Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    Ok....... I got back to the cardio today ladies.......the voices were calling...... and I promptly got my a** handed to me doing 45 mins of Level One Jillian Micheal's Extreme Shed and Shred. That woman is a sadist. But hey, got my worout in. Going to do 20 minutes of Rodney Yee standing poses.....my upper body has had enough. Going to hot yoga tomorrow, and I signed up for a four hour yoga intensive with hot Rick, the 27 year old yoga god on Sunday. Namaste!

     Orangemat, love the shirt!! Congratulations on your acheivement. How great that you made that connection.

    Mum, I am just, well, jealous. Have fun!!

    Jenlee, every little bit helps, and matters! Be proud of yourself.

    Night , girlies!

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited January 2012
    Got off my butt and did my daily hour on the bike. Yay, me! Laughing
  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited January 2012

    Jenlee- I am so sorry you have to go through this.  It is a tough, tough experience.  Pain and depression are hard to deal with.  You are doing great with the exercise ! 

    Went for a half hour walk with hubby while carrying hand weights.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2012

    Hi all.  Lips are a little less swollen and, yes, I'm slathering on the vaseline; actually it's the aquaphor that I bought but didn't really need when I did rads.  Saw allergy doc today and she's sending me for extensive blood work and in 2 weeks will have the skin scratch test so everything will be covered and something should show up.  She doesn't think it's food or meds.  Could be auto-immune related, thyroid, lupus, etc., etc., etc. 

    Still have no energy but need to get back to doing something but don't like to start anything this late in the evening because then the body wants to stay awake.  Think I'll just go do my stretches and turn in.

    Orangemat, my manager (who is doing the 5K with me and also doing the half marathon in Disney) had a friend who ran last weekend in DisneyWorld also.  Unfortunately 4 miles in she tripped on one of the lights (because you all start running in the dark) and took a nasty fall so she could not finish. Couple of months ago she and her DH did the marathon in Greece.

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    hi ladies and welcome jenlee and yorkiemom.  It was an amazing 54 degrees in Madison this afternoon so I got out for two walks, knowing the cold and snow are headed this way.  g'night!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited January 2012

    Oh, too bad about your manager's friend, patoo! Yes, it was very dark when we started, at 5:30am, but I don't remember seeing any lights on the ground. I was in the third corral and it got spread out rather quickly, probably mostly because I was running slower than everyone else. Hope she's better by today.

    Somehow I missed what's been going on with your lips... but Aquaphor is a great product, and I'm glad to hear it's helping. 

    jenlee, just one step at a time and be kind to yourself. Every bit of movement and exercise you do is worthwhile. Please do come back and tell us what you do each time; that's what this place is for and we're all happy to be a part of it. 

    cheryl, you definitely qualify for that piece of cake Smile. And you know what? It's the best kind of cake: since it's all about attitude, there are no calories!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2012

    90 minute yoga class - was excellent and the LE didn't flair up, yay!

    ALSO, I pumped that 3 lb weight on my desk a few sets today, both arms. Gotta remember to do that some more tomorrow.

    AND I did two rounds of MLD on my neck area. I am trying this out to see if it helps the LE. On another thread someone posted it - I'll put below in case anybody is interested (I saw some LE stuff on the prev. page). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9FP6AHj9Eo&feature=related

    Mumyan I cracked up at the breakfast in bed comment.

    Miss Swimm, cracked up at the sadist comment!!! (I guess anything with "shred" might go that way??)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Welcome Jen! Good for you for keeping moving.....everything 'counts' and will help you get through this and bounce back faster afterwards too.

    Hi Yorkie, glad to see you here!

    Did Get Chisel'd, a very good FIRM interval DVD.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited January 2012

    The Disney pictures are up! Indulge me, please... instead of doing the Goofy, I wore these bouncing antennae for the entire marathon... so I did the Dorky :)


  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited January 2012

    Ok, you ladies are inspiring me! I'm gonna walk, not drive, the quarter mile to my radiology staging appt. today! Both ways will add up to a half mile to begin my day. Woohoo!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Awesome Esther!

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited January 2012

    Wow! Orangemat, you look fab! That could be a poster titled "The Joy of Running". You sure make it look fun :-) Congratulations! clapclapclapclapclap!!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2012

    Esther, you rock, not dork ;)  I love this pic.  Quiche is right, that is such a happy picture.

    Good job yorkiemom!   

    Patoo, glad the docs are all over that; hope you feel even better today.

    I was all charged up yesterday and went to gym.  Car wouldn't start when I got out, called AAA, got a jump, was driving on freeway and car started to shudder, got off and broke down on one of the busiest intersections in San Jose.  The good news is I just started laughing when it happened.  Took 40 minutes for the AAA tow truck to arrive this time (unlike the jump when they were there in 5 minutes, go figure.)  So many people drove up behind me and honked, even though the emergency flashers were on and my trunk and hood were up.  I'm still laughing as I type this.  People are funny.

    Went for an hour walk this am with dog and DH, going to try to get some yoga in today for much needed stretching.

    Have a vunderbar day tarts.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2012

    Last night did Body Combat with the wonderful Eduardo, half way through the class he said "Cheryl are you trying to hide from me?" I said it loud and proud "YES I AM" but I did end up putting my heart and soul into the class and had a great workout.

    Patoo so glad you are getting some help for the allergies, they really do knock you around those scratch tests aren't easy but if you get answers it's worth it.  Esther that is a fabulous picture, I see pure joy and happiness on your face.  I can't remember who does PX90 but Hannahs BF who is a 6ft defensive tackle buily like a brick wall posted this on facebook yesterday - Man PX90 isn't that bad - today This morning so sore from PX90!!!!  I just laughed.....

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2012

    35 minutes jogging on treadmill after work last night, and 30 minutes weights/resistance this morning.  Battling another truncal LE flare (I've gained 3 pounds in just a few days, all around my middle - yuk!), but went to LE therapist today who did an hour plus MLD - so hopefully that will move some of the fluid out. 

    Esther - great picture!!  Yorkie - good for you for walking to your tx today.  Cheryl - obviously you can't hide from Eduardo!  Kim - some days all you can do is laugh or cry - and laughing is so much more fun.  I think it burns more calories too, so I'm thinking that counts as exercise for you! Cool  Jen - you're so inspiring to keep working out during chemo- don't worry if you can't do much if anything on some days - just do what you can on any particular day and call it a victory.  

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2012

    I hope you ladies don't mind if I join in :).  I need someone to be accountable too. 

    I have been back at the gym for 3 weeks now.  I am doing power flex on Monday & Wednesday's, Tuesday and Thursday is Zumba and kick boxing, and Saturday is Circuit boxing which I LOVE.  Wednesday's seems to be my hardest day.  The instructor is the best but I leave that class feeling like Jello. :)  I have gained weight since I started BUT I am in a size smaller pants. 

    So today was kick boxing followed by zumba and I am exhausted.  I am ready for the extra energy to kick in. 

    Oh I forgot Friday is supposed to be my day off and my DH signed us up for co-ed soccer.  Oh yay!  I am going to go and try and make the best of it but soccer is not my favorite thing to do. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2012

    Ester love the pictures from the marathon.

    Just popping in.  Went for my 3 mile walk yesterday and I have to laugh at my little dog.  she has gotten to where she knows when I am going walking and she starts this little dancing thing because she wants to go with me.  I have started to take her but she wants to chase all the cats along the way.  It is a challenge.  But she goes to bed early when we take our walks.  Tommow I have 2 Dr appts about 45 miles from where I live and there is a great yoga studio there so I am going to stick around and do the Happy Hour Yoga at 5:30 then head home.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Did Hard Core Fushion (FIRM DVD) and the treadmill. I cranked it up a notch in honor of Esther and her run!

    Welcome Jaimieh!

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    Esther--What a wonderful picture of you!!!  It is great to see you so happy!!!  Thank you for sharing!! 

    I am still laying low after getting sick.  I am so reluctant to wear myself thin, what with the low b12 levels and now getting a virus...so a week off of exercise is what seems to be evolving here...ah well, I will get the minutes back up there once again!!

    Good night all!

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2012

    Got my dog walking in!  30 minutes and no rain.  I kinda like the rain...  Also, today I had my first 6 month mammo on the surgery side and it was normal! Woohoo!  That last one was the one where I was diagnosed with bc, so this was very nice. I even had to hug the nurse who delivered the news. Smile

    ruthbru, thanks for the post on LE - very helpful.

    yorkiemom, I saw your post about biking the other day - go you!!

    Aloha all you lovely ladies!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    I am so sore from Jillian Micheal's I can barely walk. Did a 25 minute HIIT workout this morning. I wanted to do yoga tonight, but I am just toast on the couch. Will be meeting up with Jillian again in the morning for more shed and shred.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2012

    Esther- Loved the picture; you look like you have scored a victory over cancer!

    I did an hour of yoga therapy today; felt so good! We have discovered I now have lymphedema in the other arm as well so I am waiting for my second sleeve.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited January 2012

    First chemo yesterday and did a 2mile walk with hubby and dog this morning. I would normally do a 3 mile power walk/jog but was happy just to be able to get out today :-)

    Regards Jenn in sunny Australia

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2012

    Great picture Esther.  CLC, I'm with you and just took this week off.  Allergies do rob your strength but I'll get back to it.  Went for bloodwork today - she took 8-1/2 vials of blood!  Between that and the scratch test in 2 weeks something is bound to show up.

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    patoo...thanks for letting me know I have a resting buddy...:)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    NWart, congratulations on the mammo. Whew!

    Ginger, GRRRR on the LE.....

    Jenn, glad you were able to get out for a walk.

    patoo, hope they can get to the bottom of your allergies. Hopefully you aren't allergic to cheesecake or something dreadful like that!

    Get better CLC.

    Jillian sounds mean, misswim!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    hi all and welcome Jaimieh and Jenn.  This is a great bunch of caring and motivating ladies!

    Great pic, Esther! 

    Mary, hope the MLD did the trick and eases that LE flare.

    Sherry, love the concept of Happy Hour yoga.

    Kim, your post made me smile.

    We got our first serious snowfall of the season (finally) yesterday so my major exercise was shoveling when I got home from work.  Ate supper and promptly fell asleep on the couch. 

    Have a wonderful day my tartly sisters and {{hugs}} to all.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2012

    Good morning-

    CLC and Patoo-feel better.  8 1/2 vials-that is a freaking lot; good news is they have much to work with and will figure out your allergy situation.  CLC sometimes rest is good exercise...

    NWArt-that first mammo is a wringer, they all are actually, but it does feel like progress-well deserved.  I haven't heard anything on my first "back in the system" mammo as a high risk screening, so I hope that means my "pink slip" (they send out the results in the mail when you are good) is coming in the mail.  It's hard to wait, but I think I go through some much needed fear workouts when this happens.  It's a strange way of getting to a place of acceptance-things will never be the same, but I am going to move forward.

    Jenn, great job on the walk-you can feel the Aussie sun coming through your post!

    Sherry, yes the Happy Hour Yoga is such a great name.  Missswim and Ruth, good job on the workouts, I found some newly packaged exercise DVDs while cleaning yesterday and I think I'm going to actually open them and see how they are!  I'm more of an outdoor exerciser, but I'm all for mixing things up in 2012.

    Stupid LE.  Hope Mary and Ginger are taming that nasty...well, I was going to use a not nice word here, but I'm trying to have a sweeter mouth/typing style in 2012.  Badger, snow sculpting is tough!

    I've got a light run and weight workout on the docket today.  Yesterday was a weak 3 mile walk with the dog, I was preoccupied and wanted to get home and start cleaning out a bunch of stuff. You guys would laugh if you saw me at work in my house-I start one thing, then go start another, then another...get a little of each done...then go put the undone away...it would make so much more sense to start, work, and finish one thing at a time...story of my life.

    Have a great Friday the 13th guys!


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2012

    LE therapist was great - she didn't have another appointment till a half hour after my scheduled end time, so she just extended me and did a loooooong full MLD, even on the unaffected quadrant, just to get the whole lymphatic system moving.  It did help - I'm down a bit in weight today and feel better. Agreed - stupid LE. 

    Patoo - 8 and a half vials - you really ran into a vampire!!!  They should be able to run tests all day and all night with that much blood!!  Hope you and CLC feel better soon!  Sherry - I can just see your dog lunging after all the cats! Badger - a Shovel and Sculpt workout!!  Jenn - good for you for getting out on chemo day!  I was always pretty good the first few days after chemo (steroid buzz) but then I'd hit the dreaded steroid crash and be pretty fatigued for the next few days.  I think those here who did chemo would agree that in many ways the first tx is the hardest cuz you have absolutely no idea how your body will react.  Once you get that first one under your belt, at least you have some idea.  I hope you've checked out the chemo thread on BCO for your month.  The ladies on the "Starting Chemo March 2008" thread were lifesavers for me - we all went through it together and were such a source of support for each other - I don't think I could have done it without those fabulous March 2008 ladies.  

    20 minutes walk with Mikey after work, 30 minutes weights/resistance, and 20 minute Lebeds.  I'm going to try to do Lebeds twice a day to see if that helps the LE.  

    DH and I both have MLK Day off on Monday, so we're off to the cabin for a long weekend.  The forecast is for highs only in the 30's, so our hiking is going to be chilly!!

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited January 2012

    Waiting for DH to wake up so I can get on the bike (in master bedroom). Laughing

    He was working until 2 a.m. last night, so I can't fault him! Still, I  may have to patiently wait a little longer. Otoh, I could go for a walk, although it is pretty cold outside.

    Happy exercising today all!