Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited January 2012

    Springtime love your weight training steps !

    Did a long walk with a sister today.  Down the board walk to Fire Island Light House then up and down the 160 stpes. Walked back on the beach.  Then a half hour walk with my hubby.  We are having warm lovely weather also ! 

  • mpeaches
    mpeaches Member Posts: 121
    edited January 2012

    20 minutes on the treadmill today - yeah!



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    30 minutes of abs this morning; this afternoon I picked up branches in the backyard while DH took down the Christmas lights, and then went for an hour long walk with my neighbor..... in just a sweatshirt and sweatpants....no underarmor, hat, gloves, triple layers.......amazing!

    Also got mid-term progress reports done, so I will actually start the week 'not behind'!

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2012

    Went birdwatching today and walked all over the place. Didn't build up a sweat, but it was a great walk! Saw several short-eared owls and droves of trumpeter swans; beautiful afternoon.

  • KeepingFaith69
    KeepingFaith69 Member Posts: 52
    edited January 2012

    Well done ladies, keep it up : )

    Today I did a killer session at the gym and finished it off with 30 minutes on the treadmill (1 minute sprint, one minute recovery).

    Off gym day tomorrow and I am looking forward to my morning walk with God.

  • nancyhb
    nancyhb Member Posts: 235
    edited January 2012

    Mary - congratulations on your amazing run - you're incredible!!  I get so mad sometimes, that before diagnosis I had just achieved a major goal for me, a 1.6 mile continuous run.  When all the s**t his the fan I simply stopped everything for three weeks, and now I'm back to intervals of .75 mile run / .25 mile walk.  Hate it.  BUT, I did do a 3.0 mile run/walk yesterday, which is half a mile longer than I've been able to do in the last couple of weeks.

    Off for the bone scan and Echo this morning, then planning on high-energy yoga tonight.  I think of you all every time I want to stop - I've got this group of ladies behind me urging me to keep going just a little longer!!!  Smile

    Blessings on a beautiful Monday!

    A_FIGHTER Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2012

    I just had surgery on Dec. 28th (bilateral-subcutaneous masectomy). I am EXTREMELY active! I typical week for me is running 6 days, boot camp 5 days, TRX & Kettlebells class 2 days, Kangoo Jumps 2 days, and Restorative Yoga 2 days...to now nothing except the exercises in my little booklet to do while drains are in...I was just wondering how long it took to get back to normal activity...I know everyone is different, but just curious...I was told after 6 weeks, but yet that wasn't back to my normal...I need to do something so I am going to start walking the beach daily... 

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited January 2012

    Good morning friends. Just a quick update on my marathon since I'm typing on my phone (room wireless hasn't worked the whole week). Finished the Disney Marathon yesterday in 4:42:03, a full 20 minutes slower than I had planned for. I was on pace for the first 7 miles, but then got hit with tummy issues that forced me to make two extended potty stops along the way... oh well, as they say, sh*t happens... but in spite of all my unforeseen issues, I kept

    running, maintained my positivity and finished with a smile. :)

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2012

    Good morning ladies!

    Ah, I always get back on *board* (this board and the exercise board) when it is mammogram day!  I go in just a couple hours, always have a freakout of some sort, calm down and then realize it's time to hit the gym again.  I've been exercising, but not at the level I want to.

    Orangemat, that is an exciting accomplishment!  I don't think my knee will ever allow me to be a marathon runner, but I do want to get back to running.  I had a knee scope right before all my cancer craziness, but I would like to run enough to do a tri this year.

    Mary great job, running that 4.3 in less than an hour is great!  Nancy HB keep up good work.  What is "high energy yoga?"  I am starting a flow yoga class in a week, with my hyper personality, I really need it.

    Bonnie, you are my hero.  I want to get back to that level of exercise, I was there the year of my dx and last year I really slumped off-kind of had to conserve mental energy I guess, but I'm ready to hit it again.

    Hi to everyone else, I am going to try try try to get back with my favorite girls on the site!  



  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2012

    My exercise today:  a wonderful 40 minute walk with my doggie - gorgeous, crisp, sunny day - had to peel off a layer as I was sweating on the hike up the hill back to my house.  Will get in an hour mat class this afternoon, after a dr.'s appt. 

     orangemat   Congrats on your marathon - so incredibly inspiring! 

    A FIGHTER   I was really active pre-surgery, and am now 2 months out from BMX immed recon.  It is still taking awhile to get upper body going at 2 months.  Be aware of LE issues - careful of lifting arms above the shoulders for at least 2-3 weeks.   At 3 weeks, drains out - I began light theraband stretching and strengthening of the upper body with guidance from a PT.  I'm now doing pilates, hiking, lower body is pretty much on target.  Upper body will take awhile though.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2012

    Orange - congratulations!!!!  You did it!!!  I think finishing a marathon less than a year from your dx is amazing!  Take a few moments and reflect on what an accomplishment that truly is. 

    Kim - good to see you!!!!!  We've missed you.  Good to see you back - keeping fingers crossed for a nice routine mammo. 

    NW - a fellow nature person!  I love seeing owls, and the swans must have been beautiful. 

    Bonnie - walking is great exercise.  You'll probably find that you're more comfortable and sleep better on the days you walk.  At six weeks you will probably be cleared to start exercising.  But that means STARTING - not jumping in at the level you were at.  Your body has been through a trememdous shock and it's going to take some time before you feel like anything back to normal.  Doing too much too soon may feel good initially, but in the long run it's counterproductive.  As Joy says, lymphedema is a special concern for you since by your sig you had 6 nodes removed.  You do NOT want to do anything that might trigger LE.  You may want to ask your surgeon for a scrip to see a Certified Lymphedema Therapist who can take baseline measurements, assess your risks, educate you on basic precautions, and help you develop an upper body exercise program to SAFELY begin strengthening your upper body.  After my bmx, I was told to wall walk and stretch my arms above my head as soon as I could - now there's evidence that this should be avoided for the first couple of weeks after surgery to avoid triggering LE.  When my surgeon eventually cleared me to begin working out again, I received very little advice about LE except the standard no needles, IV or BP in the affected arm.  Nothing about how to get back into exercise safely.  So, I overdid it and now I have LE.  When I started with my LE therapist, she had me start with 1 pound weights - quite a comedown from my pre-dx 12 pounds.  But I stuck to her program and have worked back slowly and safely without triggering a major LE flare.  Best to get professional guidance right off the bat and avoid triggering LE.  It can be so very frustrating to start over again, but do it slowly and carefully for your best long term health.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited January 2012
    I am off to Mexico this evening.But am taking my gym clothes  and snorkle equipment to insure that I get my exercise.Tongue out
  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited January 2012

    Hello Ladies! I really want to join this thread, but I am scared... During my UMX they removed 23 nodes 7 months ago. My upper arm has been numb since then and I also have a TE. My arm is not swelling, but it's always numb and sometimes I feel the tightness and heaviness. I need to exercise and my PT recommended doing some aquarobics. My problem is that she keeps telling me that I should not do too many repetitions with my left arm and I have to wear my sleeve all the time. Okay, I can't wear the sleeve in the pool and aquarobics require a lot of arm movement. I am really confused... Have any of you has done aquarobics? Any advice?

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2012

    Worked out with my sister after school tonight, put in a slim in six DVD and we just did it right in my classroom.  Then we I got home my husband and I went for a long walk.  So beautiful out.  Full moon too! 



  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    Orangemat, you are awesome!!!! Congrats!!!

    Nancy- my dear- I hope all went well with your tests today! I just sent you out the books I PM'd you about today.

    I went to a vigourous Vinyasa yoga class tonight. I haven't taken a class with this instructor (who is ADORABLE) since prior to surgery. He is amazing and very challenging but also very compassionate. We talked a bit about my limitations prior to class and he was really impressed with some of the modifications I do to certain poses due to my surgical limitations. He worked on alot of assists with me and it was a wonderful class. Getting adjusted by the hot 27 year old yoga instructor was a plus :).

    I am going to start with some Firm cardio again tomorrow, and planning to go to a Zumba class on Tuesday night!

    Two girls from work have joined the Avon Breast Cancer walk in Boston with me which is in May, so we are going to start our training . Very exciting stuff!

  • nancyhb
    nancyhb Member Posts: 235
    edited January 2012

    Missy, sweetie - I've been thinking about you and your recovery.  So glad to hear you're back to yoga; I've been carrying you with me whenever I practice and sending positive energy and light your way.  If I were you, I'd need soooo much help from this hot instructor - er, during hot yoga - er, whenever he was teaching.  Wink  Keep honoring your body and your limitations, as hard as we both know that can be.

    Orangemat, you are truly an inspiration!!  I am working back towards my 5k timing, and would love to be able to do a 10k by spring, but with chemo starting next week I'm not holding my breath.  Maybe I'll do it and simply *crawl* if I have to - because it's trying, and doing, that really matters, right?

    Pretty intense yoga class tonight.  So glad to still be breathing, moving, and alive!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Hi Kim, glad to hear from you! Hope your mammo went O.K.

    Welcome Bonnie and Ralston. Bonnie, yes, start walking! You can start doing lower body and abs stuff right away. As others have said, upper body will take longer and you need to go slowly & carefully with it. Bonnie, Mary will know more about this, but I wouldn't think you would need to wear the sleeve in the pool (you aren't lifting weights in the pool, are you?). If something feels like it is too much, just don't do it. Although we need to be careful, we do need to build the affected arm back up, I believe.

    Esther, congratulations! I hope your stomach settled down so that you could enjoy your post-race beer!!! (Notice my priorities Wink.)

    Mum, jealous of your trip......

    Misswim, your instructor sounds like Cheryl's hunky Eduardo. Maybe I DO need to take a class!!

    Still gorgeous here. Zoomed home and took another lovely, long walk. Then I went grocery shopping and got a good look at Balsie's huge full moon on the way home.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2012

    Orangemat- I am so impressed!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    Ruth and Cheryl- I was thinking about "Eduardo"while my Rick was assisting me. I love all my yoga teachers but this one is something else. Gorgeous and very, very good at what he does. Yummy yoga!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2012

    Tonight spent two hours with not the "wonderful" Eduardo but the "f%^#@**&" Eduardo, what in the heck is it about him that you just work harder, oh yes it's the hunky body and the Cheryl face forward, Cheryl turn this way, Cheryl chest up -  if only it didn't come with the "food" lecture, eat fruit and vegetables, no sugar blah blah blah told him I was sure glad he wasn't my father - at least I got a laugh out of himSurprised

    Congratulations Orangemat sorry about the tummy but it's going around and bottom line is "YOU DID IT" misswim glad you got to "enjoy" your yoga.  Mary you did one of the things on my bucket list - the MLK memorial, one day I'll get there.  Balsie I agree the moon tonight was magnificent.  Welcome Bonnie and Roylston.  I used to do aquacise I think even though there is no resistance I'd be careful cause you could overdo, start easy, like Ruth says we need to build back up but we have to start slowly and no one tells us about the numbness and the tight feeling pulling it is the new normal and you've had 23 nodes removed so you need to be extra careful, Mary (Natsfan) will be along in the morning and she has terrific advice.  Joy do you take your doggie between Budapest and Florida?  Mum once again I am jealous, have a great time south of the border!!!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    good morning all and welcome Bonnie and Ralston.  I did nothing the first two weeks after BMX, not knowing that was the right thing to do.  Sometimes I do my best work by accident LOL.  Only had two nodes taken from each side during SNB but sometimes a lymphatic pathway is severed during surgery and I think that happened to me.  I have a touch of truncal LE on the left side but am otherwise OK.

    Kim, great to see ya, good luck on the mammo.  Congrats on finishing the marathon Esther, that is an amazing accomplishment!  Have fun in Mexico mum.  I love moonlit walks myself; wonderful to think we're all under the same full moon.

    Got out yesterday and walked 30 minutes at lunchtime, it was a bit windy but warmish for Jan.  Supposed to be in the 50's today and maybe set a record so for sure I'll be out there again today.  Date night tonight so we'll go out for margies and mex yum!

    A_FIGHTER Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2012


    Dazdnfused - Excellent, that you're ready to hit it again! Let me know when you start Smile

    Joyh1109 - I see you are from Jupiter...We're just a hop, skip and a jump from one another.  I absolutely love hiking especially this time of year! We are actually going this weekend. I received a very special card from a dear friend with the Oak Tree Poem by Johnny Ray Ryder Jr. I plan to have my husband take a picture of me among a field of Oak Trees. That's great you are doing theraband stretching and pilates. If you don't mind me asking, are your Dr.'s in our area? Also, did you ask for a PT or Dr.'s set you up with one? Just wondering because nothing has been mentioned about a PT. I am now drain free as of yesterday. I had one drain removed last week and the other two yesterday - total of 12 days.

    NatsFan &  Joyh1109 - Thank you for info. on LE. I was concerned about this from the get go. My Dr. doesn't seem to be worried. I have a dear friend going through BC a few months ahead of me and 20 years older and LE has been discussed. We have the same Dr. When I mentioned it again to my Dr. he said if I wanted he can do baseline measurements/testing. I see him tomorrow and will ask him to do so. Also, I will take your advice on getting a script for a Therapist so I can start a routine safely! NatsFan - I'm glad you were able to work back slowly. You will get there! Slow and steady baby Laughing

    Ruthbru - Oh yes, I thought about abs too!

    Thank you ladies I really appreciate it!

    Enjoy your day!  

    A_FIGHTER Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2012

    Hi Hbcheryl & badger - Thank you for the Welcome

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited January 2012

    OH my goodness...one day away from this board and all the posts!! great ... welcome newbies and congrats to all..orangemat!!  hooray!!!

    I concur on the LE issues-- be careful about upper body workouts but know that the lower body can still work for you!  I did find that exercise that "pumped" my body (in my case, doing a posting trot on a horse) really helps my arm.  Lifting weights beyond 2 pounds at your stage, Bonnie, I am told was a no no but stretching is good.  Your body only knows it is working beyond what it can at this point-- it is not about absolute workout. So give your competitive streak a rest and know that it is all relative to what your body can do in the moment that matters-- I tell myself the same thing and have tried to give up comparing myself from before surgery to after.  You WILL  get there!!!  You have the motivation!!!  good luck all-- off to doc to see why the heck I am putting so much weight on and if there is something to do about this!!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2012

    Ralston - from everything I've read, aqua exercise is actually very good for LE - and you don't have to wear your sleeve!  The action of the water across the skin mimics the lymphatic flow and helps move fluid along.  But as with everything else, start slowly.  I'd probably start with no aqua dumbells at all - just the resistance of the water is probably enough for you at this point.  I have a set of aqua exercises for LE that someone posted on the LE thread some time ago - I'll see if I can find them and post a link.  I actually plan to start doing them this spring once we open our pool. 

    Misswim - impressed that you can do hot yoga - I'd pass out from the heat in the first 5 minutes. I guess the hot instructor is a good incentive!! Cool  Sounds like you've found your own "Eduardo"!

    Dug out my old Power 90 tape this morning and did the 35 minute "Sweat" aerobic routine plus 100 of his killer crunches.  (That's the predecessor program to PX90.)  I'd forgotten what a good all around workout it was, with warm ups, stretches, yoga and upper and lower aerobic, including boxing moves.  I have a feeling I'll feel those crunches later today or tomorrow!  Yoga starts up tonight - haven't gone my surgery in early November, so I'm quite excited to get back to it.  

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2012

    Here's the link to a whole thread on LE and swimming, with a lot of good reference info:  http://community.breastcancer.org/forum/64/topic/767203?page=1

    Here's that link to some aqua exercises designed especially for LE:  http://www.lymphedemablog.com/2011/01/20/the-benefit-of-aquatic-exercise-for-lymphedema/

    A_FIGHTER Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2012

    Hi Quaatsi,

    Thank you!

    Good luck with the Dr. today.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2012

    Welcome newbies this place keeps me motivated.

    Orangmat congrats on the marathon.  My body does not like running so I envy you.

    I did a great yoga class last night.  We get alot of hands on as we meet at our instructors house.  She has a small studio and there are only three of us in the class.  She really pushes us but in a very good way. Will take my walk with God this afternoon

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited January 2012

    OrangMat--Congrats!  What an accomplishment, and you are an inspiration.

    This week's plan looks like this: 30-35 min outside run tonight. Core/abs Wednesday, 30 min treadmill on Thursday, 30-40 min treadmill on Friday, Zumba class Sat morning, 5 mile run (gulp!) on Sunday outside. Yesterday and Sunday were days off.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2012

    Hi all-

    Mary, great links and Ralston, I hope this works for you...swimming is such a great exercise for so many reasons, as are aqua-anythings.  Keep us posted.

    I am back on the "normal" (bwahahahahahahah) mammo readings, meaning, I go, they do them on the digital machine,  and wait to see if I get called back.  The good news is they think I can go back to those type of readings, the bad news is the waiting part. I HATE IT.  Sherryc, I am walkin' and talkin' with God nonstop...the only thing that gets me through this BESIDES knowing all of you know exactly how I feel.   I will post my updates when I get them. 

    Meanwhile, I did hit the gym after the mammo yesterday and I'm sore today.  Small jog this morning, now I'm trying to stay busy...but here I am on here instead.  I did what my trainer calls "shove s**t around", meaning, I just ran through an hour of stationary weights to condition my body for the next round.  Mainly scapula is sore, which is good, because that's where I need it.  My trainer has me finish with a very helpful stretch for BC surgery patients-I lie on a foam roller and do "marches" with my arm, extending one arm straight overhead and pointing fingers straight out, then slowly switch and stretch out the other one.  It really helps the stiffness in the scapula plus stretches out the SNB scar and the lumpectomy scar.  I still have a great deal of swelling in there...I'm a "swell" kinda gal on anything-knee scope from almost 3 years ago still swells up.  

    I decided to quit drinking entirely, am on day 10 of that, haven't missed it or the feeling like crap. And Ruth, you are so right about the prunes.  My goodness, if that isn't the Arimidex secret, I don't know what is.  Now I need to a) stop my massive anxiety b) drink more water c) get off of here and go do something productive.

    Happy Tuesday everyone.

    Your nervous friend
