Sign the Petition Against the new Mammography Guidelines



  • sunnyfornow
    sunnyfornow Posts: 12
    edited November 2009

    Barbara Kinloch, age 58, found in yearly mammogram. I was told the only way they found it was because that had past years to compare it with. Mine was caught early, but the new guide lines would have put me not nearly as lucky as I am now.

  • DenverDiva
    DenverDiva Posts: 77
    edited November 2009

    Susan Dunn- diagnosed at 45, found lump, ILC.

  • Rachel_BC
    Rachel_BC Posts: 679
    edited November 2009

    Laurie Rachel Katz, diagnosed with IDC at 48, NO family history, NO risk factors save for first period at 11 years old, BRAC negative.  Yearly mammograms started at age 35.

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Posts: 302
    edited November 2009

    Cindy H.  Two time breast cancer survivor... both diagnosis' under the age of 50.  BRAC negative.

  • Lisa1970
    Lisa1970 Posts: 11
    edited November 2009

    Lisa Pokorsky, DX March, TX April, Age 39....The sooner the better....Because BC Sux.

  • prayrv
    prayrv Posts: 362
    edited November 2009

    Trish Ray - diagnosed at age 43, found own lump, gyn said it was a cyst, mammo found cacifications and followup MRI and ultrasound confirmed calcifications, Mastectomy for widespread DCIS with 8mm invasive found in pathology.  No family history.

  • anna62
    anna62 Posts: 3
    edited November 2009

    Without my screening at age 46 my triple negative cancer would have had four years  to grow, I am one of that 3 % the task force is willing to sacrifice.  I fear for my daughter age 26, what will the future hold for her ? 

  • Naniam
    Naniam Posts: 586
    edited November 2009

    Brenda Brittain

  • casanotaro
    casanotaro Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    This is totally unacceptable and I say we need to rise up and fight this!  Lobby your politicians ASAP and let them know that this is not acceptable! I find it interesting that this study is out so close to the healthcare coverage vote.  Here we are fighting to have baselines started sooner than age 40! Now this! And to say that self breast exams are useless is a disgrace! They are telling women that they should not be in tune with their bodies so they can be aware of changes in their breast tissue!!!

  • bluedahlia
    bluedahlia Posts: 302
    edited November 2009

    Cathy dx age 53. ILC

  • lastminuteD
    lastminuteD Posts: 3
    edited November 2009

    Dawn Copland - diagnosed @ 43 w/IDC HER2+++, local recurrence 15 months later, again IDC HER2+++. No family history. 

  • tweetybird
    tweetybird Posts: 399
    edited November 2009

    Diagnosed at 44 with DCIS. I'll be 48 at the end of this month. God only knows where I would have been if I was forced to wait another 6 years.

    My ob/gyn fought with my insurance company to have my first mamo at 35, due to a paternal aunt having breast cancer. Going back 12 years ago is when everybody was only using your mother's genes as a guideline. I never understood that one at the time, since you have half of your father's genes. At least they woke up with that one. When I went for my first mamo they found calcifications that at the time gives the same reading as DCIS. Everytime I've gone since then, they always had at least 3 different "pictures" to go by, and 2 different doctors reading them since it looks so much like DCIS.

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this. The laughing is wondering if they are for real or not, or to cry knowing that there's a chance that some people might not be as fortunate as I was to have the opportunity of early detection.

  • mkayk
    mkayk Posts: 3
    edited November 2009

    Mary Klauck Age 46 @ diagnosis first mammo 2cm idc tnbc 3+ nodes.  No family history (history has to start somewhere, guess it is me)  If these guidlines were in place then I don't think I would be posting here now.  I am so mad I can hardly think straight.  They don't know stress and anxiety until you hear cancer and go through treatment.  The stress of waiting for biopsy results would have been worth it to hear benign. I wonder how many young women will be denied screenings now just because of this panel's remarks.  I feel we just lost 40 years of progess.

  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Posts: 2,394
    edited November 2009

    Susan T. -age 45 at dx

    -tumor found by SE and confirmed by digital mammo -silly me didn't start mammos at 40 and clearly the tumor was already there by then

    -not considered high risk for BC 

  • HKitty71
    HKitty71 Posts: 9
    edited November 2009

    I had a clean mammogram at 45 and my annual mammogram at 46 showed IDC, DCIS through out my right breast so I had to have a unilateral mastectomy last year. If I had not had my annual mammogram done and had followed the new guidelines and waited until I was 50, the odds are high that I might not have seen 51.

    I am sorry but this new set of guidelines make NO logical sense. 


  • jscarclar
    jscarclar Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    Jean Clark

    Mom diagnosed at 49 - sister diagnosed at 46.  I was diagnosed with atypical ductal hyperplasia at 38 - found through a mammogram. 

  • LittleRed
    LittleRed Posts: 50
    edited November 2009

    Diagnosed with Stage 2 at age 43.  Identified through self-exam.  Because of type and size of cancer, doctors believe it was there much earlier.

     No family history; don't have the gene...

  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Posts: 842
    edited November 2009


    Diagnosed Stage I on 03/30/07 at age 51.

    Mammograms and biopsies since the age of 40 resulted in rigorous follow up and screening.  My IDC was caught early because of this at age 51.

  • Barb1953
    Barb1953 Posts: 258
    edited November 2009

    Barb dx at 46. My sister Linda dx at 46. My sister Dorothy dx at 50.

  • shelleyr25
    shelleyr25 Posts: 19
    edited November 2009

    Shelley Rothstein

    Dx at age 43 by ROUTINE MAMMOGRAM!!!!!!!!!!

  • Calypso
    Calypso Posts: 132
    edited November 2009


    Diagnosed at age 49, IDC Stage 1, discovered through microcalcifications on routine yearly mammogram. No family history.  

  • paj
    paj Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    Patti J

     DX age 42, found lump through self-exam.  Stage II with lymph node involvement.  No family history.  

  • joaniji
    joaniji Posts: 12
    edited November 2009

    Joani Gudeman - diagnosed at age 40 after mammogram.  Diagnosed at 44 with metastatic breast cancer.

  • camazur
    camazur Posts: 6
    edited November 2009

    Carol Mazurek

     I was diagnosed at age 54, stage 2b, found lump myself during self exam after missing 3 yearly mammos.  No family history.  Dx again 14 mos later by routine mammo.

  • Graphics-Gal
    Graphics-Gal Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    Pam Small

    1st diagnosis at age 49 (lumpectomy) 2nd diagnosis age 60 (bi-lateral mastectomy)

    Both found by mammograms

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Posts: 188
    edited November 2009

    Only 8 women on this force to decide from the many 30-50 year olds who have and will get cancer. Ridiculous! How can we fight this?????

    Members of the Task Force include:

    Kelli Williams, King County
    Jim Doherty, Municipal Research and Services Center
    Judy Endejan, Graham and Dunn PC
    Ruth Gordon, Jefferson County
    Jerry Handfield, Secretary of State
    John Hendrickson, Kenmore City Council
    Mary Hunt, Douglas County
    Rep. Chris Hurst, 31st District
    Graham Johnson, Former Executive Director of the Public Disclosure Commission 1974-1993
    Rep. Lynn Kessler, 24th District
    Rep. Joel Kretz, 7th District
    Mark Lindquist, Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney
    Louis Mitchell, Bremerton School Board
    Sen. Bob Morton, 7th District
    Shirley Nixon, Citizen Activist
    Toby Nixon, Washington Coalition for Open Government
    Bob Partlow, Citizen Representative
    Althea Paulson, Kitsap Regional Library
    Kevin Phelps, Pierce County
    Craig Ritchie, Ritchie Law Firm, PS
    Rowland Thompson, Allied Daily Newspapers of Washington
    Anna Jancewicz, Teamsters Local Union 117
    Steve Boyer, Kitsap County Sheriff

  • sharonw
    sharonw Posts: 18
    edited November 2009

    Sharon Walters - diagnosed by digital mammography 11/2007  Please let me rant and rave about this news:  Cancer will overtake heart disease in 2010 as the leading cause of death in the US -while undergoing chemo and rads I saw an increase in younger women with more agressive cancers.  We all know that well over 80% of new bc patients have no history or higher risk - and these women should go every two years and let it spread???  No use in doing self exam?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME - ok let's tell men to stop examining their testicles on a regular basis and let's not forget to ignore the abnormal looking moles for melanoma too - I ask, what cancer patient is not given a better outcome when the cancer is found EARLY?? 

    We just saw Marisa testify against drive thru mastectomies - can we now rally as survivors to reverse this insurance industry debacle??  I swear if Komen doesn't step forward and put weight behind this I will not give another dime to them - the American Cancer Society which has already come forward against these hideous recommendations will get my support!

  • JanMarch
    JanMarch Posts: 18
    edited November 2009

    Pam H - dx age 41 on first screening mammogram

  • samon
    samon Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    I was diagnosed at age 40 with multicentric DCIS.  I would never have known it was there without a mammogram. 

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Posts: 188
    edited November 2009

    BTW--my congressman, Chris Smith OPPOSED changes to mammos at 50.

    Edited to forward him this link of the many folks who have been dxd before age 50

     Go Chris Smith!