
  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited December 2012

    Congrats 301724 on completing chemo!!! yah!!!

  • MsDragonfly02
    MsDragonfly02 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2012

    OK ladies,  My surgeon is telling me that a mammogram every six months isn't needed since my last mammo was clean.  I am not sure how I feel about this.  When this whole thing started December 2010 I was told that I would have a mammo every six months for 5 years.  Has anyone else run into this?  Is this the new standard of care?  Any help would be appreciated.

  • Belinda977
    Belinda977 Member Posts: 150
    edited December 2012

    I just had my first 6 month mammo on the bad boob.  I go again in 6 months for a mammo of both.  They told me after that, its back to once a year.  I don't like that.  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited December 2012

    I had a BMX, so I don't have mammos anymore. But I thought the normal routine is 6 mo for two years then back to yearly.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Dragonfly!  I am just 3 years out, and don't see an Oncologist.... I haven't for a year.  I just see my Primary Care doc every year for a physical with blood work.  And the Radiologist that read my last diagnostic mammogram, said I don't need to go back for a year now!  That everything looked the same!  So I am very happy!    I guess it depends on YOU, and what you feel is safe for you.  Talk to your Doctor.... but I welcomed the once a year thing. 

    Belinda, it seems pretty soon, to tell you not to come back for a year....I would also want a mammogram every 6 months..... for at least 2 years.  Check to see if your insurance covers that.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2012

    Yea, Mimi!

  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited December 2012

    Dragonfly, I had only one mammogram following my radiation for a baseline which was a little more that 6 months after my initial surgery and then they put me back on a yearly mammogram schedule.  I thought it was strange but that seems to be the protocol here where I live.  I know some others I talk to on the boards here had gone every 6 months for a little while, but they live in different states than I do.  Then again it may be what your insurance will cover or what the standard is for the doctor.  I know I no longer have diagnostic mammo's done they are simply routine yearly exams.  I am now 3 yrs out.  The waiting to have one and get the results never gets any easier and is dreaded every year. 

    Wow Chevyboy how lucky are you!! you only have to see your primary Surprised if I was doing what they want me to... I am suppose to still be going to my Radiation Oncologist every 6 months, my Medical Oncologist every 6 months, my breast surgeon once a year, GYN once a year, plastic surgeon once a year and primary at least once a year.  The way it would stagger out they had me seeing the Rad onco like in Mar, then the Med onco in June.  So I was seeing one of the Oncologist every 3 months.  I thought that was a bit much.  I finished Rads up in Feb. 2010.  I was suppose to have had an appt with him in July but cancelled and I haven't been back.  Personally I see no need to go to him.  I'm actually debating on making an appt. to go see the breast surgeon.  Can't really think of any reason I need to go see him either? Except after he did my surgery his office told me I would see him once a yr. for 10 yrs... doesn't that seem a bit extreme? And to be quited frank they don't even send me reminders that I need to make an appt anyway.  Hmmm what to do?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Hi Mimi.... I quit going to my Oncologist, just because she only did blood work, and I quit taking Tamoxifen, which she was the prescribing Doctor.  I asked my Primary Care if she would just take over.... and since my Mammograms were coming back clean, she said she would.... and also do the same blood-tests. (The tumor marker test) 

    I didn't have to go back to my surgeon, or my Radiologist, after that first 6 months.  I am 3 years out also.... but honey, I didn't have a mastectomy.... so maybe that makes a difference with you.  You say a "partial".... So that means they did not remove the whole breast?  But you had reconstruction?

    Do you see a primary care every year for a physical?  Maybe ask him/her!  Also, are you taking Tamoxifen or Femara or something? 

    But I don't see any reason to see a surgeon, unless you are having problems with something that they did....  I mean the surgery part.  Same with the Radiologist.  AND the Oncologist.... In other words, just see someone!  Ha! 

    I should change what I said in my last post.  I haven't seen an Oncologist for almost 2 years.... ever since I went deaf.   I did NOT want to take another of the hormone suppressant drugs, nor Tamoxifen.  So, I'm on my own I guess.    But I'm much older than you guys.... except maybe Kantalope, and she is not even as old as I, Ha!   Is she in bed?  Sick?  Or just AWL?  Or just ignoring us? 

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2012

    I had my diagnostic mammo today - just over 6 months. I will see my surgeon next week. I won't see him again after this visit and unless I have a recurrence, I will just have annual mammos. I do see my MO even though I am not taking any meds. My MO is 4 miles away and my MD is a 70 mile round trip. Also, I think my MO may see subtle differences in my blood work sooner. I may be wrong about that, but it's a concession to traditional health care I'm willing to make.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704
    edited December 2012

    I quit my RO 6 months after rads (or maybe a year after) & my BS after 6 months.  I see my MO 2X a year.  I think that in March of 2013 she said we could go to a once a year schedule till 5 yrs (April '14) & then be done (at least I'm pretty sure of the schedule)

  • onvacation
    onvacation Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2012

    I am STILL waiting on my results of my mammogram!  They can't seem to find my original films to compare!  It has been 2 weeks!  UGH  I really think it is fine, but would like to know!  I get my port our tomorrow morning - woohoo!

    Congrats to those finishing chemo!

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited December 2012

    Wow, onvaca - that stinks!

    Here's to hoping it is all worth the wait.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    That's for sure, vacation!   If you want to, we gals will give them a call to tell them to shape up, or you know the rest!   Have your PC give them a call?  Man, I hate the waiting.

    Eph.... I really liked my surgeon, but she said it was time to just be seen by my Radiologist and Oncologist.    I used to ask for copies of all the tests, but I haven't done that since last year.  I probably didn't know what I was looking at anyway....Wink

    Mini, the Oncologist sent the blood test results to my Primary Care, at my request, and now my PC knows what tests to have the blood work ordered  for.  And they called last week, and said everything was normal.   Same with my Mammograms.... you fill out a paper, and then tell them where you want the results sent.... that's when I put down only my PC. 

    But right after that surgery, we are all so afraid of ....everything!  And we just want to hang onto any helping hand out there, like our surgeon and Radiologist and MO.... I think as we get further out, we are more assured of things going good, and we feel like we can fly on our own!  I'll always get that annual physical though, and if things change, I'll know what to do...

    So Eph, you must be on Tamoxifen, Arimidex or Femara?  I mean with the 5 year thing?

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704
    edited December 2012

    Yes Chevy-Femara.  And I still love your avatar!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2012

    sooooooo forgot about fights....nuthin...say something...anything???????

    I went to pt today and the kantalope went down but i had a deep tissue LE..yay.

    wishing everyone would just start fellin just fine.


    hugggggggggggs to all my sistas Kantalope

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited December 2012

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Thanks Eph!  I saw this picture somewhere, and I just loved it!  It's like "little fat cat" just snoozin' in the sun, Ha!  Your Avatar reminds me of my dear friend Anna!  I went to school with her, and we've always been close friends.

    Did anyone hear anything??  I mean did miss Princess Kantalope wake up??  Was she speaking to us, I mean?  So little K... You had a "deep tissue massage".... WHERE???  Okay, I'm not going to say a word!!   Last time I had one of those was..... oh never mind.  I think it was in High School.  No wait... it was about a week after I met DH... on Inspiration Point.... Until that cop shined his flash-light into the windows!  I don't know how he could SEE anything, the windows were so fogged up!  At least I couldn't! 

    So okay now........

    Sheila, that is so pretty!   I had lunch with my gal-friend Sheilah yesterday...We met at Red Robin, and talked for hours it seemed like!  She was my Daughter's Mother in Law, many years ago...  but we always stayed friends... even when the "kids" didn't, Ha!   In fact her Son moved back in with them!  What a loser!!!  Sheilah is going nuts... and can't kick his butt out yet.

    And Vacation, did you hear anything yet??? 

    I watched the most interesting program on TV last night... It was about WW2, "From the Sky".... You know, so many of us can remember how terrified we were growing up, because that war was going on... I remember the air-raid sirens practicing, and those black shades in the windows for the "black-outs".....

    My Dad was in the Navy, and had to go over to Hiroshima 3 days after the bomb, to help sweep/clean up the streets....  He only told me this about 12 years ago, just before I lost him........

    But this story was about America's involvement in that war.  How and why and what we did, with the United Kingdom, and it told the whole story.  For 2 hours, I watched this.  I had no idea, of what magnitude this war was.  Of how evil Hitler was, and Hirohito!  How the Japanese would rather die than lose that war.   It is a part of history, and I was part of it, but I guess any memory of that, you just close off!  Anyway, I just thanked God that we live in the greatest nation in the world.... And how proud we should be of our history... Man, I hated it in school, but now it means a lot.  This war wasn't talked about much after it was over.... I guess it was too soon.

    Okay gals.... till next time.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012
  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited December 2012


    DEEP TISSUE PT ?  You do have LE right?  Was it manual lymphatic drianage with a therapist that you had or ???

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited December 2012

    Well, this cancerversary is a bit easier than last.  Two years ago today I had my first round of biopsies and got "the call" early that evening :(  It seems like yesterday and an eternity ago...

    I hope you are all having a lovely weekend!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2012

    Congrats on year 2 TinaT. HAPPY CANCERVERSARY!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Yes Tina!  I've just had my third anniversary, Ha!  Dec. 4th, and I'm doing great!  But it looks you had a rough time, there for awhile.  How are you doing on the Arimidex?

    Granny Kantalope has to be AWOL...again!  She will be around soon, I think!

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited December 2012

    CONGRATS, Tina!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited December 2012

    Tina and chevyboy....Congrats.....💃💃💃

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2012

    I did not run away and i have no intentions of doin that any time soon.I went to visit a sick friend today and yesterday i went to my pt.yes she is a lana pt.yes i have been there before,yes i love her and i know what she is doin...she only did the deep tissue massage in the arm pit where i had the pain.she stretched the skin all around it.yes it hurt but today i feel fine.She did tell the front desk the next time (if there is one) to get me in ASAP so she can see the kantalope.You see i woke up yesterday with the swelling gone!!!!crazy bod for this crazy person.

    Congrats Tina and my bestest Chevy...xoxoxokantalope(not any more)

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited December 2012

    Chevyboy - congrats on your cancerversary as well!  I don't know what the official cancerversary is supposed to be, but having biopsies and getting that results call on the same day feels like the significant date for me.  

    The Arimidex therapy has been a struggle for me, but I'm trying to tough it out.  Ugh...

    Besides my family and my close friends I have not been very public about my BC.  I discovered early on that I'm not a rah-rah pink ribbon sort of cancer patient and I have been very happy with my decision to keep a low profile and have lots of cancer-free zones in my life.  It's been wonderful to be able to come to these threads where there is always someone who gets whatever it is I'm going through.  Thanks to you all for being here!!! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Yes, thanks Scotiee!  No problems with me, and I'm so happy!  Tina, I don't know WHICH day to call it, ha!  Except I really remember the day of the surgery, so that's when I figure "it" was gone.

    Snowed here last night...And supposed to stay cold.  Guess I'll color my hair today, and fool around the house.

    Princess K!  So was it Edema or Lymphedema?  I've had edema in my left ankle, for whatEVER reason, but even that is better!  Hope your friend is doing better...  So she massaged it, and it is gone?  That means you have to have someone fun "on call" for whenever this flares up again!  Wink  Or maybe when you feel it coming on, just try and do it yourself, like she does?  Anyhoo, I'm glad it's better!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited December 2012

    Chevyboy....I know what you mean.....the only date I really remember is the day I found my lump .....December 29!!!!! after that, everything happened so fast and I was in daze

    really until I started rads, but I like your thinking so I'll look up the date of my surgery and commit it to memory....what's left of it that is, and that will be my cancerversary also.

    Sorry you're snowed in. I'm here in Toronto and, although we get a lot of snow, we are rarely snowed in. Have a fun day with your hair....having my hair colored always cheers me up.❤❤❤

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    My Daughter sent me this.... hope you like it!  We didn't get a LOT of snow, just enough to make things icy... It's only 21 degrees here in Denver!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited December 2012

    Funny you should send this link about a fishing story (love it, BTW) my father was an avid fisherman with lots of "fishy stories" but never one like this, perfect for this time of year, thank you.