Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011
    We will be expecting a report! Wink
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2011

    Great hiking at the cabin this weekend - a tad frosty (in the 20's) but crisp and clear. 3.5 mile hike Saturday and 2 mile hike Sunday.  We need to buy MIkey a little dog coat - he's a trouper, but he got pretty cold when the wind kicked up during the hikes - at one point DH just picked him up and tucked him under his coat and carried him for a mile or so to warm up!   We also took a 2 mile walk to our favorite Mexican restaurant last night.  I had a chicken breast stuffed with fresh veggies in a light spinach sauce - yummy, and not too horrible calorie wise.  Of course the chips and margaritas took care of the calorie part!

    30 minutes elliptical this morning - gotta start working off last night's chips and maggies!  Surprised

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    Chilly but warm enough to tempt me outside for a 30 min walk at noon.  Hat, gloves, scarf - OK!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited December 2011

    PT is getting easier... or I'm getting stronger. Went to yoga class tonight, and that's feeling better as well. First time in side plank where I didn't feel like my shoulder and arm couldn't support my weight. Granted, I had the top leg stepped over like a kickstand to add extra support, but still, I was holding myself up on my affected arm and I felt STRONG. Looks like being patient has payed off, after all. :)


    Oh and after class tonight, the teacher called me over to talk to him. Yes, it was that same teacher from a few weeks ago who did the mauling assist... turns out there was a new woman in the class who had recently gone through a UMX and so he wanted us to meet... me being the "experienced" survivor-returned-to-yoga and all. A lovely woman, hope I get to see her again in class soon. I told her about the LE therapist that I'd seen for a couple sessions (I graduated, btw! don't need to go back again until after my revision in March sometime), and wholeheartedly advised her to call and set up an appointment with her. She seemed vaguely aware of the risks of developing LE (she had 5 nodes removed, I believe), and I told her that she really should be careful. I hope she calls the LE specialist.

    The present is a gift, my friends, so enjoy whatever it is that you do! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2011

    Did no exercise over the weekend.  Too busy having dinner with friends and trying to get my Christmas stuff finished and wrapped.  Well I finally got my wrapping done tonight.  We are having Christmas on Saturday so had to get finished.

    Went to PT today and boy do they keep adding the strengthening to me.  Also trying to get my shoulder back in alignment.  I tell you the rads really messed me up.  But it is so much better and I have 5 weeks left of PT and I know it will all be fine.  AFter work I walked my 3 miles.  Going to yoga class tomorrow.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011

    Walked on the treadmill for 40 minutes, got interupted by a long phone call & then went back on for 35 more minutes.....was too lazy to do anything else.

    I ran into a cross country coach the other day. He was wearing tee shirt with this saying on it:

    'Someday is not a plan.'

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2011

    misswim yes I know about the Body Pump, it's being distributed by Beachbody who are the people who do PX90 also one of the girls who is in it is one of our local Master Trainers her name is Jerico and she is amazing.  Tonight I did the early 45 minute spin class it is so cold and rainy here I just wanted to get to the gym and get home to wrap up in a blanket brrrrrrrrr.......

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2011

    15 minute walk with Mikey last night and 30 minutes elliptical this morning.  I'm off to Hopkins for my 6 week post-surgical followup and I hope the running/lifting/yoga restrictions will be lifted.  The surgical site looks good so I'm not anticipating any issues, but we all know how that can go.  Keeping my fingers crossed . . . .

    Badger - I've been having an LE flare so I've been seeing my LE therapist this week - it turns out she's originally from Madison!  (I should have guessed - even after a decade or so here in Maryland she still has echos of that distinctive Wisconsin accent.)  We had a wonderful conversation talking about Door County and other beautiful places in Wisconsin.   Thought of you!

    Ruth - I like that coach's shirt!!

    Orange - it sounds like the yoga instructor learned his lesson about b/c patients post-surgery.  Sorry you had to go through that pain, but hopefully no one else will ever go through it cuz he's gotten the message.  And good for you for passing on the LE info to the new woman - "vaguely aware" is a perfect description for too many of us whose doctors tell us little to no info about LE.  

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    Took off Monday as I was sore from Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Meant to get up early today, but didn't set the alarm.  I am going to try to squeeze something in tonight, but leaving work at 3:30 and going to an event where I don't think I will be back until 10pm.

    So--tomorrow (pinky swear promise) I am doing something in the morning for 45 min.  I plan on running on Thursday, Friday, Saturday at the gym on the treadmill.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited December 2011

    Ruth, I like that shirt too!

    I didn't have high hopes for my run this morning. Schedule said 8 miles, but my body kept saying "are you freakin' kidding me?!" So I called up my friend who works from home on Tuesdays and Thursdays and asked her if she wanted to get together to run. She did. We met about an hour later and ended up doing over 10 miles together, just chatting away about all sorts of stuff. The pace was slow but it really didn't matter. And now my body is happy to have been proved wrong. :)

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    Orangemat--that's awesome!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited December 2011

    So happy to be back in Budapest - it's been a long two and a half months since I've been home.  Needless to say, it's cold and gets dark at 4:15, quite different than Florida!   Felt great going on a brisk 45 minute walk with my Boston Terrier, Lucy - I have missed our daily walks together so much.  Fortunately she obeys well and for the most part walks with me, not tugging much. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011

    Quick fly by; I have my Book Club tonight but will try to squeeze in 30 minutes of some light toning.

    Mary, I feel like Mikey is our mascot! Would you be willing to post his picture so we can see what he looks like?

    I am very relieved as I type this. My sister had a suspicious mammo, and had to go back for more tests today. I just talked to her, and they all came out clear.

  • Likeachickadee
    Likeachickadee Member Posts: 13
    edited December 2011

    I'm jumping on this thread....I so need to be here on a regular basis.  Now that I have a diagnosis I can start focusing on my exercise and diet again.  I have gained 10 lbs since the roller coaster of diag mammo, stereotactic core biopsy and excision biopsy that started in September....geez!  I had worked so hard taking off 25 lbs 3 years ago and then divorce struck and now this.

    Time to get back on the treadmill!  Heading out for 45 minutes tonight.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2011
    Walked on the treadmill tonight!  Embarassed Balsie
  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    90 minutes of hot vinyasa flow yoga. It was great. My heart was pumping. The teacher really pushing us hard tonight. Orangemat, funny you mentioned side plank, and I read your post right before class, and boom. Side plank....... and while I felt some chest pressure, my shoulder was surprisingly solid. I was really excited that I tried headstand for the first time in 7 months and got right up and stayed up. It was so empowering. It has been such an awful, sad time this past week, and it was good to move my body and be strong.

    HBCheryl, I am a Beacbody junkie. I am dieing to start the Bodypump program- I will be looking for your instructor!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011

    Welcome, likeachicka! Did 30 minutes pilates and 15 on the treadmill, which I'm sure did not make a dent in the chocolate cake and ice cream eaten earlier...oh well......

    Hugs to you, misswim!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    'morning all and welcome Likeachickadee (I always did like chickadees).

    got out for a walk at lunchtime yesterday, it was fairly mild for December.

    Mary, sorry for the LE flare and hope you get your restrictions lifted.  We're going to have to meet up in DC someday (either Door County or the District of Columbia) for a margie!

    Yoga class tonight, I'm not as advanced as you Esther or misswim, but that's OK.  Namaste!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    40 minutes cardio kick box. Sweating bullets! Have my holiday work gathering today, so burning off the pre-emptive calories, I guess. :)

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    I am still reading here and am inspired by you ladies. I am not allowed to do any exercise yet but I did get a one hour yoga therapy session and felt great after that. Hope to be back soon..

  • ckk
    ckk Member Posts: 79
    edited December 2011

    Worked out with the trainer again yesterday, all went well. He is looking into becoming an ACSM certified cancer trainer. Hoping to take a 1 hour walk today.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2011

    Woohoo - post-surgical restrictions lifted!!  I was so excited when I got home that I went for a 2 mile jog - it felt wonderful.  Of course every silver lining has a cloud - the hand therapist says no weight lifting with that hand for at least 2 more weeks.  So I can jog and do yoga and Pilates, but still no weight lifting yet.  Arrrggghhhh! 

    20 minutes Pilates and 15 minute Lebeds this morning.  

    Ruth - I'll try to get a picture of Mikey and post it - he really is a little cutie.  Ginger - hope the restrictions get lifted soon - it's soooooo frustrating to want to do stuff and not be able to!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2011

    I had an awesome yoga class last night.  but Monday in PT they really worked my shoulder and i could tell it in yoga.  Anyway I have PT again today and I am sure Maria will work my should more.  She is really pushing me.  When I get home I'll go for a long brisk walk.

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited December 2011

    Walking the dogs! I have 3 more Taxol treatments left and it's getting harder to get out and about, but I have not missed a day - even if it's only for a 30 minute walk (which my doc told me yesterday should now be my max until after chemo).  I can't wait to get back on my bike!!  And I want to try Dragon Boating this summer.

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    Did I miss something upthread?  What is dragon boating?

    Ran on the treadmill for 30 min today.  Plan on treadmill running tomorrow, Friday and Saturday--would like to increase to 1 hr in the next 45 days.  There is a 10 mile run that I want to do in May.  You get to run onto Solider Field (where the Chicago Bears play).  My goal is to be able to run the entire way.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited December 2011

    I am still only running on my days off from work (and for a 15 minute warmup at pt on workdays)...and darn frustrated about it.  But, today, I did manage to do my ab workout at the end of a long day.  I would really like to go back to logging 180 minutes of running and 300 minutes total of weekly exercise...but it just ain't happening.  Feel like my body is turning to mush.  It is starting to get the better of me, emotionally.  I am desperately looking forward to Christmas vacation...and a week off from work, so that I can run almost daily.  I am also looking forward to an end to pt, since it takes such an immense amount of time each week.  Time I could be running or doing other exercise.

    It is especially frustrating when I am with my best friend.  Exercise is one of the most important things we share.  But now, sometimes, I feel jealous when she talks about her workouts.  I don't want her to stop talking about them...it is an important part of our friendship and I don't want to be selfish on this...but I get more bummed when I think of all she is doing and I am not doing.

    Well...sorry to vent...and thanks for "listening."

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    90 minute yoga tonight and 45 on elliptical last night! Whoot!

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2011

    lifted some weights.....thinking about getting a bike to ride.  Anyone have any good advice on what type to get?



  • nancyhb
    nancyhb Member Posts: 235
    edited December 2011

    I'm so excited to find this thread!  My biggest fear has been losing my ability to exercise.  I started running 18 months ago and have run several 5k's.  I stopped running three weeks ago after my biopsy that lead quickly to a lumpectomy.  My left breast isn't going to tolerate the bouncing right now. I know I should be walking instead, but I'm so busy with finals and the holidays (and trying not to fall apart) that I haven't done anything.

    I've done yoga 3-4 times a week for four years, and again haven't been able to for a couple of weeks since the lumpectomy.  I am going to try again next Monday night, although I know I will have to modify my poses.  That's the beauty of yoga!

    I expect to start treatment after the first of the year - radiation for certain, chemo likely.  I need my strength for all of this!  Thank you for your energy - it's exciting and infectious!!


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2011

    Nancy sorry you have to join us.  When I had my lumpectomy I only missed one week of yoga.  My BS encouraged me to get right back to it but to modify myself.  I did and I healed really quickly.  I think it was from yoga and walking.  Also did not miss any yoga or walking through radiation until the very end when I my breast was too raw for movement.  Had to miss a couple of weeks then to heal and then back at it.  I did not have chemo and our diag is similar.  Good luck and keep us posted.

    Worked out at PT today and was re-evaluated.  I almost have my range of motion back and my pec muscle does not hurt which in turn is not agrivating my nerve damage.  I feel so much better.  I notice I am alot more positive now that I am not in so much pain.  When I got home did my 3 mile walk and DH and the dog went with me although DH could not keep up the pace and had to turn around early and head for home.  Hoping he will stick with walking with me, he needs the exercise. But he has been doing our stationary bike most mornings so that is good.