Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • mpeaches
    mpeaches Member Posts: 121
    edited December 2011

    Kindergarten - I grew up in Hermosa!  I'll be down to visit probably in March - we should get together for a walk!



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2011

    Hello everyone, I am house/dog/bird sitting for my friend who had to rush home to Australia and it's taken me a couple of days to figure out the code to unlock the wireless connection at her house but ta dah I've done it. One of her Yorkies could use Nats Mikey weight loss program he is a little roly poly and a walk round the block which I can do in 10 minutes takes 45 with him, it's one very slow step after the other. On Monday I did spin class and yesterday did Step and Combat and today walked on the beach for an hour. Ruth you know I'm on that road trip with you - where are we going?

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited December 2011

    HI all,

    To Nancy and all, I am continuing to exercise all throughout chemo as well.  I go tot he gym about 3-4 timesper week and do the most I can and then,-- a tiny little bit more. I also ride-- and now that doesn't sound like much but I am not a passenger type of rider. I have to groom my horse, lift a 30 pound saddle above my head and onto the horse and then, hook up a trailer by hand cranking and then, hoist myself on this rather full of life horse. Then we do a posting trot which involves up and down, ab tightening action.... actually that is where I find myself having trouble. I cannto do that for hours. INfact, maybe only about 10 minute stretches at a time.  But, I am here to tell you  that it is possible to exercise just not at the same intensity-- at YOUR level, whatever you can do...walk that triathalon, whatever!!

     Kudos to ALL of you...to ALL of US!!!   

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited December 2011

    Ok gals, I am off--- I am going to go camping today with my horses. I will be back on Sunday.  I am grateful I will have my husband and sun to help with some of the heavy stuff but we will be riding every day. And while I fully intend to ride, if I am too worn out, I will just stay back at the camp while everyone else rides.  We are going to the baseof the Superstition Mountains, outside of greater Phoenix.  The drive is about 3 hours and the temperatures are a little warer there-- maybe upper 60s during th day and upper 30s at night.  Now I will have to figure out how to hoist my body up which has put on 15 pounds since chemo!!! yes, 15 lbs!!! YUCK.  If I was enjoying the eating, it would be another story but I don't know wehre this came from....  Oh sorry, I am ranting-- the weight gain is the hardest side effect for me. Somehow all the rest of the things are things I expected and so, I seem to be able to brush off as just part of the process.  Maybe exercise and getting outside helps with that perspective!  So gals wish me luck and CLEAN HANDS!!!! 

    HAPPY New Year to ALL of you! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2011

    Quaatsi I use to travel to Apache Junction for business.  I always loved it when it was cool and sunny and you could look at the Superstition mountians and they would be covered with snow. Was a beautiful sight.  And there is a reason they call it the Superstition mountains.

    Yesterday I finally hit a wall with all the Christmas activity.  I was sitting at work and I wanted to lay down and take a nap so badly.  So I skipped my walk after work and took DH out to eat because I did not feel like cooking.  Came home cleaned the kitchen took a bath and went to bed.  Feel so much better this morning.  Will be going to yoga tonight. 

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2011

    Dear Jenn, My son lives in Hermosa and we walk or ride bikes on the strand alot. I would absolutely love to take a walk with you!!!!!! Kathy

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2011

    30 minutes weight training this mornings (finally off restrictions after almost 2 months!!!!) and 15 minutes Lebeds. 

    Cheryl - ship that pudgy Yorkie off to Mary's Pudgy Pet Paradise - we'll have him back to terrier athleticism in no time!!  Laughing I still need to get a picture of Mikey to post - he really is a little cutie.  Quaatsi - chemopounds are unfortunately not uncommon - I gained 22 during 6*TAC.  Between the steroids, the actual chemo drugs, the fatigue, and carb cravings - it happens.  Do what you can to keep moving, but don't let any gain stress you out too badly - your primary goal is to get through chemo now - you can worry about any chemo pounds after you're done.  Your camping trip sounds fabulous - sounds like a great way to get away from it all. Kindergarten - if you only need an hour's notice to clean before guests, then I'm duly impressed!!  I'd need at least a few days notice!  Surprised

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2011

    Hey, Nats Fan, well we downsized quite a bit when we moved out here. We bought a really tiny condo!!!!  Hubby helps too, so truly it only takes about an hour. but I did forget about shopping for food, too. Give me 2 more hours!!!!!!!

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited December 2011

    Hour long hike with the dog...  Cold, but sunny...:)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2011

    Had PT today so good workout.  After work heading to yoga class

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited December 2011

    Last PT session of the year, maybe for good. Also, ran 4 miles, legs felt like LEAD. All my running friends say that feeling like crap the last two weeks before a marathon is totally normal, that it's part of the tapering process. Taper my ass. Ooh, sorry, I guess being cranky is part of the process too...

    Oh I can't wait for January 8 to be over and done with already.... 

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    30 min run today outside. It was 49 degrees! Unheard of warm for Chicago. I just might do the New Years day run.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited December 2011

    Awesome jobs everyone! 'Moving Through the Holidays' and everything else too!!

    I did a FIRM sculpt DVD and the treadmill today. I just got the offical letter that I 'passed' my annual mamogram, which I had earlier this week. Whew!

    Cheryl, we might have to come out to California since there are so many of you California Girls! Of course, I'd be glad to go anywhere; it would just have to be after school is out in the spring.

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited December 2011

    Not exercise today. Now I am hearing the voices !  Quaatsi you rock keeping up all your activity during chemo.Kindergarten your area sounds so lovely. Orangemat good luck on the marathon.  It sounds very exciting.  Keep up the good work everyone !

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    hi ladies, a jaunt to Cali sounds good to me!  Or Arizona.  Or anywhere for that matter!

    Sherry, I was uncommonly pooped yesterday too, heated up some leftovers for supper and fell asleep on the couch while watching the evening news.  Corinne, it was in the 40's here today so got in a nice walk in the noontime sun.

    Good luck to everyone racing.  I have plans for a housekeeping marathon this weekend. Tongue out

    (edit to add yay Ruth for good results!)

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2011

    Just came back from  a bike ride along the strand in Hermosa.  I did not realize how tiring a bike ride can be, or maybe it is because I am still out of shape and need to keep at it. My son is getting married in May, so I won't buy a dress until I have lost more weight, I am hoping between bike riding, walking and the elyptical that I can reach my goal. Again, thanks to all of you for keeping me motivated. Have a great evening!!!!! Kathy

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    Cali?  A trip to Cali?  A board Disney Race?  San Fran bike ride?  San Diego 5K?  I'm game. :)

    Adding onto my 30 min run today, 30 min of laser tag with my kids, husband, and twentysomething nephews. That is a lot of fun! 

  • KeepingFaith69
    KeepingFaith69 Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2011

    I am about to head to the gym.  30 mkinutes cardio and some weights...... first time in ages and i am really excited.

    I have also made myself a promise - to walk AT LEAST 30 miniutes 5 days a week from 1/1/2012.

    You all have it in writing, watch this space........

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    good morning all and welcome KeepingFaith69.  This is a great place to find support and stay accountable.  I'm off work today and thank goodness because we have freezing drizzle this morning and that makes for a miserable commute.  So I'll head to the indoor track for my afternoon walk.  Have a good day ladies!

  • nancyhb
    nancyhb Member Posts: 235
    edited December 2011

    Corinne:  I'm in Michigan so I can appreciate how beautiful this "winter" has been so far!  We had 40's yesterday and it's perfect weather to be exercising outside!

    An hour of intense yoga with my favorite yoga instructor last night (her sun salutations make my arms scream and my heart sing!)   Trying to get my butt off the sofa to get to the gym for an hour or so today, but I took a sleep aid last night and it's fighting with me right now!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2011

    A trip to Californai sounds wonderful!

    Went to yoga last night and had a great workout.  Neck is still bothering me a bit (has been for 3-4 weeks).  Dr. put me on a medral pac and I sure hope it works.  Would be alot cheaper than an MRI if it does not help.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2011

    30 minutes weights and a 2 mile jog this morning.  Sounds like everyone is keeping busy!  Nancy - just be careful of overdoing it with the arms on those sun salutations since you've had 7 nodes removed - you don't want to do anything to trigger lymphedema. 

    Off to the cabin this weekend to celebrate New Year's Eve - which is also my 4 year "Cancerversary"!  Yep, I got my biopsy results on New Year's Eve - ya' think that kind of put a damper on that year's celebration?? Cry

    We plan to celebrate this year by doing a 9 mile hike in Catoctin Mountain Park:  http://www.nps.gov/cato/planyourvisit/upload/8mileloop.pdf  (Scroll down to see the trail map and a picture of one of the views.) It's an 8 mile trail, so we always add a side trip to the old whiskey still to make it 9 miles. 

    I saw this loop trail on line in the middle of chemo, and made it a goal - a year after chemo I'd hike it. And I did.  We've hiked it every year since then, just because we can. (I also vowed during chemo to take a tap dancing class afterwards - which I did, but that's a whole 'nother story - sufficient to say tap dancing is not a good idea for someone who had trouble telling right from left!  Tongue out

    This will be the longest hike we've ever taken Mikey on, so we plan to take an empty backpack with a small blanket in it, and if he gets too tired we'll just pop him in the backpack with his head sticking out, and he can be carried as long as he needs to be.  Wish us luck!  Cool

    Happy New Year everyone!  I want to take the opportunity to say that you all are a fabulous bunch of ladies! Even though Cheryl is the only person I've met "for real" (and what a treat that was!) I still feel that I know all of you and that you are wonderful friends.  I am so grateful to have each of you in my life.  You're warm, real, funny, encouraging, and incredibly inspiring.  Thank you, each and every one of you for enriching my life so much. 

    Now let's keep moving in 2012!!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2011

    Wow, Mary, have fun on your hike, enjoy your weekend. Keeping Faith, I am new here too and I really like your plan. I am right behind you. Corrine, We just moved here from Chesterton, IN, 40 minutes from Chicago, I really miss the windy city. We have not sold our house in Chesterton yet, such a slow market. We will be back there in February to check on it. I still have my onc at Northwestern who I will see in August. Happy New Year to you all!!!!! Be safe!!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited December 2011

    Mary, the hike sounds wonderful! I don't want to run any marathons, but that I would love go hiking with you and, of course, Mikey. GO MIKEY!

    I heard an old song on the radio this morning that inspired me to dust off a really, really old Jazzerize tape (as in they were wearing tights, leotards and had the poodle-hair perms).....but it was just fun to dance around with it.

    I want to join in Mary's salute to all of us. Who would ever have thought that such a horrible experience could bring about the tremendous Blessings of Friendship: to be with people to whom you can express your worries in a few words, not a long drawn out explanation, and they will 'get it', a place where we all know what fortitude it takes to walk into that exercise class, or sign up for that race, or hike that trail, or even to press play on the exercise DVD day after day..... and a place where THE VOICES will bug you if you don't! 

    Cheers to Us! Bottoms Up! (Is that a Yoga pose? Tongue out)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2011

    Mary have a wonderful hike!

    Ruthbru sometimes those oldies are goodies

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited December 2011

    In Prague for New Year's - it feels good to have braved sleeting rain and 35 degrees to climb the steep staircase to St. Vitus Cathedral. Despite the gloomy weather it's festive with many lit Christmas trees and a traditional Christmas market. The hike pushed me and I'll undoubtedly sleep well tonight - yay!!

    Happy New Year's All - thanks exercise sisters, I'm so grateful for this site!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    Back from my surgery- 3 hours in and out. Revision to left, fat grafiting to left and right, and best NO MORE PORT. I am on alot of pain meds , so I am sure I will be a hurting puppy in the am. The onl thing that is bothering me is the incisions on bith hips. Ouch, but I got a  lift  with the procedure! Silver Lining!

    1 weeks for aerobic training, only two and back to yoga (yeah!!!), and three to add light weight!

    Happy New Years! I will stop typing so I don;t make any more mistakes with auto correct.

    xo Mi

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2011

    NatsFan--that hike sounds wonderful.  So beautiful.  Also love it that you vowed to take up tap dancing--even if it didn't work out for you. :)

    Today didn't do anything as we spent most of today getting my house back in order.  Rehanging pictures, mirrors, scones, light fixtures etc etc.  We painted right before the holidays and never got a full day to get things back in order.  We need at least another 2 days.

    Tomorrow will be another unusal warm Chicago winter day, so I plan on doing 45 min run in the mid morning.  Just signed up for the Solider Field 10 mile race which is in May. 

     My husband and SIL are nudging me to do the marathon in Oct.  I am thinking about it.  I want to do it. I am not really worried about it, just trying to get an idea of the committment that it will take and will need to change things around during the days to make it happen.  Stay tuned!  I will make a decision come April which is when I would need to start training.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited December 2011

    misswim, glad you're home safe and sound. Hooray on being portless!! I remember how happy I was to get rid of mine, then I felt like I was actually done, done, done......

    Get outside while you can, Corinne. We've had our first taste of winter with ice and snow...hopefully it will not come your way!

    Happy Friday!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    got in two miles / 35 minutes walking today.  'night all.