Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    Cheryl-I am laughing as my previously organized dining room is now the host to an entire college dorm room full of stuff. My DD is transferring in January and arrived home with everything this weekend. She definitely has a bit of sorting out to do before we can eat at the table again.

    Ruth- Come on out; the oven is waiting :)  My friend got hers fixed; hope you are as lucky!

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    Nancy, that is a great way to stay connected and committed to running.  I found myself signing up for 5Ks left and right and making arrangments for my kids so I could do it.  Therefore no excuses and the scrooge in me would have been really cheezed off if I didn't show after I already paid. 

    Today, I will be doing a 30-40 min run around lunchtime. 

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited December 2011

    Oh Wow... you gals are all so amazing!!  I had to read back for the last few days. I had to chuckle at the image Corinne of yo on that treadmill!!  And yes, I think there are times that wrapping presents Nancy HB is definitely exercise! LOL

    I have to admit I have not been exercising since I went riding last Thursday. But we did go to a Holiday dinner and my husband asked me to dance, which I love to do.  We danced one song and I felt my legs buckle under me- haven't had that happen since I first laid eyes on him 22 years ago!!!  But alas, I think it is from the Taxol!!  (I won't tell him that!).  I work early today and tomorrow, I go in for chemo early as well.  

    Ruth- I made about 15 dozen cookies yesterday.  Had to sit down after each batch but I did get it done.  Now, I need to find someone ELSE to eat them!!!  I had this wolf range in myother house and it would break down regularly--but ONLY on Thanksgiving and Christmas, when I had company.  I think they have consciousness!! IT knew you were baking cookies and that the sugar isn't good for you!  

  • ginger_mea
    ginger_mea Member Posts: 135
    edited December 2011

    Productive weekend here, had my son and daughter-in-law and the grandkids here, which is always busy and on my feet, hope that counts!

    Managed to get in an hour Sat. a.m. with the trainer and did a 30 minute walk outside yesterday, at her orders Cool  it was a beautiful day sunny and crisp, but I was a little chilly even being bundled up.

    chiropractor today, not sure I will get anything in tonight because I am still running to stores ugh!

    Blessings, Ginger M

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2011

    Had Christmas this past weekend.  House full of people and ate way too much.  I did sneek in a 3 mile walk yesterday.  Tonight I have a Christmas party to go to for my Bible Study group.   I do have PT today so that will have to be all my exercise for today.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    well ladies, I have my errands all done, now I just need to finish packing for trip to FL.

    Happy Holidays everyone, and see you next week!  {{hugs}} to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited December 2011

    Have fun, badger!!!

    No exercise for me tonight; but I am happy, happy,happy.....the repairman just left and he found and fixed a wired in the oven that had come unhooked! Now, instead of complaining about all the cooking/baking etc. that I will be doing for company, I will be HAPPY that I have an oven to do it in. Now I have to get ready because it is the Messiah concert tonight....Hallelujah!

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited December 2011

    Yeah, Ruthbru!!!!  I am so glad your potentially expensive special order oven has been replaced by a wire!!!!  Let's hear it for your repairman!!

    Have a great trip, Badger!

    No exercise for me either.  I am now in the throes of a full-blown cold.  I will just keep faith that eventually, I will get back on track!

    Have a good evening, all!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    YAY Ruth- let the baking begin!

    CLC- hope you feel better soon.

    I got clearance from my ooph surgeon to start light exercise...can't do too much right away and need to wait for compression sleeve anyway. I walked for 30 minutes on the treadmill...2mph but better than nothing!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited December 2011

    Walked on the treadmill for an hour after the concert, which was SO fun (the concert, not the treadmill Wink).

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2011

    Have a great time with you Mom Badger.  Only did half a spin class tonight, I ate something "off" at lunch and when we were doing jumps my stomach was doing flip flops so I decided it was better to leave than make myself sick.

    Glad you were able to get your oven fixed Ruth, now you can spend your oven money on a nice bauble for yourselfWink I prepared the dough before I went to the gym and I've been baking since I got home, only trouble is I walk away and "forget" have been lucky so far but I see some burnt offerings in my futureSurprised

  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2011

    Ruth, I am coming over for some home baked goodies!

    Full on winter here in Scandinavia. Just walking outside in the snow for a few k's seems like good excercise these days. 

    Back to my Special Ops training, amazing how these push ups don't get any easier if you have a weeks break.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2011

    Yesterday did 30 min on treadmill and some weight lifting....now I have to keep this up. 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2011

    I've been bad with exercise the last few days - on Sunday dh's back went out AND the Chihuahua had an abscessed tooth, so there was much excitement for a while.  Fortunately dh's back is easing and Molly the Chihuahua is home after spending the day at the vet's getting her teeth cleaned and a few extractions.  She's a bit dazed and glassy eyed from the anaesthesia (wow, do I recognize that feeling) but OK. Snuck out this morning for a 2 mile walk with Mikey this morning and brought my workout clothes to hit the treadmill after work. 

    Ruth - hooray on the wire!  I'm coming for cookies too!  Badger - enjoy getting out of the Wisconsin cold. Sounds like lots of you have busy households with kids and grandkids - enjoy!

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    40 min run today. Well more like a 33 min run and 7 min power walk and cool down. I will be doing this again tomorrow. My goal is to be able to do 45 min run by Jan 1.

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited December 2011

    Everyone is sounding great!  Getting out there even though it's cold or wet or we're tired or feeling down.  Exercise is key and I'm so proud of everyone for getting out there and doing it!

    I took my two dogs and husband for our daily walk. The doc has limited me to 1/2 hour daily for my last two weeks of chemo (there is finally an end in sight!). I'm looking foreword to getting back on my bicycle when my brain clears up!!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited December 2011

    PT arm and shoulder stretches and theraband work - 6 reps - progressing slowly and trying to figure out whether LE will kick in.  45 minutes of ab and lower body pilates trapeze table work - ahhh - felt so good. 

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited December 2011

    I drove my mom to the LE therapist today for her initial appointment, the same one I had gone to recently, whose office is about a half hour away down the Garden State Parkway. My mom never had any PT or rehab or anything after her radical UMX over 35 years ago, and while she didn't have any symptoms of LE (though all the nodes had been removed), I thought it would be worthwhile for her to have the buildup of scar tissue addressed. My mom isn't comfortable driving on major highways, or basically anywhere she isn't familiar, so I was the good daughter and took her there. Turns out, the appointment was very beneficial for her, and she'll be seeing the LE therapist weekly.

    And so while she was in her appointment, my time there was worthwhile as well: I ran 5.5 miles in the surrounding neighborhood as I waited for her. Miles are miles, after all!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    Work is done! Whoot! Yipee!

    50 minute bike ride, and get this, it hit 63 degrees in Raleigh, NC today, on Dec 20th! Pinch me!!! I wonder if we'll keep biking in January? Could it be??? :)

    Took off yesterday and had dinner out with gf's. It was a blast! I laughed so much I ran my eye make up. LOL!!

    You are all very motivating! I love coming here and seeing what everyone is up to! All sorts of ways to keep at it!  

  • nancyhb
    nancyhb Member Posts: 235
    edited December 2011

    Finally made it back to yoga last night after a three-week hiatus (post-lumpectomy and SNB).  My fellow yogis gave me huge hugs and saved my favorite spot!  Smile 

    Midway through the first set of sun salutations, I realized I was crying - in part, because I could do it all and felt no pain.  My left breast and underarm are still so tender and sore from the SNB & surgery, but last night, not a twinge.  It was the first time in weeks I had felt so good.  I made it all the way through class without one hint of pain.  It was magical!

    Tomorrow, I will head back to the gym and run the track - first time in three weeks as well.  I want to get back into a schedule before chemo starts on Jan. 6th; I am scared and worried that I will simply fall over after TX begins, and never move again (I have to stop reading posts about T/C SE's, because they're scaring the crap out of me).  

    Thank you all for your positivity and strength!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    I've been so LAME with exercise with everything going on........ I have an onc. visit tomorrow and I wanted to tell her how good I have been about exercising. I will get up early and get a good sweat on and get back into it. Candelight yoga class to celebrate the holidays Wednesday night.

    Hope all are well!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2011
    Back to the gym today.I refuse to step on a scale for at least a week.I think all that nice cold beer on the beach may have caught up with me.I am home now and am behaving myself.Innocent
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011
    NancyB, your post makes me smile. There is something healing and magical about yoga. I am so happy for you! I marked spots along my recovery with what I could do in Yoga. I believe it keeps us really in tune with our bodies and paying attention. It will help with your range of motion! Enjoy!
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited December 2011

    Congratulations to all of us for MOVING IT! I don't dare get on a scale either, even without beer on the beach; I've been eating like crazy. A Christmas party with my advisee group to start the day & a staff party at the end. Tomorrow is our last day before vacation, so treats with my class too. Bad, bad, bad because, of course, if it looks good and is sitting in front of me I will eat it!

    45 minutes of toning with Denise Austin & 15 on the treadmill.

    I went and bought a turkey but have not even started my grocery list, baking, house organizing Surprised..... this symbol means 'frazzled' to me!).

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2011

    Thirty minutes jogging on the treadmill last night and 30 minutes on the elliptical this morning.  Wish I could run outside, but since I have to run before or after work, it's too dark mornings and after work.  I don't like running in the dark - not because of a worry about crime since my neighborhood is pretty safe, but I worry about injuring myself by stepping wrong on uneven sidewalks and potholes, and also I don't want to be run over by the crazy commuters who seem to think stop signs and crosswalks don't apply to them.

    And as Ruth says, eating is rampant this time of year, so I'm up 1.1 pounds since last week.  Sigh.  But I'm still down a total of 17 pounds since the first of the year - I was hoping for 20 by the end of the year, but at this rate I'll be glad to just hold steady between now and then!  Undecided

    Keep plugging away ladies!!

  • nancyhb
    nancyhb Member Posts: 235
    edited December 2011

    Springtime, you're right - I'm so much more in tune with my body since starting yoga.  I apologized to my body, too, while working out the other night:  "I am sorry for what you are experiencing physically, but I am praying for you and will do everything I can to carry you through this."  After this holiday weekend, I will be able to breathe again.

    I gave myself permission not to go to the gym today.  So much cleaning to do around here in prepraration for Saturday that I knew my soul would benefit more from staying home, for now.  Tomorrow is another day!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2011

    ruth so glad you got your oven fixed.

    NancyHB glad you made it back to yoga.  I know how healing it was for me.

    Got a massage on my neck last night and today it feels really good.  I will be so glad when I finally get all these kinks worked out.  And can you believe it all started with rads.  ugh but it is so much better now.  Will walk my 3 miles this evening and get ready to leave town tomorrow after work.

    DH found this wonderful recipe for German Chocholate Pie.  It is to die for.  Yesterday I typed it into my recipe database and the calories came up to 632 per slice, YIKES.  No wonder it is so darn good.  Think I will have to stay away from that one.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,847
    edited December 2011

    Good Day to everyone. I haven't been on for awhile but that doesn't mean I haven't been active. Like all of you, I'm busy but still try to get my walking/running in on a regular basis. It could be better but I'm pleased with the amount I have done considering it's December.

    Wishing all my friends a wonderful, soothing holiday. I'm full of Christmas spirit and it gives me great pleasure.

    Let's all meet at Ruth's for cookies!

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited December 2011

    Nancy HB don't let the SE talk scare you! We all react differently. There is no way to know how you will react or not react. Hopefully you will have mild side effects.

    I have been doing chemo since August and have only missed 2 days of walking - and those were due to schedule snafus, not chemo! Yes, sometimes it was difficult to do my walk and my other exercises, but I did them slowly but surely knowing that I will build back up after chemo. Walk every day, even if only for 1/2 hour, it will make a world of difference.

    And remember to allow yourself and your body to recognize that chemo is rough AND that you will make it through it.

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited December 2011

    Sherryc...Go to Dr. Oz on the web and look for the chocolate pie recipe that 'Alton Brown' brought today. They said it was heavenly and only 230 calories per slice. They started with a choc. store pie crust. Ir looked so good, I'm looking up the recipe. It had 'silken tofu' in it and blended it with coffee liquor and chocolate chips.