
  • iatigger
    iatigger Member Posts: 269
    edited December 2012

    Love the "fishing" story Chevy.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited December 2012

    with the swelling gone!!!!crazy bod for this crazy person.

    Hey that's a GOOD thing, granny- not crazy  :>)

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2012

    Yup the swelling is gone....and yes it was that friggin LE flairup but she keeps on reminding me that im only stage 0.I read that stage 0 is the worst cause you dont take it serious....Not me!!!! only sometimes I do forget.

    I never celebrate any date all i know is that it was found in nov.2009.

    Chevy--what color are you gonna dye your hair?You would look good as a redhead!!!!!!!yeah I can see it now....AND thank you very much but ill do my own massage.Been there done that.

    Happy Sunday everyone.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Att000164ChevyboyDenver, CoJoined: Nov 2009Posts: 2,066

    Post a reply

    8 minutes ago Chevyboy wrote:

    Hi gals..... I not only had my debit card "stolen" by an electronic card reader, I then had my identity stolen.  I only found out when Master Card called one night and asked if I had authorized a $1500 payment to an airlines.  Then she said they also tried to take out $450, and the first one was for just $1.

    This is how they do it.......

    They cancelled my card, re-issued another one.  And she told me to buy or make one of those aluminum card carriers.  That way their "reader" cannot steal your numbers.

    It didn't end there.... A few months later, Capitol One bank sent a registered letter, asking if I was trying to open an account with them.  It was their fraud department.  So, my identity had been stolen, along with my SS number.  I had to report this to the credit reporting agencies, (Trans-union) SS, the Denver Police Dept.  and the Federal Trade Commission.

    I don't carry any cards with me now.... Only when I know I am going to use the card,and it is an aluminum wrapped "case" that I made.  And don't keep but a minimum in your checking acct!  I had to also report this to the IRS...  And you can always check your accounts online.  The Credit Union put a fraud alert on my account, and none of the attempts went through, thanks to Master Card calling me so fast.  The thieves will try & charge a small amount, and then try more, and also notify their "friends" in another state, and then THEY tried to charge the $450 airline tickets from Florida, to Spirit Air.  All they need is that "reader" and this happens all the time.

    I have to carry around the DPD report, in case I get stopped, just to prove my identity. 

    So just be careful.......

    Morning girls!  I just posted this on another thread, and thought the more that know about this, the safer you will be! 

    I never thought this would happen to me.... and the thieves can just be walking past you, like in a mall or a store, and their "reader" will steal all of your credit/or debit card information, and immediately use it.  That's what those aluminum wallets are for....  It blocks the reader from stealing the electronic information on your cards....

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited December 2012

    Amazing.  Makes me uneasy to say the least.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2012

    Morning everyone...Chevy and I talked about it cause i had a problem too.I had an aluminum cigarette case (the old fashioned ones) and i put my cards in there....I feel safe now.Do it.

    Im never on early but i woke up sick and thought i would go to the dr today.yeah at 6:30 think the pneumonia or bronchitis is of them for sure....Also gastro dr. at 4;30 to figure something out with my stomach surgery.

    Yeah its Monday and im in a shitty mood.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited December 2012

    Happy Monday, Granny!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    I know Meece!  I was so afraid when I was talking to MasterCard, I was just shaking! ....  I had to do a lot of follow-up work after they cancelled my card, but then had my identity, and SS # stolen also. 

    Just really be careful....

    Kantalope.... Man I'm so sorry you don't feel good!  Just tell me you are drinking that Aloe Vera 3 times a day.... It's also a natural anti-biotic, or something like that... I mean it is for inflammation..... I KNOW about your stomach problem, but surgery?  I mean what can they do???  You really ARE a mess...Wink  That's okay, we'll all take care of you.... just eat some cream of wheat, or milk toast.  What is wrong with your stomach?  

    Okay.... let us know what your Doc's say.... they will probably tell you to say 5 hail mary's!    SOMEthing has to help you!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2012

    I finally have to go for stomach surgery to remove the part of the diverticular (intestines) that is sick.Its been sick for way way way too long and if i dont do it soon and have another attack ill end up with the bag(for the rotten poop)...sooo im gonna set something up today.Hopefully!!!!!!BUT my son has to go for brain surgery in he comes first...He has an anyurism(did i spell it right?)

    Yes I tried the aloe along with a lot of different things for this gut non invasive surgery is the way to go.

    yeah im in a crappy mood.

    And lets not forget i think one of the 2 are back.pneumonia or bronchitis...grrrrrrrrrr

    end of rant....

  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited December 2012

    Granny I hope you feel better and get your intestines back in shape with that surgery.  Being sick is no fun!  Prayers for you and your son both.  Hope he comes through his surgery to remove the anuerysm with flying colors.  Take Care. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Princess K.....  Just thinking of you.....  A colostomy is always a possibility, but they have so many options now, without doing that type of surgery!  My SIL had to have a lot of her colon removed, and then what was left, was just sewn  back to where she did not have to have that bag......  So just think positive.

    And sorry about your Son..... You didn't spell it right, but we all know what you are talking about!  Is it done with minimal surgery also???   Do I have to come out there and take care of ALL of you?  You are ALL falling apart at the seams......  I don't think stress is doing you any good either.... Is there some way you can get your mind off of everything for awhile?  Or can you just remember I will always think of you....

    Funny,  how some people just climb into our hearts, and we'll always be there for them, if even just for moral support.    xoxoxoxo

  • iatigger
    iatigger Member Posts: 269
    edited December 2012

    Granny that diverticulitis is miserable stuff, my DH has it. Hoping he can hold off for a long time before he needs the surgery but it is inevitable according to the surgeon. Sending all sorts of positive vibes you way that they give you the right meds to knock out the lung gunk as well as for your sons surgery next month.

  • hawk
    hawk Member Posts: 255
    edited December 2012

    Granny- prayers to you and your son.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2012

    Thanks everyone....went to 3 drs. yesterday.gastro first...good news....he wants to wait a while for the surgery as the endecort(the meds) are working stomach feels fine.I told him i dont want to wait till it bursts and he said no worry.Im using him for over 15 yrs.he knows my gut.1 down.#2 &3 are in the same office...internist gave me a inhaler along with 2 other meds.its bronchitis but we caught it just in antibiotics cause she is tryin to avoid messing with my stomach.#3-chiro...boy is my body stiff like a wooden soldier.neck,back and legs...all the pain is connected...goin back tomorrow to see those 2 FOR MORE TORTURE!!!!!!!ESPECIALLY THE CHIRO....sooooooooooooo the bottom line is Yes chevy I do need you to come to take care of just lill old me!!!!!!

    my sons surgery is goin to be from the leg to the neck...thats all i remember BUT I did bring a tape recorder and its up in PA sooo im letting my GD handle the memory part.

    I exercise,do stretches,rake valarian root along with relaxing oils and nothing works.i dont sleep and im a wreck...I think that sums it up.

    end of rant...hope everyones day is just great...

    Ill be back!!!!!huggggs kantalope

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited December 2012

    Finally went to Macy's One Day Sale today.....i didn't tell anyone because i needed a lot of time to study everything all by myself.......Sealed

    Came home around 7:30.... ate...watched Voice......

    Time to complain...We are getting a 10% raise on our Coop Maintenance fee...because of the future new boiler.........Yesterday I got a letter from optimum that my promotional package price will expire and i have to pay the regular amount as of Jan 1..........

    Well maybe I should turn off the electricity live with candles......cancel cable etc....

    I really don't know how i'm gonna do this......HAWAII please call's really my time now......

    The End

    Tomorrow MH....I'm feeling very confused i almost couldn't find the exit at Macy's and that's the store I go for years......

    I don't know what it's related it neurological...age related...early Alzheimer......

    I'm getting very uneasy about this and my mind is going all over the place almost ready to ask for a brain scan.....

    Friday I see my MO...maybe I should mention it to her.........

    Sorry...I just don't feel like myself...heart skipping again...anxiety is right there....

    All the tests don't show any issues with heart or tyhroid...

    What am I suppose to do?  I'm afraid to go to bed.....some really weird things are happening and i don't know how to describe it...

    I'm not depressed or anything


    This condition didn't start today it's been with me for few weeks.......Frown

    OOH still toothless.....Frown

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited December 2012

    granny...So sorry for everything you're going through.........

    One day at a's easy to say.....

    Why your body is so stiff....

    Hoping you feel better soon...



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,950
    edited December 2012

    Sheila, Hope you find out soon what's going on. That sounds really miserable. (((HUGS)))

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    edited December 2012

    (((((((((( ♥ Sheila ♥ ))))))))))

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    edited December 2012

    {{{{ ♥ K ♥ }}}}

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Sounds like you girls are falling apart!  Sheila, it sounds like a panic attack that you are going through.... have you ever had them?   You have a lot going on right now, but don't let it get you down.  We have had a "promotional" price a few times, with our Comcast, but after 6 months, it just goes back to regular price!  I have to call them again! 

    I know that feeling of being "confused".... It's like my brain isn't working with me!  Maybe it's hormone changes, or something else...  It just happens sometimes, but it really makes you afraid.... but those feelings for me, were panic attacks, I think.  I was afraid to go to bed also!  It felt like if I didn't "hang on" and I went  to sleep, I would die..... But this was many years ago.  And with your heart racing, watch your caffeine too.

    Kantalope.... honey..... I have to read your post 5 times to make sense of what you wrote!  My mind sees those abbreviations and spelling and I go back and think WHAT the hell is she TALKING about???    So then, since I know you and love you, it all comes together!  YOU say you have Bronchitis again... You must have not gotten over it before???  And I think you need some more meat on your bones.  I know your stomach and digestion problems, but is there some sort of dietitian that will work with you, and tell you what you must eat?  Because you could tell them you are falling apart!   You can't eat a bunch of things that help your body work.... And neither will my Husband for that matter!  He won't eat vegetables nor fruits, unless an occasional little bit of Watermelon.  He is falling apart WITH you.  If I had to take care of both of you, I would go nuts!

    His stomach & digestion is just not working right.... Of course it COULDN'T be the 4-5 beers he has every afternoon...  (but way less than it used to be).....He has lost so much weight because he only likes sweet....(cookies, cakes, rolls, little pies, etc.)  And he snacks on his chips, pretzels, cheetos, and you would swear he is smoking maryjanewana...Wink  But he isn't... I'm thinking it COULD help him relax, ha!   God knows anyone can get there hands on it here!

    But if you guys can't/don't eat right, you lose your muscle mass, your innards just don't work right..... Then you have to take Pepto, Gas-X, Rolaids, and Ranitidine... even Maalox, and that stuff is the WORST!   So then you can't sleep, and you have to take Tylenol PM!  But only 1...!  If he would just take 2, maybe he WOULD sleep... SO.....!  Anything else I can help you with?  I can't "make" him do anything....  Ha!  It's like talking to the wall... He just gets depressed because he thinks he is getting older, and he hears of these old guys he worked with, that are dropping off like flies, and he gets to thinking that his days are numbered!   I should put you and him in the same room, and see which one drives the other one nuts first! 

    See, I would haul your butts off to some Doc, and have him MAKE you guys eat right, and get better, and with him, make him see the beauty in life!  And to thank God for every day he wakes up!  And has ME by his side!  Ha, ha!    I just love that little guy.... 55 years with the little turd, and we are inseparable.

    Valjean!  I love those little hearts! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    A sunrise here the other morning!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704
    edited December 2012


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,950
    edited December 2012

    That sunrise is gorgeous. My niece posts sunrises on her facebook page often. Me, I sleep in. I know I'm missing something, but it's one of the perks of retirement.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2012

    well!!!!!!!!im betta..went to internist and with all the meds she gave me im doin good.And I gained another 1 1/2lbs.went from 114 to 125....hard work and yes Chevy im eating much betta.

    Sheila honey im sorry you are not doin well.I know how bad you want to do I.Just dont go before our reunion...please...Christmas time is a very stressful time...take it easy.I hope you bought something for yourself.

    Chevy as usual im all over the place but i used to eat like your hubby.....not anymore...BTW that are up sooo early?????why????

    I take valarian root to relax...It helps a can take up to 3 a day...

    I just used my puffer and im all over the place....more then ever!!!!!! not complaining because it works....the stiff body is a pain in the ass but i got more exercises to do 3x a day.grrrrrrrrrr.

    enuf.....Ill be all of you.huggggs kantalope

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited December 2012

    granny, so very glad you are better!

  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited December 2012

    Sheila I am so sorry you haven't been doing well.  Hope things start getting better soon.  Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2012

    Im much we gotta fix Sheila!!!!!!!!!!!

    huggggs to all my sistas.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited December 2012

    granny MH visit helped me today.....

    My DR doesn't believe that I'm suffering from any major illness...It's all related to my Depression and anxiety panic disorder...

    Sometimes it becomes too much and get really scared......

    She assured me that I was still the same smart SheilaKiss

    Chevy... Yes I had this condition for many years I have been on AD and AA goes it comes back......this time hit me like hurricane Sandy.....

    Thank You all for caring...


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Sheila, did something bring it on?  Those "feelings" are so frightening! What about taking a Benadryl?  Or something like Claritin?  Just anything to calm it down?

    I looked this up....

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,950
    edited December 2012

    The panic attack uses up a lot of adrenaline. It helps to eat something to bring up the blood sugar and something protein to stabilize it.