Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2012

    Just finished running 4.5 miles in a local park  - that 10K is at the end of April, so I need to start stretching out the distances.  It was a beautiful day for a run - beautiful sunshine though a tad crisp at 40 degrees.  But it felt wonderful!

    Ruth - hope that snow plow arrives soon!  Sounds like the SoCal ladies are getting together - next time we visit the in laws in Orange County we'll have to get together. Heidi - congrats on doing the mile without walking!

    Wonder how our Disney gals are doing??  I just had a thought - wouldn't it be cool if we designed our own t-shirts to wear while running in races, or walking in events, or even just when exercising?  We all could probably use another exercise t-shirt.  Anyone have any artistic ability??  

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2012

    Had a wonderful lunch yesterday with Srbreastcancersurvivor, Kindergarten and Julie75 I think we could have closed the restaurant down if we didn't have places to go afterwards.  Ruth I can't believe you're finally snowed in and at least your snow blower worked your poor DH cabin fever on day one.  Mary what a great idea unfortunately I'm not artsy at all Frown some of my gym friends have a running group, they are signed up for a couple of mud runs and a 5k and meet every saturday after class at a park and run and they asked me to join them, I told them I'm not a runner but they say I can walk so I've got a week to think about itUndecided  Did Body Step class this morning and I'm going to pull weeds in the garden this afternoon.  Thinking of our Disney girls hoping they are having fun.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2012
    Yes, had a wonderful lunch with lovely, lovely ladies, Srbreastcancer, HBCheryl and Julie75.  I sure had a great time gabbing!!!!! Love this thread!!!!  Would love to meet with all of you. RUTH, HOPE THE SNOW MELTS SOON!!!!  Logo shirts sounds like a great idea, I am sure someone artsie will pop in!!!!! CHERYL, YOU ARE A WARRIOR, DOING BODY COMBAT AND BODY STEP!!!!! We are bike riding this afternoon. Have a fun day, everyone!!!!!!Cool
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2012

    hi ladies and welcome srBCsurvivor.  We were thinking of a west-coast meet-up last year but the time got away from us.  I'm up for another try.  It was such fun to meet ruthbru, hbcheryl & patoo in MN last year.  I'd love a LPoDE team shirt!

    A.M. yoga with Rodney Yee this morning and planning a walk in the sun yet today. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited February 2012

    The get together sounds great! I am jealous because I hate to miss a  fun time. Sounds like the rest of us need to plan a California vacation.....California dreaming!

    Misswim, I actually stopped the DVD in the middle and walked on the treadmill for 10 minutes before mustering up enough energy to finish it. Yes, Jillian is mean!

    If anyone is creative, it WOULD be great fun to get tee shirts. Plus we need to do something to celebrate soon because, as I was looking at my favorites list, I noticed we were on 9,557 posts and 99,873 views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we reach 10,000 posts and 100,000 views.......well, that seems like reasons for a party to me! Cool

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2012

    I got off my butt and did 30 minutes of Pump Challenge. I am SO sore from yesterday's yoga and longer Pump workout that I am quite sure I am going to regretting the weight workout today. But I love the program. I am hooked.

    I am all for a California vacation. How fun would that be? And I am in on the t-shirts! Tongue out

    Can't wait to hear from our Disney gals! have some friends who ran the half-marathon and their pictures on Facebook were great, looked so fun!

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited February 2012

    50 minutes of low intensity walking (not quite strolling, but not far off) and ab and strength workout today...  My day off, really.  It was gorgeous, so we spent a lot of time in the woods and by the river down the road with the dog.  :)

    Have a good evening, all...

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2012

    Just came back from a long bike road, almost 2 hours, whew!!!! It was great, legs are hurting, but that is good, right? Watching the Oscars tonight, Have a great Monday!!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2012

    50 minute bike ride in 50 degree weather, refreshing!!! Had to wear gloves! Happy Week Ahead, everyone! 

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2012

    Loved the get-together with Cheryl, Kathy and Greta!  As Cheryl says, we could have closed down the restaurant.  Had other obligations (don't we all at times?) and will plan to get together with them (and others) as well.

    Still running 5 - 6 times/week and weight lifting 3 - 4 times/week as well.  It's supposed to rain tomorrow, but that will not stop me, unless it's coming down like a Midwestern storm.

    Thinking of all of you often!


  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2012

    Ruth, Badger, et al . . .

    NO REASON why we can't do a West Coast thing.  Mike and I have various vacations scheduled this year, but let's see how things go . . . I am fielding work, exercise and my charity work on the website, which is quite a lot to do; but this weekend, I didn't do SQUAT on the website; needed a bit of a break.

    Kathy:  Two hours on a bike!  WOW!  Where did you ride?

    Mary:  Sounds like you are off to a great start for your 10K; don't forget, you can walk part of it as well. 

    HUGS to all . . .

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited February 2012

    60 minutes at the gym. Finished another mile, running one minute faster than yesterday. Total of 30 minutes cardio. Will do another 30 minutes of biking later today.

    10,000 and 100,000 are very auspicious numbers. Let's celebrate! 

  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2012

    Hey y'all,

    I am always impressed with the number of posts and the positive energy I find in this tread!

    Getting to the end of my rads, 1 regular and 5 boosts to go and happy to report that I have managed to do some kind of moderate to hard exercise every day since I started the rads. If I don't feel like it I only need to tell myself that it is instead of medication and about how much I do not want to go back to the cancer wards!

    Special ops/military fitness training, horseback riding and yoga is a sweet mix instead of surgery, rad and chemo for sure.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2012

    30 minutes elliptical this morning.   

    Kathy - sounds like a wonderful bike ride!!!  

    Maybe I'll noodle around with one of those free design-you-own-logo programs on the internet and see what I can come up with t-shirt wise.  Agreed that we need to celebrate 10K posts and 100K views!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited February 2012

    I'm in on t-shirts too - wonderful idea!  

    My doggie went in for surgery this morning to have some minor skin lumps removed.  She had the works done while under anesthesia - nails, ears, tail - I'm happy that all is well - she will be wearing a cone for 10 days though!  Tongue out 

    I'm getting ready to put a roast chicken in the oven, and then will do an hour of mat pilates. Ahhhh -  

    This is such a positive thread - always a pleasure to come and visit, and see what everybody is up to!   

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Member Posts: 677
    edited February 2012

    Kathy, 2 hours on your bike. Wow, I am impressed. Gave away my bike years ago, but am thinking of getting one again. Where did you ride?

     Ready to take the dogs out - waiting for all the school traffic to get over with. Harvey, my new rescue dog is doing better. He can now go for a mile jog with only one stop. I don't think he was ever exercised in his old home; probably kept in the back yard as he has no manners in the house; eg stealing things, chewing, etc. acts like a pup although he is at least 6!

    Zuni-Bear, my 7 year old is a great runner. He is very patient as we trot along at my 12 minute pace. Then Sierra, who is 10, enjoys jogging too. She will adjust her pace to mine.

    Sorry, this is turning into a "dog blog" isn't it? 

    Anyway, jogging with the dogs usually take an hour and more (depending on whom we meet to chat with)  I hope to get out later by myself for another hour.

    Weight training is done throughout the day whenever I have a moment. As I told Cheryl, Julie and Kathy, I keep a 6 lb weight in the kitchen and another in the bedroom and do a few exercises whenever the mood strikes me.

    Hope you all have a great day and enjoy your activities! 

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Member Posts: 677
    edited February 2012

    Joy: Hoping your dog isn't too unhappy after being put under. Mine are usually fine later the same day, but I always worry.  Hope she will do ok with the cone. I know the dogs just hate them!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2012

    Hi, all, thanks for the encouragement with the bike ride. I am sore today, but we did get off the bikes twice, because our behinds were sore, but we started at the end of the Redondo Beach Strand by Rancho Palos Verdes and went to Hermosa Beach and back. I think one of the reasons why it took 2 hours is because we have cruiser bikes with no gears. And JULIE75, because of you I did a little jog this morning to Starbucks!!!!!! You guys all inspire me and I am determined to get back in shape!!!! Thanks, everyone, we are going away for a few days. Have a great week, everyone!!!!!! Kathy

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited February 2012

    I'm the t-shirt designer, if anyone really wants. I just got my package in the mail for my group's shirt that I designed for the More Women's Half Marathon on April 15. Eleven of us in total for our "team", and that's the one thing that's going to get me through my revision surgery next week, for sure.

    But my oh my, I've missed so much in the week I was away! I can't even begin to start to catch up and comment on all the goings-on here, all the great exercise we've all been doing. I did skim the pages and see there's at least one new person... and there was a RL get-together too, how cool! And now another get-together is being planned for the West Coast, yes? Well, anytime anyone wants to come to the Big Apple, just let me know... I'm barely 12 miles west of NYC, we could just run/bike/hike it!  

    Welcome back to those who were also on vacation last week. My extended-family cruise was ver nice, and the whole group of 15 of us managed to get along well... well, mostly. I ran on the ship's top deck several of the days, though my GPS watch couldn't pick up the satellite and I don't know my exact distances. But I figure 30 minutes each time was good enough!

    No exercise today though, since unfortunately I came home with an unwanted souvenir: a nasty head cold. Felt like my nose was running a marathon on the flight home last night. Heh, at least there was running of some sort!

    Happy Monday and hugs to all! 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2012

    40 minute Les Mills Sports Attack and 20 Hard Core Abs. VERY challenging! The sports attack is all high intensity intervals- and the ab workout just about killed me.

    Tomorrow is Pump and Burn and yoga!

    Esther- we missed you, so glad you are back :)

    Dieing to hear from the Disney girls!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2012

    Just finished 35 minutes of Zumba for Wii.  Having car issues today...tow truck just took my vehicle away!  Hope it won't be too expensive to fix.  Started fine and then stalled!  So,  looks like I will be walking to work tomorrow!

    Would love to go on a bike ride, but think my face would freeze in the wind!!  Something else to look forward to when spring comes!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited February 2012

    Checking in quickly. School was delayed for an hour today & it sounds like an even bigger storm in on the way; so winter is trying to make up for her absence in a big way! Happily we knew about the late start ahead of time, so I got up at my usual time & did 30 on the treadmill & made a dessert for my Book Club which meets at my house tonight (I didn't dare make it the night before in case the weather would be really bad today & then I would be stuck in the house with two blueberry cream pies!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surprised). Anyway, I may try to sneak in a 30 minute pilate DVD if I'm not busy shoveling out the driveway. The snowplows never came through yesterday, so I had to gun my car when I drove from the driveway to the street and then find a rut and drive in it until I reached a main road. They hadn't plowed in front of the school yet either, pretty bad street department we have here!!

    Glad you are back Esther. Hope you are doing something fun when you are away Kathy! Hope they fix your car Mary Louise.

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited February 2012

    Back from Disney and I have to say...this was the most fun, organized, thrilling 5K to date.  I want to go back next year and do the half marathon too.  I met up with Patoo, and she is a doll.  I also met her charming son and warm friends.  She has pictures that we will try to upload here for our, as she calls all of you, our "sculpted friends".  She is coming back today.

    When you do a race at Disney, its pretty easy.  There are characters along the way, live music etc that you can stop, are expected to stop and take photos with.  I am now looking into doing a 10miler there in Sept that you do after park hours and the characters are all of the Disney villans.  (the Tower of Terror 10 mile). You run at 10pm, finish around 2, 2.5 hrs and then the park is open until 3am.  I found out that if you register for a race, the rooms are discounted as well as the park hopper passes and meal plans.  So great way to get to Disney on a budget. 

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited February 2012

    Dog walking as always! No Nordic Walking today, though, my underarm is peeling away from the radiation and I can't do the swinging arm action (no rowing, either). This is the last week and I am SO excited!

    That sounds like a gnarly workout Banba! Good for you. And yes, I also believe that exercise during treatments (and beyond) helps us stay away from the cancer ward!!

  • Laural
    Laural Member Posts: 212
    edited February 2012
    I have started back with Project You tapes this week after being sidelined for way too long (Beachbody product). Had to wait for tachycardia to resolve prior to starting back on cardio exercise, but back to my 5:30 a.m. exercise routine Tongue out  Feels good to be moving again after 6 months with 3 surgeries, chemo for myelodysplastic syndrome, then chemo for breast cancer. 
  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2012

    Hugs to Everyone . . . glad to see everyone is so active!

    Ruth:  Quite a time with the snow!  Stay safe.

    CorrineM1:  Glad you enjoyed Disney.

    Did 4.5 miles today, dodged the rain.  Darn it, I WOULD like to get some thunder and lightning one of these days!

  • GravityWerks
    GravityWerks Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2012

    Not afraid to admit I never exercise but I do move like an animal on a daily basis so I can enjoy myself skiing, playing soccer, walking with the dogs or riding a bike with our 3 children.

    Our wonderful dog who pandiculates himself and enjoys marvelous movement is a reminder to what the founder of clinincal medicine noted back in 1680, "pandiculations bring the muscles to rest".  Today there is a system of what I call un-exercises (called somatics exercises) which uses the animal process of what we thought of as stretching to prepare our body for comfortable movement. If we choose to exercise we can do so with the benefit of already setting up our movement system to move our joint more comfortably and easily.

    Yet like the child I was, I've come out of a long slumber and remember how to move well simply by setting up my movement software.  Is there anything so satisfying as sliding down a ski hill or gliding down a set of stairs while on our bellies.  At 51, having survived fibromyalgia, the pains are long gone and the memory of moving well is alive.

    Heck in 16 weeks I gotta play soccer at the U.S. Veterans Cup and once again to the surprise of my peers, I shall not run to train, I shall not lifts weight to be strong, I shall not have to hold a pose or stretch for any length of time... I'll move like an animal and see if you can catch me on the field, I hope you can.  It's much more fun playing with all the other animals... and we can all do so, if we choose to remember.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2012
    Tonight did my crazy spin class, Julie we had hail glad you were able to dodge the rain.  Misswim fyi Attack is the highest calorie burning Les Mills class, it's the one I don't do, I used to do it, I'd go in there and think I was 22 and jump around but dang it my almost 62 year old self would come out of there creaking and crackingSurprised.  Esther sounds like you had a wonderful vacation.  Ruth hope your had a fun book club tonight.
  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited February 2012

    So much fun activity on this thread - I'm always inspired.

    Awoke to snow falling - good grief!  I'm taken by surprise, as I don't follow the local weather forecast.  Truly thought that sunny days and warm temps would continue.  

    My doggie is doing fine, and is recuperating nicely from anesthesia.  She was pretty alert when I picked her up.  The cone, however, well - she's not a fan.  Money mouth     

    Today is Day 11 of pilates challenge - and may get in either Zumba or jumpboard for cardio.  

    Corinne   A Disney run sounds like sooo much fun.  The image of running with Disney characters brings a big smile.   ruthbru  Yum - blueberry cream pie!   Hope your snow clears quickly - spring is just around the corner - I think?    NWArtLady   Woohoo on last week of rads!  

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited February 2012

    Congrats, Corinne and Patoo! Hope to be doing a 5K too later this year. Never thought I'd be saying that.

    Joyh1109, what is a jumpboard? Something similar to a rebounder?

    I didn't get to biking last night as I couldn't open the garage door. Need some wrist strengthening exercises or a new lock. Went to my 50+ exercise class and they had the perfect moves for my lower back.