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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,547
    edited January 2014

    Do you have room for two, Blessings? (Although I don't know how I'd get there as the Interstate is closed for 300 miles). DH and I spent some quality time trying to shovel the driveway in the 52 mph wind gusts (although I readily concede this week's Shovel & Sculpt Award to Dulci).

    Mary, what sweet pictures!

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited January 2014

    300 miles?????

    Is that from the drifting due to winds? That's what we're fighting here. 

    Ruth, we could try cross country skiing south til we see green, then head west! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,547
    edited January 2014

    It snowed about 5 inches, and now the winds are howling, so there is zero visibility. They just announced that school would be 2 hours late with no rural buses.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,547
    edited January 2014

    Sorry, I couldn't resist:


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2014

    LOL Ruth, I can relate!  Except here the wind has blown new drifts where I shoveled (twice) already so not going to bother anymore.  It's SO windy.  Snow overnight will blow around so it'll be a rough commute but I have to go in tomorrow for an all-staff meeting.  Got that report done (I am AWESOME) and also made coconut macaroons for the pot luck lunch.  Did the 20-min segment of A.M. yoga DVD this morning then a nice long savasana.

    Yesterday, we tried an experiment that DH saw on TV.  Tossed a cup of boiling water into the air and it vaporized before it hit the ground.  It's THAT cold.  Wouldn't try it today what with the wind gusting every which way, no way to know where upwind is.  :-)

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2014

    SweetandSpecial.....hope those game hens were delish.  I have gone back to my grandmother's trick of covering the breasts with bacon, and then I just roast them.  Sometimes I make a stuffing and stuff them too.  At the very least, I try to put some fresh sage in the cavity.  They are just so good.

    I just ponied up the megabux for my new bedroom.  I wanted to make sure I got what I needed, so went with the Macy's sale.  I have an eBay bid out on a nice down comforter.  I snagged it all, and even sprang for a bed skirt.

    I need to get out for a walk as all I will get in today.  I will do a run tomorrow.  I am behind on exercise, but just signed up for the Seattle-to-Portland.  Enough of an investment this year so that I have to train for it.  I am staying over till Monday this year.  I don't think safe to drive from Husky stadium to Redmond at 11 pm.

    Meeting was a success, and so is the survey I have been fielding.  I am just fried.  Fortunately, I don't have to be anywhere early tomorrow and can sleep in a bit.

    I can't answer if a view.  I will be on the top floor and have a NE exposure, but SE from my balcony.  I didn't see the exact apartment.  I will have a vaulted ceiling so it should seem extremely spacious.  Great views nearby though, and I would suspect they can be found at the golf course down the street.

    Chat with everyone soon. - Claire

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    6k walk in the desert night it's off to the hot tub! Hope everyone is enjoying the pocket party.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2014

    Wow I don't want to tell anyone that yesterday I chopped down most of my roses, wearing shorts and a sleeveless top and then today I have short sleeves on Snooze

    Mary that baby is adorable. Ruth I think that pic is appropriate for more than just IN.  Dulci that is a REAL workout, hope your knee is okay. Glad you got all you wanted Claire, you know it's nice to splurge on ourselves every now and again,.

    My friend is coming from England on Tuesday so spent the last 8 hours cleaning out Hannah's old room, took the photo collages off the walls and ceiling, they've been up for years and of course they were put up with double sided tape, OMG the only way we could get the tape off the walls was by spraying WD40 scraping, spraying more WD40 and scraping some more, we have 10 bags of clothes, shoes and bags for Goodwill and there is some really nice stuff in those bags but alas no one in our house is a size 4 any more and we have 2 big bags of stuffed animals to take over to the police department and of course now I have a headache from all that spraying WD40Shocked

    Today I did a Body Step class on the floor with no Step, kind of like dancing as I'm still babying my back.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited January 2014

    Back in from Dallas. Had a great weekend and ate too much good food at my daughter's house -she and her DH are both great cooks. Unfortunately, we ate Dairy Queen on the drive home and I ended up with food poisoning. Yuk!  SickA good reminder of just one reason I normally avoid fast food. Work will start too early tomorrow.

    I did at least get a good walk in yesterday with two of my granddaughters and their dog and enjoyed their sister's play last night. Was too sick with go with DH when he walked our dogs after we got home today.

    Warrior, I, too, had no problem with the Neulasta injection. I did take Claritin, since the nurses recommended it, so that may have helped.I think you are smart to find ways to exercise at home and /or outdoors and stay away from the gym while doing chemo. Even with the Neulasta, gyms are just too germy.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited January 2014

    Oh boy, does California sun sound good right now.  All kinds of schools are closed, even some major colleges.  And this is 2 and 3 counties inland from Lake Michigan.  Typically just the lakeshore counties get hit this hard.

    Ruth - I, too, did some shoveling yesterday in windy conditions.  Had to change my method a bit so it didn't all blow right back in my face.

    Claire - the game hens turned out great.  I just roasted them and then basted them near the end with a honey/mustard/orange marmalade/soy sauce sauce.  Recipe called for apricot preserves but I didn't have any, thus the marmalade.  Your new bedding sounds very plush and comfy.  My bedroom is sorely overdue for a cosmetic makeover but there are far too many other home maintenance things with higher priority right now.  Sigh........

    Nihahi - for some reason I don't associate Alberta with it sounds nice.  Or are you traveling.......I just can't keep up with everyone's busy lives!

    Cheryl - enjoy the visit with your Brit friend, sounds like fun. When my DD was home in October we did some major clearing out of her 23 years of accumulation too and had a good yard sale, then the remainder went to charity.  We, too, have those photo collages all over her room Smile.  We didn't get nearly through everything so next time she comes home we'll do a little more cleaning.  I figure by the time I die I might just have all her stuff outa the house (and I'm 52 planning on living to 100) so that gives you an idea how her stuff had completely taken over our home!  Oh - a good trick for getting adhesive off or out of just about anything is baby oil.  I use Avon Skin So Soft but really just about any kind of baby or body oil would work. Just keep rubbing and working the oil around and eventually the goop comes off.

    Annie - I hope you feel better!!!  The Dallas trip sounds wonderful - are y'all still in a deep freeze too?

    I got in my 60 minute group class early this morning and will likely be shoveling and sculpting tonight.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2014

    Pilates DVD this morning.  Keep warm and safe everyone (and watch out for those rogue rosebushes, Cheryl!)

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2014

    I did a WEE bit of shovel and sculpt.  Well actually, I flatter myself.  The snow is very light and I just pushed it off the decks.  It was NOT a workout.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited January 2014

    Elliptical cross trainer and body balance this afternoon.

    What a super posting start to the week!ThumbsUp

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited January 2014

    Marple - I'm sure you burned a bunch of calories just trying to stay warm while gently nudging the snow off your deck Winking

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,547
    edited January 2014

    I am going to post now since I won't have time later. In a little while, I am going downstairs & doing 15/30 minutes of toning. I'll do Zumba at 5:30, zoom home, shower, and then go to Book Club (where I will eat/drink back any calories lost through my exercise). Very, very cold here but not as windy, so life must go on!

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited January 2014

    So Ruth, what is your club currently reading?

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited January 2014

    Feeling better today. It thawed out here and we had a lovely weekend, both in San Antonio & Dallas, but expecting freezing temps again overnight and "wintery mix" during rush hour tomorrow. I'm a long way from needing to join the shovel and sculpt brigade though.

    We walked the dogs today and I did some jogging intervals. Also did some sets of stairs at home.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,547
    edited January 2014

    Winter Garden by Kristin was pretty good. It's fiction but part of the storyline involves a daughter discovering her mother's past, which includes the Nazi siege of Leningrad during WWII.  Since I am a history/biography/narrative non-fiction nut......I enjoyed that part more than the actual plot.

    OK, now I MUST go do the exercise as promised!

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532
    edited January 2014

    The Stair Walkers here motivated me to do a 20 minute walk at work and then 4 flights of stairs two times.  4 up then down and 4 up again.  Nearly killed me, but I'm sure it was good for me.  I truly hate exercising indoors but I made myself do it.  It's -4 feels like -22 and going to be colder tonight so I'm not exercising outdoors. 

    HBcheryl if you need a gardener, I will come do those rosebushes for you.  Thought a lot today about how and where to move to a warmer climate and why did I come back from Aruba???

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited January 2014


    Have you ever read any books by Brock and Bodie Thoene? Great plots AND great history!! I read somewhere that some college history classes include them in their assignments. 

    Today: 1 hour Shovel & Sculpt. Driveway just keeps drifting shut. Very long driveway. Very windy and temps to -20 with wind. Only my eyes were peeking out. Nerdy But I got it cleared so DH could drive in. We'll see if I make it out tomorrow. 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited January 2014

    Been crazy busy but did manage some incline training on the treadmill tonight. Long day tomorrow but will squeeze in 30 minutes on the Elliptical plus weights between work and dinner with the girls.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited January 2014



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2014

    Ruth didn't Kristen Hannah dedicate one of her books to BCO, if I remember she had a very close friend on the boards who was stage IV and has since passed away.  Blessings I am so stealing your cheerleader picture as this weekend I am cheering on a bunch of my friends running the HB marathon.  Twohobbies Aruba has always been on my places I'd love to visit list, bet you wish that warm Caribbean sun would come and melt your snow about now!!!

    Two classes for me today, I did Sh'bam this morning, we had a sub as our instructor is in New Zealand filming this week and then tonight I did a Spin class but my foot started to act up half way through so I unclipped and took off my spin shoe and put on my sandal and did the last half of the class that way and it worked for me. I am taking the steroids the doctor prescribed and boy oh boy you should see me, the side effect I am having is beet red face, I look like a clown.

  • Sunshower
    Sunshower Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2014

    I have been off the wagon for a couple of weeks...hoping to get back. My daughter and I are both over our colds, just in time to start my first chemo infusion today. I'm gonna still try to keep movin, even to just walk the dogs around the block...we walked a lot this weekend. Took the baby to universal studios and sea world for a weekend get away before d-day...Wish me the best!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2014

    Sunshower - good luck today!  Drink plenty of water to help flush everything out - I always brought a big bottle of water to pull on throughout my chemo sessions.  Blessings - love the kitten cheerleader!!!  Annie - I saw your San Antonio ice storm last week on the news - scary stuff to see big trucks sliding all over out of control.  And you're in for it again this time - be careful!

    We got a break weatherwise yesterday - it actually hit 40 some degrees yesterday, but then that stupid polar thing roared back into the area and we're back to single digits again.  Devil  We're just north of that projected ice storm so we should be OK, but all you ladies in the Southeast - take care!

    30 minutes elliptical this morning. 

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited January 2014

    All the best, Sunshower!  Love the pompom kitty, Blessings!

    BodyJam last night and in case anyone's still confused about what that is:

    I'll be doing this in my living room as well as some Clean 'n Sculpt.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited January 2014

    Did manage to get a short walk in at lunch yesterday - had a bit of a heat wave (40!) so lots of mud blocking our paths, but still ice in some places.  Today it is frigid, so I think the mud will be frozen again, I'll try another walk.  Got to keep trying.  Still haven't been to the new gym :(  Also did a bit of classical stretch this morning, boy am I out of shape.  Baby steps.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2014

    I'm thinking about you Sun.  Good luck.

    Treadmill done.  Uninspiring, but done.  :)

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited January 2014

    Sunshower, I do wish you the best!  Cheryl, enjoy your guest visiting from the UK. 

    I woke with a nasty stuffed-up cold/flu and had to get out late morning to take and pass my UK driving test!  Passed 1st. time, threw up in the driveway when I got home and now resting and waiting to pick our boy up from the train station.  Tomorrow, I take DH to have early day surgery to remove the PEG.  This will be the end of active treatment for his throat cancer and onwards - YAY!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,547
    edited January 2014

    Dulci, I don't know those authors but I will check them out. Thanks.

    Heidi, very fun link; that sort of exercise is the kind I like best!

    Thinking of you Sunshower; get started & get it done!

    Yea Lilac, glad your DH is able to get rid of the PEG. Hopefully you are feeling better yourself!

    Went to my Core class (where we worked with big, red balls....yes, think what you will Loopy). Pilates was cancelled due to an emergency in the teacher's family, so a couple of us walked briskly around the gym for about 40 minutes.

    Drive carefully on the ice (which unfortunately applies to most places in the USA right now).