Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2012

    OK so I was wanting to try something other than the elliptical since it's too cold to bike. 

    Zumba. I took a 45 minute class tonight with a young athletic woman in a dance studio. It was non-stop hi/lo aerobics with some fancy footwork and *lots* of butt shaking! It was a good workout and I could keep up, though some of the dance steps, well. I think if I kept going I would get  the dance steps!

    I have to say, 45 minutes on the elliptical feels like forever, and this Zumba class flew by.  However, my chemo toe hurts, so we'll have to see how that goes. I think I'll go back if my toe can stand it. ha!!!

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2012

    Turbo Jam tonight after school~ it was a hard workout but worth it..  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    No exercise other than to eat, drink, and make merry!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2012
    Yes Mary what a wuss fancy getting all the way to the ranch and then boo hooing and wanting to go home like a little 10 year old at sleepaway camp - ohhh I appear to be crabby but I get so mad at people who get a fabulous opportunity and then just let it go.  Ruth I can imagine you at book club eating all kinds of fabulous goodies, you girls should just rename it "cake club" Sealed.  Spring glad you liked the zumba and now you know my secret the time just flies in these classes but drags on the machines.  Tonight it was spin class for me. 
  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited January 2012
    Have been under the weather since returning from Mexico but am feeling much better today.Will hit the gym this morning,maybe even squeeze in a massage.Tongue out
  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited January 2012

    Here ya go, misswim!


    One of my favorites as well. You get into it starting in bound side-angle pose, then stepping the back leg forward, keeping the bind. Weight shifts into the foot that stepped forward, you root down, keeping the heart open... and miraculously, the other leg lifts and you balance! Well, at least that's the intent... Wink

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2012

    Esther, oh my my!  I am in the "old folks" yoga class at our senior center-I don't know the name of all the poses, but that is something to aspire to!

    Did 2 miles on treadmill, another hour of weightlighting-arm focus, then an hour of yoga.  I have noticed the yoga makes a big difference on my after workout soreness.

    I am not sure if it is the Arimidex, but I have been so prone to canker sores over these past months.  I got them all the time in my teens, and now they seem to pop up all the time.  Not cold sores mind you, just canker sores.  I think it is also due to any sugar.  Geeze, my body is the police now!  Anyhoo, it is keeping me away from sweets, so I have been good in the diet deparment.

    Hoping Patoo checks in and gives update, Mum, sorry you haven't been well.  NWArt...wow, that is dedication and sounds fun!  I love to snowshoe.

    You all are making me want to try Zumba!  It sounds like a blast.

    Keep on working ladies!


  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited January 2012

    You do all realize that's not me in that photo, right? ;)

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2012

    Orange - don't burst my bubble like that!!!  Just tell us it's you in that picture - we'll never know!! Wink  Kim - you're really back in the swing of things - good to see!  NW - snowshoeing to rads - I love it - what a way to kick cancer butt in style!!!  Joy - about finding a dog to walk - maybe volunteer to walk dogs at the the local humane society?  I worked at our local animal shelter for 15 years - and while our staff was wonderful at caring for the dogs, they were so overworked they just didn't have time for the little extras - like taking the dogs for a walk and giving them that needed one-on-one attention.  Our volunteers who did that were fabulous.  It also helps make the dogs more adoptable - when a dog is in a cage all day every day with no exercise or individual attention or exposure to the outside, they tend to get what's called "cage crazy" where they bark incessantly, bounce around, and generally look like crazy dogs.  Potential adopters tend to shy away when they see a dog acting like that in the cage because the adopters don't realize that it's not the dog's normal behavior.  If a dog can get a couple of walks and individual attention every day, it helps keep them from going cage crazy and much more of their true personality shines through when adopters are looking through the kennels.  

    20 minute walk with Mikey last night, 30 minutes weights/resistance this morning, plus 15 minutes Lebeds.   

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited January 2012

    Anne, I hope you find a zumba class. It is an awesome work out that flies. I teach it three times a week, and some of my gals are in their 70's and one is 87 years old. My Thursday night class has some teen girls in it, and they really woop it up, and sing :O) We have been having very stormy weather on the Oregon coast the last three days, so I was surprised I had 8 gals at class last night. I am on day three of Anastozole ( the generic of Arimidex) and my hot flashes seem to be more intense. When I have one during zumba, it is soak the shirt sweat, very intense. one of these times I might turn into a pile of ashes. LOL

  • mybreastcancertipsdotcom
    mybreastcancertipsdotcom Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2012
    i do not have time rite now to do exercise...i have a lot of work to doFrown
  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited January 2012

    Zumbagirl, be sure to stay hydrated!

    I did 10 mins on the stair master, 5 on the wave machine, 5 on the treadmill running/walking, 5 on the rowing machine. Then did some weight machines and stretches for another 20 mins.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2012

    Hi all, haven't been on the boards this week.  Have kept moving though.  Tried a spin class again and only lasted 20 mins.  Beginning to think spin is not for me (same fate as the torture elliptical!).  For now I will stick to my walk/run on the treadmill so I can finish my 5K next month.  Also added in resistance training and stretching for upper and lower body.  Did one water aerobics class this week as well.  Maybe after my 5K I will try the zumba and body conditioning classes.

    Ruth, great news about your checkup and the light at the end of the tunnel on the AI.

    Got a special deal on AmazonLocal for a massage so off to book my appointment.

    Later my sculpted friends.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2012

    Another nice day in Florida - almost makes me want to get out there and become a runner!  he he   

    Had an intense hour this morning of mat pilates - abs are gonna feel it tomorrow!  Hip is still wonky - I've had a muscle imbalance for years that's decided to act up, now that the game is being upped a bit after being inactive.   Will also have LE therapy this afternoon.  

    Had my first Tamox pill last night - so far no SE's ...... 

    NatsFan   I would love to volunteer at the local dog shelter.  I did check into it and they require a volunteer application snail mailed to them.  Because I'm here for a short amount of time, by the time the application is processed I would probably already be gone.  I might submit one anyway, for the next time that I'm in town.   I volunteer at our dog shelter in Budapest, along with my kids, and so agree about attention and care given to shelter dogs.   It's interesting - Hungarians have a passion for dogs, almost a crazed obsession - and I love it!    

    Wishing you all an active weekend.   

  • nancyhb
    nancyhb Member Posts: 235
    edited January 2012

    First round of treatment yesterday (AC), suprisingly uneventful.  Really didn't need the Ativan after all, but never hurts to ask for a Little Helper.

    Today, went for a run.  Scaled back to 2.5 miles from usual three, walked/ran most of it.  Just didn't want to overdo it.  Tummy hurt, but no real naseau or other problems, so I wanted to do what I could, as long as I could.  Now it's nap time.  Class all day tomorrow, then to the gym again on Sunday!  We'll see how that goes.


  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2012

    Did the daily dog walk! This time with Yaktrax as the snow is turning to slush.  I sunk in much more and halfway through the walk wished I had my snowshoes. Came home and shoveled a path from the road to my door. Good workout! But then I became concerned about developing lymphedema and stopped...

    CLC, thanks for your note!  I hope you are able to snowshoe soon!

    NancyHB, I am amazed that you are running while on A/C, it was all I could do to get my daily walk in. Take care!!

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2012

    Walked 30 min on the treadmill while my hubby lifted weights.  Watched the news and had a good chat.  So nice on a Friday night.

    Enjoy the evening gals


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    45 minutes treadmill & 45 of an old FIRM sculpt tape.

    Glad your AC was uneventful, Nancy.

    NWArt, take breaks when you are doing Sculpt and Shovel. Not too much at one time. We might get 'measurable snow' on Sunday, in which case I will have to reaquaint myself with my shovel....I haven't seen as much of him as I usually do in the winter (not complaining about that!).

    Happy weekend All!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    hi ladies, and welcome back AnneW.  I came home last night instead of this morning, to avoid driving in a snowstorm, and boy am I glad I made that decision. It started snowing this morning and has stopped now but we got 7.5 inches of snow here today.

    Did yoga Weds pm and Thurs am in the hotel room; wore my pedometer and logged 5 miles just walking around. Spent today TCB and got in a 1.5 mile walk in the snow.  Beautiful but cold.  Plus I did shovel & sculpt a few times during the day. Ordered a zumba fitness DVD from Amazon and am looking forward to that coming next week.

    I'm simmering soup bones for beef stock and ooh does my house smell good!  Good, healthy food.  TTFN Tarts!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2012

    50 on the elliptical. Seemed easy after that Zumba class last night! My calves are sore from all the jumping around my my toes! 

    Let the weekend begin!!! 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    60 minutes Walk, Tone and Sculpt. Have had to take it easy on the high impact aerobics since surgery, and this program is long enough for a decent workout, but not too much jostling of my upper body. So far 90 minutes cardio this week, 225 minutes hot vinyasa yoga. Yog in the morining at 6:15- my MIL just got certified and I am going to try out her class.... if I can get up!

    Esther, thanks for the photo!

    Nancy, 2.5 miles after chemo? You are amazing!

  • nancyhb
    nancyhb Member Posts: 235
    edited January 2012

    Missy - It was the hardest 2 miles of my life, I think.  I stopped because I was afraid to go farther, but I'm going again tomorrow morning, will do it as long as my body will allow.  Also decided to try the recumbent bike for a few miles - give me a chance to catch up on my school work/text book reading.

    I was unable to register for the Lazy Triathalon.  Cry  They wouldn't allow me to swim before the date it started (pre-port and chemo), and now my surgeon doesn't recomment swimming for a couple more weeks.  So.  I'm going to do the running and the biking ANYWAY, cuz that's how I roll, and I'll call it my own Not-So-Lazy, I-Have-Cancer Triathalon!  I'll post my totals as I go along - 20 mile run, 50 mile bike ride, 0 mile swim.  :-)  Of course, if I take my grand-daughter to the kiddie pool at the Y, I will be counting those hours as something!

    *hugs* to you all!

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited January 2012

    Nancy !  You are fabulous.  I like the idea of your own personal cancer triathalon !  You go girl !

    In the past 3 days I have done one half hour walk and a 45 minute zumba with the wii fit.  Today will be housework/snowshoveling sculpt class with a little bit of let's cook that frozen turkey core exercise !

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2012

    Miss Swim, you are really amazing as well!    I have always been reluctant to try the hot yoga, but I certainly understand why it would be good for yoga poses.

    NancyHB-what everyone else has said-you are VERY inspirational!  I wish everyone on this site could visit our little group, I just find it so encouraging and did from the very start of my dx.

    MMMMM beef and turkey stock...now that's a good way to spend winter.  That's another inspiration, right before I go to the grocery store today.

    Ended the week pretty strong in the exercise department, another 2 mile run on treadmill and an hour of weight workout.  Was lucky to squeeze in a "massage" which as someone else (Springtime, was that you?) said on here was really a deep tissue treatment-not easy to rest through, but so helpful for the soreness and good old AI joint pain.  I feel marvelous this morning, would like to go out and run, but it's raining pretty hard at the moment.  I think it will be aerobic housecleaning, etc. for me today.  

    I'm so grateful I have you ladies!  And yes JVF, I think we should create our own mini BC exercise challenges like NancyHB...keep us going!

    Have a wonderful weekend, and oh, GO 49ers (my apologies to any NY Giants fans, it should be a great game!)



  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    You guys are awesome!!!  Nancy...I am inspired.  I think I will try to make my own challenge, too...  Thanks...:)

    I may not be snowshoeing, but at least, finally, it is snowing here.  Finally.  The first snow since the Halloween snow.  We'll only get about 3 inches.  Normal years, this would be a little nothing snow in between the biggies.  But, I'll take it...:)  YEAH FOR THE WHITE STUFF!!!!!

    I will try and do some p90x today...intervals or plyo...and take the dog for a walk...  Tonight is date night with dh...babysitter and all....:)

    Have a great day everyone!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Going to work, coffee with friends, groceries (winter storm watch tomorrow), coffee with my dad, exercise and then high school basketball games.

    Nancy, good for you! I remember being scared to go out and exercise or do other things too when I started chemo; but then I read a really good book where the doctor said that, while you should listen to your body (of course, and some people really are knocked out by their treatments), you should live your life as fully as possible, even on chemo. Mentally it is for sure better, and physically too because then you don't have so far to bounce back from when you are done, if you keep up as good of a level of fitness as you are able during treatment.

    OK, I better go if I am going to get all the fore-mentioned activies accomplished. Have a great day everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2012
    35 minute treadmill run last night.  Snow and freezing rain here overnight and this morning - yuk!  Staying safe inside till it melts down later today.  I've been cleaning out my closet all morning - I have a nice big pile of shirts and pants to donate cuz they're all too big.  It was a great feeling to try on stuff that used to be snug and have it be waaaay too large.   Cool
  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2012

    Sculpt and Shovel - I love it, ruthbru

    No dragon boating this morning: high wind warning cancels.  It doesn't, however, cancel the Wine Party with Team Survivor Sake! I think I am going to like paddling with these ladies. Wink

    I will take the dogs for our daily walk - onward through the slush!

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited January 2012

    You go, Nancy! Did 45 minutes on the machines and some stretching. Was tempted to do Zumba again but thought once a week is enough for my knees. Also didn't try running for the same reason. Hoping to lose another 500 grams by Monday, but we are invited for dinner tonight so it could be iffy.

     Congrats, NatsFan on all the big clothes to be given away! Hope to be doing the same by summer!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2012

    /manohman...talk about lazy lately...went to the treadmill Sunday, pump on WEdnesday and was goign to go to African Dance last night but the snow storm made me decide to park the car and walk in the snow instead...should be at the gym right now but actually feel like reading a novel...one of the first times in a long time I have felt this way so may give in to the desire and just lay low...