Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2012

    Quaatsi, a National Park across the road sounds beautiful!  I love the desert in the winter. May I ask which park?

    Good for you mpeaches! Every bit counts.

    Got my dog walk in today! Took the dogs to a park and we walked for about 45 minutes in the woods (and yes, in the rain). Smile

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited January 2012

    NWArtLady--  Why yes, you may ask-- Sahuaro National Park East!   Gorgeous park.  I am on volunteer equine patrol as well.  I make great use of this park!  Love it.  


  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited January 2012

    Everyone is working out for the new year.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Great picture, Mumayan!!!!

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited January 2012

    Patoo...which Disney race are you doing?   My sister is doing the princess in Feb.  I was running with her this morning and told her you were doing, while pushing your son.  She is offering to be a pusher for you.  She isn't fast, and she isn't in it to win it, she just wants to finish.  Let me know if you want to connect with her.

    Did 4 miles today and have to do 5 miles next Saturday with light running Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Did 2 miles yesterday.  Tomorrow I am taking off.  Completely off.  And having a piece of pie too. :)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2012

    Went to the gym and did Body Combat class and then spin was a "going long" class this morning so I waited around till someone left so I could get a bike and did half an hour of spin, then went grocery shopping and then home to a water logged house, while I was out we had a slab leak, flooding in four rooms, the living room is the worst and I just cleaned it up last night now I'm waiting on a plumber and doing the soak up water with towels dance, ughhhhhhh.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited January 2012
  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2012

    Quaatsi what a beautiful park! And horses too - wow. Sounds divine.

    hbcheryl so sorry about the flood! You are getting way more than a workout today!

    I just returned from Dragon Boating for the first time! Rowing on Lake Washington early in the morning - just beautiful. Saw 2 Bald Eagles and were watched by one of them as we returned to the marina and docked. We were out on the water for 1 1/2 hours and now I am tired and happy!!

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    mumayan...love the pics :)

    15 minutes of abs last night, 75 minutes of running today (split into two separate runs)...Happy Saturday, one and all!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited January 2012

    After two days of walking around the Disney World parks on a sore foot, I'm sitting here by myself on the couch in our villa with my feet up. DH should be getting back in about an hour, while the kids (DS 20, DD 17) will stay on in the park on their own. Ah to have older children...

    So sorry about the flood, Cheryl! Hang in there, keep breathing...

    Just a couple more hours, just a couple more. Playing the hurry-up-and-wait game for the following: dinner at 6pm, sleep at 9pm, wake up for "breakfast" at 1am, out the door to the bus at 3am, race at 5:30am. Oh, and hope to be done by 11am for beer! :)

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited January 2012

    Yeah Orangemat!  Go go go!

    But enjoy the relaxing night tonight.  Then GO GO GO!!!!

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited January 2012

    wonderful pictures!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Fun pictures, mum, thanks!

    Good luck, orangemat! I am excited to here your report.

    Cheryl, Cry.

    Busy day. Spent 4 hours at school trying to catch up on paperwork, then spent a couple hours with my dad, then 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minute FIRM toning DVD.

    DH husband is at the gym right now. I hope when he comes home and sees no food on the table, he will catch the subtle hint that we should go out to supper!

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited January 2012

    Hi gals,   I walked yesterday for about 40-45 minutes. I also had Taxol chemo on Thursday.  Today I awoke in lots of pain, joint pain in my leg and hands and feet and swelling in the arm where lymph nodes were removed. I can see some edema there but do you thinkthat walking might ahve aggravated that?  Not the best of days....(but I have had worse!!)

    Cool Q

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    Great pix mum, thanks!   Good luck tomorrow, Esther!  Corinne, enjoy that pie.  :-)

    Ruth, enjoy your dinner date with DH and thanks for supporting a local restaurant!

    Cheryl, bummer about the water in your house, hope the plumber gets there fast.

    Got out and walked 3.5 miles today, it was in the mid-30's so not all that warm but sunny.

    Q, I did taxotere not taxol but had terrible ankle swelling (cankles - blech).  It went away several months post final chemo but was worrisome at the time.  The arm swelling could be a sign of lymphedema.  Not sure if walking could aggravate it, but I bet it could.  Sorry I have no advice for you other than to stay well-hydrated, keep your hands up (like a boxer) when you walk, and check out the LE threads.  Hope tomorrow is a better day!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2012

    I was out of state with no internet access over the holidays. But did take some really long walks. 

    Today was 70 degrees here! 1 hour bike ride. Hope to do the same tomorrow! I am really loving this mild winter!

    I hope this isn't messing things up for your winter sports women! :) 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2012

    thanks everyone add to todays exercise regime hours of sucking with the shop vac getting the water up, gosh those things are powerful and it's really hard work I kept having to sit down,  We have no water until tomorrow when the plumber comes back, fortunately I have great neighbors I'm doing my laundry at one house and I've been invited across the road for chilli for dinner so I'm all set.  Mum those pictures are so cute.  Run Ester Run you'll do great tomorrow, after all you are at "The Happiest Place on Earth"Smile

  • mpeaches
    mpeaches Member Posts: 121
    edited January 2012

    15 minutes on the treadmill.  Bobb, our supposed hospice cat (who we've had for 3 1/2 years) is finally getting over being freaked out by the treadmill, and laid on the couch while I walked, instead of hiding.

    Thank you all so much for having this site, it forces me to actually do this!  Maybe someday I'll like it.....



  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited January 2012

    Quaatsi- I had taxol.   I did not swell visibly.  But, it did make me achey and made my skin feel very tender.  Try to raise your arms over your head and open and close your fists a number of times it may get rid of some of the edema.  I think some doses of chemo are easier than others and we won't always know why.  Hoping you  are feeling better.

    Yesterday I did "Sit and Be Fit" and "Chair Yoga " with my elderly parents.  Not very hard but it did find a couple of muscles I hadn't used in a long time.

    Today I strolled around the local swamp with my sisters.  

    I tried a half hour of zumba on the wii fit a couple of days ago and enjoyed it.  But, I did it in bare feet and now my heels and knees are talking to me.

    Love to hear about everyone and think of you all often. 

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Dear hbCheryl, I am so sorry to hear about your flooding, hope it gets resolved quickly and no damage. you certainly don't need this! Kathy

  • KeepingFaith69
    KeepingFaith69 Member Posts: 52
    edited January 2012

    Hi All,

    I have had a busy 4 days, preapring for and going away for a close friend's wedding.

    Did pretty good on the eating front, over indulged on the 'bubbly' front and parked the exercise completely.

    My alarm is set for 630am tomorrow (Monday) morning for my brisk walk with God.  Session one of 3 / week weight sessions is scheduled for the evening.

    Wishing you all a healthy and productive week, filled with joy, laughter and LOVE

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2012

    Orange- Hope your run went well!

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    Orangemat...thinking of you!  I hope you are having a fantastic time!!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2012

    Orange - we're all with you!!  Mum - love the pictures!  Cheryl - so sorry about the flooding - I grew up in a house where the basement flooded so I feel your pain. If you have wall-to-wall or large carpets you can't move out of the house, pull up the rug in the affected area and put buckets or other stuff under it to hold that area off the ground.  Then grab every fan you can find and borrow and have them blow over and under the raised rugs.  You'll probably have to keep them running for a week or so depending on temperature and humidity, but that will dry out the rugs and prevent mold and that moldy smell. 

    It was a startling 65 degrees here yesterday!  We took Metro down to DC to the National Geographic museum to see articles from the Anglo-Saxon Hoard - beautiful gold pieces of armaments dating back to 700 AD or so, found in a field in Britain a few years back.  Fabulous stuff very delicately wrought in gold, garnets, and other jewels, and not at all what I think of when I think of the Anglo-Saxons. 

    Anglo Saxon GoldThen we walked a mile and a half over to the new Martin Luther King Memorial - from the pictures I wasn't sure I liked it or not, but it's so much better and more impressive in person.  Being a tourist is good exercise!

    Hoping to take a run today - it's going to be in the 50's today.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Good morning,  Ladies!!!!!    KeepingFaith, I so love your statement, taking a brisk walk with God. I, too, do alot of praying when I walk, it is a great time to do that, peaceful. Cheryl, hope the flooding is resolved. I have a new exercise!!! I see many at the beach walking frontwards and backwards, up and down the ramps and stairs. I can only run or walk up the ramps and stairs, but what a burn on my belly and backs of my legs. I just love it!!!  I am going to try the backwards thing, but my balance is somewhat compromised. Have a great day, ladies and Go Steelers, even though I just love Tim Tebow. I lived in the Burgh for 20 years. Hubby was born there!!!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2012
    Just got back from that run - I was going to do three miles, but I felt so good I just kept going and going and ended up doing 4.3 miles - an all time long distance for me.  I'm not fast - it took 58 minutes, but the good part is that I ran for the whole 58 minutes straight without stopping!!  Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Cool
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    Good job, Mary!   Thinking of you, Esther; hope you had fun!

    I walked for nearly an hour this afternoon.  It was chilly but the sun felt good on my face, and it felt good to move.  Now I'm going to start some supper and finish the laundry.  Have a good week everyone.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2012

    Great job Mary!  You are all doing so well, it's nice to see you carrying on.  Orangemat looking forward to hearing about your race today.

    CorinneM1, yes, I'm doing the Princess but only the 5K.  My manager and another friend will be doing the 5K and then the half-marathon the next day.  We would love to hook up with your sister.  I will PM you my information.

    Yesterday did upper body weights at the gym and then walked 2.5 miles outside.  Took today off but will go to the gym after work tomorrow.

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2012

    ~ Just did a walk around the golf course. It was so beautiful out.  I am so excited to go to bed tonight......I hung my sheets outside today....love love love the smell of fresh sheets.  January and hanging out my sheets in MN.  unheard of.  

    ...also did some weights today~

    Be Well All


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2012

    70 minute bike ride! 58 degrees, not bad for January! 

    Oh and I found a 3lb weight and put it on my desk. I figure that is one step closer to using it?? :)