Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited January 2012

    Thank you so much!!! I will go to the Medical Valley Fitness Center today. I keep you post it!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2012

    Wow; you guys are all doing great!

    2 full days of teaching preschool and I feel like I am the one who ran the marathon. I am so sore and exhausted I just cannot believe it. Getting through the school day is taking all I have for right now. Tomorrow I am off so I will get some exercise then.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    Ginger...I can totally relate.  Even we teachers underestimate how hard we work!!

    I have been running a low grade fever for two days, so I am not exercising right now.  That's ok.  I had two weeks that were at pre-surgury levels of exercise...and they were in a row...so I will sit back and wait for the fever to recede...

    Hope you all are well!


  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2012

    Seriously, Claire, I had no idea how hard it would be to get back up to speed. Hope your fever resolves quickly!

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    Ginger...you ain't kiddin' !!

  • nancyhb
    nancyhb Member Posts: 235
    edited January 2012

    I love coming to this forum; you are all so inspiring and motivating.

    And I'm feeling so bad and guilty right now.  Ran Sunday, great yoga class last night - and I bailed on class tonight.  Worked a little later than expected and couldn't make it, but didn't try hard.  Tomorrow is my long work day, so no opportunity to do anything.  Thursday is port placement, so I'm hoping for a walk/run on Friday. 

    Bone scan is perfectly clear, no mets; ejection fraction is 65%, so I know my heart is in good shape. I am still, for some reason, just having a hard day, I guess.  Some days are like that.  It'll get better, I know.

    Peace, love, and aerobic activity to all of you!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2012

    No workout yesterday or today as I'm also under the weather.  Going tomorrow to allergy doctor because every so often, and I mean often, something disagrees with me.  Where does it present, you ask?  My lips.  They swell up, look like I have red lip gloss on (I don't), and are very dry and warm to the touch. 

    Welcome newbies.  CorinneM1, got your PM and answered.  Looking forward to meeting up with your sister. 

    Night friends.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2012

    ~ Did another Slim in Six DVD after school "Body Sculpting" a few of us decided to get together and do a 30 min workout 3 times a week or more if we can.  My sister and I work together so we wanted to do something and it started from there.  A nice break and them we can go back to our classrooms with a clear head and correct those papers.  

    Enjoy your night gals


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Poor patoo, would vaseline help your lips?

    Nancy, glad your tests came out good. It is perfectly normal to have a bad day when you are facing the unknown, which is what the whole chemo journey is. How many do you have to do? The next couple months will be 'lets get this over with' months....but they will pass, and going into them in good shape will help you get through them and bounce back quicker too. Hang in there.

    It was ''Reading the Time Magazine While Walking on the Treadmill' night. So did that for 45 minutes and 30 of 'Arms/Abs/Buns of Steel'.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    I sure hope all of you feeling under the weather get better soon!!! Nancy, best wishes to you on Thursday as you get your port placement. So glad your scans are done. I sure remember those scanxiety days. I took a long walk today, felt good!!! Have a great evening!!! Kathy

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2012

    40 minute elliptical before the meeting I had to go to tonight!  Tomorrow is Yoga... 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Since a couple of our new ladies have LE questions, I thought I'd do a post of what will hopefully be some useful tips.

    I had 11 lymph nodes removed, so this has always been an area of real concern and mindfulness for me. When I had my surgery, there was no one around here to go to for advice, so I did a lot of studying on my own. Ladies who have been around for awhile, feel free to skip, add your suggestions, or correct me if I'm wrong.

    First, I think that whether or not you are prone to LE has mostly to do with how your lymph system handles trauma. I would say most cases (unless you are in a horrible accident or are doing really extreme activities) are neither through any virtue or fault of your own; just a matter of good or bad ‘luck'.

    That being said, there are many ‘little' things that we can do that may reduce the risk of developing LE or minimize flares (these are for people with SNB too):

    • No BP, IVs, needles, shots etc. in that arm....consider getting a medical ID bracelet (to wear when traveling anyway) check out http://www.creativemedicalid.com/ for beautiful jewelry type IDs
    • Wear gloves when doing yard work, gardening etc.
    • Wear sunscreen when out in the sun, bug spray when out with the bugs
    • If you get a cut, scrap, bite...wash it with soap/water and slap on a bandage. If you see any sign of infection, get to the Dr. & on antibiotics ASAP
    • Carry your purse on the other side, also be careful when hauling around anything heavy, switch arms when dragging luggage etc. (at first I carried everything on the 'good' side but wonder if that contributed to me getting a hernia, now I swtich off)
    • No saunas (I also avoid manicures and massages)
    • Keep a healthy weight
    • Keep hydrated, limit alcohol
    • Don't wear tight rings, watches, bracelets on that arm
    • When exercising that arm; start slowly, take your time...build up weights slowly...don't skip levels...don't do too many reps in one session
    • Mix up your exercises, don't work the same muscle groups every day, you may want to work with an experienced trainer (or PT) to help you construct a balanced program
    • One thing I do want to add; after my surgery I was so scared to start doing upper body. Neither my surgeon nor my oncologist could give me any good solid advice, so I talked to my GP. What he said was that I DID want to exercise my upper body, that it was important to do so as it would actually build up the lymph system, and although, of course, I should be careful and notice if my arm felt heavy/swollen etc. that I shouldn't be afraid to have it feel a little sore...because anytime you exercise a part of your body that you haven't been using, of course, it will feel sore. That made sense to me, and gave me ‘permission' to get moving.

    Hope this helps! Ruth

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited January 2012

    Thank you Ruth! As you said it a matter of good or bad luck. I did and didn't do everything you listed and more to prevent LE and guess what.... bad luck!  I want/have/need to exercise, so I will begin with different "water exercises": stress free, aqusize, water aerobics, H2O, etc (who knew they were so many!) this week and find which feels better for me. I am terrified to use my arm, I am still do not know how many repetitions should I do, but I am going to listen to my body and if it doesn't feel right I will stop immediatly. I keep you post it!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    good morning all, got in a really nice walk yesterday afternoon and hoping for same today.  We're finally supposed to get some snow tonight into tomorrow.  Hubby fixed the problem with our DVD player so now I can workout at home, looks like it was just in the nick of time!   :-)

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited January 2012

    Did half hour walk with hubby yesterday and held 1 lb weights.  It went well and added a little extra challenge to my walking.  I could tell my heart rate was up.

    Day before I did 45 minutes of Zumba with the Wii fit.  It was an excellent challenge for me.  Had me sweating and grunting ! 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2012

    Thanks Ruth; that was a very helpful summary! So many of us have had a BMX with SNB or nodes taken on both sides. What are we supposed to do about blood pressure and needle sticks? I have been having it done on my non-LE side but am a bit fearful that this will cause it to have LE as well. Any thoughts?

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited January 2012

    Just had breakfast in bed.Embarassedwhoops wrong thread.Will get my butt up and down to the gym this morning.Will snorkel this afternoon with the fishys.Cool

    Ginger I have had nodes removed on both sides as well.So far so good no LE.I do let them do Needle sticks and blood pressure on the right arm not as many removed from that side.

    I think the regular use of light weights at the gym for your upper body  really helps. 

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited January 2012

    Ah, finally home from Orlando and had a good night's sleep in my own bed. Thanks everyone for the kind words on my marathon; even though it didn't turn out exactly as I had hoped, I'm still pretty pleased with the fact that I completed it... and as they say, in the upright position!

    Interesting little story: after the race on Sunday, I arranged to meet up with a virtual running friend from a running forum I participate in. DH and I met with him and his wife and we had a nice chat over our celebratory beers in Germany in Epcot. As much as I don't like to bring it up, the topic of me scheduling my races around my surgeries this past year did creep into the conversation, and turns out his wife is also a B/C survivor, four years out (though she's not a runner). For some reason, I found that conversation with her to be more meaningful than talking to her husband, the runner who had just completed the marathon as well. Funny how even though all my medical stuff isn't part of my active (i.e. current) life these days, the diagnosis changes you forever. I don't mean to bring anyone here down by my reflections, just wanted to share my thoughts in a few words, and know that you'd all understand.

    So anyway, onward and upward! I just signed up for the More Magazine Women's Half Marathon last night. It's an all-women's race, very welcoming to runners and walkers of all abilities, and it's in Central Park, NYC on Sunday, April 15. This was my first half marathon last year and I ran it with a group of 6 other women from my running club. It was the first half marathon for all of us, and we developed a very close bond as a result of training together for this race. It was while training for this race that I was diagnosed, and I think because I was in the constant company of other women doing what I love to do (i.e. running) that I was able to stay in a positive state of mind during that time. Our group has now expanded to about 9 women, and we'll have group shirts again this year. Last year our shirts had our names on the front (so great to have complete strangers cheer you on by name during a race!) and this on the back:

    piece of cake 

    Piece of cake! Smile

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Wonderful! and I think we do have a very special bond, on a deep and true level, with others in our 'club'. Whatever other friendships and relationships we have, this one is special, because only if you've been there, can you know.

    edited to note that we are under a 'Winter Weather Advisory'....and it has been so nice that I don't even care, and when listening to the weather this morning with DH I said, "Ha! A piece of Cake!' Does that mean that I qualify for a shirt? Wink

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited January 2012
    Ruth: Yes!!
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2012

    Yoga last night, plus a one mile walk to the rec center.  Met dh afterwards at the Mexican restaurant across the street from the rec center, so pretty much shot the benefit of my exercise all to heck. But it was yummy!!!  30 minutes elliptical this morning.

    Orange - love the shirt - really cute!  And I always love running into other survivors, especially those who are futher along than I - I always feel inspired. 

    Mum - sounds like you're having a grand time!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2012

    Good Morning All -

    Back in Florida, jet lagged and feeling grumpy and stiff from a long flight.  Today I hope to walk, and get in an hour stretchy mat session.   If I put it in writing, maybe it will actually happen!  

    Ginger48   BP can be taken on an ankle, and blood work can also be done on a foot/leg.  The LE threads have more info on this.  

    ruthbru   Your LE recommendations are great.  LE is a risk for anybody with node removal, doesn't matter the number of nodes removed.  And I think that you're right about why somebody gets LE, it's luck.  About my doggie - unfortunately she does not join me on my trips to Florida.  :(    I really miss walking without her - doesn't seem natural for me to be on a hike and not have a leash in my hand. I need to borrow a dog, during my time here!   

    A FIGHTER   Yes - we're neighbors!  I'm here part-time, for medical care, and the rest of the time in Budapest.  I grew up in the Jupiter area, so it's home to me.  PM me - maybe we have the same team of doctors.  If your insurance covers it, PT is great after surgery.  I have a good PT that I've been really happy with and can share her information, if you like.   And congrats on getting drains out!  

    Ralston   If you are anxious about exercising because of LE, Norton and Lebed are specifically designed to gently and safely work the lymphatic system.   If you need more information about these, check out the LE thread  "GRRRR I hate LE".   I'm becoming passionate about LE awareness,  and am thinking about getting certified to teach Lebed and Norton to BC survivors.  (I'm currently a pilates instructor.)  If you have trouble finding these exercises and need more info, let me know.  

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Dear Ruth, Thank you so much for all the info!!! You are so helpful to everyone!!! I do have lymphedema on my left arm, mild but I do wear a sleeve. I went to a therapist in Chicago and she got me to Stage 0, but I do exercises that she gave me, everyday. Wow, I did not know about massages, thank you so much. I also have had two cases of cellulitis. I am printing out your list and posting it on my fridge. Thanks so much. Kathy

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2012

    Good morning-

    Ruth, those are great recommendations, and since I have never seen them all in one place before, very, very helpful.  I didn't realize that even a couple nodes removed makes a difference until a massage therapist told me my left arm was swollen.  I always think I've learned as much as I need to and then...I find out how much I don't know!  Ah, life.

    Patoo, hope your lips are better today.  My sister and my husband both are chapstick addicts and I swear the more they use it the more problems they have...what is up with that.  Me, I love lipstick, especially the little Burts Bees ones that have a very light tint to them.  

    Esther, I loved reading about your experience...it always amazes me when I run into someone that has a story like that.  The one really good thing about this stupid a$$ disease is the value we place on our health afterwards.  It becomes so precious and of course that is why this place is so inspiring.  I went for a light jog this morning with my crazy dog and just thought about how lucky I am that I can do these things right now.  I wish I could join you in Central Park!  How fun!  I have a great friend that does the run/walk for the firefighter Steve...can't remember his last name...from 9/11-something to Towers run-and I am going to try to join her and another group for that run in NYC in the fall.  Goals!  And the shirt is darling.

    Mum, you always crack me up.  When I see your profile pic with the camera, it always makes me smile.

    Joy, love Pilates and want to do more of it.

    Ralston, keep us posted on how it goes the first couple of sessions.  A Fighter, yes, now I feel accountable to you Laughing better stay on it!  Going for a weight workout in about an hour.

    To the rest of you lovely ladies, have a great Weds.  I'm off for my first weigh in on the Weds weigh in thread.



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2012

    Didn't post last night cause we lost cable/internet/phone - funny it happened right as the Servicemaster guy plugged in the last fan but he insists it was't him - yeah sure, so now added to my frustration is a date this afternoon with "the cable guy".  Did leave the man tearing out carpet and ripping off baseboards and went to the gym and did step and half a combat class but I shouldn't even take credit for it cause I could barely move my legs, this of course thanks to flipping Eduardo and I'm scheduled to see him again tonight grumle grumble grrrrr cause for him it's "no excuses".  Oh and I've got the hot flash problem solved, sleep in a bedroom with three massive industrial fans going, had to go and get ear plugs, could still hear the whirring but had a really good nights sleep, go figure!!!!

    Joy Frown that you have to leave your doggy behing when you come to Florida, maybe you could go to a local shelter, they are always looking for walkers and you could get your doggy fix that way, it's not the same but sometimes the kindness shown to a shelter animal may be the only kindness they'll ever know.

    Esther that is a crazy shirt, I can't run but I'll always eat a piece of cake - do I qualify as well?

    Kim welcome home, it's good to see you back, there are so many others who we miss but if they're lurking, reading - we miss you all.  Have a great day everyone.

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited January 2012

    Thank you for all your support! I need to do cardio (I gained 30 pounds during chemo). Since my surgery I have not been able to figure it out if my upper arm is tight and numb due to the nerves that they cut, the TE or just LE. I think the main problem is that most videos or exercise programs that I have found for people with LE are not really "cardio workouts". I do my arm exercises and manual drainage everyday that is not the problem. Anyway, I had my first Aquasize class today and I didn't move my arm that much, but I got my cardio workout. I am planning to incorporate my arm little by little. By the way, I found interesting that any of the trainers knew anything about Lymphedema.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    I have a meeting in 20 minutes. I'm posting so that I will have to do something when I get home. Will be back later.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2012

    walking on the treadmill and checking this site....who would have thought...walk and check out my sites all at one time!  love when I can multitask!

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited January 2012

    Hi, Just getting back into to exercise this week after a few bad months of depression (& pain from biopsies) since diagnosis.  Even though they told me it couldn't happen, I was also afraid that vigorous exercise would spread the cancer.  Now I'm not even capable of intense exercise.

    Mon.- ten minutes on elliptical; Tues. - Chemo day - a bit out of it and too tired!   Wed. - 30 minutes speed walk (tired now)