Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2012

    So Happy Valentines Day! I ate three small chocolates with caramel. That's the extent of my living it up! Great work out on the elliptical for 45 minutes. 

  • Mom2JJ
    Mom2JJ Member Posts: 38
    edited February 2012

    2.5 miles on the treadmill yesterday and then my first work-out with my trainer post-BMX. He was cautious as we worked on exercises that did not activate my pecs (due to those awful TEs), but we did lower body, abs, and biceps/triceps. It feels so good to be back in training!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited February 2012

    School, conferences until 6:30, 45 minutes of toning & 45 on the treadmill....tired!

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited February 2012

    NatsFan--woohoo!! Way to go, girl!

    joyh, I am a Pilates Anytime member. I love their stuff!! I have a reformer, chair, and spine corrector at home, and I take at least one private lesson a week, and try to get a class in. If I don't get the class, I'll do a PA session, usually mat or chair. I will be working toward certification starting in March!

    I'm due a new pair of running shoes--if I can get back to running with all the hip issues I've had lately! We have some good independent shops that do gait and foot analysis, and can make custom inserts if nedded (Ca-ching!!)

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2012

    good morning ladies, I'm going out to lunch today with friends, we will walk there.  It's a place with little individual pot pies which I dearly love, with chunky homemade applesauce on the side.  I hereby give myself permission to splurge instead of having my usual salad.  Have a great day!

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited February 2012

    Gave my body a rest yesterday since I managed to catch a new cold. Walked half a mile though to Starbucks with my daughter. Was back at the gym today with a friend.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2012
    40 minutes Lebeds yesterday morning, plus last night was yoga night - one hour class, plus I jogged the mile back and forth to the rec center.  45 minute walk with Mikey this morning.  The pet sitters spoiled him rotten while we were gone, and he's up .7 pounds.  I'm also up .7 pounds after vacation and a yummy Valentine's dinner last night, so Mikey and I have some work to do!  Tongue out
  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited February 2012


    Great story and awesome picture.  You go!

    Edited to add--did 30 min last night on the treadmill.  Will be doing another 30 tonight, a 3 miler Thursday morning, a 5 mile Friday morning and Zumba on Saturday.  Taking Sunday off. 

    And eating a really big fried chicken (with organic chicken--$1.99 at Whole Foods on Friday only) as a reward for working out 5 days this week.  With pie.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2012

    Official first three month onc follow up today- passed with relativley flying colors. The onc's two cautions- "you are doing WAY too much" and "Slow down". My response- sure, tell that to the Voices!!! Actually, I told her that my exercise is when I feel best. I agreed to take it easy to get over the ear and sinus infections that are lingering.

    She was very impressed when I told her about our exercise board. I officially took today off!

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited February 2012

    Ok slowly getting back into the exercise swing.  One hour walk on Saturday.  One hour walk on Monday, half hour walk on Tuesday.  Taking a hot bath tonight instead of walking.  

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2012

    Mary what a fabulous photo so glad to see that you conquered the volcano and except for your DHs accident seems you thoroughly enjoyed St Kitts.  Did you see BL last night, the beach challenge was in Long Beach and you could see Huntington in the background and glad I'm not on that red team Surprised  Misswim congrats on your good onc visit.  Badger hope you had a yummy lunch.  I hurt my back lifting very heavy mail trays a couple of days ago so all I have been doing is spinning, spinning, spinning every day but I'm giving myself a day off today, quite honestly it's absolutely freezing here and I just decided to come home wrap up warm and enjoy an evening curled up on the couch.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2012

    Swim, days off are good. I take off ~2 days a week. In the summer when its nice out, maybe less! I always feel stronger after a day of "rest". 

    90 yoga! Tomorrow, plans for the elliptical... 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,521
    edited February 2012

    Congratulations on the checkup, misswim. I bet oncologists are secretly thrilled when they have to tell their patients to 'slow down' (and I bet that's not something any doctor gets to say very often now days). So that is awesome!!!

    The hot baths and sitting on the couch sound wonderful! Hope everyone who is under the weather starts feeling better ASAP. I am exercising like crazy so I can go on vacation and NOT exercise unless I want to. 35 minutes on the treadmill, 35 FIRM Hardcore Fushion, and 20 minutes toning with Denise Austin.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2012

    OK, I'm calling today my off day - no exercise today as I wanted sleep in and rest up for tonight - we're going to see "Singin' In The Rain" tonight at the AFI Silver Theatre!  The American Film Institute runs a local theatre here and shows classic, foreign, and artsy movies.  Singin' In The Rain is one of my "desert island" movies, yet I've never seen it on the big screen so I can't wait!!

    Cheryl - I just caught the end of BL - that red team is falling apart, aren't they?? Yikes - the knives are OUT!  Misswim - congrats on the good check up and agree with Ruth that oncs must be secretly pleased to tell a patient to slow down a bit!  Ruth - feel that burn!!!!

  • BelaT
    BelaT Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2012

    walked (slow ) for 20 minits and resistance exercise for few minits and good streching.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2012
    Been busy and no way to catch up on here.  I have been doing lot's of yoga and walking.  Trying to be really in shape for my upcoming BMX the end of March.  I know I will have to lay off of the exercise for a bit so want to get in as much as I can before.  Went to visit my new twin granddaughters last weekend and what sweeties they are.  I just wished I lived closer to them.Cry
  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2012

    Hi, everyone, Went for a long walk last night and even walked to the grocery store, carrying bags, does that count for adding weights to my exercise, hope so!!! I have 3lb weights as well that I use when walking. Thanks for that great advice. I can feel the difference already. Headed for a bike ride now!!!!!! Have a great day, ladies!!!!!!! SHERRYC, WILL BE THINKING OF YOU AS YOU HAVE YOUR BMX IN MARCH!!!! Twin granddaughters, how wonderful. I just found out that we are going to be grandparents as well!!! Another reason to get in shape!!!!!! So excited!!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2012

    Kathy congrats I love being a Mimi grandkids are great.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited February 2012

    More snow here in Budapest!  Got caught in a blizzard yesterday, and the roads weren't great - thank goodness for 4WD vehicles. Despite terrible road conditions, I was cool as a cuke - amazing what doesn't scare us after BC! 

    Took the day off from exercise yesterday - felt good today to do 45 minutes of dancefuse, combination cardio and pilates.   

    Anne   PilatesAnytime is great, and is my life-line at times, being so far away from the States.  I taught for 5 years full-time before moving, and have been hoping to get my teaching up and going again in Budapest.  I have a full studio of equipment at home, no excuses!    Good luck on your certification - I think back fondly on my year of being a pilates apprentice, study and practice.  

    NatsFan and Cheryl   Yes, what's up with BL?   What's happened to team work and comraderie?  

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2012


    Aarrgghhh...having a rough couple days physically these past two days.  Sleepy and headachy.  I thought I was done with that stuff...I usually blame Arimidex for this, but who the heck knows.  Anyway, sticking with the exercise routine, but just haven't had my usual pep.  Eating...eh, so-so, could be better.

    Just thought I'd pop in here and...*yawn*...ah, shucks, you know the drill.  Who mentioned couch!  I think I need one!



  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2012

    Oh ladies...... word to the wise- do NOT do yoga when you have any ear issues.

    I went to an Anasura workshop Monday night which I enjoyed very much. Was an amazing workout. I've been fighting with a cold and stuffed up ears for two weeks, seemed like it would never go away.

    Tuesday morning I woke with a terrible headache and my ear throbbing. Went to work but ended up home early. Yesterday worked half the day feeling like crap then drove myself an hour away to the onc. She took one look at my ear, which the PCP had irrigated twice, and not prescribed any antibiotics for and diagnosed a severe ear infection. She thinks that I may have exacerbated it in yoga doing inversions and forward bends. I've been told NO yoga until it is cleared up and my ears and sinuses are back to normal. I am so bummed!

    My Les Mills Pump home package arrived and I have seriously NO motivation to start it. Here is to antibiotics working quickly!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2012

    hi ladies and welcome BelaT.  Congrats Kathy on impending grandparenthood!

    I did a lot of sitting today, in the car, in meetings, at my desk.  A walk would do me good but I have no motivation to leave the house, what sounds good is some reading.  I borrowed The Art of Racing in the Rain from the library (thx to a rec by Cheryl & Ruth) and it is calling to me.

    misswim, thx for the warning, sorry to hear about ear issues and no yoga - bummer! 

    There's a new book out -  The Science of Yoga: The Risks and the Rewards.  I haven't read it but did hear an interview with the author on public radio last week.  Here's a link to the NPR webpage.  Once there, scroll down to author interviews and click "On Fresh Air from WHYY" by the little speaker icon.  It's about a half-hour long and well worth the time.


  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2012

    Badger- The Art of Racing in The Rain is an amazing book. But very sad, just a caution. It was a heartbreaker. My mom in law gave it to me to read during treatment. NOT a good choice. Beautifully written, though.

    I will be looking that yoga book up!

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited February 2012

    misswim...man, you've had a rough go of it lately!!  I hope you are feeling better soon.

    I have been battling my head cold and migraines and fatigue.  Took yesterday off and limited myself to strength training/ab work today.

    Tomorrow is another day...and a new opportunity to move!!

    Good night, all!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2012

    Haven't been walking in the mornings lately cause the sidewalks are very icy, and I really don't want my Mom to fall!  Have been keeping up with Zumba in the evenings.

    Gotta hop in the shower!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2012

    I agree with Missswim, Badger-the Art of Racing in the Rain tore me up.  I have actually made it a point to only read books with happy endings right now for numerous reasons...that one caught me off guard!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2012

    OK I'm forewarned but don't tell me any more!  LOL 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2012

    45 elliptical!

    Swim, who knew about yoga and ear issues. Thanks for sharing!  

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2012

    BAdger I saw that book in People Magazine today.  I'll have to check it out.

    Went to the chiropractor so no exercise for me and then I made a blackberry cobbler.  Of course I had to eat a piece and had a glass of wine so my hot flashes will be roaring tonight. Sugar an alcohol do it every time.

  • Mom2JJ
    Mom2JJ Member Posts: 38
    edited February 2012

    50 minutes on the treadmill plus my second workout with my trainer since BMX. We upped the lower body work but are still treading carefully on upper body due to the TEs. It feels so good to exercise again!