Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2012

    African dance last night, walking today...not workin gthis week so they gym will b ehit daily in between chiropractor appointments....hence the low gym results..and why I feel like the same weight look sso much fatter! same size of clothes....same clothes...just flabier! ARGH!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2012

    bff what a drag about your dog peeing on the floor.  I have a 9 year old dog and sometimes she has brain farts and pees.  Go figure. 

    Badger congrats on the 2,000

    Walked a lot at IKEA today.  Hopefully I can squeeze in a walk tomorrow between making my desert for the super bowl and heading to our friends house.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited February 2012

    Didn't do a thing today....The flu hit me.  I had three students at school yesterday with temp over 100 ...had to send them home.  Good lord why did they even come to school.  Ok done with my rant!  It was so beautiful out today I wanted to go for a walk but just did not have the energy, maybe tomorrow.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited February 2012

    Me too Balsie. Tummy is better but needed a day on the couch to recover. My pet peeve is kids being sent to school when they are clearly sick! I feel bad for them as well as everyone around them.

    Hope to do Sansone DVD today.

  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2012

    JFV The chin up question has stayed with me. Sure, it is brave. It is probably not out of the question either. My 2 cents would be to first ask a PT who knows their stuff(and who you can explain the ins and ends of the muscles involved in you operation, how you perceive yourself strengthwise now etc).

    I am venturing as far as thinking that your pecs and lats must be strenghtened in order to hold yourself up. Push-ups on your knees, very slowly(not all the way)? Yoga? Working your way into dog pose and onward to dolphin pose? Working on stability and balance before hitting the bars? And weight lifting, working with straight arms, lifting up to breast level with light weights at first. Hard enough before I think ops but effective.

     Oh, I forgot. I class we used to place ourselves in between two chairs, place one hand on each of them, oush with the arms/hands and gently let go of the feet. You might want to try it but be gentle please :)

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited February 2012

    Springtime, Zumba is a separate CD in a pink box, at least the version I have was.

    I ran/walked 1 mile in 17 minutes on the treadmill, of which 12 minutes was running. Spent a full hour at the gym. Walked home with some heavy groceries, which I couldn't balance because one bag broke. Will do some Zumba tonight.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited February 2012

    Spent the afternoon cross country skiing - so thrilled to finally get out there with plenty of snow to have some fun.  My DH was very nice to slow down and stay with me - 15 y/o DS took off "see ya later!"  Didn't see DS again for 2 hours .......

    Also did Day 4 of pilates challenge.  

    The fire is lit - having a cup of green tea and waiting for lasagna to come out of the oven for dinner.   Feeling good!  

    Chin-ups are extreme.   I've been doing planked push ups against the bathroom counter, and trying to graduate to lower levels, hopefully able to comfortably do floor push-ups again.    I think of chin-ups as equal to lifting your entire body weight - imagine taking a bar bell equal to what you weigh, and trying to lift it over your head.   

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2012

    hi ladies, didn't do any more walking last night but got in an hour of yoga this morning.  Will walk outside this afternoon, once it warms up a bit.  Congrats Heidi on that first mile!  ((hugs)) to all

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited February 2012

    Thanks ladies re: the chin ups.  I'll ask for a PT referral next time I talk to the ONC's office.  I'll try a couple of the exercises (gently).  I am a bilateral BMX with immediate implants and nodes out on the left side.  It makes sense that I would lose strenght in my upper body.  But, I thought I had rehabbed myself enogh to just hang from a chin up bar.  Yeesh !  I'll try to come up with a series of at home exercises and then try the chin up bar again in a couple of months.  It will be good to have some sort of goal like that to keep me interested.

    Sprintime I have Wii Zumba fitness 2.  I've seen it for sale at target

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited February 2012

    Very busy weekend here. Beautiful, sunny, and 53 degrees. Walked outside & did 15 minutes of abs.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2012

    90 Minutes of fierce hot vinyasa yoga.......... I am pooped! Now to do homework while the rest of the fam focuses on the game!

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited February 2012

    20 minutes of abs and strength training...20 minutes of walking...

    then...played with my kids in the sunshine!  :)

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited February 2012


    When I just walked past a chin-up bar (at the local park do-it-yourself outdoor exercise equipment) after  surgery, it hurt to even imagine that!!


    My big first breakthrough was when I could lift-up my garage door (on wheels) without killing myself.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2012

    Hi, everyone!!!! Just came back from a great walk at the Indiana Dunes, walked up some hills,too. Funny thing happened on our way out of the park we got stuck in some sand, not snow SAND!!!!!!!! A lovely family helped us out!!! What a day. Enjoy the Super Bowl, everyone!!!!!!! Kathy

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2012

    I got out and walked this afternoon 3.15 miles, a bit chilly at first but warmed up nicely.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited February 2012
    Got out and walked around the golf course....so nice out today.  I actually washed my car in the driveway.  Way cool for this time of year.  Felt like spring out.  Surprised
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2012

    Beautiful weekend here in So Cal, so much so that yesterday I had to put on sunscreenCool Body Combat class yesterday and Body Step today.

    Badger congratulations on your 2000 miles, quite an achievement. JFV don't forget you can also do push up against a wall and there is less pressure. Nwart I know this sounds crazy but what about placing a maxi pad under your armpit, they are soft and and you can cut to fit and the depth will give you padded protection (no pun intended). Feel better Balsie and Ginger.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2012

    40 minutes walk/jog with Leslie Sansone, but I jogged the whole way. She says if you combine, the distance is a bit over 2.5 miles. I am think since I jogged the whole time, I probably went at least 3. Felt good. My hot yoga studio just added a Monday night class so tonight I must decide between yoga with the lovely Rick or upping my calorie burn in the 94° room. Decisions, Decisions! Help me on that one, ladies!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited February 2012
    ...I vote for the lovely Rick .....sounds like just looking at him will up the calorie burn Smile
  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2012

    Hey, Cheryl!!! We are sure missing the California weather, can' t wait to get back to our normal exercise routine, but doing alot of walking here and running up and down those stairs!!!!!! Have a great day, everyone!!!!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2012

    Forgot to say that I started jogging here, too, because it is so darn cold!!!!!!! I am really trying to keep with all of you. You all start my day now, no matter where I am, to keep my body moving!!! Thanks so much and thanks again Ruth for sending me to this great thread!!!!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2012

    Well did not get the walk in yesterday.  DH needed some computer help and I ran out of time.  Anyway yoga starts back up in my little town today so I don't have to drive 30 minutes.  So excited but I know it will not be as hard a class as there will be all levels there.  I think I will keep up going one day a week to her studio as she gives me a great workout.

  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2012

    Darn it! I am so proud of us! All these different types of exercises, I am completely fascinated by all the variety of stuff that we do!

    It is very far away from how I saw myself pre and post op and treatments.

    Started my yoga class for breast cancer survivors today, very exciting. Will do a taebo dvd-class this evening.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2012
    I also vote for Rick as I have my Eduardo workout tonight so tomorrow we can compare notesSurprised.  Kindergarden I was sitting at neighbor boys 3rd birthday party, it was so cute, it was Star Wars theme Mom had made every kid a cape and light sabres and Darth Vader came (he looked remarkedly like Dad) and every kid "fought" him and they got Star Academy certificates but half way through the "show"  I had to run home and get sunscreen as it was scorching hot but don't worry I had my car washed yesterday and they are predicting rain for tomorrow - typical!!!
  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited February 2012

    joyh, the xc skiing sounds divine!  I haven't gone in ages. We have big/medium dogs and I want to take them out with me when we play in the snow, so we have been snowshoeing with them.

    I did 2 miles of fast walking with the pups around the neighborhood - we were all panting and sweating by the end, so I know we did good! It's sunny here in Seattle; and in February no less!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited February 2012

    Now that I'm finally done with PT, I went to yoga class this morning. Missed the earlier mixed level class, but it was just as well that I attended the basic level class. The pose transitions were slower and I really needed that. The theme was being OK with whatever changes and difficulties your body might be presenting you at this point in time. Uh, hello?? I tried not to cry, but hey, life happens.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2012


    Had a nice, quiet Super Bowl day with DH and son; such a nice change of pace.  And the game was good too (not a fan of either team, but they played well.)  

    4 mile run and hour weight lifting.  I'm a bit tired today but ate very well over the weekend and am trying to keep this up.

    We are so focused on here; I enjoy coming and seeing what every one is doing.  I think I'll go read and rest and then get onto the yard work that seems to be calling my name...


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2012

    Cheryl,Children's birthday parties at that age are so much fun!!!! They really enjoy every minute. Just got back from a walk around the neighborhood again!!!! It was cold, but invigorating. Need a nap ,but have a meeting soon. Have a great night everyone!!! Kathy

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited February 2012

    Didn't get to do zumba last night. Had to do homework with dd instead. Today I ran into a friend on the way to the gym and skipped the exercise to have a chat instead. Will make up for it tomorrow.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited February 2012

    Bike and arc trainer for a total of 30 minutes.  Just really feeling pooped today...  Wanna eat and lounge...hmmmm...time for a day off from work soon.  I think I am really just not 100% recovered from my simple umx with no recon, 4 MONTHS LATER!!!  I am just so impressed by all of you who are working out through rads and chemo!