The dumbest things people have said to you/about you



  • riley702
    riley702 Posts: 575
    edited May 2012

    Stormynyte and scuttlers, I hope you embarrassed the holy hell out of them (or made your best attempt) - but sometimes, you just can't fix stupid. Had a friend with a coffee mug that said, "The Stupid - how it burns!"

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Posts: 406
    edited May 2012

  • Stormynyte
    Stormynyte Posts: 179
    edited May 2012

    I tried to explain to the guy without showing and he didn't seem to be believing me, so I had to flash them so they could see where the tubes go in. He started spewing out so sorrys pretty quick and tried to help me take my stuff to my car. I told him I could carry my own damn bag and walked out.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894
    edited May 2012

    Scuttlers, I hope you wrote a letter to the TSA, I hope you got the names of everyone that touched your tubes. Yes , they had gloves on, but TSA still doesn't "get it" as to when gloves are contaminated. Ergo, they contaminated your drains and dressings if they didn't change them just before touching either--tubes or dressings. AND washing their hands between glove changes.

    I'm a retired nurse and a pain in the ass.  I created havoc with TSA several times, all due to their stupidity about what they were doing. First, they had gloves on to search bags, when they came to my bag, I asked for a glove change. They said we are not required to do that. I said "Why are you wearing gloves?" Dull expression in response. So, I said "It's to protect you from exposure to anything that is in someone's bag---would that be a fair analysis?"------response "Er, it's a requirement". I say" You are protecting yourself, but whatever was in the previous persons bag , you are now going to contaminate my belongings with---is that beyond your comprehension?" Then had to ask for a supervisor, who then had to ask for the next person up the ladder, then I agreed to go to the office and write a letter to TSA administration, with the request that gloves be changed between bags-----outcome they will change gloves if asked( they don't do it if not asked). They are ucking idiots.

    The take off the shoes thing: again same story-----do you have any idea how many diseases of the feet people carry?.......another up the chain letter. Outcome(I'm sure more than Moi)---you can be taken to a separate screening area. They then take your shoes and run them through the sreener. The next time I flew, they then told me I could pick up my shoes about 20-30 feet away from the separate screening area. I said-"duh, no I want them brought to me, the point of this is, I don't want to be contaminated with other peoples bugs" Had to translate bugs to bacteria and diseases.  Multiple TSA people looked at each other , then a supervisor told one of them to bring them to me. Also, when asked to step into the outlined foot area I asked for foot protectors, they provided them --grudgingly.

    I'm likely or one of many responsible for the no lighter thingy. I had four lighters in my purse. I was already on the "List" so I was undergoing special scrutiny. I asked for a supervisor when I was told I had to give up all, but one of my lighters. As I was waiting for the supe--I held each lighter up to the light-and was asked why I was doing this--response--"well, I'm not going to give you one that's full".  I asked for reimbursement for property. The supe said my property wasn't being taken from me I was giving it to them. I said no --you are telling me I have to give it to you,therefore you are taking it, I want reimbursement for my property. We went round and round for the next couple of minutes. I wanted to see if this person understood constitutional rights, property law etc. He was just as much a dullard as the rest. I gave up. What did they allow to be carried on without question-a huge bottle of Crown Royal ---That since has changed.------Soon after the no lighter rule came into effect.

    My bitchiness and others, has made requests for better management of "people "like us that understand contamination". BUT has TSA mandated  recognition of potential for bacterial contamination from one person to another by their practices----honestly don't know, haven't flown in 3 years , so, I don't know what changes they have made.

    Uck'em-------this has likely been added to my file, b/c all communications are monitored, when certain words are used. Ahhhh, they probably have a satelite on me right now, should put more clothes on--LOL's.  We are way beyond Jules Verne and Aldous Huxley.

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Posts: 93
    edited May 2012

    bump for a great thread.  

    NativeMainer, I really chuckled at your last post.  If anyone ever asks if I lost my breasts I'll think of you and answer "why, did you find them?" 

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2012

    the only comment I have reacted to in the past two years was at Christmas when someone insisted at the christmas supper table on telling me about someone she knows who had  breastcancer and died....when i told her I did not want to hear the story..."tell me about those who lived", she kept on with the story (because she is a chatter...and alllll details are relevant)...I told her again that I did not want to hear this story at this time....trapped at the Christmas table...meanwhile, unbeknownst to me or anyone else there, her husband had been diagnosed with prostate cancer...they didn't tell anyone until the day of surgery. so was her ramblings just that....ramblings? or nerves re. her husband's situation (here I was just talking about it and they had this big secret from the family) or is she just incredibly insensitive....hard to know....bu tit is the only comment I have taken offence to in the last two years and I am grateful....I figure she goes through life saying things like that all the time. I only had to listen to it once but through me for a loop.

  • riley702
    riley702 Posts: 575
    edited June 2012

    Hopefully, you haven't been trapped with her since then? Or is she a member of the family you have to see regularly? If so, I think I would have said something to her the first private moment I got, just so that doesn't happen again with anyone else in her life. Sheesh.

  • shayne
    shayne Posts: 524
    edited June 2012

    damn - if i had been sitting at the table, I woulda thrown a roll at her - anything to get her to STOP talking.  sheesh......

  • riley702
    riley702 Posts: 575
    edited June 2012

    Hmm, I just got a giggle out of the thought of doing that the next time I'm trapped at the dinner table with someone who JUST. WON'T. STOP. "Sorry, the gals online told me to."

    Another funny story - my Mom is about 5' 2" and Dad was like 6' 2" She's petite and Dad was a BIG guy. A real "Mutt n Jeff" combo. Anyway, we were at something where we were all in bleachers and some jerk about 2 rows in front of Mom kept standing up, and of course, she couldn't see. She actually yelled at him to sit down (and ordinarily, she's very timid) and he ignored her, so she wadded up her paper cup and bounced it off his head, yelling, "I said SIT DOWN, dumb bunny!" He stops, turns around all intimidating-like and looks at Mom. And Dad stands up beside her and just looks at him. He never said a word, just turned around and sat down. And stayed down. And after Mom came down from her "high" of getting him to sit down, she was mortified. We teased her about that for years.

  • shayne
    shayne Posts: 524
    edited June 2012

    LOVE LOVE that story Riley!!

  • DeeLew84
    DeeLew84 Posts: 8
    edited June 2012

    One of my friends was asking me about my reconstruction one day. She told me that DF (a co-worker) wanted to know what they do about nipples when they do reconstruction. I was like, really?? He actually told you to ask me that?? This is a guy that I have never liked and haven't said more than ten words to the entire time that we have worked at the same company (over 20 years).  

    Another nice remark: I went to get my nails done and the lady asked me where I had been.  She has been doing my nails for years and knew something must have been going on when I didn't come in for 4 or 5 months. When I told her I had had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction, she said, "so you have imlants? Why are they so small?"

    I can't believe the things that people say! 

  • riley702
    riley702 Posts: 575
    edited June 2012

    Dee, I probably would have asked her why her brain was so small, but I'm meaner than my Mom (see above). <WEG>

    I'll have to defer to someone else for the asshole coworker, though. I'm speechless for the snappy comeback he deserves.

  • Joanne_53
    Joanne_53 Posts: 714
    edited June 2012

    I am very shocked to think that he would even have the nerve to ask someone but then ... I am surprised that he had given enough thought to it ....

    as far as the nail person .... yes rather scarey ... no filter on that mouth !!

  • shayne
    shayne Posts: 524
    edited June 2012

    DeeLew - I am going to be thinking ALL WEEK of a snappy comeback.....even tho its too late to use it - usually im the queen of snappy comebacks and im just stunned at his remark and speechless.....but ill think of one and we'll all get a good laugh....

    oh brother 

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2012

    I would ask him if he was volunteering to offer his nipples for the transplant.

    I have been wrapped for lymphedema now for 3 weeks...the bandages came off yesterday and now I will ot have to hear from strangers all day about m"broken arm"  I have tried to explain that it is a swelling issue but they always want more explanation so then I just tell them it is a side effect of breast cancer treatment.  That usually shuts them up


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012

    reposted with permission of Dunes

    An hour ago dunesleeper wrote:

    Here is something for you all to pass around to the various groups you belong to:Please join us on Monday, June 25th or Tuesday, June 26th for an important free webinar: Take Back Our Genes: Ending the Patent on Breast Cancer Genes to learn about how one company's control of the "breast cancer genes" creates barriers to research and testing that could endanger your health and compromise the healthcare of hundreds of thousands of women.

    In 2009, Breast Cancer Action signed on as a plaintiff in the lawsuit challenging Myriad Genetics' patents on our genes. The lawsuit, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Public Patent Foundation, challenges the legality of the patents that grant Myriad Genetics control over the BRCA1 and BRCA2 (the "breast cancer") genes.

    Myriad's monopoly prevents anyone else from so much as examining the genes, and creates barriers to scientific research and medical care relating to breast and ovarian cancer. It also limits women's ability to get second opinions when they receive ambiguous test results, which happens disproportionately to women from ethnic minorities, including African-Americans, Hispanics and Asian-Americans.

    Breast Cancer Action is the only national breast cancer organization named as a plaintiff in the lawsuit. We are able to take this stand because we have no conflicts of interest: we don't take money from companies that profit from or contribute to cancer, and because our work demands that patients must always come before profits.

    The webinar will be presented by BCAction's executive director Karuna Jaggar, Sandra Park, Staff Attorney for the Women's Rights Project at the ACLU and Runi Limary, breast cancer survivor and plaintiff. Topics we'll cover include:

    Why BCAction opposes gene patenting and why the issue is important for women
    The impact of gene patenting on underserved communities
    The current status of the ACLU's lawsuit challenging the legality of patents on human genes
    Real stories of women's experiences with gene patenting
    How you can get involved

    Join us on Monday June 25th 3pm PDT/6pm EDT or Tuesday June 26th 10am PDT/1pm EDT for this free one-hour webinar to hear the real story about the effects of gene patents on women's health and to join us in opposing corporate control over our bodies, our genes, and our health.

    Register for Monday June 25th 3pm Pacific Daylight Time/6pm Eastern Daylight Time:

    Register for Tuesday June 26th 10am Pacific Daylight Time/1pm Eastern Daylight Time:

    For your convenience, we are offering the webinar at two different times. Click on the links above to register for the time and day that works for you.


    Sahru Keiser
    BCAction Program Associate of Education and Mobilization

  • my2boys
    my2boys Posts: 124
    edited June 2012

    I'm at my son's field day the other day and I'm standing with the other moms and cheering on the kids.  I was wearing my compression sleeve and glove for lymphedema.  A woman I barely know walked up to me and blurted out that her cousin has lymphedema and she developed cellulitis and it spread to her brain and she almost died.......WTF????  I stood there....speechless.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Posts: 1,928
    edited June 2012

    Wonderful. Not only stories about people who died of cancer, now stories about people who died/almost died of cellulitis.

    The best answer I've heard to stories like that is the suggestion that you ask the storyteller why they think it would help you to know this. Then just stand there and wait for an answer (bet it won't come).


  • thankful4life
    thankful4life Posts: 18
    edited June 2012

    Today I told my boss that I was meeting with a surgeon on Monday morning for a lump I had found on my ribs (another one) and would most probably be scheduling surgery (EIGHTH one in less than 3 years!). He said, "Wow, that's really annoying! That reminds me of yesterday when I was golfing (??!>!>!>!>>) and the group in front of me was going so slowly that they disrupted my rhythm." Yes, he actually said that. He compared my 8th surgery to his unhappy golfing experience!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited June 2012

    annoying ? yeah 8 surgeries in 3 years, definitly annoying.

    Gonna hope this is the last surgery for you, hope for good results

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Posts: 406
    edited June 2012

    Sherry - wtf.......I would have given him a kick to his golf balls........

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012

    Good one kingjr

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Posts: 1,801
    edited June 2012

    Leah_S - Exactly.

    I've perfected the cold, unblinking stare, and I say "EXCUSE ME? Exactly how is telling me that supposed to help me?"

    And then I just look at them and wait......

  • mebmarj
    mebmarj Posts: 143
    edited June 2012

    Make sure to yell, "fore!" prior to whacking him :)

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited June 2012

    thanks for all the responses, my mind usually goes blank but think I have some good ideas!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012

    Leah, so true---your words are great, it's the silence they get really uncomfortable with, we have no clue how to handle the silence..... feeling a bit bitchy......Let them squirm out of the silence.....they start blubbering.

  • riley702
    riley702 Posts: 575
    edited June 2012

    That's one of the reasons I like to read this thread! Somebody will always have a comeback I can try to remember the next time someone says something dumb.

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Posts: 406
    edited June 2012

    LOL mebmarj

  • julz4
    julz4 Posts: 1,373
    edited June 2012

    Riley,  I am so with you!!!  Love this thread & I have also learned much.  But you have to remember the comebacks!  I went in to the family Dr. just within a few days of my DX.  I have been going there since 1985.  They know me well.  So the girl at the desk asked how I was.  I told her about my BC DX....within 2 seconds of telling me that she was sorry, out came Just think you can get perky ones now!!!  I got my prescip I came in for & walked out....then thought about a response I saw way back!  I would rather not have cancer!!!!  Then as time has gone by I further thought....when was the last time she saw my nakedness....NEVER!  So how would she know whether I had Perky ones already!  My guess is she ASSumed that because I have 4 children that they had headed south!  I don't give a RATS patootie whether they are Perky or NOT! (That's just my preference & thus I don't begrudge anyone else that does!)  It's amazing how that one little sentence threw me for a loop!  I thought a Dr's office staff might have a little more kooth & sensitivity!  I guess my non perkyness was climbing the wrong tree!

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Posts: 216
    edited June 2012
    Love the cold, unblinking stare...Julz, that would have been perfect for Miss Perky, though I doubt she would have gotten it.