Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012
    SmileDear Kim!!!!! Thank you for your kind words!!!! I sure hope you feel better, I think only we breast cancer survivors understand the weirdness we feel sometimes. It is so great to come here and express that!!!! I hope the sun is shining down on your right now!!!!  Truebff, love that song, thanks for sharingSmile  Just came back from a 2 hour bike ride, wow, this thread has so inspired me!!! My friends back home are so impressed that I am finally dedicated to exercising, he,he,he!!!! Have a great evening, everyone!!!! Ruth, beautiful quote!!!!
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2012

    Small group church meeting tonight so won't be doing much.  Have to stop at supermarket after so at least my wallet will get thinner.

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited March 2012

    Woooo Hoooo!! I did it! I finished part 2 of the spring house clean! Yippeee!

    It meant so much to me to be able to do this before it "crept over the part 1 of the spring house clean" and reclaimed that effort. I fee sooo liberated.

    My husband came home at 6PM and I said are you tired? Duh? Got a bigger day tomorrow? Yes. A Bigger day Wednesday? Yes. If we didn't get this done by Wednesday I was going to lose the effort and my momentum.

    So...drum roll... he walked first one giant sheepdog to the dogwash, washed winter off him and groomed him, walked him home (1/2 mile walk each way), then the second one. In the meantime, tag-team, I washed the dog areas, the dog crates, the floors and the kitchen and the windows and myself. 3 hours at full speed for me. 3-1/2 for him. I call that awesome teamwork!!

    So today:  25 minutes inside walk  /  my "arm" and PT/OT exercises/ and THREE HOURS hard housework.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 2012
    1 hour yoga therapy today. Loved the song...definitely ready for the sun!

    BRCA2+ Knowledge is power! lumpectomy 4/12/11, NSBMX 6/22/11, exchange to implants 10/27/11
    Diagnosis: 4/5/2011, IDC, <1cm, Stage I, 0/1 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-
  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 2012

    Technical difficulties posting from my phone

    1 hour yoga therapy today.

    Loved the song lyrics; definitely ready for the sun.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited March 2012

    On Sunday I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes on the recumbent bike. I was a lazy somebody today.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012

    Whew, Truebff; I am tired just reading your post!

    Made & brought supper to a sick friend, went to a fun 'Pops' concert at the high school, came home and walked on the treadmill for an hour.....soon off to bed!

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192
    edited March 2012

    Weight training for 45" and elliptical for 30"

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2012
    Bonnie I love this quote in the article " right here right now I am doing the best I can" how real and how true is that.  (((Kim))) hope tomorrow is better for you and hope you didn't rattle around too much today.  Truebff I second what Ruth said, you truly have spring fever although I'll bet the dogs didn't appreciate it and as a nod to spring yesterday I noticed that I have yellow rose buds on a bush that I cut down last month and do you know we "sping forward" this saturdaySurprised  Kathy it was a beautiful day for a bike ride today.  I did another great spin class tonight.
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2012

    mornin' glories, count me in as ready for spring, too!  Just enough time to post yoga class last night, say GREAT PIC Misswim, and welcome Cyborg.  Later friends!  ((hugs)) to all

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012

    Great picture misswim! Yes, you do look strong... and happy too!

    Surgery went well yesterday, I'm happy to say. Relatively no pain, compared to the previous times, though that might just be because I knew what to expect this time. I'm also not being as stingy with the pain meds, because I know that if my body doesn't need to work so hard to deal with the pain, it will heal faster. And even though I felt I didn't need it, I did take the prescribed 4mg Valium before bed and was able to sleep straight through the night. Being kind to myself will be my yoga practice this week, as well as trusting that I'll be well enough to run my half marathon in six weeks.

    Thanks all for the good thoughts. Gentle hugs right back atcha! 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2012

    90 minutes of challenging Anusara yoga class last night. Really enjoyed it. It is TOUGH. My back is a little wrecked, so today is an off day.

    Thanks , girls for your kind words :)

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited March 2012

    Have a speedy recovery, orangemat. Loved your outfit, misswim.

    Yesterday did 1 mile running, 1 mile walking, 1 mile biking uphill and 1 mile downhill. Cut another 30 seconds off my running time. Did my 50+ exercise class this morning. Maybe will do some yoga on the Wii later.

    A_FIGHTER Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2012

    Morning Ladies,

    Fabulous picture misswim!

    truebff: Congrats. on the Spring Cleaning!  

    orangemat: Glad surgery went well yesterday! 

    Day after second chemo round + Boot Camp + 2.65 mile run = PRICELESS!!!

    Mind over matter!!! 

    Have a Terrific Tuesday Ladies,


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012

    Esther, so glad that your surgery went well. Wishing you a speedy recovery!! Heidihill, you get more exercise in one day, than I do in a week, wow, that is great. Bonnie, you are fantastic!!!  I wish I had you as my mentor when I was going through Chemo. This thread should be on youtube, so that everyone can get motivated!!!! Going to a movie with some girlfriends, but we are walking there!!!  Have a great day, everyone!!!

  • pickle
    pickle Member Posts: 70
    edited March 2012

    I'm a newbie..not new to BCO just new to this thread. I have been in a major funk and I'm not sure if it's from Aromasin or not but I have neglected my health for months. I need to get moving, get cleaning, get organized and I'm not sure where to start. A little overwhelmed with so much to do that I just end up procrastinating. I usually eat pretty healthy but due to this funk...I'm not really doing great in that area either. I'm not overweight ( could lose 5-8 lbs) but I am soooo out of shape.

    Any help, suggestions, plans etc would be greatly appreciated



  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2012

    Welcome Beth!  I know everyone will agree with me that THIS is the place to be on BCO!  Inspiration central and persistent "voices" that will lull you out of the funk and into forward movement!

    I think the biggest hurdle has been jumped-you wrote that "I need to get moving, get cleaning, get organized and I'm not sure where to start.."  When you get to the point that you can write that down, I do believe you are ready.

    I'd say focus on the fact you are not overweight and pat yourself on the back big time.  Focus on the fact until this stupid disease hit you, you usually eat pretty healthy.  Those are big accomplishments right there!

    It always starts small.  Clean one thing-a drawer, your desk, your computer key board.  Count your steps in the house, or at work and make it a goal that for 5 minutes out of every hour you are up and moving.

    You'll see on here a great deal of "sweep and sculpt" or "shovel and sculpt" or "clean and sculpt".  I first saw the term used by Ruth (ruthbru) who made me realize that even on the days that we aren't out running, walking, jogging, spinning, yoga-ing, etc., movement is EXERCISE.  It counts.  I came here all the time when I was first dx'd and then fell into a similar funk-I was exercising but really in the dumps.  So I sunk back and didn't post.  But when I realized that just coming here and saying what I was doing would be a form of planning and moving forward, I started doing it again as regularly as I could.  It has helped more than anything, because I know that everyone on here knows the extra achievement of staying on it the exercise, eating well and finding something positive when you have had BC.  

    Now that you have posted, we'll all start looking for you.  Just get here, and we'll add you to the great big buddy circle.  Your avatar is amazing, I love it...and if you visualize all of our little avatars in a frame now that says "we're in this together", you'll see what I mean!

    And yeah, I can be an annoying type at times...you'll get used to it ;)



  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited March 2012

    Had a busy day at my volunteer position at school, and, I feel like sitting on the couch and staying on the computer - but I will let the VOICES prevail and do something in a few minutes. 

    Esther  Good news on the surgery, bet you're glad to get it over with.  ruthbru  Ditto on your comment to truebff - whew!  Kim  Hope that the energy is coming back and the stars are aligning better for you.  Bonnie   Go girl, what energy you have!!  Beth   You are in a good place here - we try to inspire each other, whatever the activity might be.  Some are runners, others go to the gym or do yoga, for some a walk is perfect.  It's all good! 

  • pickle
    pickle Member Posts: 70
    edited March 2012

    Thank you so much Kim and Joy. Today I am going to spend my time in my home office to finish getting it organized. MyDH and I started it on Sunday and my plan is to have it finished by Thursday. I have to get my tax information sorted and ready for my accountant so this has been weighing heavy on my mind.

    My DH and I are leaving on Friday for a weekend in Jasper..in the Rockies. I used to smoke years ago and then became a closet smoker after dx...crazy I know. The weekend away will give me the opportunity to ditch the smokes and soak up some clean mountain air. Jasper park Lodge is so peaceful. We are planning walks, a roaring fire in our room...no fireworks though..my libido is in hiding..lol. Perhaps accomplishing my office tasks before going and getting away will give me a new perspective.

    Thanks again ladies. This has been a rough patch for me so I certainly appreciate the support.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012
    Dear Beth!!! I second what Kim said!!!!! And Kim you are not annoying!!!! Very inspirational post!!!!! Beth, It is because of this thread and another one that I post on, that I have finally moved to the other side of this weight and exercise roller coaster. You will do great here. I am so thankful to Ruth, who told me to come here; and the other ladies here for inspiration and motivation.  I think I many one of the older ladies on this thread, but all of you make me feel so young!!! Ooops, forgot to mention my hubby, too!!! He,He!!!!!!
  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited March 2012

    Welcome Beth! Kim, I loved your so thoughtful repsonse to Beth.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2012

    Welcome Beth.  You're in good company.  Kim, you gave me a laugh and you are not annoying.

    Still under the weather so nothing tonight except early to bed.

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 2012

    Welcome Beth; this group will keep you moving!

    Esther- glad your surgery went well and that you are taking your meds.

    I went right from school to the gym and did 40 minutes on the treadmill; felt really good!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2012

    Just got home from Choir practice (Tune n Tone??).  Haven't moved much today other than to go to work.  Just might have to get on the treadmill for 1/2 an hour! 

    50 minute walk yesterday and looks like tomorrow is going to be absolutely gorgeous, so will have to make sure I get out there before work again in the morning!

    Cheryl - couldn't believe it was time to "spring forward" again!!  Had to actually check on the calendar to make sure! Surprised  I know there are some that do not like the time change, but I love having more daylight in the evening, so I can get outside more!!  Not a fan on the dark mornings, but that really won't be for too long!

    Beth - welcome to the best thread on these boards!  I too fell into a little bit of a funk last fall.  This is the thread that actually got me back and making sure I try to do something everyday!  I try to at least 30 minutes.  Here is a link that I found very helpful to keep me motivated also (besides the voices on this thread!)


    Hope you are feeling better soon, Patoo! 

    Well, better get my 30 minutes in!  Night all!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012

    You Go, Mary Louise! Cool

    Welcome Beth, glad to see you here. The way I try to keep organized is to write everything down. I have a notebook & every Sunday I plan what I want/need to get done each day that week (oh, if only I would have invested in sticky notes....I'd be a millionaire today, just off my own purchases!). I also have an exercise notebook where I keep track of my exercise each week. Of course, posting here everyday is a great motivation in itself!!

    Esther, glad your surgery is behind you. Smart of you to take the pills. Your body heals a lot faster when it isn't fighting pain.

    Bonnie, you are very awesome!

    Kathy, we are all young and vibrant; as anyone can tell by reading our exercise programs (that is my story, and I'm sticking to it Wink).

    I did two 30 minute FIRM DVDs; separated by some 'Clean and Cardio' as DH's sister and BIL will be staying with us Wed/Thurs. evenings as they do some business in a nearby town. They are very nice, comfortable people; so it will be fun.

  • pickle
    pickle Member Posts: 70
    edited March 2012

    Thanks to all of you for making me feel so welcome. I got some office work done today and we had the dinner theater tonight. I normally enjoy the shows ( and dinner ) but tonight's show was pretty boring so we left early. Even our waitress said it was boring...that's okay though because I am ready for a good sleep. Continue my office stuff tomorrow. I am going to check out a ladies gym on monday after my weekend getaway. My son and DIL are coming for dinner tomorrow so I may have to Clean and Cardio...I hope that's the right phrase!
    Mary Louis, that is a great video. Makes perfect sense..thank you

    Ruth, I feel like I have to write everything down now but I get overwhelmed even trying to do that, so setting a bit of time aside on Sunday evenings to schedule my week sounds perfect.



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2012

    Our temperature dropped 20 degrees today and it was cold and windy when I got home from work, I sat down and closed my eyes and it would have been very easy to blow off going to the gym but at 5.09 I got up put on my workout gear and headed out and I did a Body Step class and half a Body Combat class.

    Welcome Beth, like Joy said we all do different things and posting does keep you motivated.  Mary Louise they have us springing ahead 2 weeks early, I also like the extra daylight.  Esther glad your surgery is behind you and you're keeping ahead on your pain meds it's the smart thig to do.  Feel better Patoo.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2012

    Welcome, Beth! We are so happy to have you here! This group of ladies is amazing, and inspiring, and so supportive, I just love them!

    Kim, you are hoot, and not at all annoying!

    Last night was 80 minutes hot vinyasa yoga, emphasis on lower body. Quite the workout. Tonight I start on a longer pump workout, pump revolution....

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited March 2012

    Hope you feel better soon, patoo!

    I have to join those of you on the Clean and Cardio Team. Today would be a good day to start.

    Did 1 mile running, 1 mile walking, 1 mile biking uphill, 1 mile downhill. Cut my running time another 1.5 minutes to 13 minutes. This seemed easier than trying to run 2 miles. Today was the longest I ever was in the gym. One hour and 15 minutes. That's because I was with a friend and we spent more time chatting as I showed her the ropes.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2012

    hi ladies and welcome Beth.  Glad to have you join us here.  Your mini-vacation to Jasper sounds delightful and restorative - enjoy!  I go for the gentler forms of exercise, mostly walking and yoga, although I did buy a zumba DVD and do that once a week.  I'm not organized about exercise, just try to get in a walk every day, stretch and meditate every day, and do a yoga class once a week.

    It was beautiful here yesterday so got in a walk at lunchtime and another after work.

    Misswim, I just got my hands on "The Science of Yoga" through inter-library loan and am only 20 pages in but it's good so far.  Especially liked the 'cast of characters' and descriptions of the styles of yoga that started the book.  I signed up for a vinyasa flow class that starts next week.

    Esther, glad you made it through, hope your healing goes well & you get back out there soon.

    Kim, you are funny and caring and not annoying in the least, we appreciate you so much!

    I have a dental appt today so took off the day from work.  Slept in and having a coffee now.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!  ((hugs)) to all