Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2012

    Did two classes tonight with the wonderful Eduardo, Body Pump and Body Combat then raced home changed and went to Little Saigon and had fabulous Vietnamese food with my friends we went to a little hole in the wall place I would have walked right past but wow fantastic food and cheap dinner was $6.50.

    Ruth glad you got your report finished and will keep you in my thoughts for wednesday.  Jenn totally understand the "sad look" of being left behind, everyone else in this house can dangle car keys and the dog doesn't give a hoot but the minute I pick up mine he's at the door ready to go and if I have to leave him, well you know I'm the worst in the world!!!!!

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited January 2012

    Good luck Ruth for Wednesday...

    Regards Jenn

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited January 2012

    balsie, we can cheer each other on with the couch to 5k.Smile

    actually, my second ct5k session yesterday was derailed as I got a call scheduling my PET/CT scan for this morning. I decided to go to the spa instead to relax my muscles and nerves. It was my first time to go to the sauna at this place and it turns out one has to be totally naked. I kept my suit on anyway. My wellness day paid off and I got the news that I am STILL NED after almost 4 years!!!  No mets young or old, breasts clear, axilla clear, spine clear!

    Tonight, it's Zumba! I will take it easy on the champagne before then.

  • nancyhb
    nancyhb Member Posts: 235
    edited January 2012

    Good morning ladies!  Ran 3.1 miles on Sunday (port placement was Thursday) and discovered that my sports bra really doesn't hold my girls very still anymore, so the bouncing with the port was a little uncomfortable.  But, I persevered, determined to finish what I had started.  Starting to feel like the story of this whole journey! 

    Restorative yoga last night - my instructor was concerned about my ability to do much chest-opening so she opted for some gentle flows and restoration.  Last dinner out with DH last night before treatment starts Thursday - our doctor has recommended no restaurant food until after chemo to avoid potential food poisoning.  Undecided

    Power yoga tonight; will do what I can and modify what I can't.  Planning to get one more run in on Wednesday morning!

    Jennt28 - Sorry to hear about your port - mine scares the crap out of me right now!  I'm almost afraid to move my arm for the same reason you stated.  I hope it starts to feel better and "normal" soon.  *hugs*

    truebff - I'm in Jackson but work in Ypsi at EMU.  Let me know if you'd like to meet for coffe or a walk sometime.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Dear NancyHB, Wow, you are great, too, running with a port. You made me chuckle about your girls bouncing. A great sense of humor keeps us keeping on!!!! You will also be in my thoughts and prayers as you begin chemo on Thursday!!!! You will do great on this journey. Have a great day!!! Kathy

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2012

    Heidi - woohoo on the 4 years NED - wonderful news!!!  Nancy - interesting what different oncs warn about.  My onc placed no food, restaurant, or other restrictions on me.  My SIL's onc didn't want her eating any salads during chemo.  And now your onc says no restaurant food???  I'd have never made it if I couldn't have gone out to eat during chemo!  Rachel - I also did 6*TAC, so I know what you're going through.  On the what to wear during chemo - I'm with Badger in that I wore a baseball cap most of the time - of course mine was a Washington Nationals cap and not a Brewers cap!  Laughing  Actually, the cap I wore the most was a Washington Nationals pink ribbon cap - it just sort of silently explained to people why there was a bald woman walking around - people can't help but do a double-take when they see you and the cap answered their unasked question.  A side bonus of wearing the cap - on more than a few occasions survivors who were 6, 8 or even 10+ years out came up to me to give me support - I always found that so inspiring.Yorkiemom - laughing about the "Yorkshire Terrorist"!  Jenn - cool you work at Best Friends!  I was in the humane field for 15 years, and heard only good things about Best Friends.  

    4 hours of Shop N Sculpt on Saturday, 5 mile mountain hike Sunday (in 25 degree weather!), and another 4 miles yesterday.  Did 50 minutes of Lebeds this morning.

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited January 2012

    Had a bad week last week, so trying to catch up on posts here and get back into a better routine this week. Did a 30 min outside last night and plan on doing another tonight.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Dear Mary!!! I was born in Arlington, VA!!!! so I should be a Nationals fan!!!!!  You are an amazing exerciser!!!!!! You are almost as far out as I am. The first thing my onc told me when I finished treatment, was to be a cheerleader and go up to anyone who looked as though they were going through chemo,(i got the knack after awhile) and give them hugs(as long as I was not sick). I volunteered at the breast cancer clinic, too. It is so rewarding to be able to help someone feel better and know there is life after cancer. Tell me what Shop N Sculpt is, sounds fantastic. Thanks, Kathy

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Dear Corrine, I hope you have a much better week, you sure are a great exerciser, too. Kathy

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2012

    Kathy - Shop N Sculpt is a joking reference we've used on this thread - it means a couple of hours spent shopping - walking around, trying on clothes, and lugging the bags with our purchases absolutely counts as exercise in my book.  Laughing  Come snow time and there'll be Shovel N Sculpt, in summer there's Garden N Sculpt, and painting a room is  . . .  you got it, Paint N Sculpt!!  

    You did the opposite of my dh - you were born here and moved to California.  He was born in California and moved here.  So I guess you cancelled each other out!  Wink

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2012

    Hi Goils-

    Heidi your news is inspiring and awesome and I love the spa rx...I think I need to do that too!  

    Been running around catching up on all the stuff I put off while I was busy freaking out about my mammo last week.  Oh, it doesn't pay to freak out!  Oh well, I'm back in the saddle, but missed a couple days of workouts.  I'll be back on it tomorrow.  I am going to sign up for yoga today, and there is a class, so hopefully I can get that in.

    We Northern Californians have been dehydrated, but a big storm is on the way.  That probably means more gym less outdoors over the next few days.  Oh well.  

    Mary, I know you are a Baseball fan, but I was thinking about you when the niners won this weekend...it was such a cool game!  I'm very excited about the upcoming game this weekend, it's so much more fun to sit through my husband and son's marathon football watching (college and pro) when it's our local team.

     Patoo, hoping you are feeling better and better.

    Ruth and Cheryl howdy and howdy to everyone on this fine Tuesday.  



    and ps...if anyone can tell me the way to find out about posting a picture in here, I would be very grateful!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2012

    Nancy good luck on the chemo Thursday.  HOpe it goes well.

    I am heading to yoga tonight.   For all you yogi's out there on yogaournal.com they are doing a 20 day challenge and they will send you daily yoga poise videos and emails on healthy eating.  Just go to their website and sign up.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    Oh my gosh...I am so behind on posts...you ladies are  awesome!!  Heidi...congrats on your wonderful news....:)

    I did 35 minutes of running and 15 on the bike... 

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited January 2012

    No one's more behind than me... or should I say, no one's got more of a behind than me! Tongue out

    Girls' weekend in the Poconos was great. We ate, we drank, we ran, we drank... and the best thing was that my running girlfriends and I finally got to just hang out and BE, ya know? As much as we all love running, it was wonderful to just not run and get to know each other a little better over the past couple days. Sure, we chat when we run (we're all the slowest of the slow in our running club), but still, the time we spent together this weekend really solidified our bond as friends. And the best thing I felt I got out of the weekend was that I'm now ready to go into this next surgery with no fear: boosted with the support of my running gal-pals, I'm almost welcoming the challenge of having to recover, and start from scratch yet a third time to reclaiming my fitness.  Yeah, can't stop me. :)

    Hugs to all!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Dear Mary, How funny, my mind lately has been way to literal!!!! I was thinking a store that had a gym in the back, he,he,he!!!!!!! Shop, drop and give me 50!!!!!  Thanks so much for the explanation!!! Wow, your husband was born here and moved to the east. That is O.K., positive both ways. I still miss Pittsburgh and since we still have family there, we know we can visit when we can. Our sons both got jobs here after college, so that is why we are here. I just came back from a long walk and ran up the ramp from the strand to the sidewalk. It burned, but know that's a good thing. I need to burn the fat off. Have a wonderful evening all!!!! Kathy

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Heidihill, that is such great news. I hope you are doing something fun for yourself!!!!! Kathy

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2012

    I got my 1/2 hour dog walk in today! Added some stairs to it; these are very steep ones that the local firefighters use for training. Of course they do several trips up and down while I am happy to make it down and back up once! I'll get back to being able to jog them several times soon.

    I also started radiation today: 1 down, 32 to go! Here we go...

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    Heidihill- You are awesome. Congratulations!

    Nancy, my dear, good luck on Thursday!!! I have you in my thoughts my kindred spirit. Once you are used to the port, the heart opening poses are easier. I was in full wheel with my port in more than once. I hope you continue to exercise through chemo if you can. You are very inspiring.

    Esther- I am so glad you had fun. Have one of those girls weekends planned in May, and can't wait. We are going to Boston to a yoga intensive Saturday and then shopping on Saturday :).

    Ruth, will be thinking of you on Weds.

    Sherry- Thanks so much for the Yoga Journal information :)

    1.5 hours of hot yoga tonight. Our small studio was packed at 18 ppl- so on top of being toasty, it was even hotter with all the bodies, and a very challenging practice.

    Thinking Zumba in the morning!

    Night, all:)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2012

    After 2 days of rest, I finally got on the elliptical - 45 minutes, at fast, evening meeting. Glad I fit it in. I typically never skip 2 days. Glad my body didn't explode or something.

    Gotta find a Zumba class. Too cold to bike! This elliptical is getting old! 

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2012

    Huffed, puffed and sweated thru another 50 minutes of Booty Barre, my new fav.  My hip is feeling a bit wonky though - ugh - hope it's not anything major.  

    Had 30 minutes of my first LE therapy with the PT - not a workout but truly interesting to learn decongestive technique for my mild LE.   

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Congratulations Heidi!

    Gosh, I'm glad they never told me not to eat in restaurants when I was doing chemo....otherwise I would have starved to death before I ever finished!

    A very busy and hectic day & then went to two basketball games tonight....so no exercise but a lot of distractions.

    I'll check in tomorrow. 'Night All!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2012

    Fingers crossed for you tomorrow Ruth. Congratulations Heidi, woohoooooo. Nancy because I am lopsided I wear two bras and still I bounce around and sometimes have to hold onto myselfSurprised. Corinne hope this week is better for you than last. NWArt those stairs sound like a great incentive to give yourself. Misswim my friend is doing a 30 day hot yoga challenge ending on valentines day with candle yoga.  Spring the reason I do classes is that I get bored on the machines so good luck in finding a good zumba class so you can "shake your booty"Wink

    Kim download Picassa (it's a Google program and it's free) then you create an account and upload your pictures to it then you cut {control x) then come here and paste (control v) and your picture should appear.

    Tonight I did a Body Combat class, it's new release week at my gym so we had 4 instructors and a lot of energy in the room but boy my muscles are screaming from yesterday.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    good morning ladies, just a fly-by on my way out of town for a couple days (back late Friday).

    I'm driving so will bring my yoga mat for morning yoga practice, and my walking shoes.  Hopefully the hotel has a fitness center and I can walk in the evenings. 

    Thanks for sharing good scan results Heidi and good luck at mammo appt today Ruth.

    See y'all in a few days!  {{hugs}}

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2012

    Good morning-

    Quick post-Cheryl, thanks so much for the instructions.  Ruth, good luck today and I'll be thinking about you...sounds like we are on the same schedule...heck, with all our drs. appointments in here, we probably are all on the same scheduleSmile!  Badger have a nice outing and great planning! 

    I went to yoga yesterday at our Senior center.  You can join after you are 50, so it's a large group with varied ages.  I just love it and every time after I go I wonder why I am not consistent...felt really good.  Candle yoga; I can just create a funny mental picture...

    NWArt, the rads go by fast believe it or not, and the mental check off was so helpful to me.  I had the BEST group of people in there.  One time I was there and a tiny, little, very old lady came in for her treatment.  She had a strong British accent and asked me "Where's yours love?" (Meaning, where was my cancer.)  I told her, and then she looked at me and started laughing and said "mine's in my arse! And I get to carry this around with me!"  Then she showed me what was some portable chemo pack.  When my tech came to get me, she yelled at the tech "Huuuurrry up with her, I am taking the train to the Disneyland Museum today and I don't want you bloody messing around all day long!"  Strangely enough, she motivated me like no one else in there.  Instead of freaking me out, she made me feel like if she could accept what was happening to her- and travel an hour from San Jose to San Fran on the train after it-I could do my treatment.  The techs were so nice to her, and to everyone, and I realized how lucky I was to be working with a good team.  Ha, don't know why I felt compelled to tell that story, other than having peculiarly good memories about radiation!!!  Yes, I am weird if you haven't figured that out.

    Esther is motivating me!  I may go to a Team in Training meeting tonight with another BC buddy-we've both been toying with a sprint distance tri, I think now is the time to do it.

    OK, it's on the scale and over to the Weds weigh in.  I hope you all have a healthy, great day.




  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2012

    Kim-I did a sprint tri a few years ago; it was awesome!

    I caught a cold/flu from my lovely preschoolers, overdid it moving my DD into a new college this weekend and then had lymph therapy. Now I feel like I got hit by a bus. I am hanging out in bed today and hoping it passes quickly. I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!

    Good luck Ruth!

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2012

    Hey, ladies, I haven't been on this thread for about a year. Wow! But I've been here in spirit. Here's what I've been up to:

    Never been a runner--hated it--but found this app called Couch to 5K, and it takes running slowly and builds up over a period of weeks. I'm enjoying it, and realize that I had always jumped out quickly and either hurt myself or got tired and frustrated too quickly.

    I've been devoting most of my fitness time to Pilates. I'm going to start teacher certification with Polestar (a more rehab-based Pialtes system) this spring, and I am so psyched!! I'm a geek when it comes to anatomy and movement, so I'm reviewing my books and trying to organize my brain. It will be intense, but I'm up for ths challenge.

    Thinking maybe I'll then get a Wellness Coach certification, but not give up my day job. Life begins at 55?? Well, we can always upgrade ourselves!

    Happy exercising, everyone. Good for the body, mind, and spirit!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2012

    Anne, let us know about your Pilates certification journey!

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited January 2012

    Morning lovely ladies,

    At home today with kids as the water main at school broke.  Plan on taking a 40 min run on the treadmill toay and thinking about taking them ice skating later on.  They are bouncing off of the walls and I need to get them out today.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2012

    Yoga last night - I arranged to keep my yoga mat and blanket in a locker at the rec center during the week, freeing me up to jog to and from yoga class cuz I don't have to lug my stuff anymore.  It's only a mile each way, so it makes a nice run - I'll do that till the ice/snow makes it unsafe.  Sooooo, one hour of yoga last night, plus 2 mile runs.  Had a LE appt this morning so only had time for 20 minutes Lebeds.  Hope to hit the treadmill tonight. 

    Anne - good to see you again!

    A sprint tri - wow.  I've been toying with running a local 10K in April, but since the longest distance I've ever run is the 4.3 miles I did a few weeks ago, I think I need to build up some more.  I saw the course elevation for the 10K and it's pretty much downhill most of the way (it's a one way course) so that's giving me some encouragement.  Ladies who run - am I crazy to even think of trying this 10K in April???  http://www.pikespeek10k.com

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited January 2012

    Couch to 5K is good stuff!

    I feel like I've fallen off the yoga wagon these last couple months, and it's been so hard to climb back on. I had planned on going to class this morning, but procrastinated my morning away and missed it yet again. Maybe I'm still tired from the marathon?? And with the 40-50 mph winds going on here, I didn't think it would be too wise to go outside to run, so I decided to go visit my old nemesis downstairs: the treadmill. [cue dramatic scary music] 

    Eh, it wasn't so bad. 3 miles nice and easy, upping the speed a tenth at every half mile. Then I took my shoes and socks off and did an addition half mile barefoot. I'd been meaning to try that for a while now. It was... interesting, to say the least.

    Hugs to all!