluid into your hand, and LE in the hand can be really hard to resolve.  And since you don't have LE now, as Ruth said it might do more harm than good to wear the sleeve.  Did you get the sleeve from an LE therapist?  Maybe they'd have a recommendation as well.  But in the meantime, here's a link from Step Up Speak Out about a study done about flying with compression:  http://stepup-speakout.org/Controversial%20Studies%20on%20Compression%20Garments%20when%20Flying.htm

    Just another thing to worry about!!  Frown

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited December 2011

    NatsFan  Sleeve was from the PT, but I didn't get a gauntlet.  She did mention that if I had swelling in my hand, I would need to see a lymphedema specialist.  Hmmm - gee, just what I want to hear.  

    Thanks for the contact info - I will check it out.   

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011

    I'm in the row with the crazy ladies (cheryl and mum) on the plane; drinking tons of water (which gets you up moving around because you have to go to the bathroom), squeezing my fists open and shut, rolling my arm around.......some other tips for air travel, wear loose clothes (like anyone wears tight clothes on a plane?) and put your rings and watch on your other hand during the flight and leave them there for at least a couple hours after you land. Are we having fun, yet?!!!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    hi ladies, logged 2.35 miles walked today, all inside though as it was cold today. 

    Gorgeous sunrise as I drove in to work, and gorgeous sunset as I drove home.

    I don't have a sleeve either so Ruth we're a row of 4 fist-pumping, water-guzzling women. 

    Have a good weekend everyone!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    Today was my off day. Long draining week. Will get outside for a run/walk tomorrow and try to fit in pilates. Hot yoga sunday. Hope all are well.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    30 mins fat burning cardio sculpt with bands with the Firm, and a two mile walk with my DH. Starting to rebuild my muscle tone, which feels great.

     Have a great day.

  • ckk
    ckk Member Posts: 79
    edited December 2011

    Worked out hard with the trainer yesterday..even did boxing, but not so much with the "bad arm". I notice that my energy level goes up after each day that I work out, so I am pressing on. There's so much "de-powerment" about this BC thing that exercising seems to make better. If I can feel strong, then I can get better, right? I have come to realize that the people around me will survive without my prior constant level of care...probably the first time in my life that I've been putting myself first occasionally,lol.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited December 2011

    ckk    Wow - I'm impressed with your boxing!  At 4 weeks post-op, I've been scared to get out and put in a big effort with cardio, but today is the day to give it a little bit of a try.   Your comment "people around me will survive without my prior constant level of care" really resonates with me.  I might make this my new mantra - things will most definitely be different in my house!  

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    Afternoon ladies, I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

    Yesterday I ran on the treadmill for 40 min straight! Which is impressive for me.  But a little deflating is that the machine told me I was at a 13.5 min mile.  Boo.  I thought I would have a faster pace, but nope.

    Today I did 30 min cardio kickboxing and I am going to try to head back to the gym tomorrow afternoon for another 30-40 min run.  If not, I am going to do another cardio program.  I decided that outdoor running is not going to happen for me.  The sidewalks are way to slick already in Chicago.  I almost bit it walking to my car Friday morning. 

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited December 2011

    45 minute runs yesterday and today.  Had to drag my butt through the entire run yesterday, but today was really pleasant.  Tried to run 9 minutes, walk 3, run 9, walk 3...etc...  It is amazing how much my legs feel recovered from the 3 minute walk.  Felt like I could go a lot longer by introducing the walk breaks.

     Hopefully, tomorrow will be another nice run before heading back to work on Monday... 

      Hoping you all are doing well.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    50 minute bike ride! 51 degrees. Cold for half the ride! Tomorrow is indoor elliptical - it's only in the 40's tomorrow...

  • ckk
    ckk Member Posts: 79
    edited December 2011

    45 minutes hard on the elliptical yesterday, 5 mile walk today.

    Have a question for you ladies: is a plank (elbows bent, body straight) position for core strengethening safe for us lymph node challenged women? 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    45 on the elliptical today. :)

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    hi ladies, I got outside and walked over an hour today, funny how the 40's felt so warm.

    ckk, if I warm up sufficiently, I can flow through sun salutation incl plank and down dog OK but I don't hold them for core work - too much stress on my arms.  Why push my luck, when there are other poses (e.g. chair pose).

    Got my holiday shopping finished this weekend but now I have to get boxes ready to mail.

    Have a good week ahead everyone!

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited December 2011
    Finally getting back to my hour of stationary bike exercise a day! Smile
  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2011
    This week my gym will be the ocean.I love to snorkle for hours and watch the fish.Cool
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited December 2011

    Julie- glad you are ok...give yourself breask on the project so you can at least do some breathing exercizes and eat lunch:)

    I unpacked bags and bags and bags of toys and repacked them for the Salvation Army..soemthing a colleague helps to organize every year....two hours of that yesterday and I was soaking wet so I guess I got a work out in!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011

    I am checking in for just a minute. I have banned myself from the internet until I get those #^#* Christmas cards written (you may recall that I am foolishly including a personal note in each one). It has been absolutely and unusually  fabulous here. In the 40s, sunny and no wind. I was busy Friday but squeezed in 30 minutes of pilates. Took long walks on my favorite walking trail both yesterday and today. Also did 45 minutes of toning with Denise Austin yesterday & a 30 minute FIRM toning DVD today. I do planks and haven't had any problems.

    OK, back to the letter writing and then on to my Messiah practice. Have a great week!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    Ckk- I am a big yoga person, and have just started back to my vinyasa classes after a BMX with immediate recon with implants. I modify plank by doing it on my forearms. It took a few tries to flow through into other positions but once I got I have had no problems. I also do alot of planks in my weight training dvd's and have no problem as long as I modify.

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    My neighbor/friend brought me to a Dailey Method class tonight.  Its toning, stretching, pilates-like, no cardio, but feels good.  It was 1 hr, and I would like to go again.  Anyone here belong to a Daily Method studio? 


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2011
    Did Body Combat yesterday and Body Step today.  I do planks but I'm not as strong as I used to be and another problem I have is that we do them in our cool downs and a lot of the time my arms will be sweaty and I slipTongue out.  On a total aside I was lucky enough to go to a screening of War Horse last night, didn't know if I could "take it" but so glad I did as I thoroughly enjoyed myself and that horse is a REAL movie star.
  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    35 minute Firm Cardio Inferno this morning. Planning on 45-hour of yoga tonight. Cheryl, did you know that Body Pump was coming out with an at home system? There are no classes near where I live so I plan to take advantage at home.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2011
    I have big plans for starting back at a regular workout this week!  Smile