Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Dear Banba, Good luck with your radiation tomorrow!!!!  Did an hour walk today and ended with a walk up the ramp from the strand to the street. My legs are burning, but I know that is  a good thing. Gym tomorrow!!!! Have a great evening and a great tomorrow!!!!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited January 2012

    Corinne, sure! It was room temperature in, well, the ROOM where my treadmill is! :)

    Though today I ran outside in a skort and thin long-sleeved shirt (and shoes). It was at least 50F. Thank you global warming.

    Will keep good thoughts in mind for you, Banba

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2012

    readmill tonight and streatch and arms....

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Welcome to the new ladies! Cool

    Good luck Banba! Rads seem like a long haul when you first start; but the time will go by, and then you will be done!

    I was in a grouchy, "Crap, I don't want to exericse tonight' mood; but did the treadmill & 30 of toning and am glad that I got it over with anyway (mid-winter 'blahs').

    Sandee, did you mean 'treadmill' or what you typed, 'readmill'? I personally think the readmill sounds pretty fun! Wink

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    good morning everyone, welcome back Denise, and welcome LilM, kickitmom & micheled.

    Zumba is latin dance-inspired workout. IDK how coordinated you have to be to do it but will find out soon.  My zumba fitness DVD shipped yesterday and should be here in a day or two.  Cool

    Kim, I have had good nutrition/eating days this week too.  Makes a difference, doesn't it? 

    Got out for a 30-minute walk yesterday at the state Capitol (I work in downtown Madison).

    Headed out of town on another business trip and will take my new favorite traveling companion - my yoga mat.  I've stayed at this hotel before and it has a really nice fitness center so will bring my sneakers in case I get the urge to try the treadmill.

    Good luck today with rads, Banba, and have a wonderful day, everyone!  ((hugs)) to all

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2012


    Hi to all the new girls in town!  I am feeling a little tired this morning, so may wait to do my cardio until right before I go to the gym for weight training.  Don't worry, I'll get it in...you may all find me and force me to go LOL...

    Patoo, wish there was a like button as on Facebook for your massage post...now THAT sounds good.  Did you ever find out about your allergies?

    Got my yoga in yesterday, today plan for at least 30 minutes of cardio and an hour of weight training.  Headed over to the weigh in thread.  

    Badger, I think I will join you and order a zumba DVD to try it.  Can we be virtual partners?  heh heh.

    Have a great Weds everybody.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2012

    MissSwim, WOW! That does sound like a tricky move! Charlies Angels, love the names for these poses! Tonight will be another 90 min yoga! Not gentle this time...

    A_FIGHTER Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2012

    Hello Ladies,

    GREAT news! I had clearance yesterday, one day shy of a month from surgery, I can workout Laughinghow I want too...So today, one month after surgery I went for my first run...2.05 miles (figured I better not go ALL out right away...LOL) and no pain with "The Girls"...Wahoo! I'm back in the saddle!! 

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited January 2012

    Hello fighter!

    Glad you are hear.  A really good sports bra is your bestie friend.  I have two of them that I love that help secure the girls.  I was able to keep running after my nipple reconstruction, but the PS wanted to see my bras before he cleared me. 

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2012

    Forgot to wish you luck today Banba!  Good luck!  Check in and let us know how it went.

    Your voices compelled me to leave the computer and go for another 4 mile run even though I missed spin...my dog and I thank you!

    I know that clearance feeling Fighter!  Reclaiming yourself feels like nothing else in the world.

    OK-time to hit it!

  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2012

    Thank you all for thinking of me during my radiation journey today. :) It really does matter having you all out there. Only 29 more shots to go now. I'll keep your reminder with me RUTH, it probably will seem fast when it is over, today it seems like a long stretch of hightway.

    Walked 5 miles in the snow, an easy excersise day but I met a sweet family of grouse. No lynx foot prints today though.

    Did most of manage to keep excercising during rads?

    TART - Good to be inspiring!

    FIGHTER - Happy for you!First run. That is big.

    And all you yoginis out there, so good to hear about practice. I can't wait to start teaching yoga rehab next month to my local breast cancer survivor sisters here in Sweden.

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited January 2012

    WHOA baby...  I just got back from the gym and I am really amazed at how far I have dropped... not to a good place either!  I am in the midst of chemo right after surgery but I have been active throughout the whole process with a little time here and there where I was in a slump or something.  But the last few days Ihave been feeling weak at the the knees...nope...been married 20+ years to same man so that is not it!!! (get yer minds outa the gutter gals)...but my legs have been kinda rubbery so to speak. I rode for 3 hours on saturday and noticied it sunday and last night, just standing in front of the sink doing dishes... legs so weak I almost fell.  But the weirdest part was the HR on the gym monitor--after struggling for 7-8 minutes, my HR went up to 155 (I am 54).  I don't recall ever going that high.  what do you all think? concern? or just normal out of shape....   I am taking herceptin too. Q

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    Hi All!  Not sure if I've ever posted here, but I guess now is a good a time as any!  Did 1 hr 20 minutes of exercise today.  I have all Trudie Styler's Gaiam videos.  Today I did 25 minutes Dance Cardio, 35 minutes chair yoga, 15 minutes strengthening and toning lower body, and a 5 minute warmup.  I like to mix it up everyday, so tomorrow will be different...highly recommend her videos for people with back and neck problems like me :)

  • kickitmom
    kickitmom Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2012

    Fighter - so glad you got clearace and you have your first run in!  I can totally relate - although my first run was 3 minutes long with lots of walking Smile!  I have worked up to about 5-7 minutes now during my 30 minutes walks.  I too worry about the bouncing.  I have a good bra, but taking it easy in the beginning for many reasons.  Today I did the ARC trainer for 15 minutes - that always kicks my butt and did the treadmill for 2 miles with some running and incline.  Giong to a Yoga and Massage session here tonight put on by our local Breast Cancer Survivorship ladies.  Excited!  Love to read what you all are doing - Amazing!  

    SherryC - so glad to hear the tingling in your arms went away when doing yoga.  I was hoping I would not have limitations other than my own tight normal body - but I see progess in that area too.  Feeling like a have a life back.   

  • MaryaLynda
    MaryaLynda Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2012

    This reply is for Kindergarten,

    I live in Valparaiso, I am looking for a smaller home to buy in either Valpo or Chesterton.

    It is so ironic that I signed up for this just yesterday and I read your post about needing to sell your home in Chesterton.

    I would like to give you my e-mail address but I do not know how to do that without posting it on the board here, if you know how to please let me know.

    To all others, I really needed to read your posts...I am on a quest to find the natural way to prevent re-occourence so I can stop the Tomoxifen.



  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited January 2012

    let us know what you find out!! good luck.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    Quaatsi...  Please consider getting your vitamin levels checked.  I had similar problems (I thought I might even have Lyme because the fatigue was so great) and it turned out to be a B12 deficiency.  Others here mentioned similar difficulties that turned out to be vitamin D deficiency.  Just a thought.   I hope you are feeling better soon...

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Dear MaryaLynda, I just pm'd you!!! I took Aromasin, but I am sure there are ladies out here that will come along soon to give great advice. This is a wonderful thread, everyone is so encouraging and helpful. I did 25 minutes on the elyptical and took an hour long bike ride. My onc just told me to start taking 2000 units of Vitamin D3. I was deficient as well. Looking forward  for good results. Have a great evening, everyone!!!!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited January 2012

    Today was an appointment-making day, aside from running 3.2 miles and going to PT:

    Annual mammogram is scheduled for February 7, which will be my first one post DX and UMX.

    Pre-surgical blood testing will also be on February 7, for my upcoming revision surgery on March 5. It's going to be similar to a TE exchange procedure, since the too-big implant will be switched out for a more suitably sized one.

    Then six weeks later I'm running in a half marathon. Good to have goals, eh? Yeah, I just have to keep telling myself that...

    Hugs to all! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Bought a new FIRM DVD to shake things up a little: Ultimate Fat-Burning Collection with four different workouts. Did the first one Burn and Shape (40 minutes) and then 30 minutes on the treadmill.

    Every lady in the world should get her Vitamin D checked. You have to ask for it, it is not automatically done. I heard a great speaker about vitamins a year ago. I posted the information then, but can do so again if anyone wants me to.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2012

    30 minutes fast walk in the neighborhood - still no dog at my side but that will change this weekend once I get back home!  Laughing   Almost broke into a slow jog today on the walk - but the wonky hip is still not behaving.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Banba, about exercise and rads.... I did chemo first, and was so thrilled to be done with that and to feel more 'normal' that I was able to get back to my regular exercise program during rads. I think studies have shown that people who do exercise actually have less fatigue than those who don't. I really was not tired of all during rads (other than tired of going there every day)..... in part because I did exercise, and it part because of good luck.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2012

    ywp///eant treadmill and did it again yesterday with further work on arm musches and stomach and mobility...back is not cooperating...african dance will smooth that out. Hi Ruth!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2012

    Have been keeping up with my daily classes even traveled up to Pasadena to do a launch Body Jam (dance) class on Sunday with five others from my gym, tonight did Body Pump class with the wonderful Eduardo.

    Mary Louise so good to see you back we've missed you. Mary, Mikey is absolutely adorable and such a cute picture in the backpack. Okay confession time - my friend is here from England so my house has so much candy, and chocolate I could be on a sugar high for a year, oh my I must learn to practice self controlEmbarassed

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited January 2012
    zumba is a dance mix, of latin, salsa , rumba, bellydance , hip hop, or what ever combo blend the instructor wants to add. It is usually a 60 minute class and is so much fun, you forget its exercise, but it is a high calorie burning workout. I teach zumba, and I make it easy to follow in my class and show different variations. I don't think you have to be cordinated, or a super dancer,. you follow the instructors moves. I use voice and visual prompts, so my class know what is coming next, and the moves repeat, so you can catch on . I think everyone should try it, and try different instructors, until you find one you like Laughing
  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2012

    Ruth - thank you for posting. I am having a crap morning, headachy and feeling flu symphoms and since I hardly ever get the flu I figure it has to be the rad treatment. I am now getting on my MTB and biking into the woods while it is still dark. Thank you for reminding me that excercise makes it easier to go through tretament.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2012

    Banba, hope you feel better after your ride.  While it certainly could be the rads that are affecting you, it also could be a virus because after everything you have been through, your body is probably compromised a bit.  Take EXCELLENT care of yourself right now.

    Q, I believe that we exercisers and gals that attempt to stay fit don't realize how hard the whole BC experience really is.  Sounds strange, but I look back on my time in rads and wonder how I ever pushed myself so hard.  I was doing all kinds of exercise and being obessed with eating correctly, hiking in Yosemite, 25 mile plus bike rides, patting myself on the back and thinking "cancer-so what!"  Well, it caught up with me and I got a big case of bronchitis and one day went to my trainer in tears because I couldn't do ANYTHING.  My heart rate soared just walking on the treadmill.  This was about 4 weeks after rads.  She, being an excellent soul, sat me down and gave me some of the best advice I ever got about cancer-"You aren't the same Kim.  Your life has changed. Give yourself some room to change your expectations of yourself."

    Later that same advice was repeated on here to me by Ruth, Carol (who doesn't post much on here) and HBCheryl, as well as many others.  They explained that when you are first out of treatment, it takes a while to adjust.  I hadn't been posting on here much last year, and I fell into a funk with how different my exercise ability was.  Finally, I was able to remember what everyone had told me, and started working with my change, rather than against it.  It's made a huge difference.  Q, you haven't dropped, you have kicked a significant ass and you should be really proud of yourself.  The HR is something you should continue to monitor and discuss, but probably is an adjustment (read: change hahahah) as well.  You are in the middle of some demanding physical adjustments and if you think of that as the exercise, along with staying in very close contact with your medical/surgical team, you will stay healthy, but it might be in a different way than you are used to.  Make sense?  A big hug to you today, what a TROOPER!

    Much love to all the rest of you!  

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    Firm Total Body Time Crunch yesterday- 45 mins. First time using weights since surgery. Sore today. Glad I did it. Yoga again tonight, Friday Walkfit.

    Ruth- I love that DVD. Do it all the time. I find Burn and Shape to be a bit slow, but I like the instructor alot.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Dear Banba, Hope you feel better ! Dazdnfused, great post and great advice. There is definitely a new normal after cancer. But each day does get better.Staying busy and exercising your body and mind sure helps.Thanks to all you Ladies for the motivation and inspiration as well. I wish I would have done more during chemo and rads. But it is never too late!!!!    Have a great day, everyone!!!!! 

  • Denise2730
    Denise2730 Member Posts: 320
    edited January 2012

    After doing really well for 6 days, yesterday had a horrible workout. It was about 82-85 degrees outside and the gym had the doors open but no a/c on. I don't if it was that or because I went later in the day but I felt like I was going to collapse.

    Hours later my BP was still in the 140/94 range and my heart rate was 87. I don't know if it's because of the Femara because I am already on two BP medicines.

    Today I feel so exhausted that I'm getting ready to take a nap.

    Endorphins please come back!!
