Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited February 2012

    I did my dog walk today! No Dragon Boating until I am healed from radiation (9 treatments to go!). Bummed about not being able to row, mais c'est la vie.

    Thanks, everyone, for your sympathies for my cousin. I appreciate your kind words.

    Mom2JJ, I participated in the Active Program at Swedish Cancer Institute and exercised throughout chemo (I just finished 5 months of chemo Dec. 30, 2011). I know that this enabled me to get through chemo better both physically and mentally. I am usually a bike commuter, but was not able to do so during chemo due to fogginess in the brain, so I stuck with walking my dogs daily. The key to knowing how much to do, according to my oncophysiologist, was to walk fast enough so I was feeling the exercise, but I could still carry on a conversation.  I had a bench I would walk to everyday and it was both a goal and a good spot to rest. Some days I walked very, very slow, but I did it and I am thankful I did. After chemo, I slowly added distance and increased my speed and this helped tremendously with my recovery. I continue to walk throughout my radiation treatment and once again, this is helping me mentally and physically. 

    Listen to your body, be kind to yourself, and do not overdo it. Good luck with your treatments!  We'll be rooting for you!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2012

    Yesterday I did a spin class and tonight I did a Body Step class and ¾ of a Body Combat class I figured 1-3/4 hours of cardio was enough for the day.

    Okay this was posted on facebook by one of our trainers and I thought I would pass it along....

    One pound of muscle burns 35 to 50 calories, while one pound of fat burns a measly 5 to 10 calories. Turning fat into muscle can increase your body's basal metabolic rate (BMR) by up to 40%. There is no need to hit the weights hard either, simply using light weights at high repetition has been proven to tone muscle and burn fat!!!

    Misswim I'll be doing Body Pump tomorrow as well but you have Sheldon Tongue out

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2012

    Springtime, I have a desk job too, and get activity throughout the day by 1) drinking a lot of water so I get up for frequent bathroom breaks, 2) getting out at lunchtime for a walk, and 3) wearing a pedometer and trying to get in 10,000 steps a day.  I almost never reach it but it's a good goal.

    Mom2JJ, I started a walking program when I started chemo, nearly two years ago now.  Like NWArtLady said, sometimes very slow and not very far, but I called my feet my "dogs" and took them for a walk every day.  Have been building up since then.  Good luck with chemo today!

    Date night last night, went out to a local pizza place and tried a gluten-free pizza (pretty good). 

    Zumba tonight!  Have a good day everyone.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2012

    It's awfully quiet out there..

    4 mile run this morning, felt great.  It's time to move the mileage up; don't have long before I have to run the 12K.

    Workout with the trainer as well, getting a bit stronger.  I have really come to the realization that I absolutely have to move every day or I feel horrible.  This is the weirdest drug I have ever been on that is for sure...but I am thankful it exists every single day.

    Girls, can you hear me?....Chirp chrip (crickets in background)....;)


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2012

    I've been MIA for a few days - up at the cabin this weekend - 3.5 mile hike with Mikey, then the weather was so nice we got a jump on some spring yardwork, clearing out the overgrowth from last year.  Last night was yoga night, including 1 mile each way jogging to and from class.  30 minutes elliptical this morning, and 20 minute walk with Mikey tonight. 

    When I got back from my walk with Mikey, the 17 year old Chihuahua Molly gave me The Look, which means, "I'd like a walk tonight too!"  Of course at her age, the "walk" is more of a shamble 'n sniff - it takes 10 minutes just walk the 3 houses to the corner.  But Molly loves those walks!

    As for working out during work, there was an article in the paper a few weeks ago about "Instant Recess" - a program to encourge 10 minute exercise breaks at work.  I've been noodling around with trying to organize it at work - Keen shoes has a kit you can download to get started:  http://recess.keenfootwear.com/recess-at-work/   Maybe I need to stop thinking about it and actually do it. 

    What in the world is wrong with those people at Biggest Loser?  It's not even that much fun to watch any more.  What a group they ended up with this time.  Frown

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2012

    Started my Bodypump rotation schedule tonight. 30 minutes Bodypump, and then 40 minutes of Bodystep. I haven't done a step workout since the mid 90's. I forgot what a fierce aerobic workout it is. I am drenched in sweat but very happy, I am loving this program.

    Cheryl, I am letting you have Sheldon. I like me some Joel!!!! Kiss

    Tomorrow will be Pump Challenge and then hot yoga in the evening.

    Mary- I had to turn The Biggest Loser off last night- it was making me sad.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited February 2012

    Hi, all!

    Just some ab work and weights...Low intensity day...  Now ready for sleep...:)

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited February 2012

    Well you ladies make me tired! Whew! A LOT of workout!!

    NWArtLady said: "The key to knowing how much to do, according to my oncophysiologist, was to walk fast enough so I was feeling the exercise, but I could still carry on a conversation."

    I really, really have experienced that too. If I *overdo* it, I pay (and pay). If I keep it at that level where I can still talk without breathiness, I can sustain what I do AND (yay! most of the time anyway) get the results I'm after. Sometimes less IS more.

    Today is one of my two days a week off. SOmetimes I still WANT to exercise then and sometimes I trade off a day and sometimes I HAVE to go this extra day to make-up for a cheat-treat, but, usually, for me, these "days off" help my body to restore, and any torn muscles to rebuild, and I am stronger and better for it the next day.

    (why do I never catch typos until after I have posted?)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2012

    90 yoga! it was awesome.

    Today at work when I went to the bathroom I did jumping jacks! 15 15 20 so 50 total. Trying to mix it up - was recommended by someone on another board and it was good! Going to try and remember to do it again tomorrow... 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited February 2012

    Hello! Just got home and thought I'd pop in for a minute. I will read all the posts tomorrow but wanted to report on my fun time in the beautiful 70 degrees weather of Arizona. DH and I went down and visited friends in the Mesa area, who were great hosts and kept us hopping the whole time. Got in lots of moving..and lots of eating, (I'm scared to weigh myself tomorrow!!!)  Every morning I got up and took a long walk; not because I was virtuous but because I was awake and wanted the enjoyment of walking outside in shorts in February! (These walks were followed by eating an orange picked off a tree in the yard and a great cup of coffee on the front porch). We also did a little hiking in the Superstition Mountains (followed by Mexican food), strolling around a man-made lake at Fountain Hill (followed by Italian food), and walking on some neat nature trails in a sanctuary which featured the birds and plant life of Arizona (followed by barbecue). Also went to a concert, a dance, and on a riverboat ride. Five years ago on President's Day I was in surgery and starting the whole BC experience....so it was particularly wonderful and gratifying  to be spending this President's Day doing fun, happy things!

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited February 2012

    rthbru, what a wonderful vacation for you. Do you have any tips for where to stay, etc. for fellow wannabe travelers? I'd love to learn more about that area. Water and the desert. Nice.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2012

    Hi, Ruth, Missed seeing you on here. It sounds like you had a great time. You certainly deserve a break from the cold weather. Arizona is the place to be in the winter time.. Happy Anniversary on being 5 years out. Many, many blessings to you. Kathy

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2012

    I got to the gym late so only got to do Body Combat class and did some weights in the weight room.

    Ruth glad to hear you had a lovely vacation and a wonderful way to celebrate your 5 year anniversary. Misswim a word of caution about step, be careful when you do the speed step track, I always push the step aside and do it on the floor as I've fallen off the step in that track too many times. Mary & Misswim I wanted to throw a brick through the tv last night grrrrrr and the blogs today are vicious. Corinne and Patoo have a wonderful time in Florida we're all there with you in spirit cheering you on - run girls run

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2012

    good morning ladies and welcome back Ruth.  Sounds like a fab vacation and a good way to spend an anniversary, congrats on being 5 years out.

    zumba last night and yoga tonight.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2012

    What a wonderful way to spend your 5th cancerversary Ruth!  Congrats on hitting that milestone!!  Glad you had a great trip - I envy the whole shorts in February thing though!

    Good Luck Patoo and Corinne on your run this weekend!  You can do it!!! 

    Springtime - Don't know if I would try jumping jacks while going to the bathroom!!  Surprised

    No excercise yesterday, walking has had to be postponed again due to the icy conditions, but back to my zumba tonight!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2012

    Wow, adding weights to my exercise routine is working wonders, thanks for al the advice on this thread!!! Long walk yesterday, felt great!!!!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2012

    4 miler again today; dog not cooperating so didn't add my miles...will do tomorrow.

    Ruth, so happy you had a great time and very happy about the five years out!  You are one of the shining stars on here, wish we could all celebrate together. Can I make a big cake in your honor and have some? Hee hee hee.  On the new Saveur magazine there are recipes for about 10 layer cakes: caramel, red velvet, chocolate, lemon, carrot, vanilla....which one do *you* (ie, me) want?



    ps HB Cheryl, I am on Picasa, can't get the cut and paste to work?  I have it off line and then on line and still can't do it.  Want to actually make a cake and then take picture of it before I give it away...my curse is I am a REALLY good baker and I must get it out of here after I make it or else... 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2012

    Ruth - what a great way to celebrate your 5 year anniversary!  Sounds like you had a great time - love the exercise reports coupled with the restaurant reports! Laughing

    Cheryl and Misswim - did you see the latest reports on BL?  It seems most of the participants walked off the show this week!  Apparently they heard that the latest twist involved the possibility that some contestants who had been voted out might be allowed to come back and compete for the $250K, and they don't think that's fair.  So apparently most of them walked off the set this week.  Wow.  Isn't the point to lose weight and get healthy, and not the money?  Not with this group, apparently.  

    30 minutes weights/core this morning, plus 15 minutes Lebeds.  Definitely plan to take a walk after work tonight - it's 61 degrees out there!  In February!!!! 

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited February 2012

    30 minutes on elliptical today...  Just finished 5 of 8 TAC's and finally forcing myself back into exercise for the first time since diagnosis.  Pain from biopsies, SNB, dye injections, depression, fear of making the cancer spread, more depression, have given me excuses not to exercise, but I've learned enough from this board that regular exercise will increase my survival rate.  Not that I haven't been exercising for years before diagnosis!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2012

    Jen - Welcome!!!  And what an impressive debut - 30 minutes on the elliptical after 5 TAC treatments????  I think I was reduced to a slow walk around the block after my 5th TAC - getting on an elliptical was the furthest thing from my mind at the time. Wow. 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2012

    90 minutes hot yoga tonight. Super challenging. Held crow for longer than I ever have and got up into bird of paradise, another first!

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited February 2012

    Hello, all!

    25 minutes arc and 10 minutes running intervals.

    Good night, all!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2012
    75 degrees here today, BIKE RIDE after work!!! Whoop!!!! So so so good.... :)
    15 jumping jacks during work...
  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2012

    Hi, Jenlee, You are amazing to be doing the elyptical, I wish I would have exercised more during treatment. I so commend you and all the other ladies on here going through treatment and exercising. You are doing great!!!! Every day gets easier. Keep exercising, it will so help your stress. Hubby and I walked alot today, and it is the gym tomorrow!!!!

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited February 2012

    Dog walking!! Will do some weightlifting tonight. Saw the back of my arms in a 360 degree mirror and, well, I saw my mother's arms... Tongue out

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2012

    Our 9 year old bunny died sometime overnight last night, and we had a burial for him tonight before it got dark (luckily the ground was not frozen!).  Battling a head cold and just feeling a little low today. 

    Did not get to my Zumba tonight, but actually got a walk in this afternoon - what a gorgeous springlike day!!  We are now under a snow fall warning for tonight and tomorrow - maybe winter is trying to make a comeback??

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited February 2012

    I'm so sorry about your bunny fmakj. They become members of our family and it hurts so bad when they die.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited February 2012

    Welcome to the new posters. Great to have you join us!

    Mary Louise, sorry about your bunny. It is always a sad day when you lose a pet.

    Thinking of our Disney runners and other vacationing exercisers....

    I had a busy day at school getting everything back in order after being gone. Then a busy evening doing the same; got gas before it could go up again. What is up with that???? Yell Got pictures developed (NWArt, at least you can keep your arms covered, I looked at a picture of me in the bright Arizona sun and realized I need Botox injections right between the eyes. YIKES!!!!), and went over and visited with my dad for awhile. Finally got home, did 45 minutes of toning with Denise Austin & then fell asleep on the couch until right now.

    Someone was asking about good books.....check out the thread Book Lovers Club on the Moving Beyond Cancer forum for tons of recommendations.

    'Night ladies!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited February 2012

    two more things:

    truebff, we visited friends and they planned everything, but if you have certain Arizona 'things' you are interested in seeing/doing I could ask them for recommendations.

    Kim, I am torn between the red velvet and carrot cake!

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited February 2012

    Welcome back Ruth ~ Glad you had a great time....I love vacations!

    I walked for 45 min today.  The weather has been so great for walking.  

    fmakj ~ so sorry about your bunny....that is hard to lose a pet.  

    We are suppose to get a snow storm this weekend....seems pointless to get one now but I do think snow coming down is so beautiful

    Be Well
