Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011

    Welcome Nancy! This is a great thread; as you see from reading it, you will not lose your ability to exercise...modify? maybe, but definitely you can keep moving Tongue out.  With the finals, are you a teacher or a student? I am a teacher and am about crazy this time of year!

    Congratulations to Mary on your 'unrestrictions', and to Sherry for getting everything back in working order!

    Hang in there, CLC, things will get better.

    Walked 45 minutes on the treadmill (I'm reading and good book & can kill two birds with one stone as I can read and walk at the same time), and 15 minutes toning with Richard Simmons.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    hi all and welcome Nancy.  Had 90 min yoga class tonight.  It rained today so no walk outside but I got in 8,150 steps during the day.

    Corinne, dragon boat racing is a team rowing sport practiced by many BC survivors.  Sandee is our resident 'dragon lady' and likes it for the camraderie as well as the exercise.

    CLC, hang in there, healing is job 1.  It's OK to get a little soft, you can become strong again.  

    Sherry, yay for less pain and more ROM.  Mary, yay for restrictions being lifted!

    'Night Tarts!  {{hugs}} to all

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2011

    At lunch today is our County Christmas party (I work for the county).  Also good food and lots of sweets.  I will definitely have to work out this evening to work off the calories I will consume. haha

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited December 2011

    Hi, I would like to join all of you--  I had a bmx in October immediately after returning from a 10 day horse camping trip where I rode 6 hours per day. Needless to say, that slowed down a bit.  I was in good shape, decent weight (I am 5'2" and weighed between 122-125 att he time of dx). Now, 6 chemos into it and I am at 141 (with shoes and clothes on!!! too lazy to take them off).  YUCK.  My biggest fear was losing my strength so I kept riding as I could and I go to the gym 3-4 times per week, especially on the moring prior to chemo.  I think the strength is there but now I have that spare tire thing going on so my pants dont fit and it is hard to swing a leg into the saddle...LOL. makes me laugh just to visualize it.  

    At any rate, I would love to be part of a group of women going through the same thing and  helping each other.  What kinds of things are good to post here?  Q

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited December 2011

    Thanks, Ruthbru and Badger...kind words go a long way for me, especially from women who understand...:)

    I decided that I needed a mental health day today.  I took off from work and am trying to get my head together.  So...I took my dog for a 20 minute hike through the woods and then ran/walked (can't just run with a dog...gotta sniff, you know) with him for 30, then ran without him for 20.

    I will take the dog out for another romp in the woods, and then I will go to pt. 

    I feel a lot more sane now. 

    I really appreciate the words of encouragement yesterday...Thanks.:)

    Hello, Quaatsi...I completely understand the feelings of discouragement...  Hang in there...it's what I am doing...we can hang in there together...:)  Though one thing I could never do is horseback ride with you...something about my vehicle having a mind of its own that would unnerve me!  It does sound like a lot of fun, though...

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2011

    CLC - hang in there.  I think you've hit on one of the most frustrating things about this b/c ordeal - we want to do the things we used to do, but our bodies won't let us.  Someone once said on another thread, "Breast cancer isn't a journey - it's an abduction."  You had a life that worked for you, and suddenly you were abducted out of that life into Cancer World.  It can be so discouraging sometimes !  Be good to yourself and don't compare what you do today to what you could do before dx - compare what you did today to what you could do a couple of months ago.  I know, I know - easier said than done! And doggie therapy is always good!

    Nancy - welcome!  You're so smart to start looking for exercise advice right from the start.  And this is a great group of gals who have all "been there" so we understand what you're going through.  There's quite a few runners - most of us are 5K types, but Orange is a real live marathoner and our inspiration to all of us as she works back into marathon shape!

    Quaatsi - I feel your pain - I gained 22 chemo pounds and HATED it.  But I've now lost 17 of those 22 pounds - it's taken time, and it's slow, but eventually you can do it.  As for what to post?  Just post your daily exercise - even if it's marching in place in front of the TV for 10 minutes - that's something! And the more you post, the more you'll feel guilty when you skip a day - it's like you'll hear all of our voices encouraging you to get out and do something.  That's why you'll see sometimes someone will post that they weren't going to workout, but then they heard The Voices and made themselves do some exercise.  That's all of us on the thread encouraging each other.  Cool

    30 minutes elliptical this morning plus 15 minute Lebeds.  We had our work holiday party yesterday and my dh's holiday party is tonight, so it's definitely a dangerous time of year! Surprised

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    I heard the voices...but then the voice of the lymphedema specialist was loud and clear. Nothing more than a gentle walk at this point ( I have to admit I got weary just walking through Target today)

    and I have to go get fitted for a compression sleeve..UGH!

    Between recovering from the exchange, the ooph and lymphedema; I swear the scale just goes up, up, up...

    i will live through you ladies for a bit and get back to it when I get the go ahead.

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited December 2011

    OK... so I just got off my horse- almost 2 hour ride through the desert with the mountains all around covered with snow.  My 16 year old son came with us as well two friends. nice.....

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    CLC that's really impressive. You are motivated and driven. You are very close to getting control of your schedule.  When does PT end?

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    30 min on the treadmill today.  Will try for 40 tomorrow.  The hardest part about going to the gym is getting the motivation to get there.  I really enjoy outdoor running more, but its way to bitter cold now.

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited December 2011

    CorinneM1, dragon boating is something the Team Survivor NW does here in Seattle and I hope to get to try it out this summer!  You can see more about Team Survivor at this address: http://teamsurvivor.org/default.aspx

    CLC, I hear your frustration!  We'll be back to our old habits soon!!

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited December 2011

    CorinneM1 and NWArtLady and Natsfan...thanks for the encouragement!  You all are awesome!

    I don't know when pt will end.  I have started having new symptoms that the pt thinks is nerve restriction...Raynaud's (fingers turning white and cold from the knuckle down) and pain in the pinky of the other hand...so I am now starting "nerve glides."  Insurance has only approved through the beginning of January, but will reevaluate then...so I may be at this for a while...  And, I am grateful that I have gotten pt.  It has done amazing things for my rom and strength...

    So...I will continue to live with my schedule limitations for now.  It's okay.  It isn't just schedule restrictions--I don't have the umph I used to...so it will have to come back slowly. 

    CorrineM1...you are an awesome runner.  I have been consistently impressed with your reports...  I am stubbornly trying to run outside throughout this winter, rather than give in and go to a gym.  It's the dog.  I am determined to take him with me throughout.  When the snow comes and gets deep, I will take him snowshoeing.  That's the plan, anyway.  But it is hard to run when it is bitter cold.  I may have bitten off more than I can chew in that commitment.  And seeing that you don't run in the bitter cold is making me reconsider...  Do you know, will running in the cold make you hit the muscle fatigue sooner, even if you are dressed well?  I am wondering if that is contributing to my fatigue while running...  Any thoughts?

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited December 2011

    CLC said "I am stubbornly trying to run outside throughout this winter, rather than give in and go to a gym."

    When I first started running outdoors year-round, the one thing I changed was to NOT be stubborn about it. I actually adopted the attitude of giving in, and that's what helped me the most. When you fight the cold and the wind, even in just your attitude, your body reacts to that emotional change by stiffening up as well. So that's an extra challenge your body has, to fight the resistance you've created with a forceful and hard approach, in addition to the actual work of running. Being OK with whatever the weather will hand you, that makes it easier, believe it or not. So you'll be cold. Or wet. Or both. Once I accepted that fact, how I held my body actually changed and running in the cold wasn't as oppressive.

    I also learned to dress in a way that would help me not assume a "fighting" posture, which takes a bit of trial and error. Another believe it or not: overdressing and being too warm can actually zap your strength in a run. Arms and legs shouldn't be as bundled as we think they ought to be. But hands and head, those need extra TLC. For me in particular, I need my neck swaddled or else I hunch my shoulders and that messes up my stride. And I have Reynauds so my fingers go numb, so I need more warmth in my gloves, if not mittens, when it dips below 45F.

    As Yogi Berra once said, while it's true that running is 90% physical, the other half is mental. Wink

    Hang in there, and just be happy doing the activity of your choice. And when it gets hard and you stop enjoying it, just remind yourself like I've said outloud to myself many times: "I love this, right? RIGHT??"

    3.4 miles this morning, then PT this afternoon. Yet a new exercise was added: rolling out to plank with my feet on a fitball, then rolling my knees in for a tuck several times. Oh yeah, we're really loving it now....

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    Quaatsi - Welcome! This thread is great. I come here and report every day, exercise or not. It keeps me accountable and the support is great.

    Well, I thought I was such a yoga superstar Tuesday night, and felt ok yesterday, a little sore but did my 40 minute kickboxing dvd. This morning........ugggh........my back is SO sore and my strong shoulders I was bragging about? They feel as though there are little people in there playing tug of war with my muscles. I've tried to exercise each day this week as we have a terribly sad weekend coming up for our family member who just passed, but just could not do it today. I did a 20 min yoga therapy for the back dvd and my back feels a little better. Ibuprofen and an early night for me!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,506
    edited December 2011

    Ginger, it will take time, but give your body the time it needs. You'll get back to it !! 

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited December 2011

    orangemat...thank you for sharing all of your experience.  You have more than once been a great help to me.  I actually think that I have been overdressing my legs.   For the upper body, I layer and remove as I go, but I can't do that with the legs, I don't think.  So...I have been considering warming up inside, then dressing for outside and going.  I have just developed Raynaud's in the last couple of weeks.  The pt says it is likely nerve restriction resulting from the surgery.  Do you have any thoughts on that?  Or Raynaud's, in general?  Again, thanks for all of your well-earned wisdom...:)

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited December 2011

    CLC... did I share this website here already? I can't remember... anyway, it's a guide as to how to dress for running outdoors: what to wear for runners The general rule of thumb is to dress as if it's 20 degrees warmer than what it actually is. Sure, you'll be cold for about the first 10 minutes or so, but once you get past that point, you'll be fine and not unduly fatigued.

    As for the Raynaud's, my theory is that it's postural, more than anything else. When I keep my chest, throat and back of my neck broad and open, my fingers are fine. Cold isn't the only thing that might cause you to hunch and close off in those areas of the body. Having had surgery in the chest area would definitely create that tendency, especially in times of stress. The body reacts to emotions, and vice versa. But your PT is saying it might be due to a physical nerve restriction, like a neuroma? Hmm, I'm not so sure about that... but then again, I'm not a physical therapist, I've just been a patient for a long time!

    Corinne, I meant to say earlier, you're doing great! When's your next race? 

    Ginger, hugs to you, and hang in there. Are you permitted to do any gentle or restorative yoga? If nothing else, the breathing part of the practice would be good for you; hell, it's good for everyone! In the first few months of my recovery I tried to make it a point of practicing Queen Pose for about 5-10 minutes most every night before bed, in my bed. I propped myself up with pillows so that my body was at a 45 degree angle and allowed my chest to really open and relax. Having the pillows under my arm to support my shoulder helped quite a bit. The trick is to relax sufficiently without falling asleep...

    Let me see if I can find a photo....

    As I said, I found it better to have my torso at a higher angle, and to have support under my arm and shoulder so that my chest muscles weren't strained. Heart, belly and throat open, and breathe. Simple! 

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2011

    Walked on the treadmill for 30 min. and lifted weights .... and enjoyed it


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited December 2011

    Wow! What a lot of awesome information everyone is sharing....YOU GO GIRLS!!!! I love the 'so what if I'm hot/cold/wet'...then I will do it and be hot/cold/wet' mindset. I think something similar about an exercise on days when I am really tired or rushed or just plain lazy....it doesn't really matter if I feel like doing it or not....it just matters that I do it.

     Welcome, Q! This is a terrific thread.

    I went to a Family Christmas Program at my dad's nursing home, did 60 minutes of FIRM toning, and then went to a wrestling match. One of my former advisee kids is a really good wrestler so I went to watch him. The team's scores were tied, his was the last match, and he won! Very exciting to watch, in a painful sort of way.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    Orangemat- Yes I am doing ujjayi breathing and meditation everyday twice a day for 20 minutes. I have been able to do yoga therapy where the therapist does embodyment which offers spinal release without me having to get into positions. It has been great and I have become a much calmer person since I started this practice.

    Thanks Moderators for the encouragement.

    I am just frustrated watching the scale go up as I know that being overweight leads to more estrogen in my body and increases my cancer risk. But I know that I can only do what my body is ready for. I have been working with a nutritionist and I am eating pretty well. Hopefully soon the restrictions will be lifted.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    good morning everyone and welcome Quaatsi. 

    Ginger, hang in there, it's frustrating to be on restrictions but healing is the first priority. 

    For some reason was exhausted when I got home last night and fell asleep on the couch while watching the 6:00 news (!) so the 6,442 steps I took yesterday (3.75 miles) was my exercise for the day.

    Happy Friday!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    Less sore than yesterday, but back still very tight. Did 30 mins of Pilates for Weight Loss DVD. Nor terribly challenging but streched me out well. Will get 30 mins of cardo in tonight.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2011

    Welcome to the newbies and Ruth is right lots of good information going on here.  Thanks to everyone that is sharing.

    I did a flex and flox yoga video last night.  Man have my shoulders gotten week.  That is what PT is working on.  This video does alot of upper boby work or maybe I just notice it there more because of my loss of muscle in my shoulders.  Anway it was a great workout. My kids from Seattle are coming in today and this weekend will be Christmas all weekend so I'm sure I won't do any exercise.  HOpe I don't gain anything from all the food I will be eating.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2011

    Robo - Congratulations on Chemo Graduation Day!!!  I gained 22 chemo pounds so I hear you about the chemo pounds.  And of course you're totally wiped out after 6 rounds of chemo -  you will get your energy back but it's going to take some time.

    Some people have a pretty easy time shedding their chemo pounds, while some of us have a hard time.  Are you going to be on tamox or an AI?  Unfortunately, weight gain can be an s/e of those drugs, so that will also influence how quickly you shed the pounds.  But it can be done with diet and exercise. That walk is an excellent start!!   A lot of us on here track our food and exercise on a free website called loseit.com - it's pretty simple to use and it has really helped me be mindful of calories in and calories out.  And the gals here are certainly inspiring as well.  

    After reading everyone's workouts, here comes the lazy one - dh's office holiday party was last night, and we didn't get home till almost midnight after much merriment.  Slept in and only managed 15 minutes of Lebeds this morning.  I brought my workout gear with me to work so I'm hoping to get a  burst of energy and hit the treadmill after work.  I'll be listening for The Voices to help inspire me!!! Cool

  • ginger_mea
    ginger_mea Member Posts: 135
    edited December 2011

    Hi everyone, glad to see you are all active.  I haven't been on in awhile just busy back to work and holdiay stuff.

    I did sign up with a Personal Trainer twice a week for a month, I really love it but its not in my budget ongoing.  In Jan. her place will be starting ti-chi and I will start going to that and the yoga, its cheaper than meeting with her one on one.  I feel good to be getting back into exercise, she is very considerate of all I've gone through but still gives me a work out. I ordered an eliptical to use in the winter months that I can't walk outside, so I am excited to get it end of this month.

    I should be doing more walking but right now all of it is being done in parking lots of stores LOL... I also have been trying to get in stretches she gave me for home, especially for my under arm it hurts so good!

    Has anyone ever gone in a detox sauna? She has one there, but I read about lymph node removal and being in high heat, should be avoided due to getting an infection, just wondering if anyone here has or knows about it?

    Have a blessed weekend ~ Ginger M.

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    Okay OrangeMat.  You convinced me to try outdoor running tomorrow. It will be 37 tommorrow, which isn't bad at all.  How do you avoid the ice and slick?

    I did 30 min today on the treadmill.  I was going to push it to 35 tomorrow, but I will have to push it outside running, but will try for 35 outside.

    And CLC, thanks for the compliment, but I am not an awesome runner.  OrangeMat is an awesome runner.  I am just starting, but I hope to stay with it for years and years to come.

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    Robo--I am off btw now and the end of the year.  If you want to get together for a walking date, I am game.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    hi all and welcome robo47.  I also had TC x 6, Mar-Jun 2010, and started tamox in Jul 2010.  I gained 20 lbs while on chemo and managed to get rid of it by walking daily.  Now I'm working on the 20 lbs I was up pre-BC, and it's hard.  But I keep trying and don't beat myself up too much.  I'm not slender but I'm not fat either, my vitals are good, and my DH thinks I'm beautiful (but he's nearsighted LOL). 

    Mary, did you get your workout?  I walked 30 mins at lunch today.  Have a good evening ladies!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited December 2011
    You know what? You're all awesome! Laughing
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    45 on the elliptical!!! The weekend is here! Only 2 more days of work next week. There will be a lot more time for exercise after that! Whoop! :)  I wonder if it will be warm enough to cycle. We shall see...