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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited May 2010

    I think it's a fear of wrath...but I don't want to see God's wrath.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    God's wrath is just the conviction of the Holy Spirit that lives within his children.  When we are up to no good, or stradling (sp) the fence, we get that uneasy feeling and it is the Holy Spirit telling us "now you really don't want to .... do you?"  It makes us respect (fear) God because we know that He knows.  Maybe what we really "fear" is ourselves not being able to resist.  Just rambling here.

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited May 2010

    My church needs prayers now. Tonight about 9:00 pm there was a severe thunderstorm that came through the area. I turned to the 11:00 pm news to hear lead story, storm south Lenoir, lightning, church, Stacey Place. My church is the only church on Stacey Place. My son and I hurried to the church (about 3 miles) to get stopped by the police next door to the church. He said that lightning had hit the fellowship hall and it was a total loss. Fortunately it is separate from the main building. Our Preacher called me after we came back home to tell more details. At least no one was injured. The neighbors said that it sounded like a bomb going off when the lightning hit.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited May 2010

    Sheila, your whole church is in my prayers. I am curious to see what comes of all this, as we know God always has a reason.....

  • anghub
    anghub Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2010
    JO-5 - I'm absolutely loving your post about THE GRACE GLASS!!! Smile Grace by the way is the name of my church Smile
  • anghub
    anghub Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2010
    JO-5 - I'm absolutely loving your post about THE GRACE GLASS!!!  Smile Grace by the way is the name of my church Smile
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    I, too, believe there is a reason for everything but we don't always get the answers.  Time will tell but I have a feeling that this one has a very specific purpose - for what it's worth.  Prayers going up for your Pastor and the entire congregation.

    JO, love your post about FRIENDS and will copy it and take to my group meeting on Tuesday to share. 

    Blessings all.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited May 2010

    Jo ... that is really beautiful.  Quick report ... finally feeling better.  Actually, having a really sore throat definitely helps your diet!  I have been on one to lower blood sugar for 2 weeks now and just pray I can stay on it.

    Sheila ... I am so sorry about your church and will pray for you and your congregation.

    It is amazing His plan for us.  He carefully builds our house one brick at a time until things begin to make sense to us.  Each layer upon another as we slowly learn to accept His Truths.  He prepares us for our journey home so that we may enjoy eternal life.

    Oops, my sister wants to use the computer - see you in a little while.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    BTW, JO's computer is down for a couple of weeks so she's okay but unable to post right now.

    Spar2 is still on siesta from the boards. 

    Sending up prayers for all my sisters, their health, spirituality, emotions, whatever the need.

  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2010

    I just found this so pleased that other sisters in Christ have forged together like this!  I'm new to this...just diagnosed 3 weeks ago and will undergo 3rd surgery this Friday to 'finish off the process' to get clear margins all around.  Must remove nipple/aerola this time.  I have metaplastic carcinoma and am just now learning about all of those other specifics, i.e., stage, grade, etc.  Pet scan scheduled for June diagnosis afterwards.  It appears from initial eval that I'm Stage IIA, T2, NO,MO--don't know what Grade...don't understand what that means exactly.  Am divorced 58 year old, 2 grown daughters, 3 grandsons, ages 7,6,4 & work for state university.  Dad is with the Lord now as of last year, but he was a preacher my entire life.  So, I was raised under the watchful and prayerful position of Godly parents.  I've recently been examining my life and wondering what was 'on the horizon' in my near retirement years.  Guess I know now what appears to be at the front/center of days/months ahead.  I've not gotten on my knees yet to lay this before the Lord...seems that I've been reeling from 3 busy weeks of 'disbelief' and uncertainty.  Did anyone else delay immediately calling on God to breathe His breath of comfort into them and ask for His sweet, soft whispering voice to settle the heart and give a clear mind?????  Not sure what my problem is---all of this seems surreal--an out of body experience that isn't really happening to me!    Please pray for me---I'm struggling with all of this.       

  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2010

    hi all,

     still no word from Spar??

     we have had so many flu and virusus going around here. our little granddaughter has it now. if you would keep her in your prayers.

     we found a church, so that is exciting. and randy my hubby will get to help in the music ministry. i want to learn how to play a bass guitar, cause that will be easier than teaching me to 

    although i have sang in the past but have so many breathing problems know its hard to catch my breath.

    many hugs, and love to all .

    God bless, laurie

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Welcome dsa.. - sorry to meet in this way but glad you found us.  Do you realize that your post tells the Lord where your heart is.  He knows that you are hurting and your post actually reaches out to Him.  Because you are His child, He is there - carrying you, and will stay by your side and beneath your feet helping you on this journey.  Don't despair - just hold on.

    I have heard from Spar and she is going through a lot right now.  Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    PRAISE REPORT - Spar's foot is healed and she's going to start PT to get back mobility.  PRAYER WORKS!   Thank you Jesus. 

  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2010


    what a touching way to ask for God's guidance. if you can keep us updated on how u r.

    you will be in our prayers, dear sister.

    God bless to all my friends here.

    have a great day.

  • arnie2two
    arnie2two Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2010

    Amen... good counsel my dear friends!  DSA...welcome!!!  These are a bunch of neat ladies...  I haven't been on for awhile... I'm 3 months out of treatments and  I took on a gardening job, plus my own gardening and I also took on an upholstery job.  Ha!  See dsa, it is a tough road but there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Last summer I was doing chemo and hardly even got out in the yard, but this summer I'm back and in action!  A few more aches and pains...but I think the Good Lord all the time for each day I'm given!  Will be praying for you...

    To all my other fellow Christ followers I hope you have a blessed day!!!!  THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE... LET US REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT!!!

    xoxoxo  janet

  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2010

    Hello Patoo, Jo, lbmt & arnie2two!!

    love it, love it, love it that i was so warmly welcomed by each of you.  thank you so very much for responding with sweet encouraging words and a very special scripture verse, too.   interesting how quickly & bless-ed-ly this beastly disease can bring women like us together in just a few keystrokes on our computers!  How special is that?!

    Regardless what i hear about my own situation in the next couple of weeks after final mtng w/oncologist in early June, it's really an undescribably relief to read that others endure the same hardships and even worse sometimes....not that i want anyone else to be in pain or fear.  but,being able to give thought to and lift prayers for others is somewhat of a worship experience itself and we are reminded to never cease praying.  

    You guys are right....God does know my heart....I just can't get the words about all of this to actually come out of my mouth yet.  your prayers are appreciated and your messages are stories unto themselves and minister to me--so, thank you again.

    hope all of you are having a great Saturday!  Very cloudy  here in Texas where I live.  Guess I need to exercise the heck out of this old body before next month before I begin to feel like the pits and before the weather becomes hot enough to fry eggs outside.   don't know what's up w/this 'can only do 5 responses in a 24 hr. period on the thread--but that's really no fair to those who may only feel well enough to just maybe sit in bed and enjoy company of others via keystrokes.  Enough of my blabber----thanks again for your kindness -will definitely stay in touch each day if possible.  brings a smile to the face :Smile    dsa  

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited May 2010

    Hello all!  Been out and about liiiiviiiiing finally without thinking about BC every moment!  Went camping with my cub scout son, and many other fun things!

    I hope everyone is doing well!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    dsa, you have a wonderful attitude and it will get you through with the Lord's leading.  About the 5 posts, we do get people coming on with different agendas so that will prevent them from overwhelming us with nonsense when we just want to be about our health.  It also allows newbies to take the time to  read up on many threads and gain valuable information to help with their understanding.  Misinformation by or to the newly dx'd can be damaging. 

    Hang in there and you can also PM members if you have pressing questions.

  • arnie2two
    arnie2two Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2010

    Just got back from my small groups.... it's so nice to fellowship with others.  Ya know, I've been pondering a few things....

    When my father-in-law,  brother-in-law and sister died within a space of 8 months in 2008...( I was diagnosed 2 months later).  I felt to overwhelmed and too tired to pray sometimes.  I would just say goodnight Father when I fell into my bed at night.  (They all were in hospice and we helped care for them).  Today, when I was "pondering" the sometimes not being able to pray... I thought but you were there all the time. (Jesus that is).   I know at those times the Holy Spirit interceded for me.  Christ came in the flesh to experience what we be our High Priest, (in the order of Mechelzedek), and he felt pain many a time.  I love the verse.  He wept.  Shortest verse in the bible but soooooooo powerful.  Anyway, it's late and I'm tired but just know that the Holy Spirit is interceding for you dsa.  The Lord will be happy to hear from you when you're ready.

    xoxoxo janet

  • arnie2two
    arnie2two Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2010

    Amen JO!   We serve an amazing and awesome God!!!  Just got back from bible study and we studied; Persecution=suffering for your beliefs.  Very good.

    Hope you all have a blessed day!!!!  Hugs to all!  janet

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited May 2010

    I read an interesting "story" years ago. There is a small congregation in a European church with services going on when suddenly black masked men burst through the doors holding machine guns. "Who is willing to take a bullet for Jesus?", they shout out! Almost every scrambles for cover, leaving a few still standing. The insurgents rip their masks off, bow to the clergyman and say "There is your congregation, Father."

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Such an uplilfting thread - thanks my sisters-in-Christ. 

    We do serve an AWESOME God.  It is so comforting to know that He is there carrying us when we feel so despondent.  Thank you Jesus.

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited May 2010

    We had a really good service today at Church. The president of the conference called our pastor this week and said that he wanted to come and present the sermon this week to uplift us after the disaster in the Fellowship Hall last Friday with the Lightning strike. He spoke about how God helps us through the storm and uses the storm to strengthen us. His scripture was in Acts 27th chapter when Paul was being taken to Rome and the storm came and the crew was stranded on the island. Without speaking to the choir director prior to planning the music, our director picked the perfect songs, 'Til the storm passes by' and 'My Tribute (to God be the Glory)'. He told us there are many members of the conference from around the country (some closer than others) that have said when we are ready to start rebuilding, they will be here with their tools ready to help. A couple of churches in the area have offered the use of their fellowship halls should we need it.


  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2010

    Good morning ladies:  haven't been on the thread since surgery last Friday.  This made 3 surgeries within 4 weeks.....I told God I was ready for a new challenge !:)  Haven't been on the thread long enough to say hello to everyone that I've not already met--so, hello to you that I've not met!   Since I've only been diagnosed for about a month now, I've been reading up on things like crazy and am more grateful that I found this thread than any of you can imagine. To those that have responded & welcomed me....again, thank you! Sheila & Barbe1958, I'm dsa (deborah/deb) and am pleased to say hello:

    Sheila:  although unlike your church disaster related to weather, there have been several church burnings in the state I'm in and it's incredible how God's people join together to extend themselves, skills, buildings, etc., when our brothers/sisters are in need.  We know that all things are known by our Lord and He provides accordingly.  The comfort is in knowing that the God we serve is an Almighty God and no amount of suffering & hardships of His people will be unnoticed by Him.  

    Barbe:  just realized u are from Ontario!  I love the story u shared!   What a powerful message packed in just a few short sentences !   Interesting how stories such as that can be used by God to speak so plainly and pointedly.

    Thanks to this thread and the prayers of other folks, I'm settling in for the long-haul with God about this disease---that I've dubbed (for myself) as the beast... am still wrestling w/it a bit, but, i know God is faithful, loving God and wants me to seek Him so He can comfort me thruout this ordeal.  I've always heard an old saying that if things are going good, we don't call on God; but, when things go the other way, God is who we run to 1st and ask for help or ask why.....i've been giving that a lot of thought lately.  I believe the Lord is working on me in lots of ways..

    All of you are a help to each other just by your messages-----He can bring His flock together no matter where we are or what is common among us.  He rejoices when we rejoice in Him!   hope all of u have a great day---is going to be hot, hot here in Texas; but that's nothing new!   dsa         

  • indomitable1
    indomitable1 Member Posts: 136
    edited May 2010

    Hello Ladies. Just found this thread.  45 year old diagnosed last year.

    Glad to read thru and be encouraged. Often asked to discuss faith with others who know about this struggle. I feel that God has placed me on another path/re-directed and focused me.

    God Bless Us All on this journey.....with continued Grace, Mercy, Comfort, Peace and Joy.. for the Joy of the Lord is my strength.

  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2010

    Hello Indomitable1:  I think I may have been the most recent newbie to this thread until now!  Several other sweet gals welcomed me quickly and with open arms into the fold of BC Christian sisterhood.  It's a great thread and I feel like Ive been liberated to have discovered it.  Am 59 year old just diagnosed last month.  Yep, with you, too....think I'm being re-directed to another land of living with new area of focus, but, not quite sure what it is as of yet.   You'll enjoy this thread and will definitely be uplifted by the comments of each lady---all serve to honor God. 

    Glad u are part of the thread!   Have a great day--


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    dsa, you were directed to this thread because your posts have been so uplifting to me.  Just something about the way you say things has that special ring to it.  God's plan is always on time.

    Indomitable1 - we know one another from the AA thread.  Welcome to this one.  Now maybe I'll see you more often.

    Hi to everyone else (including JO, my twin who follows me everywhere)

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited May 2010

    That happened to me at a fishing lodge! Someone brought pics from about 15 years earlier and I had the same outfit including the SHOES on!!! hehehehe

  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2010

    welcome ladies,

    i am three and a half years out. and i am still learning things from all of you and growing.

    it is wonderful we could all meet and come together and Praise our Lord in good times and in hard.

    i am asking for your prayers once again, my dad is ill, my mom and step dad are not doing well. i live a long ways from them, and my hubby has had a hard winter and is still recovery. so i feel we should stay at home. my side of the familly are hard people and i know my dad thinks i should come out once more. regrets can tear a person apart if you let it. so if you would pray

    thank you sisters

    many hugs, laurie.

  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2010

    thank you Jo, its great to have the encouragement.

    have a very blessed day.