Lets Post our Daily Exercise
Hi, had a very good appointment; mammo clear, bone density hanging in there, tumor markers nice and low, blood work good, no wierd lumps, bumps or other concerns. So I'm good for another 6 months; and if that checkup is good, I will be cleared to go off Arimidex and switched over to once a year appointments....almost kind of scary....
Thanks for all your good wishes today. I'm off to exercise .....indoors, as it is windy and way below zero.
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Oh yes, I wanted to add that if you want to run.......you should be able to do so. I saw a clip on the news this morning about a 100 year old man who runs a mile twice a week and plays doubles badmitton twice a week. He has competed in the Elder Olympics and won the 'World's Fastest Man' title in the over 80 division a couple years ago. He plans to enter again next year, when he is 101!
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Wonderful news Ruth!!!
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Ginger Hope you feel better soon - those pre-school germs can be fierce.
AnneW Excited for you on the Polestar certification! I've been teaching pilates for awhile and love it!
Corinne How did the ice skating go? Did you skate too? It's hard to keep kids entertained inside in the winter, isn't it?
NatsFan Sounds like a good combination, running to and from yoga. I'm so inspired by all of the runners here!
Ruth Very happy for you and the wonderful good news!!
Exercise today was an hour of pilates advanced mat - I'm just going for it, and modifying arms as needed. So far so good. It's soooooo nice to get back into the routine.
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Yay Ruth!
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So happy for you Ruth!
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Atta girl Ruth-I can't believe you are coming up on five years-you are such an inspiration for anyone on AIs...I know you are definitely one of the reasons I wasn't too worried about my Arimidex journey. Happy Dance!
Mary, I had never run more than about 4-5 miles at a time before and my friends talked me into a 12K across the Golden Gate Bridge (right before my BC dx) and...it was great! Definitely doable and such a sense of accomplishment. It was hard, but I paced myself and just took it all in. I've only done one race since then, but I think I'm going to do the GG Bridge (Nuts across the Bay) again in March.
My only fear with the tri is the bike portion. I'm a good swimmer, and can bike, but am nervous about...gulp...falling off the bike with all the people close to me. I am a clutz on a bike for some reason. I guess I could always get off it and walk if it bothered me too much.
Did hour of weight training today, my trainer cranked it up and I'm sore now but a good sore. I ran 3 miles on the treadmill, 12 min miles, but I'll take it. I've never been a really fast runner, but I do love it. I would rather run outside but it's tough in the winter.
DH home sick today so I'm gonna go check on him. Hi everyone!
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45 minutes on the treadmill & 45 minutes of Denise Austin's Body Makeover Mix.0
Dear Ruth, Fantastic news!!!!! Let me know about the arimidex, I just went off aromasin. You did great, have a wonderful evening everyone, Kathy
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Woo HOO, RUTH!!! Glad for your great news!
Ab ripper tonight...otherwise day off from exercise...
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Kathy, I will have taken 5 years of Arimidex in August. Unless some new studies come out, my oncologist thinks that will be enough (even though he is open to up to 7 years), as I am only mildly estrogen positive.....the risk reduction remains in effect for years after you are done.....so that is a bonus good thing!
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Ruth- congrats on the great news; such an inspiration for those at the beginning of the AI journey!
The sprint tri is a 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike and 3.1 mile run. I had to speed walk parts of the run as I have never been a runner. I am hoping to do it again this summer if I can get this body to cooperate.
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Dear Ruth, thank you for your reply. I like hearing other oncs say that 5-7 years is probably enough. I was on aromasin for 6 1/2 years. It is definitely a bonus that it stays in effect for years to come. I go to my new breast oncologist on Friday for a maintenance check up and I will ask her lots of questions. I had a great walk today, love the sun!!!!!
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Ruth woohoo that is great news.
All you ladies are so inspiring to me. Keep up the good work. With all this running around here I may have try the couch to 5K
Anne good luck on the pilates cerification
Was going to walk today and after I got home realized I need to go pick up medication at Walmart. So off to walmart and a huge line, then needed to stop at the grocery store real quick but it was too late by then to walk. Tomorrow I go for acupuncture so maybe Friday I can get some exercise in.
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Yay Ruth! congrats!
90 minutes Yoga tonight!
Tomorrow night I am trying my first Zumba class. It's free to try out! Drop in Zumba is $10 or you can buy a pack of 8 classes for $64. I'll report back!
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Dazednfused, thanks for that great story!! I loved hearing about that awesome lady and your good memories of radiation. I, too, have a good team and I am thankful for them.
Good news Ruth! Woot!
Whew! We went dog waking in the snow today! And then more walking in the snow after my radiation appointment to get to the bus and then more to get home. I'm tired and oddly sore all over. Time for the heated blanket.
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my very very baaad husband came home with a four piece (yeah right, a TWO piece) carrot cake, mmmm mmmmm mmmmmmm
it was sooooo good we ate it all up and then I lightly jogged for 1 hour and 10 minutes EXTRA afterwards
oh dear oh dear oh dear
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Congratulations on the good news Ruth. Mary I say "go for it" you've got till April to train and if you don't finish well so what who cares. I myself have signed up for another one of those epic all day marathons with the professional trainers on March 17th.
Tonight did two hours with the wonderful Eduardo, we did Body Combat and Body Pump and I know tomorrow my muscles will be screaming, I'll be sorry when my month with him is up cause he really knows how to push you to do your best..
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WOW - three pages in a day...
I'm so inspired by all your great exercise :-)
This morning I felt quite weak (sure the WBCs have gone) so although we did still go out for a walk it was a bit shorter and slower (and puffier) than usual.
Had the stitches from my port removed this evening (by my wonderful best friend who is a great nurse) and she's taped the two cuts well but has said no walk tomorrow.
Got VERY hungry this afternoon (first day with no anti-nausea meds) so hubby drove us up to McDonalds drive-thru and I got a McOz burger and fries for dinner. VERY naughty but tasted wonderful ;-)
regards Jenn0 -
Ruth - congrats on the good report! And congrats on finishing up your 5 years in August. My 5 years is up on July 1, 2013 - and I've already told my onc that unless she can show me some VERY persuasive studies to the contrary, I'm not staying on AIs one minute after my 5 years is up! Kim - thanks for your story about the 12K, and Cheryl, thanks for the encouragement - you all might have just tipped the balance towards me signing up for the 10K. True - I don't think I could have resisted the cake either!! (By the way, Cheryl - how about that guy just walking off BL - talk about making excuses!) Jenn- funny about you going to McDonalds. I'd read that sometimes after chemo, cancer patients end up with aversions to food they've consumed during chemo. So I usually did a McD splurge my first hungry day after chemo - I figured if I got an aversion to McD's, that'd be all to the good! It seemed to have worked - we go to McD's maybe once a year now, and the only thing that looks remotely good to me are the salads (and their fries, of course - I didn't manage to acquire an aversion to those!)
35 minutes jogging on the treadmill last night. 30 minutes weights/resistance this morning, plus 15 minutes of Lebeds.
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Great news, Ruth!
I was so exhausted from scans (thanks all for the cheers) and zumba on Tuesday that I skipped exercise yesterday. I was chauffeur to my daughter and her friend so I didn't even do much walking or biking. Made up a bit with 40 minutes in the gym today.
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Why does Zumba intimidate me? Most anything with dance does, though. But I hear it's an amazing workout! Someone at work is doing it, and she says, "The more you wiggle, the less you'll jiggle!" Cute!
Yesterday I did my run session and then a Pilates mat class. Nice that these classes have 4 people max. Lots of personal attention. Today is my reformer lesson, then a massage! NOT a spa-type massage, but pain myofascial release type massage. I love it and dread it at the same time...
happy heart rates!!
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Gorgeous weather today in Florida - had a brisk walk for 40 minutes today. It will take some work to get up to a jog - strange hip pain and a cardio system that needs some conditioning. Haven't found a willing dog to walk with me yet - still looking. Also had 30 minutes of decongestive therapy with the PT. Feeling good.
Tonight I start the first dose of Tamoxifen ........ anxious about it.
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Dear Anne, I used to do Zumba, when I lived in IN and loved it, but I got a little exuberant one day, and I was very overweight then and I fell during a dance. It was funny and everyone was so worried and I just laughed and laughed, but I was bruised. Now that I live in CA, my exercise is walking, biking and the gym!!!!!! I would like to find a Zumba class again, it was so much fun. I am sure you are doing great with it!!! Have fun!!!!! Kathy
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Hello everyone! 30 minute run tonight...:)
Happy working out to you all!
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I have my Book Club tonight. Will try to do something quick & light when I get home.
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No running today, and still no yoga, but PT is getting to be tougher each time... and I'm enjoying the challenge. Thirty second holds on forearm plank, five times each. Kneeling pushups. Knee tucks on the ball. Then I stretch out over the top of the ball in a backbend shape, what a glorious chest stretch!
Keep on keepin' on, my friends.
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I snowshoed to my radiation appointment today - the snow in Seattle is not keeping me from getting out there! It was actually a lot of fun and now I am tired!
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NWArtLady...oh, I am envious...I usually am snowshoeing this time of year...but there's been NO SNOW here!! I hope you don't mind if I enjoy it vicariously through you-what a wonderful way to make radiation more upbeat...:)
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It's been an intense yoga week for me - 3 90 minute hot yoga sessions so far. Tonight was very challenging, but I was so proud of myself- I was able to get into bird of paradise pose successfully since before my bmx. It is a hard pose to describe (Esther, my dear, a picture of that one in your yoga photos?) basically getting wrapped like a pretzel and standing on one leg balancing. I also got up into headstand and held it for a minute.
Planning to try to do somr cardio tomorrow!