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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2013

    Thank you ladies for all your prayers. They must be working, I had a much better week. :-) I haven't time to research it yet, but I just heard about a book called (I think this is right) Re-training Your Brain. It's supposed to help deal with stress. It sounded promising.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2013

    Hi friends.  Looks like I'm at getting here only once a week.  For some reason been tired evenings after work.  Used to be able to work full-time and still run in the evenings.  But at 64 I think the body is saying -Oh no!  Funny though that I don't get sleepy as early but then wake a couple times during the night so something is going on - probably just a phase.

    Mini1, I also had a bout that just brought me to tears.  Can't even remember why, just one morning it hit me.  Cried and prayed, and cried some more.  Only lasted a few hours but it was unusual for me.  I guess we just have those times. 

    Prayers going up for those having issues with pain, Netter, FridayGirl, cmbernardi, going through treatments, bestock, needing healing and salvation, bestock's sister, and Diane, strength for Rocket, peace and blessings for all of you.

    Netter, the pain in your lower back could also be gas settling there.  I have suffered shoulder pain and discovered it was from gas for which I had used Gas-X and it worked for me.  Another thing to try is put cucumber and lime slices into a jug of water and drink off of it for a couple of days.  Change the cukes and lime slices every 2-3 days.  Seems to help with gas (for me anyway) and it tastes good.   Worth a try.

    Prayers going up for everyone that He who has begun a good work in you will continue as you are His, much loved, child.

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2013

    Hi everyone!

    I hope you all had a good weekend!  I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions regarding my last appointment.  The nurse practioner told me she wanted to change me to tamoxifen.  She said it's exactly the same with the exception that aromasin works to stop the estrogen from ovaries or perhaps it was tamoxifen that does that.  I didn't give that any weight since they removed my ovaries.

    However, from what I have read tamoxifen binds the estrogen and aromasin prevents it from being made.  Also, being stage 3 with it in 9 of 9 nodes, I have read that it is more effective.  I did read a report on femera which is suppose work like aromasin is as effective taking 2 years and then 3 of tamoxifen as 5 years of femera.

    She told me the pain I have now is what I can expect to continue and I will have to do something about the bone loss which I won't have to if I start with tamoxifen.

    So it's like tamoxifen.....feel better and no more bone loss................. or .............. aromasin with pain and 15% better risk for me plus having to take zometa (which my teeth have always been brittle and break easily and there is a risk of breaking the femur and jawbone...strange to me but that's a risk).

    She told me to stop the aromasin for at least two weeks and then start the tamoxifen.  I haven't stopped the aromasin and just can't seem too bring myself to switch.

    I would appreciate any thoughts and your prayers as I consider this.

    Love you all!

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2013

    Hello Fondak,

    I don't understand why the Nurse Practitioner is suggesting putting you on Tamoxifen after you have had your ovaries removed. I was on Tamoxifen for about six months in 2011 when I was Stage III, then my ovaries were removed and I was put on Femara because the Oncologist said Tamoxifen is for women with ovaries, and it could do no more for me. I know that you can still get estrogen from a small area of your liver, but I don't think that would produce enough to have an effect on your cancer. 

    I think she needs to give you more information to explain why you should change treatments.

  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583
    edited June 2013

    @fondak, can you ask for more clarification from the nurse practitioner about reasons for changing your medications? My understanding of how tamoxifen works compared to aromatase inhibitors like Femara is similar to yours: tamoxifen blocks the receptors and aromatase inhibitors shut off conversion of other body chemicals into estrogen. The end result in either case is to starve the cancer cells for estrogen. It's true that AI's are the more usual treatment for post-menopausal women, but in some cases tamoxifen is used instead (see the 4th paragraph of this old article about one of the studies comparing the two). If you are having debilitating side effects (such as bone loss) from using an AI, maybe tamoxifen would be a better treatment for you. I saw in another thread that you've had a hysterectomy, so the fact that tamoxifen increases the risk of endometrial cancer isn't relevant for you.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    Fondak, I will pray for you as you gather more info and make a decision. I am onTamoxifen for now because I have osteopenia and Tamixifen can build bones. The MO wants to switch me to AIs at some point, though.

    I have my first three month checkup today. I keep dreaming cancer is on my remaining ovary. Not fun. I have to have a blood draw from my foot again to check my liver, probably to see how Tamoxifen is metabolizing. Last time, I couldn't wear shoes for a week because of residual pain. At least it's almost summer. Anyway, I am nervous about the appt. My cancer center doesn't test for tumor markers or do scans to check for cancer at this stage of treatment. I don't have any worrisome symptoms so I just need to calm down.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dear Jeannie! I am lifting you up in prayer now, for a wonderful 3 month check up! Please keep us posted! Blessings, Kathy

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dearest Fondak, I am also confused as to why they want to put you on tamoxifen! I wish I could be of more help!! Prayers are coming for the right decision!! Blessings, Kathy

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Hello All Sister Warriors,

    As I head out for my 9th of 15 radiation treatments today, i just wanted to wish you all a "Happy Monday" full of Peace, Prayers, Hugs, Luv and Blessings.  Stay safe and well everyone.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dear Carolyn!! You are over halfway done!!! Happy Monday to you!! May Our Lord Wrap His loving Arms around you and Fill you with Peace as you get to the finish line!!! Blessings, Kathy

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2013

    Hi Sisters,

    Fondak, you and I are in similar situations. I have a lot of pain already and it is aggravated by taking an AI. I also developed osteopenia since being on Arimidex and have had a complete hysterectomy. My onc wants me to stay on the AI and is doing another bone density test this year to see if the bone loss has progressed. If so, she will want me to take a bone strengthening drug. I am afraid of that, but I am more afraid of not taking the AI or switching to Tamoxifen. I would definitely get a second opinion if I were you. There are also side effects with Tamoxifen. I pray you get some answers that you feel comfortable with.

    Carolyn, you are over halfway finished! YAY! We will rejoice when you are through with your treatments.

    I am praying for all of you. There is power in prayer and the living Word of God. Never give up hope! The Great Physician hears your cries and shows His tender mercies to those who are suffering.

    I wanted to thank you for lifting up a prayer request that has been answered by the Lord. Some time ago I asked you to pray that God would provide a friend for me in this new place where we live. God has heard my cry and brought me a friend named Cindy. She lives next door and is a strong believer. She and I have so much in common. Thank you for your faithfulness to pray for this request. I feel so blessed to have both you and her in my life. I praise God for His faithfulness in all things.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dearest Rocket!! So glad that you have found a wonderful, Christian friend!! Thank you always for your prayers and encouragement!!! Hugs and Blessings, Kathy

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2013

    Hello Everyone,

    Just wanted to say I had the results of my bonescan today and there is only the one tumour, praise The Lord.  I am now waiting for dates for my radiotherapy, the fact that there is only one tumour should make it a lot easier.

    What a lot of things we have to pray for - I have a pen and notepad by my bed and have had to write down every one of your issues, whether I am lifting someone to The Lord in prayer or thanking Him for their answered prayer and His blessings.  It is so wonderful that no matter what, we know Him and He will support us through this, it is just that it is done in His time rather than ours.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2013

    PTL - FridayGirl. What good news.

    Fondak - I don't take any meds now, but when I tried to take the AI's (SE's too numerous to mention) my bones hurt in a way I've never experienced before. It began to ebb a few weeks after I stopped taking it, and competely after a few months. I pray you find the answer for you, but agree that you need to get more information.

    I personally believe that we need a little estrogen in our bodies, even with estrogen positive CA. No estrogen is why AI's have heart SE's. I don't like any of the drugs, but would take Tamox over an AI.

    I'm praying for my nephew. He had a tumor removed from his spine. They are waiting on the pathology. He's still in ICU, but they hope he will be able to be moved in a day or two. We're praising God that he has sensation in his legs. Paralysis was anticipated.

    Blessings to all,

    PS Your prayers are working for my friend Jennifer. She's the one that had the brain annuerysm. God is working mightily in her life. Although she cannot walk unassisted yet and has some short-term memory issues, she has retained her long-term memory and was able to type a FB post and call a friend this week. I have no doubt she will walk again. In the meantime, I know that all who are providing her care will be ministered to and shown God in action. Jenn will give all glory to God and will not be shy to let people know the source of her strength.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dear FridayGirl!!! Wonderful news about only one tumor!!! God is Good!!! Prayer is so powerful!! Blessings, Kathy

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    FridayGirl, praising the Lord with you for the great news! I pray the rads zap all the life out of that tumor. I agree it's hard to keep track of everything on here. Your idea is a good one!

    Mini1, such good news about Jennifer. I was so happy to pray for her. My brother is brain-injured from a long ago car accident and my dad has had strokes, so I know the healing/recovery is arduous at times.

    Rocket, so glad to hear about your new friend, Cindy! My two best friends are both ill and moving away. I am praying I find a new friend who likes to garden and loves Jesus!

    Carolyn, thanks for your cheerful posts! I hope this second half of rads is a breeze for you! You'll be done before you know it.

    JO-5, thinking of you!

    My appt. today was good. I asked for more info about Tamoxifen. Only post-menopausal gals take AI's but post-men. gals can have Tamoxifen, even w/o ovaries in some cases. I have one ovary which probably isn't functioning anymore because I'm p.m. and the chemo probably shut it down, too, my MO says. But she is still comfortable with me having Tamoxifen for a few years to build up bone (and fight cancer!) and then switching to AI's. She is glad I don't have a uterus because of Tam. and says risk of cancer to that ovary is low. She says I can have it out but probably don't need to worry about it. With DIEP surgery approaching, it would be quite awhile before I could have it out, anyway. Both the NP and the MO think I won't have a problem with bc coming back, based on everything they know. I pray they are right but know there are no guarantees.

    My labs were good, but in a few days we'll get iron results and it will probably show iron is low. I've been borderline anemic since I was a teenager. I have never been able to absorb iron supplements so I may have to have injections.

    One thing that truly bugged me today is how these docs say I can have a blood draw in my ARMS if I want to avoid the pain of a foot draw (and it IS painful, had to poke me twice)! I am wearing compression sleeves! But they probably know of some study or other that says it won't make LE worse. All the LE experts say to avoid BP/pokes! My LE therapist did say it would probably be okay to have an I.V in my hand when I have surgery. I don't have LE there. My arms are nicely under control and I don't want to mess around! I wish they would all agree. I should have asked what study supports their thinking. Ay-ay-ay. I'm afraid the PS/ anesth. will do whatever they want during surgery. Sorry so long-winded! It was overall a good appointment and they want to see me in four months for a couple times, then six months.

    Kindergarten, thanks for the prayers and encouragement!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dear Jeannie!! Praise The Lord! Good appointment and good Labs!!! I know it is so confusing about blood draws and LE! I do have my blood drawn from my right arm, since I only had the sentinel node biopsy done there!! So far, I only have the LE in my left arm! Yikes, we have to be so vigilant all the time!!! Enjoy, your great check up and do something nice for yourself!!! Blessings, Kathy

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2013

    Fridaygirl,  I am so thankful for the wonderful news!  Thank you also for praying for us!  I know it is a huge comfort to me.

    Rocket,  I am so thankful for God blessing you with Cindy and what a blessing for Cindy too!  That is great!  You post was very encouraging regarding the tamoxifen.  I really don't won't to switch and actually picked up my prescription that was waiting on me.  I do have the tamoxifen prescription but I just wasn't comfortable with switching.

    Jeannie, Sorry to hear you have TWO best friends moving away.  I pray God will send you a special friend as well knowing she would be blessed by your friendship.  What an encouraging doctor's appointment you had!  I so glad it went so well with good labs and encoraging words from your doctors.  I wonder if they could give you a mediport when you have your surgery.  I have one from chemo and they can draw blood from it and put iv's into it.  I guess you would have to have it done prior to the surgery for the surgery but perhaps for later use they could do it during the surgery.  You would never have to worry about blood draws or iv's again.  You do have to get it flushed every 3 months but that's not a big deal for me. My last visit the nurse practioner told me to ask the surgeon to remove mine on my next visit but the nurse told me that she wouldn't do it if she were me as they can be good to have. 

    Mini, Is your nephew the same one that was so sick a while back?  How is he doing?  Jennifer's story is an amazing one.  I'm so thankful she is not only alive but improving!

    Thank you all for your comments regarding the tamoxifen.  It has been a huge help.  I am so very thankful for the support you all bring here.  I am going to continue with the aromasin.  I guess I need to call them.  I go back in September and hopefully I'll see my oncologist then.  I love this nurse practioner but she also made a mistake with my iv chemo and they almost gave it to me and I mentioned that I would be back the next week and the nurse said not with this chemo.  When she went to check it was not what the oncologist ordered but where I saw the nurse practioner before.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2013

    Also, I know it seems like I'm asking a lot here lately but yesterday my son found out he has psoriasis.  That doesn't sound so bad considering everything out there but my father suffered greatly from it.  He was also diabetic....not type 2 but type 1 where your pancreas doesn't function properly.  They tend to run together as both are autoimmune.  He plays bass at church and last Sunday his finger was bleeding so badly people in the front could see it.  He's almost lost that nail and may not be able to continue to play which he enjoys and is very talented.

    Please pray as I am trying to find treatment for his finger.  I am driving to a place today that I got something to help my dad.  There's no cure and the medicine can be harsh.  My dad got chemo for it at one point but it was making him to sick and effecting his liver.

    Just to tell you one way God blessed us this week....He was going to try and get off to go to the doctor and ended up having to work over.  A doctor from our church came in the store and was talking with him.  He asked...can I show you my finger that's giving me trouble.  He immediately told him he has psoriasis not knowing our family history of it.  It saved us some much needed money and he told him to always ask him before spending time and money in a doctor's office. 

    Also, he leaves for Italy Friday to serve in a church there for 10 days.  He's going along with a girl his age, one a little younger and a lady in her 30's.  He's also sick with a sinus congestion and is working every day up until Friday.

    Thank you all so much!

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2013

    Hi Fondak, I love to hear people telling stories about how God has stepped into a situation and helped them.  I will pray for your son tonight and add him to the list on my bedside cabinet.  I hope he has a great time in Italy.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Ms. Fondak,

    I too will keep your dear son in my daily thoughts and prayers.  So sorry for all of his health issues but I am sure he is going to LOVE Italy!  May he travel safely and enjoy his time there fully.

    May I please ask a favor of you all here on this site as well?  I am feeling so sad and depressed the past few days and I cannot put my finger on exactly why.  I cannot help but want to burst into tears at the "drop of a hat" and just keep trying to calm myself down and pray to the Lord to take this unsettling feeling away.  I am here in TX. for much longer than I thought I would be because of the BC and have to stay for a good while longer because I have health insurance through the State.  I am so sad and lonely for the remainder of my family in PA: Mom, Dad, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and my dear significant other Blaise who is living back in Northern VA where I lived for 29 years.  I am hoping and praying that I have the strength and funds to drive "home" to the East Coast in September so that I can spend some time with all of these folks that I miss so much.  Time does go by very fast as I get older but September seems like such a long way away from today.  Will you all please keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers please?  I need to be much stronger than this for my Sister, her hubby, their eldest son and their youngest son who is having significant behavioral problems that are really pulling the family apart.  His name is Cory and he will be 18 years old in just 2 weeks but the poor guy has ADHD and that plus his genius brain has caused him to make a lot of very poor decisions that have effected the entire family greatly.  It also bothers me that I want to leave TX. and leave Cory and my Sister's family behind but I do not know what else to do as I am so very very sad.  I will continue to attend Church and pray to our Lord several times daily but I know it will help greatly if I have all of you wonderful Sister Warriors behind me as well.  Thanks in advance!


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2013

    Fondak - No, this is a different nephew on my husband's side of the family. My other nephew is doing better. He is gaining strength and put some of his weight back on. He found some doctors that are helping him which is a blessing. He is currently unemployed, thus no insurance.

    My other nephew went to the doctor thinking that he had pinched nerve, or had strained his back. He expected to be given some muscle relaxers and be sent on his way. Thakfully, the doctor was suspicious and ordered x-rays; although he would have been in excruciating pain within a few weeks of his appt and ended up at the hospital. Still, he could have injured himself in that time, so it's a blessing it happened the way it did.

    Thank you all for your prayers.


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2013

    Dear Carolyn,

    So sorry that you are feeling down.  I know how hard it can be to analyse why you are feeling the way that you do.  I will pray that the sadness and depression lifts from you and you can bask in the Lord's peace.

    I think that so much is mounting up on you, what with missing your family and Blaise, that it is no wonder you are feeling down.  On top of that you are trying to be strong for your sister and her family, even though you are in need of support as you go through all of your treatments.

    I will pray for you, that you are given peace and serenity and that you see your loved ones soon.


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    Carolyn, I'm glad you are honest with your feelings with us. I will pray for you, for renewed joy, peace, strength, ability to see your family soon, for your family responsibilities. I have unexplained, debilitating sadness at times, too, but, like FridayGirl said, things are just piling up on you. Take care of yourself! Hugs.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    Fondak, sorry about your son! I pray for healing, esp. so he can serve the Lord well in Italy!

    I haven't had any problems on Tamoxifen yet. I have to stop it for SIX weeks for surgery and post-op. I hope there aren't any lurking, hungry cancer cells.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dearest Fondak!! Prayers are coming for your dear son, as he travels to Italy!!! And for your dear son, who has psoriasis!! What a gift from God, that he ran into the doctor from your church!!!! I am not surprised, you and your family are such good and faithful servants!! Prayers also for healing of his finger !! You have alt on your plate right now, but you are always so encouraging and supportive to us here!!! Hugs and Blessings, Kathy

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2013

    Hi friends.  I have read through your posts and am thrilled at the praise reports.  I also will keep the many requests for prayer for healing and peace for you in my daily petition to the Lord.  I am so blessed coming here as it helps to fill me up to face the world which in itself is a huge mission field.


  • Granna1948
    Granna1948 Member Posts: 67
    edited June 2013

    Hi! I am brand spanking new - just joined today and I've been navigating around, and found this forum. I'm so glad because I couldn't have made it this far without The Lord, so this is great!

    I have Stage IV bc, and have learned to thank Him for this journey, and He gives me peace. I was diagnosed almost 2 years ago, and have done very well. I keep my grandchildren, ages 4-1/2 and 3, and they keep me moving!

    God is good, and has taken good care of me in every way I can think. I'm looking forward to talking with you Christian warriors!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Hi, Patoo!!!! Always so good to see you, and so encouraged by your posts!!! Blessings, Kathy