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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    i will be praying also for you Robin, and Tammy and Angela.

    thanks for sharing your stories are so precious to us.

    have a blessed day, laurie

  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    we know that God loves our fervent prayers and our interceding for one another, families, friends, & even new acquaintences is worship unto itself. 

    we know there is a divine purpose in all things according to God's perfect plans; however, it certainly doesn't mean we understand those things. 

    so, for these that have lost so much, i pray that the precious & loving comfort of the Lord can be felt & known by each one of them.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Mary you are so correct that addiction is devastating.  The addict doesn't realize the impact they have on their family and even on their friends.  Will lift Tammy up in prayer to get her through this difficult time.

    Prayers going up for each of my BC sisters.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Just want to let everyone know that Spar2 is doing well.  She's in PT for her foot but is walking now without assistance.

    We serve an AWESOME God.

  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    i am so glad that spar is doing okay. i miss her coming on our site.

    thanks for keeping us updated.

    we do serve an awesome God, i think sometimes i forget how awesome he really is.

    God bless, to all my bc sisters. hugs and prayers coming your way.

    love laurie

  • vickilynn
    vickilynn Member Posts: 24
    edited June 2010

    Came across this forum today and fitting the category ("middle age to older Christian women") made me smile.  I read a bit in the beginning and back a few pages and was blessed to hear such encouragement in prayer and through the Word.  I needed that.  Thank you.

    It's always encouraging to connect with my sisters in Jesus.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Welcome Vickilynn!   These sisters are the very best of the best.

  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    welcome Vickilynn... hope we get to hear from you often.

    God bless. hugs to all


  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    JO---hang in there!!  God knows your physical pain.  I am a slow learner, too and then at other times i slip into the 'lie' that He is overlooking the situation----it's usually our 20/20 hindsight that reveals what the true lesson(s) in the circumstances were really meant to be and aren't we usually surprised & thankful that it's always for our best!   hope by the end of today you will feel more like yourself.

    vickilynn:  welcome to the group!



  • shannon56
    shannon56 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2010

    Greetings and peace be with all of you.

    Some of you may vaguely remember me from last year.  God so blessed me when I was going through chemo that the only SEs I had were fatigue and hair loss.  So I slept alot and the hair grew back.  During this time I simply asked God to give me the strength to deal with the treatments.  I quit coming to bco because I felt so guilty about not having SEs while so many others were suffering.  In my prayers I asked our Lord to have mercy on all those suffering from cancers so I didn't forget any of you.

    Now this is where God really comes into things.  After my first grandson was born this May I decided to try to get back in the business world.  I fixed my resume, posted it, and then the calls came in.  I had a great interview with a company and needed only one more interview to secure the job.  The day before that interview I had my PET scan, the one that was to confirm what my mammogram had said -- no more cancer.  God however has other plans for me as the PET scan picked up something that was not visible on the mammogram.  Based on the report the chances that this is not an ipsilateral recurrence are small.  So the job is out of the question at this time.  My thoughts are that the Lord wishes me to get back to his work by completing a web site on the psalms (I had not worked on it when I was job hunting).  So I'm taking the hint and getting back to work on  There is only one page there right now but I'm committed to getting it functional by the end of the month.

    I am a recovering alcholic and did that with the help of God.  If he can help with that he can help with anything.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Bless you Shannon for listening and hearing.  So many times we turn it the other way and ask God why he didn't "give" us what we want.  Instead you have taken it as His Will.  A great testimony.

    Everyone, please keep Spar2 in fervent prayer.  Thankis.

  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    hi all

    Shannon, when i had my first chemo treatment they overdosed me, so they decided since i had

    no postive lymph nodes that they would not continue, and i felt for the girls who have endured chemo more than once thru their battle. but we are all survivors our paths may be a little different.

    God bless you and welcome.

  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010
    welcome back Jo i have missed you, i am glad you are feeling better. Innocent have a great sunday.
  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    jo--just like laurie said.....good to see you come back to us!   will pray earnestly that you will definitely continue to improve and that relief will be granted enabling you to go on about your daily activities as you desire to do!   may our Great Physician extend His loving hand & cover you with His powerful healing.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010


  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2010

    Hi, all!  Havent checked in in awhile...been soooo busy!  Hope y'all are doing well!

    Had my 1 year "cancerversary" June 9!

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2010

    Sooooo praying for Mary and John!! Thank you for sending the link.  Keep us posted!

  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    Cake, congradulations on your one year ann,, Praise the Lord,

    and thanks Jo, we will keep John and Mary in our prayers also.

    may God bless and keep you in his stead


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Congrats Cake.

    JO, thanks for posting about John and Mary.  They are serving the Lord's kingdom and we can do no less than pray them through.


  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2010

    You are so right, patoo, its the least we can do.  I'm praying too.


  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    AMEN and AMEN!!! 


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    That's beautiful, my twin.  Thanks.

    Night all.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited June 2010
    but don"t we have to be responsible for some of those things?
    i can"t sit back and let god create my career or my  happiness
    i have to steer certain parts of my life and not sit back< right?

    sorry about my typing< my keyboard is screwed up!

  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250
    edited June 2010

    I suppose for me, I certainly found I had NO control over anything when I was dx with BC.  I had already gone thru much therapy in the past about what I could and could not control, but the Lord really taught me a lesson about control during my bc journey.  I have learned as best I can the "leave it to me" lesson and I'm still working on the "be still and know I am God" lesson.  God has given us a sound mind to make decisions along with way with His guidance. Sometimes the guidance is so faint, I can hardly perceive it.  Those are the "risks" I have taken in life to find out if I really am listening.  I've really messed up somethings along the way, but His grace has been sufficient.  Blessings to all.

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2010

    While I was lying awake the other night before my first chemo, I figured that would be a good time to talk to God and pray for the many others I know struggling with cancer.  I often start my time with God with praise songs--there is usually one going through my head anyway!  I know He loves to hear them.  I was asking what He wants me to learn, and praying that I would learn it quickly!  I got the sense that there is a lot I have to learn, but 1 thing was just to do this to Him and be in His word.  I thought, WOW...He, the GREAT I AM, wants me, to talk to Him.  Sometimes I forget that we were created to have a relationship with our Creator.  Forget the 'to-do" lists ladies!  We need to be spending time with God, and in His Bible. 

    Just thought I'd share that with you...Sometimes we all get off track, or I know in the past I felt too insignificant to talk to the Almighty God.  Thankfully He is reminding me how much He loves to hear from me.  I'm always amazed by Him!  We sang a song in church on Sunday about being amazed by God and it had me in tears.  Its so true.

    ok...I could go on!

    But I'll stop and pass all my blessings on to you gals!  Thanks so much for your inspirational posts, and please know that you are in my prayers!


  • shannon56
    shannon56 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2010


    I'm not sure if I understand the "Tribulation worketh patience".  I pray for patience all the time and God delivers it to me, but I have to just let the thing I'm needing patience for go to God.  In fact I have never asked for anything except to do his will and if I'm not happy with his will for him to send me the patience to accept it.

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited June 2010

    I have a praise report about my son. He was discharged from the Navy in Sept 2008 with a general discharge under honorable conditions. When he was discharged he was told that he still qualified for the VA college benefits with the General discharge under plan 33 (post 9-11). He started college (at the community college) last August and borrowed money from family members for his first 2 semesters while he waited for his benefits to take effect. Since he started college he has been told: 1, yes you get benefits under 33; 2, no you don't qualify for benefits under 33; 3, yes you get benefits if you change from 33 to 30 plan (montgomery GI bill); 4, no you don't qualify for benefits under either plan, and finally yesterday; 5, Yes you qualify for benefits and the money has been put in your checking account. All this since August. He was so happy to have everything straightened out and he could pay off all his debts.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited June 2010

    Woo hoo Sheila! A financial burden lessened...that's always a good thing.

    JO, I love the line "You are enough". That just set my soul to rest when I read that line.

  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250
    edited June 2010

    I prayed for patience long ago and got three sons.  I stopped praying for that. Tina, I've always known that God knows me by name and cares very deeply about me and whatever I'm going through.  He's a big enough God for us all.

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2010

    Hi, guys!  Can you lift up a prayer for me?  I had my yearly gyn checkup last week, and just got a voicemail today saying to call them today...but I missed them by 15 minutes, so now I have to call tomorrow.  Obviously they are calling because something is wrong so I'm beside myself and of course thinking the worst...ovarian or uterine cancer (because I'm taking tamoxifen or because I had BC).  It could just be something small like bacterial infect or something but I know I wont be able to sleep tonight now.  Just when I was starting to forget about cancer and feel like I was living again!

    I know this is the time when I have to rely on God's plan and love for me the most, and I shouldnt be so worked up about it...but alas, I am so weak!  Can you please pray for me?  :)  Thanks!