Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • marie11
    marie11 Member Posts: 13
    edited December 2011

    Have been ignoring exercise for the last couple of weeks. Too depressed about exchange surgery which was today. Do not want to start recovery all over again.

    Surgery went well and i was home by 11am. Now that anesthesia is wearing off I feel pretty good. Worse complaint is sore throat. I don't think I feel any worse now than I felt with the expanders. Tomorrow I might feel like a truck ran over me, but if not training (well walking) starts again.

    Envious of all the great workouts others are doing. Have a great weekend everyone.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    Marie11- I thought recovery from exchange was fairly easy too; sore throat was really a pain though. My PS wanted me walking right away so I could take 10 minute slow walks right from the start. Hope you get to skip the feeling runover by a truck part and wake up feeling good!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    No workout tonight. Ended up the middle car in a fender bender at a stop lighy. My car is so sensitive the airbag deployed. Not hurt, just frustrated and now have to deal with this on top of everything else going on. URGHHHHH. The BIL's service is tomorrow. I will be so happy when this week is over......

    Hoping to wake up and work out tomorrow, but I am not going to beat myself up if it does not happen. Yoga is calling my name Sunday.

    Robo, welcome! This thread is great. I am 6 weeks PFC and this thread has been such a godsend! keeps me motivated accountable. And the ladies are fantastic with their wisdom. Congrats on finishing chemo, it is a big deal.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited December 2011

    orangemat...thanks for the site.  I tried it out and it said shorts at 40 degrees.  I can't do that.  I will be miserable.  I will try lightening up though and see if I feel better.  The temp is going to drop this weekend and it will be a little bit trial and error...but, with your advice, I will see if lightening up is a solution.  I don't think the pt thinks its a neuroma.  Just general nerve damage and regeneration after surgery.

    Corinne...your posts are inspiring...that is awesome enough to me...:)

    In fact, everyone here is very inspiring...thank you all!

    Today, I managed a 25 minute hike with the dog and 15 minutes of ab work after pt.  Still feel completely wiped, like I am dragging myself through it...but at least I am getting out there and dragging myself through it!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011

    Welcome robo. We are glad you are here too!

    I walked on the treadmill 45 minutes & did a really old 30 minute arms/abs/buns of steel tape.

    Here is my stressful problem: my oven conked out last night!!! It is a really old, and built in (was already here in 1988 when we bought the house). I stopped by an appliance store tonight after school tonight and they gave me some tips to try (none worked). They can't send anyone out until Monday, and if they can't fix it, they will have to order one from a specialty place ($$$$), and (worst of all), it won't arrive until AFTER Christmas! I realize it is not really awful in the whole scheme things, but since I'm hosting company over Christmas....YIKES!!!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    ruth- that is terrible. my good friend had her oven die this week too and she is a huge christmas cookie baker. She has been bringing trays of cookies to my house to bake and will spend a lot of time this weekend at my house baking because her oven is not going to be fixed till next week. I am not a baker so my oven is available to her 24/7. I hope it is an easy, inexpensive fix for you!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011
    I'll be right over....where do you live? Wink
  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    Ruth-Just a quick trip to CT..no big deal! :)

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2011

    Ruth - my oven in Maryland is available too -  of course you have to leave some cookies and other goodies behind as "rent"!  Misswim - so you were the meat in a car wreck sandwich - just what you didn't need right now.  Glad you're OK, but as you say, yet another thing to deal with, especially now.   

    And I heard The Voices and did 30 minutes on the treadmill after work last night.  I really really didn't feel like doing it, so I felt especially pleased with myself when I was done.  

    Finally getting the Christmas cards out this morning!!  More later errands today, then we have matinee tix for A Christmas Carol at our local theatre.  Happy Saturday everyone!

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited December 2011
    I just finished 35 radiation treatments on Dec 7th, now I am healing up. I continued to do zumba even through the blisters and peeling. (aquaphor ointment was my best friend). I taught zumba 3 times this week, and took another zumba instructors class yesterday. I am leading a zumba flash mob at our little mall in town at 3 today. I am so excited Smile
  • jenny12000
    jenny12000 Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2011

    I finished my radiation at the end of September. I have always been exercising regularly (daily)....even during my seven weeks of treatments. Now after toning kind of classes, my radiated breast/arm area is more sored than the normal side. Is this normal? This doesn't happen right after the treatment just lately. Is that strange?  

    I joined my husband's running group training right after my treatment. We are on target for the half marathon in Jan. I ran 9 miles last Sunday and will need to do 10 miles tomorrow. That would be another milestone...every time now is a personal record...lol. I was a little sored after 6 miles run Thursday and very rigorous Zumba class yesterday. Today's Pilate is like a treat..feel so great to really worked on more graceful and slower exercise and still feel worked all body muscle.    

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited December 2011

    Couldn't finish all my 22 miles today. Only did 20.6 and called it quits. Just another little mile and a half, couldn't I have pushed through and made quota? Nope, it was "pushing through" for over 3 and a half hours already... called DH and he picked me up and drove me to where my car was parked, because man, it was getting cold and windy walking back...

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    hi all and welcome jenny12000.  I didn't have rads so sorry no help for you there.

    Woke up to snow YAY it made my day.  This is our first good snowfall of the year.

    Waited for people to get their sidewalks cleaned off and put on my Sorels and out I went.

    Happy Saturday ladies!

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    Okay. I woke up this morning telling myself.. "so what if it's cold. Get out there.". And you know what I did? Went out there. And went right to my car and went to the gym.

    This came back to bite me later. At the end if my workout, I thought I hit the stop button. I didn't. I turned around and wound up falling onto the treadmill, and riding it to the floor. I jumped up and did my best "superstar!!!!" pose though.

    So I think I will have to run outdoors now for a few weeks, trying to avoid the "superstar" moniker and snickers from the regulars.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited December 2011

    I had big plans for today...but, alas, I made up my mind to go to the doctor's office and ask for a Lyme test.  Then the usual mommy duties.   So...only a short walk with the dog...  But...if it turns out to be Lyme causing all of this intense fatigue, then, at least I will know why I am struggling so.  (I was bit by a tick a month ago...and my recovery from surgery started backsliding just two weeks after that...and now it isn't just fatigue, but joint pain, headaches and a couple of low grade fevers...)  So...tomorrow, I plan to try again...:)  Hopefully, I will at least get a long walk in, maybe a run...and some ab and strength training...

    Hoping you all are having a good evening...


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    50 minute cycle, brrrrrr. 48 degress. Even DH says that is the coldest we will go. :) Felt good though, sort of ingivorating!!! 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    Orange-20.6 is pretty impressive; it was cold out today!

    Corinne- hope you aren't hurt but your story did give me a chuckle...

    Claire- I hope it is not lyme but if it is you will at least know what you are dealing with and be ablt to get it treated.

    Running in the snow and getting ready for half marathons; amazing!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011

    Thanks for the oven offers; sounds like a good reason for a trip to the east coast to me!

    misswim, thinking about you today.

    zumba, congratulations on being done with rads (I went through tubes of Aquafor also). Your flash mob sounds really fun!

    Welcome jenny; yes, your radiation side will feel sore/achy for a long time...like maybe forever Frown.....but less so with time.....

    CLC, I sort of hope that it is Lyme's. That would explain it, and then you can get it treated and get over it.

    I had a very productive day. Went to work and stayed there until I got some big reports I've been working on since November done and submitted. Also finished up the very last of my Christmas shopping. Did 45 minutes of toning. Tomorrow it is supposed to be UP to 48 (Springtime, that is a heat wave for us this time of year), so I already have a walking date planned.

    DS is home on his college break, so my basement is full of kids. Fun!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    The sky is blue, the sun is out and the snow is so pretty but it's still only 26.  It's supposed to be in the 40's today so I will have a nice long walk later, once it warms up.  Happy Sunday!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    Yoga this morning, though I took it very easy as I am sore as can be from my little run in the other day! The service for my BIL was amazing, there was probably 500 people there. The music was amazing, the speakers were amazing, and considering what a sad day it was, alot of laughs were had. Truly a celebration of life. Total reminder of how precious life is.

    I am in my comfy clothes in front of the fire and napping today!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011

    Gorgeous day here; went for a really long fast-paced walk with my neighbor.

  • jenny12000
    jenny12000 Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2011

    Ran 10 miles today. A personal record!!! 1 hour and 46 minutes. I am not like my husband with heart monitor and all that statistics. I just ran with easiness. It's such a beautiful day around university lakes...so peaceful and so fresh. Next Sunday would be 12 miles - look forward to it!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited December 2011

    Hey jenny that's wonderful!! And that's a great and comfortable pace for a long run, so happy for you! When and where is your half marathon?

    Hugs to you, misswim

    Great that everyone's been getting out and walking, running, whatever these days. Today my only exercise was stretching out my sore achilles every chance I had as DH and I walked through the aisles of Costco... might take tomorrow off from running too... we'll see....

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2011
    spent everyday snorkling the beautiful reef and hiking after and trying to keep up with Tinyfishy and his birds.Tongue out
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    that's a worthwhile pursuit mum!

    Gorgeous day here too, walked 5.12 miles but didn't keep good track of time, maybe 90 mins.

  • jenny12000
    jenny12000 Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2011

    Jan 15...Louisiana Race at Baton Rouge. I had never been a runner before until 2-3 months ago. This would be my very 1st half marathon. Hope I will still up to it then. Laughing

    (it feels so extremely good to be on this discussion board, instead of dealing with the treatment!!)    

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2011

    Hello everyone did Body Step class today,-have been crazy busy at work but have been doing my classes except for thursday and friday, thursday had woman call me, she has they same business as I do but her equipment had broken down and her repair person is my repair person, he told her to call me to help with her urgent jobs, I could tell she was "on the edge" cause I've been there before working on deadlines and everything goes wrong so I just told her to come over and stayed till 9pm to help her out, friday had to wait for the gas company to come and had one of those between 9 and 5 time frames, yup you guessed it 4.55pm he turned up but the house is all decorated and you could eat your dinner off the floor BUT tomorrow we'll be a candidate for an episode of Hoarders - kids driving home from college and should arrive home around 10pm.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    70 minute bike ride in 48 degrees, brrrrr!! Beautiful, clear and crisp day! 

  • nancyhb
    nancyhb Member Posts: 235
    edited December 2011

    Thank you all for the warm welcome!  I learned Friday that I'll be starting chemo on January 6th, so it's been a rough weekend.   Please tell me that wrapping Christma/Hannuka presents counts as exercise, because besides take a nap today, that's about all I did.  :-( 

    But, tomorrow is another day, and my plan is for yoga tomorrow evening with my favorite yoginis, followed by a light dinner.  Must admit, my nerves have dampened my appetite of late and I've lost 4 pounds since diagnosis.  Sounds like it might be coming back to my backside again soon, so I'll have to get back out there and running again soon!  Signing up for the Komen Run in May in Kalamazoo as an incentive to keep moving!

    Thank you for sharing your stories, ideas, thoughts and suggestions!  I'll let you know if I survive tomorrow night's class (after two weeks off, I just hope I can complete the class!)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011

    Hang in there, Nancy!

    Cheryl, enjoy the kids. It's fun to have a little chaos around the house.

    I will find out if my oven is fixable tomorrow, or if I will have to pack up all my cooking supplies and fly to the East Coast!