Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited January 2012

    I'm with you balsie! Did my time on the bike, plus upper body strengthening exercises. Time to hit the sack now. 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    I gave myself another day off, but getting up for 6:15 yoga with the MIL in the morning. Eating a big salad and going to sleep! Night all- 6:15 comes early!

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    orangemat...I felt fine-could've spoken, but not carried on a long conversation.  I don't normally check my heart rate.  However, I was on a treadmill and decided to use its heart rate monitor.  Normally when I run hard, I don't know what my heart rate is and I wouldn't have backed off.  My resting heart rate is also 48.  When I stopped running today, I went to a 3.5 mph walk.  Within the first minute, my heartrate was back down to 119.  I am not really concerned, but I never saw a number as high as 174 before.  My heartrate is always really low in general...resting or exercising.  So I was surprised, more than anything.

    As to your bra experience...why is it that no one thinks we women know our own bodies, wishes and capacities???  Frustrating.  Sorry you had a hard time...

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2012

    Good morning girls

    You'll always find me on here early but never late...I am such a wuss about staying up "late" ever since my BC experience.  

    I think it's great that we are all sharing these HR numbers; while it's only part of the health equation, it's so good that we are aware of our heart rates and montioring them.  You do get to the point where you can really tell when it's super high.  But checking the numbers once and awhile is important, just to match up where you are vs perceived exertion level.

    Esther, I didn't realize that even your PS struggled with what you were trying to tell him/her about your size.  I have gone from a 38D to a 38B since the BC and losing weight.  I didn't realize the impact of the cup size and always focused on the chest measurement with bras, but found some great bras that don't hurt my scar and radiation burn mark.  As my breasts have become much less dense thanks to good old Arimidex, I really need a bra that lifts but hated the pressure on my chest.  I tried to explain this to Nordstroms as well-FINALLY got a sales person who understands BC patients and she hooked me right up.  

    Strung together a great week of eating and exercise.  I finally understood what Low Rider, a truly wonderful girl from the AI dealing with the side effects thread, was talking about when she eliminated gluten from her diet...it makes the most profound difference in my AI side effects.  I feel like someone injected me with energy!  I ate a ton of veg this week, little protein here and there, a bit of dairy, and gave up my toast/pastries/bread/cookie routine...I couldn't believe the difference.  No sugar either.  And luckily I love every single vegetable there is...I had sweet potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, avocado, cukes, tomatoes, green and red bell pepper, swiss chard, kale and butternut squash-and loved every bite of it.  

    Patoo, when you say "fasted" what did you eliminate?  I hope you are feeling better.  Take care of yourself.  Badger, I'm going to get my zumba DVD this week.  Can't wait.  Balsie, Yorkiemom, I could never exercise in the night...I admire you girls.  CLC and Esther you girls motivate me.  Missswim, do you swim as well as yoga?  Next week I'm getting back in the pool for the first time in a long time.  Swimming is actually the sport I am probably the best at.  I'm really tall-with super long arms-and have a really strong pull.  Not coordinated at anything else- knock kneed and geeky-but swim, I can do.  The question is, why am I not doing it??? It's so good for the scar under arm and on chest, need to get on it!

    Man I am chatty this morning.  I really have loved being back here.  Mary, I hope you are feeling better as well as Banba and the rest of you that are under the weather.  

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies and stay on your programs.  We rule this little thread, don't we?



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    hi all, just a fly-by for confession and redemption.  I ended up not doing zumba last night because I had the last of the stew for supper so was too full to jump around.  But I heard the Voices (especially yours patoo) so went to the indoor track.  It was 'kids night out' so there were lots of kids playing ball and running around and yelling but I strapped on my Walkman - which cut the din somewhat - and walked for an hour (3.35 miles).  It felt great and instead of being all full and sleepy, I used the food for energy.  Have a great day ladies!  p.s. Kim, I am also trying to elimate gluten, and I feel energized too!

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2012

    Wow Kim~ you are a chatter box today....I love it!  I to get up early but during the school year I need to get ready and get to school early when no one else is there.....I can have the copy machine all to myself.  Another teacher and myself do a DVD two nights a week and then I come home and usually hop on the treadmill.  At work we always do fitness month too, this year we are using a book called Game on, you can also get an app on your ipads.  I googled pt. sheets for everyone.  It  should be fun.  I also get my class out walking during that time.  We have a balcony at work that is 22 laps to make a mile.  Always nice to have options.  Happy Saturday Everyone


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2012

    Great to see everyone moving!  Patoo - hope you are feeling better! Fasting??

    Snowing here and for most of the day, so heading downstairs for another round of Zumba for Wii.  Have moved up to the medium length workouts. I always add a few of my favourite songs at the end, so ended up doing an hour of zumba yesterday..... back is a little achy this morning, but am heading down anyway!

    Later, my sculpted friends!

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited January 2012

    Fasting?  Patoo-- what do you mean when you fast?  I always think of real fasts-- NOTHING... oh I hope not-- maybe why you have felt under the weather???  

    I cut out all white crap for  the last 10 days and will continue for the most part.  I don't crave sweets anymore.  I eat protein and veges and nuts and now some fruit.  Feel good. Lost about 4-5 pounds (probably some of that is water retention from the chemo). NOt watching calories, not counting anything.  My body needs  this kind of fuel and lots of it.  SEs are minimal.  I am happy and energetic, my mind is working... gee, am I on chemo??? LOL

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited January 2012

    CLC, the cardio wave, also called wave runner, is like an elliptical but the movement is more like skating where you move your legs sideways. It's great for the glutes! And somehow better for my knees.

    Went snowshoeing up the mountain for 50 minutes, snowshoveling for 15 minutes. Not ski weather for me today.

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    edited January 2012

    I am back!! Only got 20 minutes in before I pooped out..

    OK let's put it another way--

    Hey gals-- I got 2o minutes of exercise in 2 days after chemo!!! (no steroids either!). Whooppee

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2012

    I finally was able to get some exercise this week! My radiation treatments last week were at a bad time, but now that is over and they are at a good time, so I'll be able to get back to walking the pups with my husband.  This morning, however, I did 1 1/2 hours of dragon boating!!  So much fun, good people, and a butt-kicking exercise.

    Have a good weekend everybody!

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2012

    I'm cussing up a storm. After getting back into running/jogging (I stopped for a few years due to hip pain) I now have all the symptoms of a labral tear in my hip. The labrum is the cartilage layer that lines the socket. No sudden injury, but worsening pain after my last run--and I only ran for 20 minutes!

    I guess I'll be seeing the ortho doc before long, and getting an MRI.

    Back to the drawing board. So, I'll stop running, try treadmill walking at an incline, and I'll swallow my "this girl can't dance" negativity and give Zumba a try this week.

    Dragon boating sounds amazing--wish I lived near a place that did it. We're a bit land-locked here...

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    Oh, Anne...I know your frustration...I had to stop last year because my achilles tendon was hurting...but I took a break, did the right stretches and strength training...and avoided running hills for a while...and I got back to it.  You will too...take good care of it before it gets bad and you will be running in no time...

    You go, Quaatsi!

    I walked for 30 minutes with the dog and ran another 33 minutes...now going out for our postponed date night!

    Have a great evening all!


  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited January 2012

    How awesome is this!  My sister just surprised me with an early 40th birthday gift--I am going to Orlando at the end of Feb and doing the Princess 5K! I am so beyond happy right now.  I am floating.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Wow Corinne! You have a nice sister! Smile

    Quickly checking in. Did the second workout on my new FIRM DVD, Cardio Overdrive, (52 minutes) and 10 minutes Ab Express.

    Off to some more basketball.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited January 2012

    Had my "day off" yesterday (Saturday) and blobbed for the day. Took hubby and doog out this morning and I warned hubby that I really didn't feel up to a power walk so it was probably going to be more of a long stroll.

    Well, when we got back he turned to me and pointed out that my "stroll" had actually been so fast that we were passing everyone else out walking on this lovely Sunday morning :-)

    Guess I had more energy than I thought!

    regards Jenn - counting down to my tx #2 this Thursday :-(

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2012

    I took off a day Friday (bad day at work, wanted to luxuriate in rest!) and today a 10 mile bike ride and I was SO STRONG!! Left DH in the dust! Nothing like a rest day to pump you up! 

    Then I came home and had a blueberry scone that was 310 calories! But, it is all counted in my daily allotment on My Fitness Pal.... :) 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    Long hike in the snowy woods with the dog, and then DH and my son went skiing/snowboarding, and I went to the mountain to watch and took a long walk around the base area and some hills. It was a beautiful sunny day and I am glad I spent it outside! Makes me much sleepier though, it's going to be an early night! Off to yoga in the a.m.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2012

    CorinneM1, just PM'd you so we can meet up in Orlando.  I have 20+ years on you so will probably only see you at the start of the 5K and then at the end as I crawl across the finish.  Frown

    But we're going to have a great time!

    Thanks everyone, feeling better today.  Actually went to the gym this morning and did a zumba class (my first time and it wasn't pretty but I wasn't the only uncoordinated one there and the class was huge so I think only the young 20 somethings behind me got a good laugh!)  Then did some stretching, some upper body on the machines and 20 mins run/walk on the treadmill.  My endorphins were very high when I left the gym - just felt so great and happy.

    For those who asked about my 21 days of prayers and fasting.  First time for me and  I chose the "Daniel" fast which is, I think, very much like a vegan diet.  Only veggies, fruit, water and juice.  No dairy, meat, fish, processed foods, coffee, tea, alcohol, sweets, or sugar.  Interestingly I did about 6 weeks of acupuncture and PT trying to relieve adductor pain in my right thigh.  The pain is gone but I don't know if it's because of the acupuncture (don't believe it's from the PT) or because I effectively eliminated gluten and dairy during the fast. 

    I plan on continuing the healthy eating but will add fish, and an occasional egg.  Stir-ffrying veggies is not only quick and easy, but delicious, so that's a keeper.   Will try and stay away from bread and sweets.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2012

    Did Body Combat class this morning and we are just the opposite of Mary Louise and Misswim, at 8am in the group fitness room the sun was blazing in and it was 80 degrees, Corinne what a wonderful gift from your sister. Patoo congratulations on completing your fast and how wonderful that your hip pain has eased.  I also did quite a hike this afternoon, my Vietnamese friends took a group of us to the Hsi Lai Buddhist Temple for Chinese New Year, the temple is situated on a very steep hill so there was lots of walking and lots of stair climbing.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    good morning everyone, I did yoga yesterday morning, walked in the afternoon, and watched the intro and beginner's zumba DVD last night.  Today I will actually do the dance steps.  So far my favorites are salsa and merengue.  Cheryl, thanks for the reminder.  I have a Chinese friend at work and now I will remember to wish her Happy New Year tomorrow. 

    BTW this is the Year of the Dragon.  Sounds auspicious to me!  Have a good day all.  ((hugs))

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2012

    Happy to be back in Budapest.  Yesterday was spent airport terminal schlepping and sculpting x 3. Heathrow proved to be a challenge, as new Tamoxifen SE's finally appeared and I had fun sweating and panting through security!  

    Today I was thrilled to take my doggie for a walk in the Buda hills - it's a brisk 30 degrees today but I bundled up and had a wonderful one hour of climbing and hiking with my favorite walking buddy. Will do wonders for the jet lag, and I'll hopefully sleep through the night.    

    The new Zumba Wii DVD is waiting - plan on trying it out tomorrow for the first time.  

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    lol joy, I had security following me around a store yesterday because I was sweating through a bad hot flash.  Must be one of the signs they're trained to watch out for and be suspicious of.  Glad you're home safe & sound and back in the company of your walking buddy!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited January 2012

    Does watching a Zumba infomercial on count TV for anything?

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited January 2012

    Ruth, it counts if you broke into a sweat. ;)

    Went snowshoeing for 90 minutes, Trx 15 minutes.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2012

    hey Ruth, great pic!  It counts if it got the beat into your brain and made you want to move.

    Yoga this morning, then a round of Scrub & Sculpt.  Right now I'm avoiding the job of clearing the dining room table and shredding piles of paper.  It will be so nice when I finish, to have our dining room table back. 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    Killer 90 minute hot yoga class today. Felt great. I'm going to do a little Nap and Sculpt now....... I know, I know doesn't really count, but a girl can dream, right?

    Hope all are having a great day!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited January 2012
    After a couple months' respite, my hot flashes are back. Frown Nothing's changed, and I'm not even on Tamoxifen. Oh well...
  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited January 2012

    50 minutes hiking with dog, 20 minutes ab and  strength training...

    Ruth...love the new picture...

    Have a great evening, everyone!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2012

    Didn't want to do anything today ..... very sore and achy.... but a good ache!!  Made myself do "only" 30 minutes of Zumba for Wii (trying to do at least 30 minutes of activity daily),  and feel much better.

    Went quite a bit off my calorie intake yesterday, but must get that back in check too!

    Snowing pretty heavily here.... looks very pretty!  Haven't had much snow at all this year, but I'm ready for summertime anytime!