Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    6:15 yoga this morning. Vigorous vinyasa class for 70 minutes. My MIL is just certified to teach and so I tried out her class. She is a very nervous instructor and moved a little to fast for everyone but it added to the workout. Will do zumba or walkfit on Sunday.

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited January 2012

    3 hours in the saddle-- can't tell you how many miles... does that count as exercise?


  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited January 2012

    Had a break from my exercise the last 2 days... First day back in the actual office on Friday and that involves some walking to/from anyway, and yesterday I was just too lazy and it rain stormed here all day.

    Hubby and I did get out this morning for a 50min walk though :-)

    regards Jenn in Sydney, Australia

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    P90x intervals for 20 minutes, ab workout for 15 minutes and a high intensity hike with the dog for 25 minutes...

    The snow was beautiful and wonderful...:) 

    Good night, all...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012
    35 treadmill and 35 FIRM Hard Core Fushion...off to basketball (to cheer, not play).
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    I'm with you, Claire, to me the snow is beautiful and wonderful.  It was in the 20's but sunny today so I bundled up and did my 2.5 mile route, enjoyed the sun and glad for very dark sunglasses. 

    My house is real dry so when I'm home, I keep a pan of water simmering on the stove to put some moisture in the air.  I tossed in a few whole cloves and it smells wonderful.  I bet a chunk of cinnamon stick would be good too.

    Have a good night ladies!

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited January 2012

    44 minutes of zumba on the wii fit.  At the end of the session I like to check my "stats' and it tells me how long I've exercised. I have no idea why the "class " is 44 minutes and not 45 minutes.  Makes me feel cheated :) Anyway anything I sweated off was packed back on with a pseudo Thanksgiving dinner we had today.  I wanted to cook a turkey we have had in the freezer since Novmeber.  With the snow outside it was a good day to do it.

    Saw my GP yesterday and she said my left foob is encapsualted with scar tissue which is most likely why I still feel tightness in my chest.  Does anyone know if there is a way to get rid of this scar tissue ?

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2012

    I'm jealous of all of those getting snow.  We have yet to get a good snow, so the snow shoes and cross country skis haven't come out of the closet yet this winter.   :(

    Had 20 minutes of pilates mat ab work, and a stroll on the pier - no cardio but a beautiful day and a good ocean breeze during the walk.  

    JFV  How is Zumba on Wii?  I want to try it out, and am hoping that my 13 y/o daughter will join in too!   

    Nancy   Way to go - so inspired by your running and cycling!!   

    badger  I can smell those cloves simmering ........ 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2012

    Nancy, it is good to exercise through treatment! Good for you! 

    50 elliptical today. To wet to cycle.  

  • nancyhb
    nancyhb Member Posts: 235
    edited January 2012

    Missy:  When I'm done with all this mess, I'm coming out your way and checking out Hot Yoga Guy, and now your MIL!  You're so blessed to have so many wonderful yogis around you.  Keep up those poses, girl - you're so inspirational!

    Joy:  you can have our snow!  We haven't had much this winter - actually, it's been a beautifully warm, dry winter here in S Michigan, and we're actually expecting a thunderstorm tomorrow!   I just hate how everyone seems to forget how to drive in between every snowstorm.  

    I have an unnatural fear of Zumba, but you all make it sound so fun I might have to try it when I'm done with all this stupid cancer stuff.  

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2012

    I did a good spin class thins morning. had planned to do a Pilates reformer session, but got too busy getting stuff organized for a trip to New Orleans tomorrow. DH has a conference, and it's nice to go for fun, not for surgery!

    So, the hotel has treadmills for my Couch to 5K sessions. And I can get Pilates mat classes on line. I'm taking a few Pilates props that fit in the suitcase. So, daily exercise will help me feel less guilty when I indulge in that fine food down there. And the beneigts!!!

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited January 2012

    Nancy  I did not think I could do Zumba.  But last summer my teenage daughter wanted to try it at a local fitness club and she agreed to let me come along.  Since I wanted to do some sort of activity with her I tried.  I am not very graceful at it.  But, I try to follow along and manage to work up a good sweat.  Everyone looks pretty spastic while doing it so I feel right at home !  The nice thing is there is always a little pause between songs for a water break.  I always think I won't make it through the entire class but I always do.  I think to have a fully rounded exercise program I need to add some stretching and weight work on alternate days.

    JOY    Zumba on Wii fit is good.  It runs the way I remember my live class running and even has some of the same songs.  It has three levels of intesity as well as class length.  It also has a feature where you can practice a dance and another feature that tracks your progress.  You wear a belt with the remote in a little pocket.  It gives you stars and points for different things.  That seems to keep me motivated so I don't slack off during the class. My daughter tried it once on her own and got a "bad" score and hasn't gone back to it.  There is a way to "play" with two people but I haven't figured that out yet.  I think I must need to purchase another belt.  Right now my daughter is very busy and complaining about a knee issue so I haven't pushed her to try again. I think you and your daughter would enjoy it.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2012

    Good morning ladies-

    Yesterday was just a walk in the rain with my crazy dog Ollie.  Once I get on Picasa, I will post a pic of him-he's a handful, but very cute.  Getting ready to take him for a more cardio driven walk this morning.  I had to go easy yesterday because he cracked a nail last week and it was pretty painful for a couple days, but he seems to be healed now.  Dogs are amazing in how quickly they heal from things!

    Church, then Football for most of the day.  I have got to rein in my eating.  I don't drink anymore, but I just keep letting pounds creep on.  I know it all has to do with more veg and fruit, more lean protein, less bready, lovely things I like to eat.  I'm going to really, really, truly try this week (have I said this before Embarassed?

    Q, I would say riding is DEFINITELY an exercise!  I love it, but don't get to do it very often.

    AnneW, let us know how NOLA is!  I would love to visit there again, but talk about eating...beignets, jambalaya, crowder peas, mmm, mmm, MMM!

     Have a great Sunday and, oh, GO NINERS!


  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited January 2012

    Thanks for responding Kim! Sorry you don't get to ride much. Yesterday, as I said, I rode for 3 hours.  Last night I started to get this hmmm twitching sensation in my lower abdomen, quite random, I might add.  I am wondering if it is from essentially doing kegel exercises as I post a trot for 3 hours!!!  you think?  LOL

    I was quite tired last night-- it seems to hit me somewhere in the magical hours of 4-6 and it is a very pronounced tired...shutdown feeling. But when I have a day full of exercise and being outdoors, it feels wonderful to be tired.  Sure helps getting through chemo--  I am about halfway through the intense chemo.  

    Also, I started what could essentially be the SouthBeach diet-- but isn't-- a few days ago.  I eat lots of protein and little carbs and right now, a lot of healthy fats.  The carbs I am getting are say strawberries in my morning whey protein smoothie, in yogurt and beans and in vegetables. I don't seem to be hungry but occasionally do crave those "white" carbs. It does go away fast and well, I feel intensely more happy since I started this. If anyone wants to join in, it would be great support!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2012

    JFV    I will buy the Zumba on Wii - sounds like a good one.  And I guess that a second person could join in without wearing the belt?   It's always a challenge for me to get in cardio, as I'm not into running (yet!)   

    Dazdnfused  I would love to see a pic of your dog!  If I can figure it out, I'll post a pic of my active Boston Terrier.  She's a wonderful hiker and needs her daily walks - gets me outside in all but the worst weather days.   Hope Ollie's nail is completely healed. 

    Nancy  I don't miss the shoveling and driving in it, but I really miss snow sports!  

    Lunch and Sculpt (ok - that's pushing it, I know!) with brother- and sister-in-law today.   Plan on an hour of real stretch and strengthening, then an afternoon of football.      

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2012

    I've got to get off my butt and start making smoothies for breakfast rather than whole grain toast with almond butter. Granted, the almond butter is a good protein, but the toast still is a carb serving, and I'd rather splurge with brown rice at supper...I don't need all the bread that I eat. But god I love it. With almond butter, or with olive oil--and who can stop at just a couple teaspoons of really good olive oil?? It may be good for you, but soooo loaded with calories.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2012

    I'm Baaaaack!..... Again!!  Embarassed

    I have finally caught up on the 20 (or more!) pages that I was behind!  Great to see you gals again!  Lots of new people (voices getting to you yet??).  This is the best thread to keep you honest to yourself and keeps you motivated (did I mention "the voices"??)

    I have really been struggling for quite a while, but I am back now and ready to get back on track!  I have also gone back to loseit.com (want to get another badge! Wink)  and have been trying to stay up to date with the weigh in thread.......... so,  I'm back on track!!  Not saying I didn't blow yesterdays calorie intake, but I did post it!  Surprised

    I, too have become a fan of the Zumba 2 for Wii.  My daughter has tried it with me (she just tucked the remote in her front pocket of her jeans - the belt kept slipping on her!)  If my other daughter decided to try it, I will most likely get another belt.  I have worked through all the short low intensity programs and am now looking at the moderate intensity short program for this week.  On the week end I try to do a medium length class as I have much more time on the weekend.  Also, on week days I have been keeping up with the daily morning walk with my Mom.... somedays we shorten it if it is really slippery or windy out, but I try to do at least 30 minutes of something a day.  I posted this link on the weigh in thread. This little animated video really made excercising easy for me!!  I really can do something for at least 1/2 hour a day - most times I get 1 hour a day - but it makes it easy to achieve!


    Congrats to all those with good news and great accomplishments (I am really bad at keeping information and names straight!).  Wow to those pushing through during active treatment - Awesome!  And welcome back to the few that have found their way back to this thread (like me!)

    See you again...... real soon!

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    fmakj...thank you for the video...  I can be really hard on myself when I don't get the hour a day I aim for; it is good to be reminded that every bit counts...and a half hour is an achievement in itself...:)

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited January 2012

    Fun video! Thanks. Since my dx, I've been obsessive about exercising daily. I did my usual 45 minutes at the gym today. And counting the walk up and down the hill to get to and from home, that's less than 23 hours of sleeping or sitting. And then there's shopping, cooking, housework...

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    Nancy- you have a guest room calling your name- We could hit every yoga studio in town.

    No exercise for me today- I attempted the Sculpt and Shovel- but slipped on the ice, landing flat on my back and head and so now I am cuddled up with the heating pad!

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    Oh, Missy...I hope you are feeling okay!

    DH and I had to forgo our date night last night to stay up with a sick daughter.  Tired today from so little sleep.  Walked for 50 minutes with the dog, but wasn't up for a run.

    The sun and the snow was beautiful, though, and made the walk with the dog very nice...

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Wow, lots of wonderful posts about great exercises. Did the gym yesterday, elyptical and stationary bike. I try to do the highest level of resistance on both, but it is hard. Long walk last night, so a lazy today watching football. Steelers are done, so rooting for the 49er's!!!!! Have a wonderful day ladies. As always, reading your posts encourages me to keep going. Thanks!!!!! Kathy

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2012

    Finally figured out how to post pictures - here's a picture of Mikey the Min Pin, formerly known as Fat Mikey.  Here he is at his sleek 10 pounds - imagine what he looked like when we got him in July and he weighed 15 pounds!  He looked like a sausage with toothpicks.  

    This is the little guy who took the 10+ mile mountain hike with us on New Year's Eve, and who was ready for more when we were done! He really turned into a little athlete.  I figure if he can do it, I can do it! Tongue out


    This is a shot of the cabin in October when we got the surprise 12 inches of snow - as you can see, we're in the middle of the woods - we love it.  The cabin is octagonal with windows all around. 


    And finally, here's Mikey again last weekend - we went hiking in 25 degree weather (that's about -4C).  We have a little coat for Mikey and he did really well for the first 3 miles or so, then he started shivering.  So we wrapped him in a blanket, popped him in the backpack with a couple of those hand warmer pads, and carried him the rest of the way.  He was happy as a clam.  

    Backpack Mikey

    No exercise for me this weekend other than Clean N Sculpt, Laundry N Sculpt and Shop N Sculpt.  Cool  Have a good rest of the weekend everyone!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Dear Mary, Just shoveling that snow would give you enough exercise for a week, so pretty. Your Mikey is adorable and  I love your sculpting exercises!!!! I am doing the same today, plus Football Watching N Sculpt. Take care!!!

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited January 2012

    Misswim: hope you don't get too bruised!

    Just a 40 minute walk for the dog and I this morning but did up it to a light jog at the end for the first time since my port went in 12 days ago. Felt a bit weird but did ok. With the weight I've lost in the past few weeks I think I need to go and get a firmer sports bra...

    Regards Jenn

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Mary Louise, what a great video! I want to share it with everyone I know!

    Mikey is certainly a handsome, and slim fellow! Give him a pat from me.

    Did 30 minutes of a FIRM sculpting DVD & then went on the treadmull where I could move and watch football and the same time. I have beef stew in the oven so the house smells great!

  • nancyhb
    nancyhb Member Posts: 235
    edited January 2012

    Missy:  Ouch, hon!  I hope you heal quickly - don't leave that hot yoga instructor alone for too long!  *hug*  I'll be out there soon, I swear - just get me through the next six months!

    I mentioned I was going to do the Lazy Triathalon.  My local Y wouldn't let me start swimming before the start date (Jan. 16), and now that the port is placed and chemo started, I was advised to wait a couple of weeks before swimming.  Since I kinda like making up my own rules, I've decided to design my own damned Triathalon:  I Can(cer) Haz Triathalon (hats off to icanhazcheezeburger dot com, in case you've never seen it).

    The bronze level, to which I aspire to complete in the next month, will require 20 miles of running/waking, 50 miles of biking, and...wait for it...10 hours of yoga.  "10 hours of yoga?" you scoff?!  Yeah, well, I had to come up with a third thing for the triathalon, and didn't want to overdo it just yet.

    So I started on January 15; my totals thus far are:

    Running/walking:  6.18 (1.02 today)  -  13.82 remaining
    Biking:  6.25 miles/30 minutes today - 43.75 remaining
    Yoga:  1.25 hours on 1/16 - 8.75 remaining

    Keep those voices coming, ladies - I'm determined to keep on strong!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012
    You can (to hell with the -cer) do it!!!
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2012

    Sounds like the perfect triathlon to strive for!  Just don't overdo and have fun!

    Mary, love the cabin.... just gorgeous!!! And you should be proud of the way Mikey looks - it took your effort also!

    Ruth, I loved that video...... it is what got me back to excercising again!  I find it quite easy to say to myself that I "only" need to do a half hour.... makes it harder to blow it off!  So far, so good... have not missed a day in the last week and a half. 

    40 minutes of Zumba today.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    hi ladies, busy today re-arranging & cleaning the living room.  Did thriving yoga for BC survivors DVD this morning (very nice routine) but was frustrated by the lack of room.  So I re-located the furniture and got rid of a bunch of clutter and created a nicer space.  So much more conducive to relaxation!  Next weekend I'm taking on the last of the clutter spots and reclaiming the dining room table. 

    Mary Louise, thanks for the great video link! 

    Mary, thanks for the pix of our mascot Mikey!

    Take care everyone, have a great week ahead.