Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2011

    Lot of walking this weekend, especially the 2 hours at the mall and the hour at the local craft fair!  I'm getting sooooooooooooooooooo antsy with the exercise restrictions - I want to get back to running, yoga, and weight training!  Two more weeks to go.  Frown  30 minutes elliptical this morning - I'm not allowed to use the arms yet, and surprisingly I think it's harder to do without the arms. 

    Like everyone else, I hated to give up soaking in the hot tub even with my LE.  So, once I completed my initial CDT (Complete Decongestive Therapy) and got my LE controlled, my LE therapist and I worked out a deal about the hot tub.  She said that obviously she preferred that I not use it at all, but if I absolutely didn't want to give it up, she made me promise it would be no hotter than 102 and I would not stay in for more than 15 minutes, and that I'd monitor myself closely to make sure it didn't cause me to flare.  That was 3 years ago, and so far so good. 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    NatsFan- that sounds like a great compromise; you give me hope that hot soaks may one day be allowed again!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited December 2011

    NatsFan, good job on the no-arms elliptical! Yes, it definitely is harder, especially if you try to balance without your hands holding on at all; makes you use your core!

    Interesting about the hot tub soaks, I had no idea. As it is, I'm not a fan, because I get nauseous when it's too hot and I'm in too long.  

  • mpeaches
    mpeaches Member Posts: 121
    edited December 2011

    misswim - oh you made ME cry!  How wonderful for you!  Are you talking about Bikram yoga?  I did that years ago in portland, OR and had a total love/hate relationship with it!  I would do it again, except that there isn't one within hours of us, and doing it on your own is just not the same (I've tried).  Congrats!

    Hot purrs,


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited December 2011

    Managed to eat kale again this evening....yay kale....am going totry juicing as well....sofar have managed to eat three meals a day..people are commenting at work that it is the first time in years they have seen me sitting to eat lunch with them....and my chiropractor asked me this afternoon if Ihad lost weight! weeha....due to the chiro appointment, Ihave not exercized today...ice ice babeeee!!tomorrow after noon I am going to go in between work gigs.

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    My husband is the head coach of my sins wrestling team, and I am one of the coordinators. We hosted a tourney on Sunday which involved a lot of running around starting at 5am and we didn't get home until after 9pm. The tourney ended at 3, but we had to pack, bring items back to school, unpack, take the team out for pizza etc.

    So I was exhausted this morning and took the day off. Plan is to run again in the morning and will run on Wednesday, Friday and a long run on saturday this week.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    MissSwim, your post reminded me of something I saw recently, " Crying doesn't mean you're weak. It means you have been strong for too long". 

    I think all of us have felt this way! Welcome back to your Yoga life!! :)

    Tonight is a night of rest for me. Tomorrow, elliptical! 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    Thanks so much ALL OF YOU for your words of encouragement. This thread has literally been a lifesaver for me, keeps me motivated and on track, and you ladies understand how small things like a yoga class can make all the difference in finding our strenght. It's amazing, and you all so inspiring to me. I cannot thank you enough.

    Takinh today off. Did 20 minute tone with The Firm Sculpting Stick this morning. My body is SO sore from yoga and bootcamp the day priorI have to take a break :) 45 minute kickbox planned for the am!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2011

    Went to PT today and had a good workout on my shoulders.  Then tonight I went to yoga class.  I find it tough doing both in the same day but that is just how the schedule worked out. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011

    Banba, everyone is different, but I did 33 radiations and didn't have any trouble keeping up with my exercises. Of course, I was coming off chemo so was just thrilled not to feel like crap all the time!

    Did a 60 minute FIRM 'Complete Aerobics and Weight Training' tape. It would have been more effective if I hadn't had to pause a bunch of times and giggle the knobs on the washer, which has decided this would be a good time to malfunction. It is not even that old.....but of course past the warranty date. GRRR!

    It is cold here, but no snow.....so we are happy, happy (we need a dry winter or we will all be floating down the river in the spring!).

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    VERY sore from being a yoga showoff at hot vinyasa yoga yesterday. Did 20 minute Firm weighted bar scultping workout this morning and then did 40 minutes of pilates with the sculpting band tonight. Good for lengthening the muscles, not so  much to get my heartrate up.

    Planning on the Firm Get Chisled or 500 Calorie Workout in the morning.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011

    I love both those DVDs and do them when I want to torture myself a little!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    I had a one hour yoga therapy session this morning and a half hour session of LE manual therapy. I am pretty tired for someone who mostly lay around while other people moved my body :)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2011

    I'm giving myself an extra pat on the back tonight as it is freezing cold and the wind is blowing a gale and it would have been so easy to just snuggle under a blanket and blow off the gym but I dragged myself out of a warm house and did a great spin class ..... pat, pat, pat

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    attawoman Cheryl, and attawoman to all of us exercise gals who are trying, a little or a lot. 

    Misswim, my first few yoga classes brought up tears in me too.  Still does, from time to time.

    Have a good day everyone!  {{hugs}} to all

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2011

    40 minutes walk with Skinny Mikey the Min Pin last night - he's down to 10.4 pounds from the 15 pounds he was when we got him in July.  He looks sooooooo good - such an athlete!  He is so trim and muscular, and not only does he have a waist, he has a nice small one.  Of course he now has 10x the energy he did when he was Fat Mikey, so he really keeps us on our toes.  Maybe turning him from a coach potato into an athlete might not have been such a great idea after all . . .   Wink

    30 minutes elliptical this morning. 

    Going to the White House tomorrow for a tour to see it all decorated for Christmas. Our senior recreation center sponsors a trip every year, and this is the first year I'm old enough to go.  Can't wait - it's supposed to be spectacular. 

    Everyone is doing so well - great inspiration!!!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,847
    edited December 2011

    Mary: Great job with Mikey! Have fun tomorrow. It will be beautiful.

    Badger: Hopefully those pesky pounds will melt off of you once your restriction is lifted.

    Cheryl: PAT PAT PAT

    misswim: Very touching. What a great feeling.

    Good evening everyone. It's warm today but very cloudy and periodic light, misty rain. It was near dark when I arrived home at 5:15 but I managed to get in a quick over-a-mile neighborhood walk. Love all the Christmas lights!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2011

    Hi, Everybody:

    Glad to see everyone is keeping up the good work.  Even though I haven't posted in a few weeks, I think of all of you daily, and hope everyone is doing okay.  Huge HUGS to all of you . . . 

    I'm on a crazy project at work; that is occupying a lot of my time, physically and emotionally.  I do get my exercise in daily - have to work off those Thanksgiving pounds.  Robbie, one of our 7 cats, knows which side his bread is buttered on - he gets his head rubbed when I'm going my circuit on my exercise machines at night.

    As Cheryl says, it has been chilly here.  When I start to run, though, I don't notice it.

    Had a minor scare - found a thickening in my left breast - where the original tumor was.  Turns out it is just leftover scar tissue, or "junk" as I call it.  

    HUGS to all of you, and keep up the good work!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,847
    edited December 2011

    Julie: That was scary. Glad it was only junk!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2011

    Had a late start this morning so rather than sleep in I got up the same time and did Day 2 of week 1 'couch to 5K running plan.  Looking forward to acupuncture and PT tomorrow but no other exercise as my acupuncturist says acupuncture day is a day of rest (guy after my heart!). 

    Do need to get the 'couch to 5K plan' regular so that it becomes second nature.  Gonna become a runner  yet.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited December 2011

    Did 45 minutes of an advanced pilates mat class, leaving out the upper body stuff.  This is the same one I did pre-surgery, so I'm pretty proud of myself.  I'm one month out from BMX - felt light headed during part of the workout, and would stop when I felt that way - is this what it feels like to be over-doing it? Everything else felt fine.  

    orangemat   I read last week about your hands on yoga instructor.  It sounds like he forgot entirely what your health issues are - I would have been mortified if I was the teacher.  I'm sure it's not something that he will soon forget!  I've read that yoga is so good post-surgery.  Are you a long time yoga student, or did you start after surgery?   

  • Desny
    Desny Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2011

    Everyone sounds so motivated.  That is great!   I did a 1/2 stretching routine and boy did it help out to get the knots out of my back!  Put a new battery in my scale and was up alittle today.  But will check back in tomorrow.

    Stay motivated and well.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2011

    Julie-how scary but glad everything is OK.  Boy the things we have to worry about now.

    It is chilly here was 38 degrees after work but I bundled up and took my 3 mile walk.  Felt good by the time I got home.  Normal highes this time of year is in the 60's and it has been in the 40's.  But our summer was so dreadfuly hot I am enjoying it.

  • Desny
    Desny Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2011

    Julie, so happy for you that everything turned out normal. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    45 elliptical! Not too bad. Would have rather been biking!! Too dark after work.

    I can't stand the dark. When is the winter solstice?? Dec 22nd? Then we start getting lighter again, right??? Rememer the summer when it was still light at 8PM and beyond? sigh.....

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    Keep up the good work everyone.

    Making good progress with lymphedema specialist...I was able to lift my arm and put my hand on my head today. Incredible feeling!

    Tomorrow is my oopharectomy surgery so I will not be exercising other than gentle walks around the house and lymph exercises.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited December 2011

    joyh, thanks for asking. Not only am I a long-time yoga student, I'm trained as a yoga teacher. I haven't been teaching for the past two years, though, and that's by choice. I'm better with my yoga when I'm not teaching, I guess that's the best way to explain it... regardless, yes, this teacher did know me, since I'd been a weekly regular in his class for at least a year before my surgery in May. I'd just come back to taking classes in October. My practice tends to be very thoughtful and precise, and I work very hard at my alignments, considering my chronic S/I and shoulder issues. This teacher knew about those issues as well. In his words: "You were doing so well in your poses, I totally forgot about the recent surgeries!" A compliment, I suppose. :) But yes, he was indeed mortified, poor man....

    Everyone's doing so well with their exercise, I'm so happy to be reading that! Good for you, patoo, with the C25K. You already ARE a runner!

    I ran at the track today, my weekly speedwork regimen. Then I decided to forgo yoga class this evening for cross-country skiing... well, an intro class on cross-country skiing at REI, that is. We didn't actually ski, but learned all about it. I think I liked the snowshoeing class better that was there a couple weeks back. Really makes no difference though, considering there's no snow here these days anymore, what with it being 60F in December.... sheesh...

    Have a good evening, all! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011

    Mary, I am jealous of the tour. Sounds wonderful. I am looking for a big box with air holes, as I am planning on sending my 16 pound cat out to you for some Animal Boot Camp!!!!

    Good luck with the sugery, Ginger.

    Glad you are OK, Julia. Anything like that sends my heart right into my shoes!

    One hour on the treadmill. I am working on my Christmas cards now. I hand address them and add a personal note. Which is very old-fashioned and time consuming.....but is something I bring on myself so better not complain too much.

    'Night ladies!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    Yesterday we lost our beloved family member. It is a shock and we will be dealing with a very tough few weeks to come. Cancer robbed him of his life less than two months

    Right now I am just trying t support my family and not punch everything in fight at my anger at this diseases. I will be offline for a few days

    Thank you all for your support

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    {{misswim}} so sorry for the loss of your BIL.  Condolences to you and your family.

    Ginger, good luck with ooph surgery today.

    Julie, glad that scary junk was just scar tissue. 

    Springtime, Dec 22 is indeed the winter solstice, when the days start lengthening.

    I am going to yoga class tonight as today is day 10 post-surgery.  Won't do any hard poses or even hold easy ones for long but I miss the camraderie almost as much as I miss my mat.

    {{hugs}} to all