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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2010

    {{cake}} here's a prayer and a hug!  I go on tamoxifen in about a month.

    Had my final chemo tx today - thank God and my sisters for getting me through!

    lifting you all up in prayer and praying hard for our hostess {{sherry/spar2}}

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Lord, lifting cake up to you that you will keep her calm this evening and into the morn while she waits.  Then, dear Lord, we claim your goodness and love and know that the news will not be anything that cake cannot handle because You are always there.  Lord, we ask that you just wrap those wonderful arms that can only come from you around cake so that she feels your warmth.

    We ask that in the name of our precious Lord, Jesus the Christ.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2010

    Sheila, Lord answers pray Priase God?

    Cake-my prayers are lifted up for you,  God is good, he loves you and will alway be with you, I pray you will find  peace of mind  in Jesus name.


  • vickilynn
    vickilynn Member Posts: 24
    edited June 2010

    Cake - I am adding my prayers with the others.  May you rest in the One who never rests.


  • shannon56
    shannon56 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2010

    Patoo -- What a wonderful little prayer.  I plan on adding it to my prayers for those in need.

  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    Jo-5:  i think the scripture about 'trib worketh patience' is in several versions of the Bible; however, it is stated somewhat differently in most of them.  The most straight-forward verse that speaks to trib. worketh patience is Romans 5:3 out of the King James translation.  Other renditions call attention to 'suffering brings about endurance,.... or perseverance.....steadfastness'.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited June 2010

    ah, so what it really means, is "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger"...right?

  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    Smile barbe1958:   ""(my) long version""-----when Paul wrote the book of Romans, 'suffering' was the 'rule' rather than the 'exception' because Christians were persecuted in general for their faith/belief.   Paul was telling the Christians at the time that one day their 'future' would bring about heavenly rewards when face to face w/Christ.  BUT, until that day, they (& we) are to 'overcome', meaning we will experience difficulties, challenges, pain, suffering, tragedies, etc., that should enable us to grow in our faith and relationship with the Lord.  We are to trust that God is using life's difficulties and Satan's attacks to 'build our character; developing our perseverance, which in turn strengthens our character.   It is particularly during these situations that we usually find our patience being tested---and in so doing, 'working'  thru the trials & tribulations of our suffering (i.e., overcoming) should strengthen our patience and assurance that God is in control even in the midst of our painful circumstances & should better prepare us to reach out to others who may not know the Lord or to those who have yielded to the weight of suffering, etc...............& extend His comfort, compassion & love through us---using us as His instrument and allowing our own journey to portray that the future is not bleak, but faith, belief, love & dependence on God is the only method of 'overcoming'.  "Work thru it" with His guidance. 

    that's a long version of what i think the verse (quote) means, yet you said it more eloquently and certainly less wordy !!Laughing



  • vickilynn
    vickilynn Member Posts: 24
    edited June 2010

    "Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience, but let patience have its perfect (maturing) work that you may be perfect (mature) and complete, lacking nothing."   James 1:2 - 4     A good passage to memorize!

     James is one of my favorite books (are we allowed to have those??? just kidding!)  because James is so practical... it's about "Faith that is real"

    I'm excited because I get to teach a women's Bible study again (the last class I taught was 2 years ago and I miss teaching and studying with women so much!).  We start next Tues night and will be in Ist John. 

    Like the missionary couple we all are praying for, my husband and I were in full-time ministry when 2 years ago we were exposed to toxic mold and bacteria from an open septic line under our house (gross, I know!) where he was serving as pastor.  We got so sick, we had to move out of the house and into a travel trailer, were fired by the organization we served with (there was no sin involved, and they really didn't have a good reason, but they did say, "we can't send you anywhere that there might not be mold"!!!!)  That was Sep 08. We were both very ill from that and moved to the desert (Yuma) to hopefully recover.   June 09 I was diagnosed with Triple Neg. bc and it is suspected it was from my exposure to toxins and mycotoxins from the house!

    We had just started back into ministry (traveling and singing for churches and groups) when I was diagnosed.  My husband is also ill (reminds me again of that missionary couple from PNG).   So we were both out of work again and were at a loss. 

    But God provided above and beyond what we could ever imagine.  He is Good!  Friends, strangers, churches, began sending us money and it was always enough to pay for our expenses - nothing extra, but we were cared for.  The state has a special program for Breast cancer screening and when the malignancy was found, they paid for all our medical expenses!

    I just passed my one year anniversary since diagnosis and feel like I am finallly getting my brain back after chemo (which they had to stop last December because I had severe reactions to it).  And now God is allowing me to teach a Bible study once again.

    The bottom line is:  "Count it all joy" which means "have a joyful attitude" when you fall into various trials (and boy have I fallen into those trials) because God is at work - maturing me (and I thought I was already mature!), growing me into the woman He wants me to be while I learn endurance (patience) not "in the midst of trials" but "because of these trials".

    We serve an Awesome God.


  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    i am so glad for you Badger, its such a relief when that part is over.

    Cake i will keep you in my prayers, and let us know once you get a hold of the doctor.

    i wanted to let you know, my dad who is dying of cancer and can be a very hard person

    responed back to me with an email is sent him. it meant the world to me, and i thank all of you

    for your prayers. love laurie

  • shannon56
    shannon56 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2010

    Thanks to all who responded about the bible verse.  At first I was thinking it meant tribulations will overcome patience.  It's that old/middle english that messes me up sometimes.  Another way of looking at this subject is that if you aren't at peace, patience is out the door.

  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    hope everyone had a good day and that tomorrow brings even a better day!!

    you're always in my prayers---i'm thankful to and for this group because our common and most precious likeness iwith one another, excluding the BC issue, is that we are sisters-in-Christ and daughters of the Most High King, the Creator of all things and the Good Shepherd who knows and calls us by our name.  Awesome!!!! 

    Blessings to you!


  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited June 2010

    Please say a prayer or two for me, my company is downsizing and I will be losing my job in about 6 weeks. I saw an opening for an Informations Services Coordinator and my education and background sound perfect for this job. I have emailed my resume and cover letter, just waiting to hear from them. right now with the economy in NC as bad as it is, I am grateful to see jobs that I am qualified for being posted, hopefully I will get someone's attention.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Sheila, will keep in prayer that you hear back from them soon.

  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250
    edited June 2010

    Hi Shelia, of course I'll be praying for you.  You are favored in the eyes of God.  I pray God's favor reign over you and your resume when it is read.

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited June 2010

    I am not old enough to retire yet but I know that God is watching out for my family, 8 yrs ago my husband was laid off 3 times that year and once again the next year. His cousin gave us all the venison I wanted that kept meat on the table. I also learned to cut corners, and still am living frugally.  We were depending on my income as the primary, and now he is working steady as a truck driver and making almost twice what I make. God took care of us then, and he will take care of us again. Because the VA came through and started paying my son, he said that he will start paying us room & board each month after he starts back to school in August, that will be about the time my severance pkg will be running out, if I don't get this other job. He also had the cable turned back on and had internet added and he is paying that bill.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited June 2010

    Dear God, please allow the light and love of Sheila to shine through on her communications with the job opportunity. If it is your will, please grace her with the position so she may continue to support her family. I ask in Jesus' name.

  • arnie2two
    arnie2two Member Posts: 374
    edited June 2010


  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    my friend Barb, who is a two year bc survivor is also looking for work, she works in education and will be losing her job next year, her husband, is only working part time and needs a full time postion. if you would keep them in your prayers also. hugs to all laurie

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2010

    Hi, guys!  Sorry it took me a few days to get back to ya.  Had a bd party for my daughter with 32 kids, yikes, and sadly, my son's teacher's husband committed suicide for I dont know why as I think he was a Christian, but it's been crazy over here.  Sick with a cold too.

    WHEW!  It's just a bacterial infection which I have to take antibiotics for 7 days.  I cannot tell you how relieved I's "like" I know God has His plans and reasons for going through things...I just didnt want to go through all that again!  I hope I dont have to in the future.

    I am so glad I have you guys around.  Thank you so much for praying for me.  Thank you that I can come here even tho I've been absent for a bit and still find sisters in the Lord to help me through my fears/trials!  I will be sure to return the favor!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Cake, ditto what JO said!

    Sheila - an awesome testimony; thanks for sharing.

    We serve an AWESOME GOD!

    Prayers going up for all and the Lord is sending down those blessings - 7 x 70+!

  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    haven't been on for a few days---but, am always so touched to read all of your posts and ask for prayers for specific issues, which the Lord wants us to do.  regardless of our circumstances & the troubles/difficulties/loss of jobs, etc. that we face, the 2 most important elements for recovery (so to speak) is Jesus Christ who lovingly intercedes & presents our situations to our Sovereign Father.  And, I honestly believe a 2nd element is that of prayer warriors who lift us up in prayer seeking God's will in every detail of our status.

    Isn't it so like God to bring us together, none of us having ever met the other face-to-face, and talk with one another just like we are family----& WE ARE!  The family of God, daughters of the Most High King & sisters to all believers who've been saved by the blood of Christ.  and, one day in glory we will finally greet one another in our new heavenly home.  on top of that, none of us will ever endure suffering/hardships/sickness/disease, etc.    ---won't it be glorious!

    To all who are on this thread & to those we don't know about, may we feel the Lord's love, compassion & deliverance in all circumstances!  

    Blessings to all-----have a terrific weekend!


  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    Cake, hope you continue to get better, and that things will slow down for

    love to all laurie

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2010

    Amen and Amen!  What would we do without each other!  We're sisters in the Lord and we'll be together for eternity, woo hoo!

    I posted this in another thread but I figure I'll ask you too...We might be moving clear across country...from NJ to Seattle...has anyone done this and can comment on your experiences?  With kids--how did they handle new schools, etc.?  Wise or not?  We're truly praying about it as of course if God is not in it, we want no part of it and we're very happy here, but trying to decifer if it is His will.  

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Why Seattle? - just wondering.  Family or friends out there?  Are you and DH native to NJ?

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited June 2010

    We moved from Ohio to NC when I was in the 9th grade. Our family became 'best friends' after the move. We learned to depend on each other. Then the summer before my Senior year, we moved to another town in NC and I had to start over again making friends. It was hard but doable.


  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250
    edited June 2010

    I've moved 21 times in 37 years of marriage.  I've moved from Louisiana to Florida to Illinois to upstate NY to Illinois to Hawaii to Floirida to Connecticutt back to Florida to Oklahoma and back to Florida.  Military and ministry.  Some very good and very bad things with moving.  My oldest never made many friends and it was very hard on him.  When we finished everything, we have lived in Florida for 16 years-8 in Jacksonville area and 8 here in Tampa.  I did not move much growing up and only lived in Louisiana.  When we bought this house, I told my husband I would be the 85 year old lady with a walker telling anyone who tried to make me leave my home, "I know my rights, you can't make me move."

    Like Patoo, just wonder about the circumstances of the move. 

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2010

    Seattle is where my hubby's company is housed, as well as California, but there is no way we can afford California.  No family out there.  If I was sure I could go to a thriving church out there like I have here, which teaches verse by verse Bible teaching, I'd be pretty happy. 

    But patoo...I love NJ...dont you?!

    Wow Mary 21 times!  I dont think I could handle it!  The reason for the move is that there are better jobs out there for my hubby to grow.  He'd make more money and I wouldnt have to work (unless we bought a big house) which suits me just fine!  It's more for the adventure of it.  My hubby likes his current job but he always wants to grow.  I think he needs to learn contentment in Christ and he is working on that.  

  • shannon56
    shannon56 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2010

    Mary (? mbtlcsw01) - I understand the moving with the military.  I am just the oposite, I have only lived in 2 states since we married nearly 32 yrs ago and only 2x in the past 21 years.  It's hard to believe we've been in our current house since 1995 seems like it was just yesterday.

  • vickilynn
    vickilynn Member Posts: 24
    edited June 2010

    Cake:  I like Seattle and the west coast, but then I grew up in northern California.  Seattle area has so much to explore.  We spent a couple months on one of the islands up there in Puget Sound and it was great.  My family made some moves when I was in 5th grade and again my senior year in high school.  Moving is always an adjustment for anyone, but I enjoyed both moves.  I'm outgoing, though, so I wasn't afraid to make new friends. 

    Our kids also had to adjust to moving, but praying specifically for your children to find good friends is a great way to start.  Also, plan lots of exploring time and they'll do better.  I made a plan to become an "expert" of wherever we moved... learned the history, visited museums, went to gardens and zoos and...  It's great for the kids and great for you.

    Start praying for the right church too.   Nobody likes church-searching, but God can lead you to just the right one.

    Also - all of California isn't expensive!  But if he has to work in a high population area, then it can be really expensive. 

    May I encourage you that if your husband wants to do this, just pray for open or closed doors.  Pray for wisdom for your husband and trust that God will give it.  I'm praying God will encourage you and give you peace.