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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013

    Hi Alive4five,  Do you have any dates coming up for appointments?

    Cmbernardi,  I am glad to hear your blood works is looking good.  I, like Kindergarten loved my technicians too.  It was also a wonderful opportunity to get to share Christ and encourage others in their walk as I waited my turn.  It was great because I saw the same people 5 days a week.  Of course the ladies that started before me would finish but a new one would come in their time slots.  Those are very good memories for me.  It was very humbling and a wonderful time of growth.   Humbling just knowing that God is in complete control and realizing apart from Christ I really had nothing of substance to offer.

    CCFW, Alistair Begg is one of my very favorites.  I love his style of teaching.  Everything is in context and explained very well.  John Macarthur is another one of mine.  He has an incredible mind but he has been preaching and studying for so many many years it's amazing. He's at  He also comes on the radio here and tv though he's in California and I'm on the east coast.  I use to like to watch him on Larry King.  He is very compassionate, loving and uncompromising, always referring to scripture.  I learn more about the bible from him like I do Begg.  I do like David Jerimiah also.

    Mini1, I like that....our feelings will often lead us where we don't need to go!  What is worse is we can quickly start justifying them.

    Patoo, your Sunday mornings sound similar to my mom's.  I'm like Mini1.  I'm not a morning person especially since I've been on aromasin....not to mention having a tough time sleeping.  I need to work on that like here it is 1:23 am and if I can't sleep reading may be more helpful than being online. 

    I hope you all had a good weekend.  The holiday is throwing me off.  I can't believe it's Wednesday tomorrow.

    Goodnight all!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited May 2013

    Hi All,

    I know some of you were wondering what happened to me.  I have been off the boards for a while.  I have felt exhausted and in pain with my RSD condition.  I've also had some added stress lately, but I am coming around.  I drowned some of my woes in a bag of black licorice jelly beans.  (I love those things!) I know so many of you are going through so much more than I am and I don't want to whine or complain about my issues.  God is in control and taking care of me.

    It's nice to see some new ladies joining our lovely thread.  You will find encouragement, comfort, joy, prayers and amazingly strong, Godly women here.  Their prayers and advice never fail to encourage.  I have been praying for you all as I have read through your posts.  Please know that you are very dear to my heart.

    I hope the Lord blesses each of you today in a way that is unmistakably His handiwork.

    Loving you.....

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Hi, Fondak!!! I have been meaning to ask you! How are you doing on the aromasin??? I am on my 8 th year, I can' t believe it has been that long!! I see my onc in June!! I really don't notice the side effects that much anymore, memory??? He,he, he!!! I sure hope that it is not too hard on you!! Hugs and Blessings, Kathy

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Good morning, Rocket!!! It is so good to see you, and prayers are coming your way for relief of pain and stress!! As always your positive attitude is amazing, and the licorice jelly beans are my favorite! Hugs and Blessings!!!

    To all the wonderful Ladies here: hugs and Blessings!!!! Just coming here and reading all the posts, gives me peace and encouragement!!! God Is Good!!!! Kathy

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Hello ALL,

    Thank you so much for the words of wisdom, the prayers, the reminder that Jesus our Lord is in charge and for just being here for me and everyone.  Love U guys!

    Went for my second round of mapping today for RADS and found out I was accepted for the 3 week Canadian version (I am participating in a research study) and will get to start on June 5, 2013 - just 1 week from now.  I am so happy.  It is like they have given me the ultimate birhday gift!  Yep, I'll be 52 years old on Friday (May 31st) but I actually think I only look like 42 years old and intend to lie about it as long as I can!  Ok, now I will go back to some mindless cleaning and filing of papers.  Peace y'all!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited May 2013

    Welcome to the new gals! This is a good place to be.

    My DH and I fly back to Cali for my aunt's service this weekend. I hope her faith is mentioned in the service. I know she was concerned about my mom's seeming lack of faith. Meantime, I'm exhausted. Preparing the house for carpet cleaning hasn't helped.

    I just heard Vince Gill singing something like "What's the worse they can say? Threaten me with heaven." Heaven is the best thing that could ever happen to me or you!

    God bless you all.


  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone.  Just 2 more days on the gravy train!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited May 2013

    Happy Birthday cmbernardi!  We are the same age.  You will do just fine with rads.  It's much easier than chemo.

    Jeannie, I was so sorry to hear of your aunt's passing.  I am praying for your entire family and that the service would share the Gospel in a way that glorifies our Father and brings others to His feet.  I am also praying that you would find rest both physically and emotionally.  What a challenge you have endured this past week.  Hang in there!  You are a tough cookie and God's got your back.

    Love all you ladies and hope you have a very blessed day!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Hi to all and prayers to those who are needing them.  What is going go with me the last 3 days?  I wake up in pain; fingers, elbows, feet, legs, hips.   Should this not be over by now???  I took last chemo and shot on May 1 & 2.  Woke up at 4:39am really hurting.  Forced at this point to take a Dilaudid as the pain is sooooo bad.  Guess it is best to call them MO in a few hours and see if this is just more residual SEs from that last chemo, I guess.  Feel like I need a total body massage and then some.  Suggestions/thoughts Sisters?  Ouch, ouch, ouch!  Gotta be in fighting shape tomorrow for the last and biggest day of the Birthday Month.  BTW, thanks for all of the well wishes.  Happy Birthdy to ME.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dear Jeannie, I am so sorry to hear of your dear Aunt's passing. I am praying for safe travel, peace and strength for you all!

    Dear Cmbernardi , I am so sorry to hear of your pain! Yes, I would contact your MO! I am lifting you up in prayer right now for relief and rest!! May your birthday be filled with many blessings, joy, love and laughter!

    Dear Jo-5,thank you so much for your Godly words of wisdom, strength, trust and hope! My day has started in such a positive way!! Our God is an awesome God!! You are such a faithful servant! Hugs and Blessings to all!!!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Thank you as always Kathy and all!  Peace, love, prayers & blessings everyone.  And let's STOP these SEs already, OK?

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited May 2013

    Jo, thank you so much for the words of wisdom.  I especially like, "Set your face like flint (Isa.50:7) to endure the trial without wavering."  That's a good one! I had forgotten that verse, but now remember reading it a long time ago and loving it.  Such wonderful truth!

    Cmbernardi, I had chemo (Cytoxan and Taxotere - 2 treatments, and then Cytoxan and Adriamycin - 1 treatment).  The Cytoxan, Taxotere combo was extremely painful for me.  They discovered that I was allergic to the Taxotere after my second treatment put me in the hospital with a heartbeat of 250.  I also blew up like a balloon and the pain was almost unbearable.  I had a Neulasta shot the day after each chemo treatment. They then switched my chemo to Adriamycin which made me nauseated, but I didn't experience the pain issues.  I would call your MO just to check.  The pain that I experienced was usually two days after getting the chemo and would last several days.  It was so bad that I didn't even want to be touched. I am praying that your pain will resolve quickly and you'll be feeling well soon.  The rads is not that bad.  It didn't make me tired the same way that chemo did.  I had 36 treatments which included bolus and boost treatments.  I blistered a little near the end, and the last two weeks I experienced mild fatigue (nothing like chemo fatigue).  I worked the entire time I went through treatment.  You can do this!  Praying for you Hon!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dear Rocket, I just love your new picture!! You look so beautiful and rested!!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dear Jo- 5!!! I ask myself frequently how do people go through trials and journeys without Faith on Our Lord Jesus Christ!!! I am reading the Book of Galatians! Paul never ever waivers in his strong belief in Jesus Christ!! If Christ suffered, He believes it is an honor to suffer as Jesus did! In Philippians, he is thrown in prison!! Tough times help us on our journey on this earth to attain the most important goal: Heaven!!!

    Blessings to you all, Kathy

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited May 2013

    Thanks for your sweet compliments.  I am all of 52 believe me and going on 53 this summer.  I wish my body felt young again.  Ahhhh, Heaven!

    Kathy and Jo, you are both so correct.  When I was dxd, I struggled greatly because I felt like I had already gone through years of suffering in so many other ways.  My health was pretty good at that point, and then God stripped the bark away and uncovered my idols.  I learned through cancer that God is always in control, even when I am not.  He helped me to see where my faith was lacking and the things that I trusted in were not solid.  I still struggle some days with feeling discouraged about it all, but God is truly good all the time.  I pray I can say that without wavering even when my time comes to leave this world or when I lose someone so dear to me - truly challenging times.  I pray you all have a blessed evening in His presence.

    Loving you...

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013

    Kindergarten,  Such a surprise that you would ask me about my aromasin. Just this week I was entertaining thoughts of stopping it and I thought I would never do that and I still think I won't but the past 3 weeks have been very difficult in the mornings and evenings.  I decided I was going to make myself walk 30 minutes Monday and Tuesday it hurt to walk at all.  It's not nearly as bad as when I first started but much worse than it has been.  It's just the strangest thing.  It is one year for me next month.  Did you go back and forth like that?

    I just love what you said about Paul.  I once heard that this isn't a place to live but a place to get ready to live and it is so fitting considering that we are in the world but not to be of the world and are really just aliens/sojourners here.  When you look at Paul who is absolutely one of the greatest teachers we can learn from and see we are called to die to ourself and Godly wisdom and man's wisdom are worlds apart.  It's so different than a lot of the teaching we hear today where it's you can be all that you want and attain great things if you seek God and trust in Him.  Paul clearly tells us it will be difficult.

    I know I'm going on here but I just get excited talking about Paul. I think if anyone could claim victory over sickness and hardship in the name of Jesus it would have been Paul. Christ himself was rejected by his own people and condemned to die for sinners! 

    Oh my, I am just so thankful for the Good News of Christ and our hope for eternity away from all our pain and troubles. 

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013

    Well Ladies, I just lost a whole post to you all and it's 2:40 am....insomnia is something else that has returned and probably contributing to the pain I'm having.

    Anyway, I will try and repost tomorrow. 

    I love you all and hope you are having a good night!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dearest Fondak! I am so sorry that you are having pain with the aromasin!! Yes, the first year on aromasin was tough, good days and bad days!! By the second year side effects were so much better!! Hang in there, Hon!!! It does keep the cancer away!! I am on my 8th year now, and I feel good!!! You may want to talk to your Onc about the pain, there are some meds that might help with that!!! Keep walking if you can, even just a little!! It does help! God Bless You, I promise, it does get better!!!! Kathy

  • Netter
    Netter Member Posts: 15
    edited May 2013

    I am so glad to have found this forum!!!!!  I am a 63 yr old Christian and have loved the Lord ever since I can remember!  I know that he has lots for me to do, because I didn't have a mammogram for 20 years..............and he forced me to get one, (pain and burning). Getting ready for my 1st chemo June 5 and nervous, but I know that God will be holding my hand.  I have come in contact with people that need the Lord and hopefully have said the things they needed to hear in this process.  Always looking to see why he has sent me down this road, because I know that it is his will.  And the outcome is in his handsSmile

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited May 2013

    Welcome, Netter! You are right, God is holding your hand through all this! Remembering that as well as knowing that He is my source of strength really helped me through surgeries, radiation, 6 months of chemo. Also, your docs don't want you to suffer. Take anti nausea drugs at the first sign of nausea and before chemo and inform your docs of any other problems you may have. I'm glad you found us. There are some great encouragers and pray-ers here!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Hi, Netter!!! Welcome to this wonderful thread of wonderful women who will pray, encourage and support you!!!! Our Lord will be holding your hand on June 5th, and we will all be praying for you! You will do great and you have the summer to heal and rebound!! Thank you for joining us!!!! God Bless You, Kathy

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2013

    Welcome everyone. We have beautiful ladies here; inside and out. Rocket, you took the words right out of my mouth. Well said.

    Blessings All

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2013

    Hey!  Netter I am so glad you are here.  Some speak of the sisterhood of cancer as we can all relate in ways others can't but theirs nothing like being sisters in Christ! I believe you are just going to find so much support from this bunch of fine ladies.  I know I have!

    Rocket,  I love you picture!  Christ has not only made you beautiful on the inside but He gave you outer beauty to go with it as well along with such a sweet testimony!

    Kindergarten, I love what you said about Paul.  We seem to live in a world where so many love Christ for what they want from Him (which is really loving not loving Christ but themselves) and even pastors leading their congregation in ignoring the sufferings that come from living in a fallen world that we are to be in but not part of.  It always encourages me when I think of Paul and even more when I think of Christ and how he suffered. 

    Jeannie, Are you back at home and settled in now?  How are your parents, especially your mom with the recent events?

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Hey, sweet Fondak, I hope you got to read my post to you about the aromasin, it is up at the top of the page!!! Love ya, Kathy

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2013

    Jo5 and Kindergarten, Thank you both so much for your encouragement and talk about timing!  I didn't know I would need it like I do but God did!  They called today and told me that I have osteopenia.  In 11 months I went from great bones, really strong to osteopenia. Perhaps that explains some of the pain.  They will call me Monday to get me in to see the doctor.  She had already left for the day.

    Do y'all know if you are suppose to take Vitamin D with calcium?  I use to never forget my calicum and magnesium but I read not to take it with the your multivitamin so I started taking it in the evening and sometimes forgot 

    Jo5 I'm like you about taking the aromasin but this past week mornings have been extra difficult and I can't figure out why.  I have been trying to lose weight.  Every time I go back which has been every months I've gained like 3 or 4 pounds.  I have gained 35 lbs since my diagnosis!  I have lost 4 this week.  I will eat quick carbs and sugar trying to get a burst of energy which I know isn't good.  This week I started no sugar or bread.  Next week I'll add another good habit. 

    Kindergarten, Did you have to take anything to strengthen your bones?  I'm wondering if they will change mine.  My mom has to take tamoxifen because she had osteoporis and didn't know it until the DEXA scan.  She just turned 65 when she got was diagnosed with bc.  I just turned 46 when I was diagnosed.  I'll be 48 soon.  I had my lump when she was diagnosed but thought I was just being paranoid from her diagnosis because I had so many benign lumps before.  I told the doctor it didn't feel the same and of course the mammogram didn't show it and you could see it easily.  That's a whole nother story. 

    Jo5 I have think of you when I say or type nother! 

    Love all you ladies here!  Hope you all have a good night!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2013

    Hey Kindergarten,

    You see I had one of my time delays on posting!  This time I remembered to check and see if anyone posted while I was taking forever with my second post!

    I did forget to ask.....your pain was better in the second year right?  Did you have flare ups and then think you are getting better and have another flare up?


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013


    DH and I just arrived in CA for my aunt's service tomorrow. I'm looking forward to rest next week. It's supposed to be 100 degrees here tomorrow (Modesto).

    Fondak, I have osteopenia which is why I am on Tamoxifen and not AIs. Yes, take D with Calcium! I think studies show D helps inhibit BC recurrence. I decided the Calcium was more impt. than my multi, so I make sure I take that first. I take 1200mg in the morning and then 600mg after eating later in the day. I just had my DEXA and I am holding steady from last time.

    I'm sorry you've had such trouble with the aromasin. I know it's first choice.

    Rocket, what a cutie you are!

    Blessings to everyone. We just arrived at our motel.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dear Jeannie, I do not take any meds to strengthen bones, my bone density scans have been good so far!! Dear Fondak, yes, I do have flare ups of joint pain once in awhile, but nothing too bad!! Usually, once I was up and moving around, it went away! Hoping your pain eases soon!!!! Blessing, Kathy

  • Netter
    Netter Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    I am having sharp pains in the breast where I had a lumpectomy 2 months ago.  Going to start chemo June 5.  Have any of you had these kind of pains.  It is making me a little worried.  Of course I will see MO Wednesday and will tell her.  Just wondering........

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dearest Netter!!! Yes, I do remember having sharp pains for awhile after my surgery. But certainly let your MO know. Thoughts and prayers are coming your way!