Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    Took a day off from high intensity today.  Walked 50 minutes and did another ab workout...heading back to work tomorrow...sigh...

    Hope everyone is feeling better...and saying good bye to the flu, to lousy marital crap, to post-surgical bruising, to dirty kitchens, to low energy days... 

    Hang in there, one and all! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2012

    Did 20 min walk/run on treadmill then some stretching and machines at the gym for a little over an hour today.  Back to baby steps when you fall away/slow down. 

    Back to work tomorrow. 

    Night  my sculpted friends.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2012

    Had PT today and then walked 3 miles. tomorrow is yoga.yeah

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    I will keep the second meaning (which I 'get') of DH in mind for future reference Wink.

    Feeling better today, which is good as I go back to work tomorrow. Got the Christmas decorations down and did an hour on the treadmill (at JFVs 3 miles an hour recommendation...which would usually be very slow for me). Now its 7 pm and I'm thinking I will go to bed shortly.

    'Night Ladies!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2012

    Great idea, so following you ruthbru.

    Night all.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Glad you are feeling better Ruth, with all the exercise you do, it has to help with healing faster. I am sure you are in great shape. To all you ladies, you all amaze with your dedication to exercise. I am right behind you all, thanks again. I have not felt this good in years. We just came back from a bike ride and then alot of walking. I need to do the elyptical, though. That really burns the calories. Have a great evening, everyone!!!!!

  • mpeaches
    mpeaches Member Posts: 121
    edited January 2012

    16 minutes on the treadmill tonight.  I wish I could do it in the morning, but I cannot seem to get up to do it for anything.  Well, at least I did it after work!

    Hot purrs,


  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,847
    edited January 2012

    Badger: Sorry about your team. Frown

    Ruth: Glad you're feeling better! Smile

    Good evening all. Walked/ran yesterday at the park. Today I've been painting a bowling ball like a ladybug and helping my dd go through her room. Now that was a workout!


  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited January 2012

    Ruth this cdc thing says that if you do virgorous intesity aerobic activity the minimun need is 75 minutes a week much less than meoderate intensity exercise.

    They don't give a miles per hour speed for vigorous walking.  But they say a person would be race walking, jogging or running and a person doing a vigorous intensity activity cannot say more than a few words without pausing for breath 

    For those of you who can only exercise about 15 minutes this thing I have from the cdc says 10 minutes chunks of aerobic aerobic exercise  is fine.  I guess if you can only manage 15 minutes at a time you could try for twice a day and see how you feel.  

    Either way I think everyone should feel good about  keeping moving !!!!!!!!

    Did get in a second walk today.  25 minutes with hubby.  We are increasing our pace because it's cold outside ! 

  • nancyhb
    nancyhb Member Posts: 235
    edited January 2012

    Was able to run for 2.5 miles this morning, then an intense 1.25 hour yoga class tonight.  Misswim, you were with me all the time (and your crankiness helped push me along when I simply did NOT want to do another chaturanga!)

    No matter what we do - we're doing something.  When we try, we're still making progress.  Every minute, every step, is one more than we have done before.  And it makes a difference, and it helps.  My DH always reminds me that no matter how slow I run (and I am a s-l-o-w runner), I'm still faster than those who never make it to the starting line.

    We must love ourselves enough to be patient sometimes, too - because we are warriors, and we never give up.

    (I bought new hair today - a reddish-brown bob) so I'm feelin' a little extra sassy.


  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012
    Nancy, I adore you. I have sat, and slept, and whined, and eaten crap for 4 days. Totally off my nearly perfect 7 weeks or eating and exercising. Oh well, back to the food clean up tomorrow, and a mile or two with Leslie Sansone. No upper body use for a while. Any ideas for a good workout with no upper body jostling?
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2012
    I have been slacking on the weights so tonight I did 30 minutes of upper body work and then a 60 minute spin class.  Ruth glad you are feeling better.  Nancy I an a "no" runner, couldn't run to save my life but I could break a nose with my jab and crossSurprised  Misswim do you have access to a gym, you could do recumbent bike.  Patoo love your new picture.  Badger sorry about the loss, but if you watched the game you would have seen what a beautiul day it was here, yesterday I had the air con on in my car, isn't this supposed to be winter - go figure.
  • KeepingFaith69
    KeepingFaith69 Member Posts: 52
    edited January 2012

    I had an intense workout at the gym yesterday and I'm a tad achey today so I flagged another gym session in favour of a walk with God.  My son, his scooter and the sunshine accompanied me too.  It was fabulous!

    I did marathons and triathlons prior to bc diagnosis.  I realise now that used the intense training to 'punish' myself for past perceived 'wrongs'.  If I didnt vomit from the intensity of my training, i wouldnt feel asthough i had trained sufficiently!

    My motto now is to exercise myself with LOVE.  I look forward to running in the coming few weeks but it will be for enjoyment. 

    PLEASE remind me of this if I start to head to down the obsessive track.

    Sending you all happy, healthy and joyful vibes (((HUGS)))

  • nancyhb
    nancyhb Member Posts: 235
    edited January 2012

    Missy:  You are such an inspiration to me!  Here you are, just days post-surgery, trying to figure out ways to get back to it!!  Goodness, I have a hard time doing that on a good day!  The first time I tried to walk/run after my lumpectomy I actually bound my chest with an Ace bandage to keep the girls from moving around (I'm small-ish, but my sports bras didn't prevent that minimal movement that still hurt).  I love Cheryl's idea of a recumbent bike - what a great way to get those legs (and heart!) moving again! (Cheryl, do you box?)

    (BTW, it was in the single digits when I woke up here in Michigan this morning, so I'm envious of all you posters who are using air conditioning right now!)  Badger, sorry about your loss; I'd watch UM in the Sugar Bowl tonight, but they don't deserve to be there so instead I'll go to yoga.  :-)

    KeepingFaith, exercising with love goes a long way towards healing. Sometimes I wish I could have been more dedicated in my training regimine - I always gave up way too easily.  Now, though, when I'm running and tired, I remind myself that I won't be able to quit chemo so I can run at least one more lap.  It's a gentle way to train my mind - and secondarily my body - to prepare for this marathon of treatment I'm about to embark on.  

    Sending love and light to you all on this cold morning!!


  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited January 2012

    Exercise with love !!!!!! Great way to look at it.  20 minutes wii fit today.  Now to work.

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited January 2012

    Good morning everyone!  Here too it is warm-- extra warm this January so I will spend the mornings outside. I planned my work week around exercise!!!  IS that crazy?  I will go for a short ride (2 hours) today (and then to work) and tomorrow, it will be for about 3 hours ( and no work).  I have Chemo on thursday and getting exercise and being outside helps me so much emotionally.  And of course, that helps at home--) you know, no matter how good husbands are they are still Y-chromosomes and have  alien responses!!!)

    Supposedly, I am not to exercise my upper body either. I have two comments on that-- one is that I try to get my heart moving so the recumbent bike is really great. I also use this machine at the gym that is  sort of elliptical and gets my hips as well.  When I ride, I do posting trots and that gets my legs while essentially doing "kegel" exercises for my abdomen (certainly not for S#X which is the LAST thing on my mind!).  

    The other comment is about auxillary webbing and upper body exercise-- anyone have issues with that?  I am told NOT to do upper body stuff but when I just stretch and do the recommended exercises for post surgery, I get intense auxilary webbing syndrome. When I ride and REALLy use my arm to lift saddles or get myself on the horse or whatever-- I find my arm feels so much better, my range of motion is greater and I don't feel the pull that happens. Any one else find this? 

    gotta go but have a great day gals, Q 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2012

    Quaatsi- I can't remember - do you have lymphedema?  If not, have you seen a Certified Lymphedema Therapist?  Cording (axillary web syndrome) is closely associated with the development of lymphedema.  A CLT could do therapeutic massage to loosen those cords and work with you to develop a safe exercise program to develop the flexibility in your arms and reduce cording.  My cords resolved in a month or so, but some women have them for months, and they can even recur a year or more later. A good CLT can tackle those pesky cords.  Also, sometimes the post-surgery exercises we are given are NOT good for LE prevention.  For instance, some research is showing that it might be better to avoid stretching our arms over our head for the first 2-3 weeks after node removal surgery.  Yet, like most of us I was given the "wall walking" exercises to do, and I was very diligent, perhaps inadvertently triggering my cords and later LE.  Just some thoughts.  Edited to add - this link from StepUp-SpeakOut can explain it a lot better than I can!  http://www.stepup-speakout.org/Cording_and_Axillary_Web_Syndrome.htm

    Nancy - I use my chemo experience a lot when I'm running and feel like I want to stop.  I think back to chemo and I got through that even when I was incredibly fatigued, so like you say I think - - if I got through chemo, I can run just a bit longer.  And before my dx, I'd lost 60 pounds - I got through chemo by thinking that I'd had the strength to spend all those lonely hours in the gym to lose the weight, and if I could do that, I could certainly get through chemo.  So I think each time we struggle through something and succeed, it gives us more strength for the next challenge. 

    Hang in there Misswim - pain is enough to get anyone down.  Faith - love the idea of exercise with love!   Ruth, glad you're feeling better.  Patoo - good to see you back and posting again!

    We did our 9 mile hike on Saturday.  Actually, during the hike we felt so good that we took a little scenic side trail so we ended up doing over 10 miles!  It was a great way to celebrate my 4 year Cancerversary.  We still felt pretty good the next day, so started doing a 4.5  mile hike, but part way through some unforecasted rain came through - it was a cold hard rain - so we beat a hasty retreat and only did 3.3 miles.  But we felt pretty good.  And amazingly enough, Mikey hiked the whole way with us both days.  He never needed to ride in the backpack we brough to carry him if needed.  I don't know how a 10 pound dog did a 10 mile hike, but he did - and was rarin' to keep going when we were done!  Cool

    Hope everyone had a wonderful New Year.  I did 30 minutes on the elliptical this morning - time to start working off those holiday pounds! Tomorrow's Wednesday Weigh In is going to be gruesome, I think. Surprised

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited January 2012

    thanks for the info Mary (NatsFan).  I do have some lymphatic swelling but not lymphedema per se., I guess.  I do go to a PT but have not found it much help. I have gotten a prescription for a different one to whom I will change hopefully this week.  I "fear" LE!!

    Q (Diane) 

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited January 2012

    My plans do to something last night didn't happen.  I was going to do a workout at home, but the exercise channel on my cable is missing without a trace. They just wiped it out.  WFH?  I

    So today was going to be my off day, but will be going to the gym tonight for 30 min on the treadmill doing the cardio workout.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    59 minutes of running today!  Yeah!!!  Then another 10 of stairclimbing...

    Good night all!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2012

    Wow...you guys are doing great!

    I did 1 hour of yoga therapy yesterday.

    Today was my first day back to teaching preschool since the end of October and I forgot how much energy that takes. I wore my sleeve, which helped, but I was exhausted by 3pm. I had accupuncture after that and now I am just lying on the couch. Too relaxed to do anything else today. I will listen to the voices and get back into it tomorrow!

    It is SUPER cold in CT; so I am jealous of anyone needing air conditioning right now!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Good Evening ladies! I felt quite normal today, although food still didn't seem that appealing....which is a good thing, as I had gained 4 pounds in 4 days at Christmas....so maybe the flu will turn out to be a blessing in disguise (or a not so subtle hint to quit gorging!). Did 45 minutes on the treadmill at a more respectable 3.5 pace and a little toning with Richard Simmons.

    Diane, I hope your new PT will be more helpful. As you add upper body exercises, remember you want to do it very gradually and also then be consistant in doing (but not overdoing) them.

    misswim, could ab work and/or lower body toning work for you after your surgery? That's what I concentrated on when I couldn't do upper body....along with walking.

    Mary, I am in love with Mikey. Give him a big scratch behind the ears from me(and perhaps a small doggy treat)!

    Nancy, when I was doing chemo I tried on a reddish/brown wig I loved so much that after my 'real' hair came back, I dyed it that same color! That is how I got the new 'natural' hair color I've had ever since, a color I never in a million years would have even thought of trying....my good chemo SE. Life is strange and you never know what might come out of something even if it is hard and bad at the time.

    Exercise with love, wonderful advice!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    I am going to try walking tomorrow. The rest of me was just too sore. My thighs hury less but the whole upper body still aches and is very bruised and swollen. So I will try Leslie, if it goes well, I will try some pilates in the evening. I am truly miserable without exercise. Thanks so much for thew support and suggestions!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2012

    Was heading to yoga today and just before 5 got a phone call that I could not get off of then DH called and put gasoline in his diesel truck and had to call someone to tow it so I had to pick him up and take him home.  Then headed to yoga which is a 30 minute trip.  Got behind several slow tanker trucks as we have alot of oil activity in our area.  Could not get around them and my neck was killing me so half way there just turned around and went home.  Took some pain pills, soaked in a hot tub and am now on the heating pad.  The steroids have not worked so I am calling the Dr. tomorrow.  I'm sure the next step is a MRI.

    Ruth glad you are feeling better.

    Sounds like everyone is really in the exercise mode these days.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012
    sherry Frown
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2012

    Nancy I do Body Combat which is based on mixed martial arts so it's a combination  of boxing, taekwondo, tai chi and muay thai, I just love the class I feel really empowered by it.  Mary little Mikey has turned out to be a real trooper and who would have believed when he came to you in such a sad situation that he'd turn into such an amazing workout partner.  Sorry you had to miss your class Sherry better you take care of yourself and rest and call your doctor in the morning. Tonight I did a Body Step class it was a bit hard on my knees but I'll get over it.

  • KeepingFaith69
    KeepingFaith69 Member Posts: 52
    edited January 2012

    NancyHB - Thanks for the reminder.  I was determined not to quit chemo and pushed my way through it.  I will push my way through to an extyra km, but will ensure that it's not an extra 21km.  Moderation is key for me.

    I had a fabulous and intense leg / cardio workout at the gym.  Looking forward to my 5km walk with God tomorrow morning. I sooo love execercising with LOVE.

    Keep at it ladies - keep shining

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    good morning ladies, just a fly by as it's already 5:30 and time to go get showered and dressed for work.  I did watch the Rose Bowl on Monday, and while I was disappointed at the result, it was a heckuva football game and I'm so proud of all those kids.  Watched the Rose Parade and the weather did indeed look fabulous Cheryl.  And the UW Marching Band was in fine form.

    Speaking of form, my mantra for the new year re: food is: I prepare and eat this food to nourish and honor my body.  Think that'll help me to eat more healthfully?  Have a good day everyone!

    p.s. I walked 4 miles yesterday including a noon walk inside the Capitol.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2012

    Did some weights yesterday...today on the plan is yoga...trying to get my hubbby to go with.  He has before and loved it.  I plan to walk on my break at school today.  

    Enjoy your day ladies


    Ruth hope you are feeling better...you are so energetic even when you have the flu...I love it 

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited January 2012

    Hello all! A quick update from me, as I resume my last minute packing...

    Met with my PS on Monday. My revision surgery is scheduled for March 5, which will entail getting a new (smaller) implant, so it'll be a similar procedure to the TE exchange (drains, etc.). The PS wants me to continue physical therapy, which is great news actually, since my sessions there are really a good core and upper body strength regimen for me. After my marathon (this Sunday!!), my next major race will be the More Magazine Women's Half Marathon on April 15 in Central Park. That's just 6 weeks after the surgery, so while I won't be 100% back to strength at that point, I'm sure I'll be able to complete the distance comfortably. So all I can say is, it's good to have a plan!

    Hugs to all and keep up the good work. Love what you do, and do what you love, that's the best way to make exercise work for you!