
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704
    edited March 2010

    westiemom, the confusion, anger, and sadness will be your way of life for a while now.  Like Shelia, I had lumpectomy "only", then chemo & rads, and now Femara, so someone who has similar dx will be along shortly.




  • Erika09
    Erika09 Member Posts: 87
    edited March 2010

    Hi westiemom - I was diagnosed this past November with a 4mm ductal invasive carcinoma in my right breast. Because it was so small lump all my doctors didn't want me to do mastectomy. But because of family history of breast cancer and painful fibrocystic breasts for years I decided to go for bilateral mastectomy, prophylatic for left breast. Doctors thought  was being too aggressive....Pathology report came back and I had 3 diff IDC in the right breast, and one DCIS in my left breast plus pre cancer cell formation in both breasts...It was a hard decision for me but it was the best one I made in life. It worked for me but I understand all the difficulties one can face in making such decision. I was also faced with anger, confusion, sadness and all. Today I'm very happy because I didn't need radiotherapy or chemo and no lymph nodes involved, and reconstruction of my breasts is coming out beautifully.

    It seems to me your were able to catch it very early also and most likely lymph nodes will not be affected.

    Hang in there, try to be positive because you'll come out of this one just fine. You'll find many ladies here and other threads that will help you, and if you need more info from me let me know. Best of luck to you. Erika

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890
    edited March 2010
    Happy to hear your good news Seyla888  Smile.
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited March 2010

    Thank You Elimar.

  • Nicole112
    Nicole112 Member Posts: 130
    edited March 2010

    Sheila- Happy to hear the good results! WOOH HOO!!! We will be in Hawaii at the same time, I will PM you my cell number, I would love to get together!! I am going to kayak and snorkel, go to a luau... lay on the beach... okay maybe, gotta get in that bikini!!

    ALL, I got my first REAL haircut and my real hair highlighted! I feel like I am getting pieces of "ME BACK!" I am so thrilled! to all the newbies, there is light at the end of the chaos, baby steps!

    HUGS to ALL!!!!!


    Cake- Still thinking of you!

  • MBCR
    MBCR Member Posts: 51
    edited March 2010

    seyla888: Are you in NYC? There is a yoga studio in Union Square,OM yoga, that has 2 classes a week for breasr cancer survivors. Check it out, Great instructor.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited March 2010

    MBCR...Im in lower Westchester. There is a gilda Club in White Plains which they have yoga once or twice a week. I never went. My DD loves Yoga.

    Thanks for the info.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2010

    Sheila ~ Great news on the blood work! YAY! Look out Hawaii, here she comes!!

    Nicole ~ On your getting pieces of "you" back, I get that. I was worried that I would think too much about this SFBC when I was with my Grandbabies, but I DID NOT. Actually, I didn't think about it at all. It was ....  normal. Normal, yeah, a wonderful normal visit with my family. Congrats on your haircut!

    Welcome westiemom ~ I think you will find much comfort here.

    {{hugs to all}}

    {{{{special gentle hugs to cake}}}}

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited March 2010

    Valerie...And I will fit right in State of Hawaii because women are chubby there.

    DD and DBF are very happy. They know what it means to me to go there and spend time with them and enjoy myself at the same time. She emailed me before that even the dog was happy I was going.

    I said how do you know is he a talking dog?   LOL

    Good Night Ladies!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited March 2010

    Seyla, my kids say that my grand-puppies talk about me coming to visit all the time.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited March 2010

    Westiemom, welcome here.  I cannot comment on your tx either.  Lumpectomy here.  Just take this time before your appointments to gather as much information as possible.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited March 2010

    Westiemom~ I had a double mastectomy and I would be happy to answer any of your questions.  I was not told that it was my only option BUT once I made the decision my Breast surgeon said that doing the double was a very good choice.  I can tell you all about my experience as I have done implants and a flap surgery.  I am a firm believer in the right choice is different for everyone. ((bighugs))

  • anne26
    anne26 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2010

    I had a singlemastectomy a year ago for IDC stage 1, No chemo or RT. I am plannong prophy mast and reconst in June.t was hard to lose my breast but not doing my other at the time of my Dx is my only regret. I became a nervous wreck for several months before my 1 year film and had a small scare(simple cyst), I convinced me that I would be happier withou t the other breast. Also new research indicates that for high risk women having opposite breast removed decreased reoccurrance. I know this is scarybut you will get through this. Having my mastectomy was not bad. I returned to work in 3 weeks and have had no problems.  Everyone is different, but you need to listen to your inner voice, I t will guide you to do the right thing. I am sorry I did not listen. I have whave had the little nagging voice for a whole year and it has been keeping me from completly moving forward. I think this will change with my upcoming surgery, We are here to support you,  Everyone here is great. I will send yopu positve thoughts and prayers. Anne 26

  • Nicole112
    Nicole112 Member Posts: 130
    edited March 2010

    Wow, what a day! I went to the PS to see about reconstruction and he basically shared his concerns which have been my FEARS! He is concerned that my scar tissue is too hard and he would like me to have a biopsy prior to any surgery! Seriously, can I get off the rollercoaster! He says in my circumstance, he is not sure why I did not opt for mastectomy... can I SCREAM from a rooftop,I begged for one and 3 drs talked me out of it at the time!

    My right nipple is 3 inches higher than my right... based on where my tumor was (1 o'clock" hour) it makes it difficult to reconstruct after rads!

    I am so frustrated, I was so strong in the appt, but BROKE down my whole way home... I shared I have had my mammo, MRI... and he still thinks I need a biopsy.. this contradicts my other drs logic... I am so confused! Honestly, I went to him about recon and he says best choice I can make at my age is mastectomy at this time... WT (heck)

    URRGHH! I am so all over the map, one day up one day down... this is a ridiculous way to live!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited March 2010



  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited March 2010

    (((((Nicole)))))  Get a second or third opinion!  My left, BC nipple was higher and turned almost into my armpit.  Towards where the lumpectomy had been done.  My PS was concerned about how much he could do because of the radiation, but two surgeries later, the breasts are about the same size, and the nipples are at the same level, and the left is nearly pointed back to the front.  Such a change.

    I am sure there is a PS who specializes in BC recon in your area.  You are so close to that "Big City".  I travel 160 miles for mine.  IMHO the PS you saw yesterday was afraid the results weren't going to be perfect, like the standard boob-jobs, so he wasn't going to try it.

    Since insurance has to cover recon after BC, MX with immediate recon could be an option.  I can't imagine that it would be too much more uncomfortable that having the tissue messed with to have the recon only.  I had a lot of scar tissue cut away during my first recon surgery.  

    You need a good surgeon because I think you will feel better, physically and mentally when you get this issue taken care of.

    Take care,


  • KC71579
    KC71579 Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2010

    Hi Ladies

    I am new to this board.  My name is Krissy and I am 30 years old.  I was just diagnosed with DCIS and 3 foci of IDC. My only symptom was bloody nipple discharge.  I had a mammo, ultrasound, and nipple smear (all negative) and 2 doctors tell me it was nothing before this wonderful breast surgeon came into my life and did a breast duct excision (just to find out what it was).  He also excised a density and VOILA!  BC!  My tumors are all <5mm.  I had a lumpectomy, clean nodes, clean margins.  Now I need to figure out the next step.  Breast surgeon said radiation, so I went off to the radiation oncologist.  My pathology came back ER+ 98%, PR+90%, Ki67 <5%, and HER2-Positive.  So, rads oncologist kinda lept off the bridge with the HER2 positive (read that in the report and yelled "OH CRAP!" in front of my mother and I (real nice to do to a cancer patient).  So, needless to say he mentioned chemo, and my mom and I cried.  Then, he brought in the NCCN guidelines that say I do not need chemo (as if to make me feel better).  After a long chat with my surgeon, I feel a little bit better. He is confident that the radiation will do the trick, that all of my good outweighs the bad, I am not a good candidate for chemo and Herceptin (yadda yadda) but I don't see my medical oncologist for the first time until next Thursday and I am scared.  I am getting married in Jamaica this July, and I just don't want to do chemotherapy if it's not necessary.  I am understanding more and more that not much is known about people with cases like mine.  So, I cry all of the time...this is supposed to be the happiest time in my life and it has become the worst.  :'(  

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited March 2010

    Welcome, Krissy.  Crying is one of the common experiences of BC patients. 

    I may be jumping off the deep end but I would change Rad/onc because I couldn't take his swaying with his plan, and his bedside manner is less than favorable.  I mean, its not like he's never seen a HER2 pos on a report before. No excuse for the way he responded in front of you and your mother.   I want someone caring for me who knows what he should do, and explains it to me in a compassionate manner.  Good luck during this stressful time.  Serve lemonade at your wedding, because when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited March 2010

    Welcome Krissy.....I have been following your posts on the other thread.

    I'm also Triple positive and much older than you are. My youngest one will be 30 in few months.

    Even with exact same DX some woman get different treatment plan because of your age.

    My tumor was 1.2cm. You let us know whats happening. This is the most difficult time the unknown. Once you meet the Oncologist and know everything, believe me you feel better emotionally.

    An early congratulations for your coming wedding.

    I want you to know I'm thinking about you. please come back as often as you need.

    Just know that until you reach 50 posts you are limited to 5 posts a day.

    You can PM anybody (no limit) just clicking on their names and on the right hand side where it says Send Member a message.

    Nice to meet you Krissy.



  • KC71579
    KC71579 Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2010

    Meece Sheila

    Thank you so much!  I am eager to see what the medical oncologist says, but I feel as though I already know and the choice I will have to make is going to be a tough one.  It's a guessing game no matter what you do.  A gamble, a lot of "what ifs,"'s almost like you are asked to predict the future and hopefully you do the right thing.  I am going to look into a different radiation oncologist, BUT, he is the best in the area.  Of course that is the way...the best sometimes lack the bedside manner and as my cousin says about his oncologist, "As long as you're not looking to date them, who cares?"  I'm just having a hard time moving past the Oh Crap! comment.  My surgeon is the best in his field and his bed side manner should be taught to every doctor in the world.  He called me nightly from his vacation in Jamaica over a weekend to see how I was feeling after he hit me with the diagnosis.  Great doc!  Rads oncologist could learn a thing or two from him for sure. 

    I am bringing my entire case to the Cancer Institute of New Jersey on Monday for a complete second opinion.  I will meet a medical oncologist there.  Then, I have another appointment with a Sloan-Kettering trained medical oncologist on Thursday.  So, we shall see what they say.  Keep me in your prayers :) 

    Hugs and love to all! 


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited March 2010

    Sounds like you are on the right track, Krissy.  Best of luck.

  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited March 2010

    Hi Krissy so nice to meet you, but so sad to see such a young lady here :=(.  I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor's  I hope you get all the information you need.  I agree with Meece it sounds like you are on the right track.  {{{hugs}}}

    Cake hope all is going well for you and that you are healing well.  {{{big gentle hug}}}

    I finally got to start my diet with Medical Weight Loss Solutions and so far so good.  My Med Onc approved it and said I needed to lose the 50 lbs.  Now I just have to have the will power to stick with it.   If I don't after all the money I've spent my DH will surely kill me.  LOL!  I have 24 wks to go... one week is already down.  I get plenty to eat the worst part is the Fiber supplements, since I have BC they won't let me do the Protein supplements because they have soy in them.  Hopefully by mid August I will be at my pre-pregnancy weight, something I haven't seen in about 10 years.  Oh yeah I got a treadmill and I am going to start walking daily on it.  

    Hope everyone is thawing out we were up to 60 today it was nice for a change.  


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited March 2010

    Renee...Good Luck. I figured it out you will be loosing little over 2 pounds a week.

    Its not an easy task. After loosing 9 pounds since December nothing no more is coming off.

    We had a warm day too.

    Hugs and let us know how skinny you are getting.


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2010

    Krissy ~ Welcome, Hon. My youngest will be 31 next month & I just don't know how I would handle it if she were dx with bc. You are so strong & I would be so proud of you if you were my DD. You are on the right track, getting several opinions to help you with your decision. You hang in there, we will be here to hold your hand & cyber-hold you when you cry. {{hugs to you}}

    Renee ~ You will find the willpower to stick with the MWL Solutions, you have survived bc. I have gained 7#'s since my Rads tx ended & I hate myself for it. My jeans have been snug, I know it is these damn Aromasin pills. I am trying to eat smarter, but it is not easy. I will do it with you, okay? As you progress, I will follow.  I have faith in us both!

    Meece ~ love your new Avatar with the shell (?) Angel wings!!


    hugs to all!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited March 2010

    Hey Valerie...we are forming our little weight loss group.

    I dont know what more I can do to loose another few pounds.

    Im eating like a bird.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited March 2010

    What kind of group are you forming, Seyla?  I would love to lose 25 pounds.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited March 2010

     Meece We are forming a group called eat like a bird and loose some weight.

    Good Morning All!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890
    edited March 2010

    OMG -- we would have to eat three times our weight every day, wouldn't we?  O.K., I'll give it a try!

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited March 2010

    I am doing WW.  Just started.  This little tub-o-lard has to loose at least 20lbs but would love to loose 30.  The good weather will get me motivated.  I hope.

  • Nicole112
    Nicole112 Member Posts: 130
    edited March 2010

    Deb and Sheila- You are encouraging me to do the weight loss! I belong to the best gym in town, have I seen it in 1 1/2 yrs, NO! I want to take some baby steps and start this process... thanks for the encouragement.

    Sheila- You have been doing so well, at least you haven't gained weight back!

    I am on a mission for 15 pounds by Hawaii... I think I can do it!

    BTW- I will not be having any recon surgery at this time, I realized I am not emotionally ready for all of it... so lopsided as I may be, it is ME for the time being!

    Hugs to all! Have a good weekend!