Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2012

    One hour yoga class last night, and I jogged to the class and back (one mile each way).  30 minutes elliptical this morning.  Dragged out my bathing suits to start packing, and lo and behold, a pre-dx bathing suit I haven't been able to wear for 4 years fits!  Quite nicely too - better than it did before.  OK, probably the DIEP flat tummy and smaller perkier recon boobs help that, but all this working out and watching my diet has helped.  I've lost 18 of my 22 chemo pounds so far, so I'm pretty close to being back where I was. 

    Oh and by the way, you ladies inspired me to do something that's either really courageous or really dumb - I signed up for that 10K race in April.  I've got a lot of work to do (the longest I've ever run is that 4.3 miles I did a few weeks ago), but I'm finding that having a goal is really keeping me focused.  Wish me luck!!!

    Tucker - I know what you mean about finally being able to communicate with your body again.  Just before dx I had lost almost 60 pounds and was loving the way I felt.  My dx put a halt to all that - as we all know, surgeries, chemo, and AIs can make you feel miserable.  I kept working out, especially after active treatment was over, but couldn't lose weight or get fit or get that good feeling back.  Finally, after 3 years of hard work and exercise with little or no results, last year I started getting back to that feeling, and it's great!  

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited February 2012

    30 minute dog walk today - rather dog drag.  My little perky always-ready-to-hike buddy had to be dragged most of the way!  Her 22 lbs. felt much heavier, as she's pretty stubborn!    Don't know whether she's balking at the cold temp - it's mid-20's today - or maybe her doggy jacket was too tight.   Hmmmm - need to figure this out.  

    Will do Zumba with my daughter, and an hour of pilates mat work.    

    Also feeling great with the additional exercise.  Everyone here is so motivating! 

    NatsFan   Best of luck with the April race - I think that it's great!  

    hbcheryl   Have your tried another class?  Maybe you can switch to something that's a bit more enjoyable to you?    

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2012

    Wow Mary, GREAT job, now I'm going to sign up for one!  That is so cool!

    Jaimieh, sometimes when you really work out hard, and are trying to lose weight, your body does what it thinks it needs to do for the onslaught...it holds on to water and mass.  If you are eating right, never fear, it will come off.  

    I'm still on the no gluten/no sugar/no alcohol and feel so good.  Why have I not been doing this all along?

    3 mile walk yesterday with DH and one hour yoga-it was tough!  Today is a 3 mile run (already walked 3 miles again with DH, he is getting on health bandwagon, YAY) and hour weight lifting.

    Have I told you guys I love you lately ;)  Hi to all the new fitness freaks (you don't mind I call you a fitness freak do you?)



  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2012

    Welcome new gals!

     Kim, love coming right back at you!

    Natsfan - you will do just fine. I did exactly the same things as you, signed up to a 10 k race without never having run even close to half that. And I did fine. Twice.

    Joy- three kinds of exercise in a day. Good for you.

    Ruth - your consistency and stamina are inspiring.

    90 minutes walk on snowy roads and a decent ashtanga-inspiried yoga class this evening.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited February 2012

    Did 15 minutes on the wave runner, and 5 minutes of actual running on the treadmill (no walking in between!). Then 20 minutes of weights and 5 minutes of stretching.

  • Deb720
    Deb720 Member Posts: 28
    edited February 2012

    You ladies are inspiring!  My last chemo hit me hard and after walking 30 minutes yesterday morning, I was exhausted last night so I didn't get up early this morning to walk.  But I will try again tomorrow.  It's very frustrating for me right now.  I love to walk, hike and bike, but it just wears me out.  I get lots of joint and bone pain in my legs from the Taxol and it seems like each chemo it takes longer to go away.  But only one more left and I'll be done and it will be Spring!  I can't wait!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2012

    Deb - it gets better.  My chemo effects were cumulative too, and by the end of my chemo, I could barely walk from the living room to the kitchen.  I tried to walk even just a little every day, but honestly by those last two treatments it was all I could do to drag myself to work and back each day.  You've got one more to go then you can start to recover for real.  Give yourself time, but I bet you'll be one of the inspiring ladies yourself by this time next year.   Laughing

    Banba - thanks for the encouragement.  It's nice to know that someone else did the same silly thing I did in signing up for the 10K without every having run that distance, and actually survived the experience!

    Cheryl - what is with those people on Biggest Loser??!!  The last two season's groups have had such a great "all for one, one for all" attitude, but I thought the people last night, especially the red people, were acting like a high school clique freezing out the new kid in town.  Yes, the new aqua guy seems a bit mouthy, but I think he's picked up on their attitude that he's not good enough and doesn't belong there and that's some of why he's acting the way he is.  Sheesh.   

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited February 2012

    Afternoon all--

    3.5 mile run today and hope to get another one in tomorrow early morning. 

    50 degrees in Chicago in Feb?  Lovin' it.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited February 2012

    Hello to one and all!!

    I got 30 minutes on the arc trainer and 10 on the bike this am.  Felt I needed some cross-training...

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited February 2012

    45 minutes Pilates and 2 mile walk yesterday (60 degrees in Buffalo).  Sadly, too busy for exercise today and maybe tomorrow (unless I can fit it in in the evening hours).  But, diet has been great!!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2012

    Mary - Congrats on the bathing suit!!  Good luck with your 10k training!!  AND Have a wonderful trip!!!

    Morning walk today on the bare sidewalks!  Yesterday, we had about 3 inches of snow on them!!Heading down to do something strenuous.....  zumba, Wii fit or treadmill????? Will keep you posted!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2012

    90 yoga, with a cold. Ugh. I hate colds! blech.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2012

    Hi ladies, I walked at noon today, with some friends, to a lunch date.

    Treated myself to a yummy salad with roasted beets and little bits of goat cheese.

    I find the less junk I eat, the less junk I want.  Geez, did I just go through withdrawal?

    Thanks for the continued motivation, I have an old pair of jeans I so want to fit into again!

    OK time to go do PM yoga.  Sweet dreams!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited February 2012

    6.22 miles running today, plus a 2.1 mile walk chaser. And then I had the most amazing massage... he worked my arm and shoulder that's been so tight and achy for the longest time now. This was my regular massage therapist that I haven't seen since before my UMX in May. I would've gone to him sooner, but I've only recently started to feel comfortable lying on my stomach for an extended period of time. I'm going back again in two weeks.

    Mary, congrats on signing up for that race! Banba is right, don't worry about not having done the distance before. Actually, for most training plans you never do the entire race distance in your training, so that's actually a good thing. Having a race to train for, or even just participate in, is a great motivator. I should know it; I've got a 4-miler this weekend and a 5k the weekend after! Tongue out

  • mamaoftwo
    mamaoftwo Member Posts: 9
    edited February 2012

    One hour on my bicycle today on this gorgeous 55 degree day in New York.  I have stage 2 of my reconstruction on February 24 so three more weeks of working out until I need to stop for a few weeks to recover.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited February 2012

    I agree when you finally get off the junk you don't need it anymore! I have been off gluten, dairy, sugar and alcohol and don't miss it anymore.

    Lesley sansone again today. It was 60 degrees in CT today. Enjoyed it at recess but got home too late to exercise outside.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2012

    I am back in IN and the weather is great. So looking forward to walking in our old neighborhood!!!!! I hope everyone has a great week !!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2012
    Zumba class tonight and a short, very short, run on the treadmill.  Plan on more "training" at the gym tomorrow for my 5K which is only about 4 weeks away.  Have to at least keep CorinneM1 in sight in Orlando and not keep her waiting at the finish line too long.  Innocent
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2012

    Well..... Zumba won out!!! 

    Heading to bed... Good Night!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited February 2012

    Sunny and 47 degrees (which is a heat wave here in February). Got home from work as soon as I could and walked for an hour.
    Happy Groundhog's Day! Smile

  • Mom2JJ
    Mom2JJ Member Posts: 38
    edited February 2012

    All, I was just cleared for exercise on Monday after waiting three days after my last drain was removed (from BMX/TE). I managed 10 minutes on the elliptical with arms and 30 on the recumbent bike without arms. No exercise Tuesday due to time constraints. Had port installed this morning and managed a one-hour walk this afternoon. Now for the hard part. Chemo begins tomorrow (TCx4) and I'm using the cold caps, so I suspect I will be totaled by the end of the day. I hope to make it to my daughters' gymnastics competition on Friday. My goal is to walk over the weekend, but Saturday and Sunday will be days 3 and 4 post-chemo. Let's hope I can make those walks! I want these chemicals out of my system as soon as possible and exercise and water are the key.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2012

    Welcome Mom2JJ good luck tomorrow.  Tonight I did two classes with Eduardo, Body Pump followed by Body Combat and my energy tonight was much better than last night and I had a great workout.  Mary can you believe that red team, talk about junior high, Dolvett needs to kick them in the rear otherwise they are going to implode.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited February 2012

    Bone scan this morning then this afternoon I will try a bodyflow class to try and destress my worries.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2012

    No exercise for me last night - I got a pedicure instead - gotta have pretty toes on the beach!  Cool

    30 minutes weights/resistance this morning plus 15 minutes of Lebeds.  

    Mom - congrats on the drain removal!  Good luck with the chemo - in some ways the first is the hardest cuz you have no idea how your body will react.  Mum - keeping fingers crossed for good scan news!  Orange - thanks for the encouragement about the 10K!

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited February 2012

    Good luck, mum! Patoo and NatsFan, go girls on your races! I am envious.¨

    Did my usual routine in the gym. I will install the wii today so I can do some Zumba with my daughter. I've been worrying that she's not getting enough exercise. We have been so busy doing schoolwork and sports for her has been sidelined. Now that we have her report card, we can relax a bit and get her moving. She got the highest marks in her class!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2012

    Been gone from the thread about a week and I had 6 pages to catch up on.  Now I forgot everything I read. 

    Ruth I love you new picture. 

    Welcome Newbies and for those of you going through treatment hope all goes well.

    I have been doing my 3 mile walks with the dog and DH has gone a couple of times.  I also did a great yoga class last night.  I am not much of a sweater but boy she made me sweat.  She said she was taking that as a complement.  I have had a ache between my shoulder and spine.  Been on two rounds of steroids and after the second round it got better but never went away.  Now it is getting worse again.  Saw the MO a couple of weeks ago right before I started the last steroid pac and he said if it did not get better he wants to see me and figure it out.  He is on vacation but I have another appt next Friday.  Really trying to make it until then.  I have a high pain threshold so when I am hurting I am hurting and now it is really getting to me mentally. 

    Also had my twins granddaughters born on Monday.  One has some kind of infection and they have not been able to figure it out.  DS wanted us to wait until next weekend to come but now I think we will head up there tomorrow for the weekend.  Oh well I am just worried but as I was typing this DS just texted me and said they are all going home.  So releived.  Guess I will talk to him in a bit and then decide if we are going this weekend or next.  They live 5 hours away and although I have a great boss who will let me off whenever I want.  I also don't have alot of paid time off left.  BC kinda sucked that dry.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited February 2012

    Good Evening All -

    No dog walk today, as we woke up to 15 degrees!  My dog is short-haired and I think that these low temps might be extreme for her.  This weekend we expect even colder temps, and a lot of snow. Hmmmm - maybe those x-cross skis can finally come out of the closet!

    Did 45 minutes of Wii Zumba - feel pretty clumsy doing it, as a newbie - but the steps are coming and it's a lot of fun.   And did Day 1 of a 30 day pilates challenge.  

    NatsFan  I like the idea of pedi 'n sculpt!  

    mumayan  Hoping for good results on the bone scan.  

    ruthbru   Is today Groundhog's Day?   Did he see his shadow?  Laughing

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2012

    Sore today, fat gone tomorrow?  I wish.

    Had a really tough workout yesterday, and am feeling it today.  Took easy 3 mile walk with DH and dog, and will do yoga tonight.  Tomorrow another killer workout day and then my massage day YAY and then we have planned an 8 mile hike along an ocean trail for Saturday.

    I go through these big swings of energy and then get a little over confident and boom here comes the bad habits back.  So now I'm trying to pace myself-I want to get to my goal this year.  And thanks to Mary, Banba, Esther, Corinne, Patoo signing up for races, I signed up for the 12K on March 18th across the Golden Gate Bridge.  Better get those miles in before hand!



  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited February 2012

    Way to go, Kim!! 

    Let's hear it for all our adventurous racers here!! I only started racing last year, even though I've been running on and off for close to 20 years... well more "on" in the past four, but still. Even though I'm not fast, I like to think of it that I've now embRACEd the me that I am, and at whatever pace I run, that's a worthwhile thing in itself. And even if you don't run, just committing to the activity, that's an act of self-embRACE as well. Good for you, ladies... good for US!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2012

    Just heard from my DIL and the twin we were worried about is fine so they have all been released from the hospital. Woohoo.  She wants us to wait until next weekend to come so we will do that and it is killing me to have to wait. 

    I am feeling last nights yoga workout.