


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2012

    Jo and Annette I love the thought of Thelma and Louise

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2012

    Annette - Oh the trouble we could get into..... LOL!  You have the car I will bring the scarves.  Do you have a color preference?

  • annettek
    annettek Posts: 1,160
    edited February 2012

    L E O P A R D (cougar would be just too....well, you know:)

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2012

    Annette - You got it girlfriend.!!!!

  • annettek
    annettek Posts: 1,160
    edited February 2012

    man i am sick of this weather it is psychotic...my dogwood is blooming, cold wind and rain...ack....ok i now i feel better after bitchin a little:)

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2012

    Annette - Yes, this weather does really suck.  We are cold, had rain and our grapefruit trees are already in bloom.

  • sagina
    sagina Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    I'm laughing so hard right now.....................Jo I spent the weekend in College Station moving the kiddo to a new place.  We were on the second floor of a hotel, it was dusk, and I had the curtains open and I was just looking out at all the bustling in the parking lot.  A very large breasted, like me, women gets out of her car carrying two huge grapefruits, so big, she can only lift them up right above her boobs, with all the talk of boobs we do now, I couldn't stop laughing at myself when I thought "oh wow, what big grapefruits."

    any way, probably funnier in personal, certainly.....

    San Antonio sounds great to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If DH ers want to come along, I'll bring my DH so they can have someone to chat with.  Breast cancer sure is hell for them too! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2012

    Gina - I can tell you for certain that my DH will not tag along.  He does not talk much about my BC.  He gets bored easily.  He would be better off at home.

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Posts: 246
    edited February 2012

    Gina- If I am able to come, my DH will definitely be there. You're so right that BC is also hell for them!

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Posts: 246
    edited February 2012

    Hi Ladies. I would love to follow those of you who are on Facebook. Please PM me with your Facebook name and I'll friend request you. Thanks!

  • Judy67
    Judy67 Posts: 213
    edited February 2012

    I'm game for SA as my grandfather lives there and my DH would come along as well.  I live near Ft. Worth so would be up for meeting any in the Dallas area for lunch sometime with or without DH.

    Thought this picture was great so I'm sending to all my Texas sisters:

  • annettek
    annettek Posts: 1,160
    edited February 2012

    I don't know if I will have a DH by the time we get together but I'll be there:)))

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2012

    Annette - Mine most likely won't come so we can hang together.  Remember we have to do our Thelma & Louise bit.  I am already looking for scarves and big sunglasses - LOL!

  • tedwilliams
    tedwilliams Posts: 97
    edited February 2012


    Thanks for making me laugh.  I am still visualizing scarves flying.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2012

    My DH will not be there.  He says he would rather us have fun without him.

    Judy love the commic strip made me laugh

  • annettek
    annettek Posts: 1,160
    edited February 2012

    I got room in the back for two more and one brad Pitt

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Posts: 246
    edited February 2012

    Judy, that is funny. Thanks for sharing!

  • sagina
    sagina Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    can anyone else hear the Martina Mcbride song without crying?

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2012

    Gina - No!  all it takes is the intro and it is like someone turned on the faucet full blast.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Posts: 895
    edited February 2012

    I am in!!!! Not sure about DH as he is working weekend :) But if my kiddos werent too bad last time may i bring them again.

    I need to get out of this small town!!!!!!!!!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Posts: 895
    edited February 2012

    re: martina's song.... Eh dont hear it often enough, but i know the first time i heard it i did cry.

    theres this J J Heller song called "who will love me for me" which is currently the one that makes me flood my house in tears!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Posts: 895
    edited February 2012

    Oh and sorry been away- just busy with life i guess. Doing good my scans are still clear although i just found out about having thickening pluera and bronchi- so that smaking me winded and such (they first thought it was pluera effusion) But nope i am doing good!

    And as y'all know i dont get on facebook often either LOL so its not that i've been ignoring anyone :)

  • tedwilliams
    tedwilliams Posts: 97
    edited February 2012


    Was just thinking of you and your beautiful children.  Glad you are doing well.  Are you taking classes this semester? 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2012

    Texas Rose you can bring those cute kiddos anytime you want.  Some of us may try to sneak them home with us! hehe  Glad things are going good for you and I love the JJ Heller song as well. one of my fav's.  I also love the one by Matt Hammitt "All Of Me" written for his son that had a heart problem when he was born.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2012

    Texas Rose - Glad you checked in and things are going well.  Like Sherry said, you can bring those two cuties of yours anytime.  We would probably fight over who is going to take them home - LOL!

  • sagina
    sagina Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    Texasrose if you like JJ Heller try out Kari Jobe (here or Healer)....awesome songs.  Good for you and your scans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry about the other stuff.  I'm in with your kiddos too, anytime! I have a new camera so lots of pictures this time too.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Posts: 895
    edited February 2012

    is there a meeting date set???? Oh and yes i do like that matt hammitt song :) i dont think i have heard of kari jobe i am youtubing right now lol

  • friscosmom
    friscosmom Posts: 15
    edited February 2012

    I'd be interested in a Texas get-together, I'm in the Houston area but Austin or San Antonio would work for me.

  • tracie23
    tracie23 Posts: 214
    edited February 2012

    If any of the Houston girls want to meet up any time soon I would love it...I would also love to do the Austin / San Antonio trip.. I have been off the site for about 3 weeks... I ended up with a horrible infection in my eye's and could be in the light without those big cataract glasses today is my first day without them since Jan 27th....

  • sagina
    sagina Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    Hi friscomom and tracie! I'm in SA so I guess I will be the resident host.  Everyone pick a date, don't know schedules but April probably the last of the "cooler" months.  Not sure what you all would like to do or see?