Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited January 2012

    Happy Friday the 13th all!

    Sorry been absent here.  OrangeMat, love the picture--thank you for sharing.

    I need to go back and read all of the posts, as I was skimmmmming through, but I hope everyone is keeping up the good workouts.

    I have been off this week for a variety of reasons--a lot of stressful things going on here right now, but starting to come to a simmer.  Got a 30 min run in today, will do a Zumba class tomorrow morning and a 5 mile run on Sunday to get back on the saddle. 

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited January 2012

    I want to share that if I do my jumping exercises (the aerobic part) after my last mealof the day, that my results are better!

    Some days, I have to get them in where I can, which I think is better than nothing, but  wanted to share this too.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2012

    Inspired by everybody's activity!  

    Had an hour of PT this morning - diagnosed with breast lymphedema, no surprise.  I've been pretty uncomfortable for the past week.  Yesterday the onc recommended an oopherectomy, or 2 years of shots.  Wasn't expecting this news, still reeling a bit from it.   Did 10 minutes of Norton exercises, and 10 minutes of mat stretches.   Still jet-lagged - that's about it for today.  Tomorrow is another day.   And still looking for a doggie willing to walk with me!  

    Have a good weekend, all!   

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Joy, get a second opinion if you aren't sure if the ooph or shots are something you want to do.

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2012

    Daznfused, I would hate to wait for results in the mail! I do hope you hear good news soon!!

    No workout other than doing laundry today but that is only more reason for me to go rowing with the Dragon Boaters at 8am tomorrow morning... I am enjoying the rowing, but not the cold, dark mornings. Tongue out

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    hi ladies, no formal exercise today but put on 3.7 miles walking around the office.  'night all

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2012

    Jenn, good for you! I walked all through Chemo and Radiation, as much as I could, and it really helped!

    45 on the elliptical! too cold to bike, waaaahhhhh!!! 

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited January 2012

    5.5 miles running this morning, all systems back to normal post-marathon. Even felt strong during PT in the afternoon, doing my forearm planks, ball knee-tucks and modified pushups. Life is good.

    Tomorrow is the weekend getaway in PA with my running GFs. We plan on running, hiking, snowtubing and doing other assorted activities... as well as lots of eating and drinking. Good times!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    30 minutes treadmill, 15 toning.....and more than negated the exercise by going out for Mexican.

    Happy Weekend, Everybody!

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited January 2012

    Not much today...

    My port only went in on Wednesday before chemo on Thursday. It was so comfortable yesterday I forgot it and reached behind myself and did "something" that hurt it like anything and has left me uncomfortable. Went to emergency and the chemo suite this am to have it xrayed and re-accessed and they have said it all looks good, but I definitely don't feel so comfortable...

    Have also had some nausea today so the most I have done is a short walk around the block with my husband and dog :-( But it's better than nothing..

    regards Jenn

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    had my coffee, now headed off to do A.M. yoga - have a good weekend everyone!

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    Thanks all for the get-well wishes...How are you patoo????  I did some ab ripper yesterday, walked this morning and am going for a run today...I think I am back to near normal...:)

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2012

    Joy- I had an ooph a month ago. I am 49 and it was a pretty easy recovery compared to all the rest of this/

    I ordered Leslie Sansone's walking videos today and can't wait to get started when they come next week.

    I am switching my sleeve back and forth between these arms till the new one is ordered. I am waiting for the dr to send over the rx.

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited January 2012

    No exercise for me these last two days.  Hopefully some Zumba later.

    Jennt28 I am so sorry your port gave you a scare.  They are a horrible/ wonderful thing.  Keep up those nice gentle walks and know that you are in our hearts !

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2012

    Lips a little better but still reacting to something.  Thanks for asking.

    Ginger48, I have Leslie Sansone tapes and love them.  They give a good workout.

    Went to gym this morning.  Only lasted 20 mins in spin class; going to try ad build up on the bike before I attempt it again.  Did 30 mins walk/run on treadmill. Worked upper and lower body on machines and did some stretching.  Felt absolutely fantastic afterward then came home, sat for a few and the body said 'Oh no you didn't'.  Wiped out now but the endorphins are still working so still upbeat.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2012

    Patoo, good that at least your lips are somewhat better instead of worse.  Will be glad when you find out what is the cause and then can get it treated.  Good job on the gym, isn't it funny how we just dread getting there but afterwards that feeling...SO good.

    Got my result "pleased to inform you your recent screening mammogram revealed no suspicous findings." THANK YOU LORD!  NWArt, they usually will call me back only if something is up, so when the week passed with no call, I was somewhat sure I was OK, but still...seeing that paper today in the mail made me very happy. 

    Had a 4 mile brisk walk this morning with DH and dog.  Getting ready to watch our beloved 49ers go up against the Saints.  

    Hope you all are having a great weekend and thanks for "waiting" with me...you are the best.



  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2012

    dazednconfused WooHoo on the clear mammo

    I did the Happy Hour Yoga and it was so great.  The class was completley full we could not have gotten one more person in there.  Then had dinner with DH and some friends.  Went to acupuncture this morning and the farmers market. 

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    Oh, patoo...I hope you get this allergy squared away soon!!

    Dazednfused...yeah!!!  Congrats on the clear mammo!

    I ran just about 5 miles today.  Just one of those days that I could just zone out and keep going.  I ran for 50 minutes.

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2012

    Jennt28 I'm also sorry you are having port trouble. Mine gives me troubles from time to time and was hard to get used to in the beginning. When it acts up (mostly this takes the form of mild pain/ache around the tube that comes out of it) I take an Advil and that seems to help. It is on my right side and I find that I need to be careful turning my head to the left. All that being said, I've had it for close to 6 months now and I am so happy I have it! It makes blood draws and everything else so much easier.

    Dazednfused - that's wonderful!!! Woot!

    I did not go rowing with the Dragon Boaters this morning - rain and 30 degree weather made me wimp out. Later I heard that they did not go out due to rough seas. It snowed here about an hour ago but it seems to have let up so I'm going to take the dogs for our walk! Time to bundle up and put on the rain/snowcoats... Smile

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2012

    Good Evening All -

    Was feeling sluggish and out of it, but got things going again with 50 minutes of Tracy Mallett booty barre - wow, good cardio and I know I'll feel quads tomorrow.  :)    It was a dreary, chilly day today so I'm happy to find another inside alternative.

    Ginger48    Thanks for the info on your experience with the ooph - still pondering why my onc has recommended it for me.  My appt. with her was cut short because of an emergency, I see her again on Monday.    

    I wish all of you a wonderful rest of the weekend!   

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited January 2012

    I finally made it to the gym for the first time since my Oct 26 bmx (except for a few times on the treadmill at PT). Just 20 minutes on the bike, and one leg exercise. Hopefully I can start picking up the pace a bit, but I do feel winded. I'm a week into my second chemo treatment, so I know it's going to be touch and go for the next few months (T(axotere)ACx6 every three weeks).

    One question - does anyone have a suggestion for what to wear on my head while working out? The wig is definitely out -- too hot. I wore a buff, but it was sort of hot. I guess I could do a lighter bandana, but my hair, while buzzed, is not yet completely gone, so I don't like exposing it in public. Are there any lightweight caps or other things you've found work well? Thanks. 

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited January 2012
    I finally make it to the pool. I walked, ran, swam and jumped. I feel great an my arm is doing great  Smile
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    good evening ladies and welcome rachelvk.  I went commando during chemo, even to work, but wore a Milwaukee Brewers baseball cap when I walked the neighborhood for exercise.  It looked more natural than a scarf or a buff and kept my head from getting sunburned. 

    Thanks for sharing good news, Kim.

    Did yoga this a.m. and walked at the big-box store this p.m. as it was sunny but COLD.  

    patoo, I hope your team can figure out what's causing the allergic reaction.

    Take care everyone!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2012

    Joyh- Looks like you are ER+ and the ooph or shots will reduce the estrogen in your body that feeds the cancer. That is why mine had to come out.

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited January 2012

    Squeaked in my hour today, whew. Tuesday we're off to Hawaii!  Won't be able to exercise in a structured way, but I figure we'll be walking so much I'll meet, or exceed,  my quota.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Kim, congrats on the clear mammo. Whew! That is always a scary time.

    Jenn, hope the port settles down. Although I'm really glad I had one, I really hated that damn thing!

    Good job to everyone who is exercising during chemo; you are all doing great by keeping moving!

    Yorkie, jealous about Hawaii. Walking on the beach is the best exercise of all!

    Pretty nice here today. Walking half an hour & then a friend, who is babysitting her wild 'grandpuppy', called and wanted a walking buddy, so walked 45 more minutes with them &  did 25 minutes of abs.

    Congratulations to San Fran and New England fans....my poor Vikings have been long gone Cry.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited January 2012

    I've gained weight over the holidays and have to do something drastic. So I'm here again! Ruthbru you are amazing about keeping everyone motivated.

    The good news is that I no longer get backaches doing zumba and running last week. I tried Zumba a year ago and decided it was not yet time. But it was so much fun this time. The running part was actually my first couch to 5k session of 20 minutes walking/running on a treadmill. Again no backache and no kneeache! I set the incline at 6 degrees, so maybe that helped. I have never been a runner so I'll be really excited if I ever get to run 5k.

  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2012

    Apart from chasing Bob the mouse (who has moved into my house) I have gotten back into my MTB biking. To go into town and back is a 30 k ride through the woods and fields. New year resoution was to do some yoga every day and so far so good :)

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited January 2012

    Ruth, lol about the wild grandpuppy! Takes me back to when our yorkie was a pup. We called her the yorkshire terrorist! She loved to rip the sheetrock from our walls and pull up edges of carpet. When we first got her at 10 weeks, the "ideal" age to train a pup, she screamed for 2 nights without stop in the crate we had so carefully set up for her to sleep in. On the third night I told my husband "I'm getting her." From that day forward she slept in our bed and pretty much dominated the family.

    Now you know why her picture is my avatar and where I got my sig line. I have no choice in the matter! Surprised 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2012

    45 on the elliptical last night and BOY did I not want to do it! Did it anyway! Missing the bike rides. REALLY missing the bike rides.... I think I'm going to look into finding a local Zumba class...