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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583
    edited June 2013

    @Jeannie57, I think that other program is called Adjuvant!online. Lots of patients use it, and lots of doctors even suggest it to them, but IIRC registering for Adjuvant requires you to click a box stating you are a health care provider of some sort or other and I didn't feel comfortable saying I was when I'm not. My onc used it to run some statistics for me earlier in my treatment when I was deciding between two forms of chemo. There is also an online program called cancermath (google it) that does similar calculations, and in my case at least it gave very similar results to the ones I got at my doctor's office.

    I don't know that either of them take Oncotype scores into account, there may not be enough statistics yet for them to do so.

    @Netter, the other possibility that occurs to me about your conflicting reports is that maybe the Oncotype is using a different cutoff point between ER+ and ER- than the pathology lab that did your report. If you are right close to the border, one might consider you ER+ and the other ER-. But this is all guesswork on my part. I think it will take a talk with your MO to clarify this.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Had my second RADS treatment today & it was A-OK!  2 down 13 to go!  Hope everyone else out there is getting along as well. Peace y'all,


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dear Cmbernardi, great news on your Rads treatment today!! They will be over before you know it!!!! God is Good!!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2013

    Hi everyone,

    I have been pretty much out of it this week.  We have had some type of viral thing going around.  It started Monday being very tired, Tues..sore throat and that evening stomach paing and Wednesday I slept all day!  Today I'm much better and went to our church's kid's camp.  Luckily I decided earlier to drive back and forth and not spend the night there!

    Curveball, I am glad your days got better as this week went on.  I can relate to your fears and thinking perhaps you are going to mess something up by not telling them of a symptom or something.  I've felt the same way at stage 3.  I use to just read through the Psalms and I was missing a lot.  It wasn't until recently God showed me what all is in there.  There's a lot of fear in there and crying out to God.  It really comforts me because He knew we would be afraid sometimes and He was so gracious to show us that in His word and encourage us through His word to cry out to him. 

    I need to study more of the Psalms and prayer.  Lately, I have been feeling like my prayer life has been weak and that's not good.  I do pray for you all here but I know there's much room to grow for me in that area.

    Well, I know I need to get ready for bed to be able to head back to camp tomorrow.

    Thank all you ladies for all the ways you have encouraged me here.  I love you all and am so thankful to get to know you. 

    Love you all and pray you each are having a good night's rest!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    Fondak, you are so sweet. I'm glad you are feeling better. I have to admit I've been dealing with recurrence fears lately. Those darn cancerous nodes! But I don't want to live in the "house of fear," as I heard someone describe it. I'll slam the door whenI leave it, repeatedly if necessary. Spending time in Psalms is a good idea, too!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Hi, Fondak! So glad you are feeling better, theses viruses are awful, rest and heal! The Book of Psalms always comforts me!!! Blessings to all!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2013


    You described...very well I might I feel at times especially about the nodes.

    I was in a hurry last night to check in and I missed that the tamoxifen is making you tired.  My mom takes tamoxifen.  She was surprised to find out she actually had osteoporosis when she went for her DEXA scan.  She's 67 and very active.  She said at first it made her tired and she had hot flashes but that didn't last long.  Now she can't tell a difference from before she took it.  She's been on it 3 years now.  Hopefully, you will adjust soon. 

    I go back to my surgeon in July who sent me to a plastic surgeon who doesn't do the DIEP so I'm asking for another referral.  I would have already called but I'm going to wait and see what tips you have if I get to go that route.  I just really don't want to do it at all but the doctor said I can't stay like I am.  I'm a size D and he said that is too much of an imbalance of weight for my frame and I'll have trouble later from it with my back and neck.  Too, it will be nice to not have to be so concerned with what you are wearing.  Not that I dress in a clevage showing way but my tops pull to one side now.  I didn't think of that being an issue.

    Anyway, I will be watching you closely with your surgery.  Not only for selfish reasons but also because I love you!  This is suppose to be much better than the TRAM which I don't know if  I would do that regardless of my whopsided tops...I'm not sure if that's what you call it but you know what I mean.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2013

    Hi Kindergarten! 

    Speaking of viral, have you recovered from your shingles.  I don't watch much TV but the little I do I have been seeing shingles commericals.  I guess I just never noticed them until you had them.

    Hope your week has went well and hope you have a good weekend.  My husband goes back to work for 4 months but this time home has really been a time of growth for us.  He is hoping this will be his last time away and he can find something upon his return home.  The huge blessing to me was that his current employer said that they will be glad to continue giving him assignments until he does.  That was a big relief knowing how difficult it can be to find work these days.

    Thanks for your prayers!

    Love you!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    Fondak, I have been following the "DIEP 2013" thread. You can learn a lot there. Right now I am trying to take walks, do sit-ups and strengthen my legs so I can get up out of a chair more easily without using my arms. I know I will have drains---yuk---and will have to wear a compression garment for awhile. Taking lots of little walks is suggested. I have a pretty garden to walk through.i won't be able to lift more than 3-4 pounds for some weeks. I have to stop Tamoxifen a month before surgery. Not happy about that and don't know why. Could it be risk of blood clots? I've told you pretty much all know, so far. Could you have a breast reduction if you don't want the DIEP? Love you. Jeannie

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dear Fondak!! You are too sweet! So glad you and your dear hubby are growing together and his job situation is good!! You are such a faithful servant , Our Lord is smiling down at you and answering prayer!!! I am feeling so much better!! Thank you!!!

    Jeannie! I am lifting you up in prayer for your surgery!!! Blessings!!!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Hello All,

    Peace, Luv, Prayers and Blessings to EVERYONE this weekend!  EVERYONE feel GREAT, OK?

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2013

    Hi all.  I do disappear for a week or two at a time but please know that I remember to send up a corporate prayer for you all each morning.  Reading through the pages just now to catch up I did say a prayer as I went through for each of you so know that you are all covered; covered in prayer and by His blood!

    He does know what you are going through, what you are feeling, and He is not hurt when you are feeling down, fearful, lonely or spiritually depleted.  Our Father is faithful because he knows the world we live in and the trials we face.  Don't be afraid to cry out to Him; He loves hearing from you.

    Blessings my friends.

  • Netter
    Netter Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    All of my bones are hurting.  Been taking Claritin.  Any other suggestions?  Just to get a little relief.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dearest Netter, I could not take baths, but longer, and warmer showers helped so much. Hope you feel better soon!! Are you allowed to take any tylenol?

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2013

    Hello Ladies, On Tuesday I will have my first bonescan since being diagnosed with a secondary tumour at the top of my femur last month.  Could I ask for prayer, especially that it will be thorough and everything will be picked up please?  Once the bonescan has taken place the hospital will send me for radiotherapy which will hopefully eradicate the pain and give me a new lease of life.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    FridayGirl, I am praying for you!

    Thanks, Patoo, for your prayers and good words. Kindergarten, too.

    Netter, I hope you feel better today. Praying for you, too.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    FridayGirl - many many prayers for U Sister.

    Netter - I take a medicine called Fioricet.  It is Tylenol with caffeine and a bump of another drug called Butibutal (sp?).  It works great! 

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited June 2013

     to all of you above I am praying..Patoo, and Fridaygirl and all. I do not write often but still am in treatment xeloda..not a fun chemo.. I need prayer too I have a weak spirit when it comes to dealing with all the SE's I need to believe that the chemo is doing what it needs to. I still have tingling now in face(neuropathy) a lot of mouth sores. I am going to an art show with a friend, and hope I do not break down, as I am emotional. I think the Lord has been telling me to BE STEADFAST IN HIM. I need to trust. my life has changed so much and I do not do much.... as I get tired and feel bad.


  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    bestock - prayers, prayers and more prayers for You and all of the Sisters here on this site.  U need to ask your MO for a medicine called Magic Mouthwash for the mouth sores.  Some call it Miracle Mouthwash.  You swish with it 3 x daily and swallow it and it really does the job FAST!  All the BEST!  I will keep U in my Prayers in Church tomorrow too Sister Warrior!


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2013

    Bestock, I am sorry that you are having such a hard time.  It is ok to have a weak spirit, it is The Lord who is strong and will carry you through this. Just remember how far He has carried you, you are assured of His love and He is always with you.  I know it is easy to say this, but hard to live it.  I will pray for you and the other ladies on this board who are suffering at the moment.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    Dear Bestock, please know I have been praying for you even when you're not writing on here. Although we aren't experiencing what you are, I think we can all relate to having a weak spirit, being tired and emotional. I like what Fridaygirl said. God is gracious and understands when we are upset and weak. Even Jesus was upset and prayed in the garden for relief. You're in good company. I'm sorry it's been so rough for you.

    Cmbernardi, I love your spirit and encouragement!

  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583
    edited June 2013

    @FridayGirl and bestock I have prayed for you both.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2013

    Bestock,  I too have had my low days.  I will continue to keep you in my prayers.  I love what Jeannie said about being in good company.  It does comfort me to know the One I pray too is no stranger to suffering and pain.  Do you have an antipicated date to be off this chemo?  When you are up to it keep us posted on the latest with you....even if you just post a single sentence. 

    Netter, When I was in chemo or after my masectomy I didn't want to take my pain pills.  When I told the nurse she told me to take ibuprofen but I wouldn't take it either because I kept thinking.....protect that liver as much as possible.  After all this aromasin was really causing pain.  When I told the doctor I wouldn't take anything because of my liver she told me ibuprofen is filtered through the kidneys!  I don't know if that was a consideration of yours or not.  I just remembered they were always telling me to take ibuprofen.

    I did take benedryl when I couldn't sleep and it seemed to help my pain.  I don't know if it was the sleep or something else from benedryl. 

    Fridaygirl,  I will be praying for you too!  Hopefully, it will be just what you need for that new lease on life.  How did they find your tumor in the first place if you don't mind me asking?  I have an appointment Tuesday also so I will pray that day as well prior to that day.

    Hey Pattoo!!!! Thank you for your prayers and all you ladies here! 

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2013

    Can you all help me out here?  I'm trying to get the needs I want to pray for and I don't want to forget anything. 

    All of us...... Most urgent.....that our lives would bring honor and glory to Christ and all our trials, sufferings and blessings would make us more like Christ and we would encourage and love one another just as Christ loves us.

    Cmbenardi, you have 2 rads complete and 11 more to go right?  I'm guessing you go Mon - Fri?

    Bestock, side effects from your current chemo, facial neuropathy, feeling discouraged

    Fridaygirl, appointment Tuesday...bonescan as followup on the recently found secondary tumor on your femur and pain

    Netter, pain, clarification on your reports, arm swelling

    Rocket, Time with family, especially that precious grandaughter, this weekend

    I know I'm forgetting something.  Please let me know if I am missing a need you have.

    Love you all!

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2013

    Thank you to all of you for your kind prayers.  It lifts me just to know that you would pray for me, and gives me so much peace.

    In March this year I went to the hospital for my six monthly treatment of Zometa and my blood test.  They noticed then that my tumour marker had climbed to 59.  I was asked to have monthly blood tests for three months because with some people it was normal to have the marker go up and down.  If my marker kept climbing they would know the cancer was active again. 

    A month later my tumour marker was at 76 and then climbed to 96.  While this was going on they started me on a ct scan which did not show anything, then I had a petscan.  In Ireland they don't do head to toe petscans for some reason, they are "eye to thigh".  When I came back for the results I was told that at the bottom of the screen, at the top of my femur, they could see a tumour. 

    My hospital does bonescans one week a month, and I had just missed the May scans hence the bonescan next week.  My oncologist told me that when I have my radiotherapy it will stop the pain in my leg, and this was before I had any pain!  The pain is recent and provided I take the painkillers on time it is kept under control.

    I will tell you one thing though, my oncologist is a Christian which is something I am grateful for.  His registrar gave me the diagnosis on a Monday because the oncologist was away that day, and he called me back later in the week to talk to me about it and make sure that I had no questions.  He wanted to make sure that I knew what the outcome would be.  I told him that the only way we get to heaven is by dying, and he jumped up from his chair and took both my hands in his and started shaking them.  He told me that it is the Great Creator who decides when we live and die and it will happen according to His timing, no matter what treatment we have or don't have.  This comforted me a great deal, along with the wonderful support both in prayer and practical things I have received from my church.  I really feel that all that has happened to me is that I know I will die one day, whereas before I received my diagnosis I assumed dying was something that happened to other people.  My tumour is slow growing, so the hospital have told me I will be around for a while yet.  My aunt's neighbour had breast cancer move into her bones 20 years ago, and is still doing strong.  She has days when she is in pain and takes to her bed, but she is 70 years old and is a good example of living with this as a chronic disease. 

    I hope and pray that the ladies on this board who have mets can rise above the fear, because I feel that the fear is worse than the pain and we just have to give it back to the Lord.  He asks us to take up his yoke, however when we are in a position to do that he seems to take up the entire weght of the problem on his shoulders and it is lifted from ours.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dearest bestock! You are a strong and faithful servant !!! You have so much on your plate right now, but your trials are drawing you closer to Our Lord! He feels your every pain and need! He wants you to cry out to Him! He is listening, and your prayers will be answered!!! Your road seems long right now, but our timing is different than His!! Please know that you are continually covered in prayer! God Bless You!!!

    Fondak, thank you for your continued prayers and love for all of us here!!!!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Hey y'all - I am participating in a study at my Center and was chosen for the Canadian version of RADS.  I have 3 down and 12 to go.  You get your regular radiotherapy and then the boost all at the same time.  It is really not too bad!  Praise the Lord for helping me get selected for the shorter version!  Love, HUGS and prayers to U ALL!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2013

    Fridaygirl....Thank you so much for sharing that!  It is such a sweet testimony of God and His faithfulness.  I am so thankful for all that He is showing you and then using you to encourage others about Him!  Thank you again.

    I didn't realize that you live in Ireland.  It must be beautiful there. 

    I'm so thankful for your doctor, your church and the peace that you have because of Christ!  It is so true that fear is worse than the pain. 

    Thanks again and I'll keep you in my prayers.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Good Evening Sister Warriors!

    I cannot sleep so I am re posting this awesome link to an amazing video.  Please CLICK the link below or cut and paste this link into your web browser to see an amazing Flash Mob supporting our cause!  Scroll down a bit when the page opens and watch the video.  Please share as well.  Have a Blessed and Happy Week!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Kindergarten, I have been so sick this weekend, so I just needed that. I have my family coming this week (sisters) so keep me in prayer, so I can be strong

    and make it with less se's I am calling my onc this drug makes me so sick that I have little good time. I will continue to trust HIM to HELP me. Thanks for praying.

    the word the Lord keeps giving me in be "steadfast"