Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited March 2012

    Second day of my Spring Sprint! (My Boost to Spring Six Week Marathon!)

    Today, inside jogged 45 minutes, then "inside" walked 30 minutes, did 1/2 Callanetics, and arm and PT/OT, and after dinner, inside jogged again 30 minutes.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited March 2012

    Busy day today - hoping to get in a good hike with my dog this afternoon, as it looks like a nice day today.  

    The boys from Moscow are delightful - and there was still some dinner left for DH last night!  Smile

    Have a lovely day, all!   

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2012

    Thanks, Cheryl! I have actually been modifying may of the back sensitive poses. I have PT next week to address the arthritis and degenartive disc issues diagnosed on my last bone scan/MRI., and am going to see a chirop as well. Promise to take it easy though, thanks for caring and sharing Smile

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2012

    Everyone on this site is always in my head. Even though I had not posted (really tried to stay off sites altogether) I find I need it.

    With Zumba, if you don't modify to what you can do or should do, you can hurt yourself. Myself and three friends are taking a leave from this b/c we were idiots and went too far. I have to remember I am 63 not 33.

    Always thinking of all of you. Will be back routinely.


  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012
    I am now completely off all the narcotics. Which means I am now craving to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING!! Even doing the laundry is sounding appealing, because it'll be some sort of physical activity. ACK!! And because it's the weekend, I can't get my drain out until Monday, what a nuisance... but it's OK, really. I'm smiling. I'm happy to be here, looking forward to being active and walking and running again very soon... and happy to be in the good company of all you here. Life really is good. Smile
  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012
    Hey, Patoo, hope you are doing well. Joy, I am sure the boys from Moscow will never forget their visit to you, Ronna, I will remember that about Zumba and Esther, you go girl!!!  I just came back from the gym, sweating profusely, hope that is good. Going for a bike ride soon. To alll the ladies on here, have a great day and weekendSmile Kathy
  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2012

    To all re: Zumba. My instructors are fantastic. This class is non speaking,instructors will  just point fingers for what direction, if any.  However, at the start, they tell you THIS IS YOUR CLASS, DO WHAT YOU CAN.  You can stand there and march if you want.

    Love being back here.Hugs.

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited March 2012

    Light! is my new theme for this year I think. At least for the spring. And it is definitely working for my Spring Sprint!

    On that note:

    Dear Prudence

    Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play
    Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day
    The sun is up, the sky is blue
    It's beautiful and so are you
    Dear Prudence won't you come out to play

    Dear Prudence open up your eyes

    Dear Prudence see the sunny skies
    The wind is low the birds will sing
    That you are part of everything
    Dear Prudence won't you open up your eyes?

    Look around round round

    Look around round round
    Oh look around

    Dear Prudence let me see you smile

    Dear Prudence like a little child
    The clouds will be a daisy chain
    So let me see you smile again
    Dear Prudence won't you let me see you smile?

    Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play

    Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day
    The sun is up, the sky is blue
    It's beautiful and so are you
    Dear Prudence won't you come out to play

    -The Beatles 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2012

    Hi all, thanks for thinking of me.  Haven't done any sculpting this week.  Leg is still tender and swollen.  Did get to doc today who took one look, felt the heat and sent me to ER.  She was worried it might be blood clots (ultrasound was negative).  So it is cellulitis (4-1/2 hrs in ER!!!) and I'm on an antibiotic for 10 days. 

    Will get lots of walking tomorrow.  Going with friends to NYC to visit the  911 Memorial  then up to a museum to view an exhibit of the Dead Sea Scrolls.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012

    Glad you are OK. Take care of that leg, patoo.

    We had a good time with our company. Ate way too much, stayed up way to late visiting.....but I guess that is part of the fun. Forced myself to do a 60 minute DVD 'Latin Cardio Dance' tonight. Pretty light workout.....but as I was in a, "BLAH, I don't want to do ANYTHING," mood, I felt quite noble doing even that. It is supposed to be nice this weekend so maybe I can get back outside.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2012

    Thanks Ruth.  Here is the previous week's exercise:

    Sorry it's so big.  Why won't the picture work that I have with Corinne.  Have to try that one again but not tonight.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012
    Great picture, patoo. It ALMOST makes me want to run somewhere! Wink 
  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012

    Dear Patoo, so glad that you got the antibiotics and hoping you heal quickly. Have fun in NYC with your friends. Have a great weekend.

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited March 2012

    Glad all is well, Patoo.

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited March 2012

    Tonight...45 minute inside light jog, 30 minute inside walk, second 45 minute inside jog (after chips to pay for it!)

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2012

    Patoo, gld you got to the bottom of things and you are able to heal up fast!

    Last night was "scoop and chow". My sister in law, the recent one who lost her husband in December, is up and after much scrub and sculpt toda,.I made guacomole and we scooped it and chowed , it was lots of fun............................

    Yoga this morning, than a run !!!

    Ha ve a great weekend Laughing

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2012

    Great pic, patoo!  Glad you got to the doc, hope you get better fast.

    It may hit 60 (!) here today so a nice long walk is in my future.  Also going to a soup class this morning.  We will be learning how to make two soups: Greens & Beans and Curried Tilipia.

    Going out with friends tonight. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!  ((hugs)) to all

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2012

    Nice morning surprise-checking in to "see" Patoo and I get to see her!!!  What a great picture, you look vibrant and happy!  How cool to see the Dead Sea Scrolls and a trip to NYC.

    Badger, let me know how you liked the greens and beans soup.  Curried fish soup...hmmm....you are going to have to also let me know about that.  You have a great weekend planned.

    Truebff you are on a ROLL!  It's great.   Esther, you are a lean HEALING machine! It's awe inspiring. 

    My husband got home from Japan yesterday.  He was slightly north of Toyko, not close enough to Fukishima, but close enough.  He was there in December, and he said this time the people were a little better.  It's been a year ago this weekend that the tsunami/earthquake/radiation horror hit.  This past week was very stressful in our household with a bunch of different things, but what was tough is when I got my breast cancer dx, about two years ago, from biopsy, he had to go to Japan.  I got the dx on Friday, he was on a plane on Sunday.  I have a ton of family and friends, but man, was that a rough week.  He came home for one week, and turned around and had to go again.  He got home on Friday, (my birthday) and my surgery was on Monday.  I think physcologically I equated this trip with him being gone during bc-plus the anniversary coming up-plus TWO friends dx'd this week!-and I think I was more freaked out under the surface than I realized.  It's weird, isn't it, how this continues to affect your life in not so obvious ways?

    The reason for my speech above is I could feel my ability level to exercise greatly reduced.  I still got in walks and weights, but I couldn't get my runs on right.  I have my 12K this next weekend, so I may be walking a large part of it, but I'll do it!  Yes voices, I'll do it!

    You have no idea how just coming here and being with you helps me.  Well, I take that back!  You DO have that idea, that's why you come here!  DUH!  



  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012

    patoo, I absolutely LOVE that picture!! Your and your son's smiles are fabulous! The joy of running, walking, moving, being part of the whole experience, is so evident on both your faces... I can't stop smiling myself when I look at the two of you. Smile

    And I'm glad to hear you took care of your issue. Cellulitis, yikes! Welcome to the antibiotic club, since I'm still on my medication until my drain comes out. Would've been ready this morning, but unfortunately the PS doesn't have office hours on the weekend. I'm actually starting to feel well enough to consider a walk myself today. Enjoy your day in NYC; I'll wave to you! 

    misswim, I wanted to ask you, since you practice Anusara yoga, have you been affected at all by the recent drama surrounding the Anusara community and its leader John Friend? banba, I remember you mentioning that you were studying Anusara as well. I'm friends with quite a number of certified teachers and most have been devastated by his actions, and have resigned their affiliations and certifications. I was actually on the route to Anusara certification myself, but hadn't gotten much further than two-thirds of the immersions... then I decided teaching yoga really wasn't what I wanted to do. I haven't been to any studios to take classes since all this news broke (was on vacation and then had surgery) so I don't know what the current vibe is at those places. Just curious as to how you as students have been affected by it, if at all.

    OK, sorry for the long-winded off topic stuff... have a wonderful weekend, everyone, and hugs all around! 

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2012

    Hi Patoo: Pic is great of you and family. I saw the Dead Sea Scroll Exhibit about 2 weeks ago. You will have a great time and the announcer immediately as you enter is adorable.


  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012

    We need a NJ get-together. :) New York metro area, actually. How's Sunday, April 15 sound for everyone? I'll be running a couple loops in Central Park that morning, me and about 7,500 other women... only 5 weeks away!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2012

    Esther, I believe there is a site for northern NJ sisters. I would be glad to come. Good for you to make those loops in CP. What an inspiration you are!!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012

    Hugs to Kim. I hate those damn 'cancervsersarys'. They always make me crazy....just keep moving!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited March 2012

    patoo  Beautiful picture - love the smiles!  Hope that you are feeling good.   Kim  (( Hugs ))   

    Had a long hike with dog, kids and DH.  Doggie finally got her stitches out yesterday, and she is now coneless!   Also did an hour of reformer pilates - really happy to be able to do an advanced pilates reformer exercise, snake.  First time since surgery - it felt great!  

    Tonight we are taking the Moscow boys to Hard Rock Cafe - their choice - they are really excited!   

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited March 2012

    ~orangemat~ You will be running on the date of my canerversary April 15th (tax day)  I will be thinking of you doing laps around central park!  

    Next Friday I go for a follow up on my recent surgery and am hoping I will get the green light to start back in the exercise world!  For now I continue to walk...which is good!  

    Enjoy your Saturday Ladies


  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012
    balsie, I will definitely be keeping you in mind as I run that day, as I will everyone here. But I have a question about the term "cancerversary": do you it as the day you were first diagnosed, or first operated? If it's the diagnosis date, then I just had mine this past Wednesday, one year. It did sort of feel momentous, but I'm sure my initial surgery date (May 24) will strike a chord with me as well when it comes.
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012

    I think it is whenever you 'wan't it to be. I had a 'suspicious' lump removed on Presidents Day 2007 (strangely I, who research so diligently, can not bring myself to go back and look at what the exact date was), but, to me, that was the start of it.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2012

    I take the cancerversary as the day I was dx'd officially.  The day the radiologist called me and said "it's cancer".  It seemed that when I got that call, that was when my life changed-there was no more doubt, no more "what ifs."  It was "what."  

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2012

    Kim, I use cancerversary day of diagnosis. When my BS told me yes, it is cancer. Start of a new life.

    PS. The "voices" got me back here.


  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012

    Oh! I just looked at my signature line here, and I see it says 3/17/2011 as my diagnosis date. For all these months, I could've sworn it was March 7th not the 17th. I just looked back at my calendar (gotta love Google) and it shows I had my needle biopsy on the 7th, but the appointment with the BS for the official DX was on the 17th. Don't I feel stupid.